

单词 scienc
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AAS.〕Associate in Applied Sciences.应用科学准学士美国传统〔BASc.〕Bachelor of Agricultural Science.农业科学学士美国传统〔BASc.〕Bachelor of Applied Science.应用科学学士美国传统〔BLS.〕Bachelor of Library Science.图书馆学学士美国传统〔BSA.〕Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.农业科学学士美国传统〔BSEE.〕Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.电机工程学士美国传统〔BSFS.〕Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service.外交学士美国传统〔CLASS〕Mrs Davies took the fifth form to the science museum. 戴维斯女士带领中学五年级学生去了科学博物馆。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕All the children in the class have to conduct their own science experiments. 这个班上的所有学生都得自己独立完成科学实验。朗文写作活用〔Emmy〕A statuette awarded annually by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievement in television.艾美奖:美国电视艺术和科学学会每年颁发给在电视节目上有突出成就者的小雕像美国传统〔GET RID OF〕Advances in medical science have eliminated the need for many patients to spend long periods of time in hospital. 医学的进步为许多病人排除了长期住院的需要。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Last night Phil Donahue was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. 昨天晚上,菲尔·多纳休被国家电视艺术与科学学院授予终身成就奖。朗文写作活用〔Gothic〕This novel is not science fiction, nor is it Gothic horror.这部小说既不是科幻小说, 也不是哥特恐怖小说。外研社新世纪〔IMPROVE〕Advances in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years. 医学的进步也许能使人活到150岁。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕The author notes the similarity between Western and Chinese principles and sees them as having a common basis in science. 作者注意到了中西方原理的相似之处,认为它们是具有共同的科学基础的。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Research grants are plentiful in science and engineering subjects, but much harder to get in the humanities. 科学与工程学科得到的研究拨款非常充足,但人文学科要拿到拨款却困难得多。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Science has made great strides since the 1970s. 自20世纪70年代以来,科学已取得了很大进步。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕Payton wants to debunk the myth that economics is a science. 佩顿想揭穿经济学是一门科学的神话。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕Her boyfriend was a political science major at Berkeley. 她男朋友是伯克利大学政治专业的学生。朗文写作活用〔abort〕Computer Science A procedure to terminate execution of a program when an unrecoverable error or malfunction occurs.【计算机科学】 异常结束:当一种无法补救的错误或故障发生时中止计算机程序的运行美国传统〔accept〕I do not accept that there is any kind of crisis in British science.我不相信英国的科学研究存在任何危机。外研社新世纪〔accolade〕The Nobel prize has become the ultimate accolade in the sciences.诺贝尔奖已成为科学界的最高荣誉。柯林斯高阶〔adulate〕He respected science without adulating it.他尊重科学而不迷信科学。英汉大词典〔advance〕Advances in medical science mean that people who would once have died of head injuries can now be saved.医学的进步意味着以前会死于颅脑损伤的人现在可以救活了。外研社新世纪〔advance〕Recent advances in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.医学新近取得的进展意味着这种疾病现在不再是绝症了。剑桥高阶〔aerospace〕Of or relating to the science or technology of flight.航空与航天飞行学的:属于或关于飞行的科学与技术的美国传统〔agriculture〕The science, art, and business of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock; farming.农艺;农业:关于耕地、生产农作物和饲养牲畜的科学、工艺和行业;农业美国传统〔agrology〕The applied science of soils in relation to crops.土壤学:和作物相关的应用土壤学美国传统〔algebraic language〕Computer Science A computer language whose statements are designed to resemble algebraic expressions.【计算机科学】 数学语言,代数语言:一种计算机语言,其陈述方式设计得与代数表达式相似美国传统〔allied〕Computer science and allied subjects are not taught here.这儿不教计算机科学及其相关科目课程。剑桥高阶〔angel〕Christian Science God's thoughts passing to man.【基督教科学派】 福音:传达给人类的上帝的意旨美国传统〔artificial intelligence〕The branch of computer science concerned with the development of machines having this ability.人工智能程序设计:计算机科学中有关发展有这种智慧的机器的分支美国传统〔arts〕You can study arts or science.你可以学文科或理科。外研社新世纪〔attraction〕The town's most popular attraction is the Marine Science Museum.该镇最著名的景点是海洋科学博物馆。麦克米伦高阶〔attractive〕Schools must try to make science more attractive to youngsters.学校必须尽力使科学更能吸引年轻人。牛津搭配〔average〕The school's eighth-graders are above average in science.该校八年级学生的自然科学水平高于平均水平。朗文当代〔balneology〕The science of baths or bathing, especially the study of the therapeutic use of mineral baths.浴疗学:关于沐浴的科学,尤指对矿泉水浴治疗作用的研究美国传统〔band〕Computer Science Circular tracks on a storage device such as a disk.【计算机科学】 磁轨:存储设备,如软盘上的环形纹道美国传统〔barbarian〕We need to fight this barbarian attitude to science.我们要与这种对科学的粗野态度作斗争。外研社新世纪〔barbarian〕We need to fight this barbarian attitude to science.我们需要与这种对待科学的野蛮态度作斗争。柯林斯高阶〔biomedicine〕The branch of medical science that deals with the ability of human beings to tolerate environmental stresses and variations, as in space travel.生物医学:涉及人类忍受环境压力与变更的能力的医学分支,如在航天旅行中美国传统〔bioresearch〕Research in the biological sciences.生物学研究美国传统〔bootstrap〕Computer Science A subroutine used to establish the full routine or another routine.【计算机科学】 引导程序,引导指令:用来建立全部路径或另一路径的辅助程序美国传统〔bootstrap〕Computer Science To establish (a program) with a bootstrap.【计算机科学】 引导:运用辅助路径建(一个程序)美国传统〔botanical〕Of or relating to the science of botany.植物学的:植物学的或与植物学有关的美国传统〔building block〕Science and the arts are the building blocks of a good education.科学和艺术是良好教育的基本要素。剑桥高阶〔chemistry〕The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems.化学:研究尤其是原子和分子系统物质的组成、结构、属性及反应的科学美国传统〔college〕I attended the College of Arts and Sciences at New York University.我就读于纽约大学的文理学院。剑桥高阶〔college〕The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences.历史系是文理学院的一部份。牛津高阶〔concatenate〕Computer Science To arrange (strings of characters) into a chained list.【计算机科学】 连接,链接:把(字符串)连接成一个链表美国传统〔conversation〕Computer Science A real-time interaction with a computer.【计算机科学】 对话,会话:与一台计算机进行实时相互作用美国传统〔cyberpunk〕Fast-paced science fiction involving futuristic computer-based societies.计算机科幻小说:快步调的科幻小说,包括以计算机为基础的未来社会美国传统〔day〕We studied the tactics used in Napoleon's day. The day of computer science is well upon us.我们研究在拿破仑时代用过的策略。计算机科技时代正向我们走来美国传统〔dean〕She is the new dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.她是社会科学院的新任院长。剑桥高阶〔death〕Christian Science The product of human belief of life in matter.【基督教科学派】 (物质的)虚幻:人类对生命存于物质的信仰的产物美国传统〔definition〕Psychology is by definition an inexact science.从本质上来讲,心理学不是一门精确的科学。剑桥高阶〔divagate〕Natural science divagated more and more from metaphysics.自然科学跟形而上学愈来愈分道扬镳了。英汉大词典〔dually〕He is dually certified to teach math and science.他具有教数学和自然科学的双重资格。韦氏高阶〔electroacoustics〕The science that deals with the interaction or interconversion of electric and acoustic phenomena.电声学:研究电现象和声现象互相作用或转换的科学美国传统〔elementary〕I know a little elementary science.我懂一点基础科学。朗文当代〔enzymology〕The branch of science that deals with the biochemical nature and activity of enzymes.酶学:研究酶的生化特性及其活动的一种学科美国传统〔essence〕The essence of their argument is that life cannot be explained by science.他们争论的实质是认为生命无法用科学来解释。麦克米伦高阶〔exact science〕Controlling inflation is not an easy or an exact science.控制通货膨胀不是一项简单的任务, 也无法做到完全精确。外研社新世纪〔exact〕Unlike astronomy, astrology cannot be described as an exact science.占星术与天文学不同,严格来说,占星术不能称为一门科学。剑桥高阶〔exit〕Computer Science A computer programming technique for ending a repeated cycle of operations.【计算机科学】 退出,出口:计算机编程技术,用来结束运行中的重复循环美国传统〔extensible〕Computer Science Of or relating to a programming language or a system that can be modified by changing or adding features.【计算机科学】 可扩充的,可修改的:可通过变化或增加数量来修改的程序语言或系统的,或与其有关的美国传统〔face〕This discovery changed the whole face of science.这一发现改变了科学的整个面貌。牛津搭配〔fair〕I was fair at science but it was never my thing.我理科成绩还算过得去,但我从来都不喜欢理科。剑桥高阶〔figures shift〕Computer Science A data control character after which characters are interpreted as having been typed in the uppercase mode.【计算机科学】 符号变换,字符切换:一种数据控制字符,按下后字符被解释为已按大写字母模式键入美国传统〔file〕Computer Science A collection of related data or program records.【计算机科学】 文件,文档:相关资料或程序记录的集合美国传统〔fixture〕At this time of day John is a fixture in the science library.每天这个时候约翰总在理科图书馆。英汉大词典〔fun〕Science can be fun.科学可以很有趣。麦克米伦高阶〔garden-variety〕The experiment itself is garden-variety science.这个实验本身只是简单的科学实验。柯林斯高阶〔geodesy〕The geologic science of the size and shape of the earth.大地测量学:研究地球大小和形状的地理科学美国传统〔good-oh〕What I really thought were good-oh were those films on science.我真正认为好的是那几部科教片。英汉大词典〔grand〕James Lovelock, the grand old man of environmental science 詹姆斯 · 洛夫洛克,环境科学的元老牛津高阶〔gunnery〕The science dealing with the techniques and procedures of operating guns.火炮制造与射击学:研究枪枝技术和操作程序的科学美国传统〔handmaiden〕Mathematics was once dubbed the handmaiden of the sciences.数学曾一度被视为各门科学的基础。牛津高阶〔hermeneutics〕The science and methodology of interpretation, especially of scriptural text.解释学:解释的科学与方法论,尤指对《圣经》经文的解释美国传统〔home〕Computer Science The starting position of the cursor on a computer screen, usually in the upper left corner of the screen.【计算机科学】 始位,原点:计算机屏幕上光标的起始位置,通常在屏幕的左上角美国传统〔horology〕The science of measuring time.测时法:测量时间的科学美国传统〔horror〕In this section you'll find horror and science fiction.你可以在这一部份找到恐怖和科幻小说。牛津高阶〔indicator〕It is still difficult to develop indicators for many concepts used in social science.为社会科学领域的许多概念确立指标仍然很困难。牛津搭配〔inexact〕Economics is an inexact science.经济学是一门不精确的科学。牛津高阶〔inexact〕Forecasting was an inexact science.预报科学是门不准确的科学。柯林斯高阶〔inhospitable〕Science by its very nature is inhospitable to dogma.科学就其实质而论是与教条不相容的。英汉大词典〔interest〕My parents encouraged my interest in science.父母支持我对自然科学的兴趣。朗文当代〔intermingle〕In her short stories, science fiction and romance are intermingled. = In her short stories, science fiction is intermingled with romance.她的短篇小说里,科幻和言情混杂在一起。韦氏高阶〔keen〕So you're not mad keen on science then?那么你对科学并不是太感兴趣了?外研社新世纪〔kick〕I'm on a science fiction kick.我正对科幻小说有一时的兴趣美国传统〔lag behind〕We must achieve modernization of science and technology, otherwise we will lag behind other nations.我们必须实现科学技术现代化,否则我们要落后于其他国家。21世纪英汉〔less〕Children of very low ability should not be permitted to pay less attention to the sciences.不应让能力非常差的孩子放松对理科课程的学习。柯林斯高阶〔level〕We're writing an English course, intermediate level, for students studying science.我们正在编写一本供理科学生使用的中级英语教程。英汉大词典〔logic〕The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.基本原理:一个学科、学派或一门科学的正统的、起指导作用的原则美国传统〔loop〕Computer Science A sequence of instructions that repeats either a specified number of times or until a particular condition prevails.【计算机科学】 循环指令:一系列重复至给定次数或直至达到某种条件的指令美国传统〔magnetoacoustics〕The science that deals with the interaction or interconversion of magnetic and acoustic phenomena.磁声学:涉及磁场现象与声学现象相互作用或相互转换的科学美国传统〔march〕You can't control the march of science.你不可能控制科学的发展。朗文当代〔materials science〕The study of the characteristics and uses of the various materials, such as metals, ceramics, and plastics, that are employed in science and technology.材料学:对用于科学技术方面的金属、陶瓷、塑料等各种材料的特点和用途的研究美国传统〔medicine〕The branch of this science encompassing treatment by drugs, diet, exercise, and other nonsurgical means.内科学:医学领域中研究药物治疗、饮食治疗、运动治疗及其他非外科治疗的分支美国传统〔metalanguage〕Computer Science A language used to define another language.【计算机科学】 语言学所用的语言:用以定义另外一种语言的语言美国传统〔metrology〕The science that deals with measurement.度量衡学:研究度量衡的科学美国传统〔minor〕Sid majored in sociology and minored in political science.锡德主修社会学,辅修政治学。朗文当代〔mirage〕The objectivity of science is a mirage.所谓科学的客观性是一种幻想。柯林斯高阶〔mirage〕The objectivity of science is a mirage.科学做不到客观。外研社新世纪〔missilery〕The science and technology of making and using guided or ballistic missiles.导弹学:制造和使用导弹或弹道导弹的科学技术美国传统〔misuse〕He wanted to prevent science from being misused.他想防止科学被滥用。外研社新世纪〔mix〕It's a mix of science fiction and comedy.它是科幻小说与喜剧的混合体。外研社新世纪〔module〕Computer Science A portion of a program that carries out a specific function and may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program.【计算机科学】 程序块,模块:执行特殊功能的程序部分,该部分可以单独使用也可与同一程序的其它部件结合使用美国传统〔more〕He finds physics far/much more difficult than other science subjects.他感到物理比其他理科学科难得多。剑桥高阶〔move〕Science is always on the move.科学一直在发展。英汉大词典〔nanotechnology〕The science and technology of building electronic circuits and devices from single atoms and molecules.纳米科技:仅用原子或分子来制造电路板与电子装置的科技美国传统〔natural science〕A science, such as biology, chemistry, or physics, that deals with the objects, phenomena, or laws of nature and the physical world.自然科学:一门科学,例如生物学、化学或物理学,研究物体,现象或自然界和物质世界的法则美国传统〔natural science〕He is interested in the natural sciences.他对自然科学很感兴趣。韦氏高阶〔one〕I don't like science fiction novels much. When you've read one, you've read them all.我不太喜欢科幻小说。读过一本,就知道其他的内容了。牛津高阶〔operationalism〕The view that all theoretical terms in science must be defined only by their procedures or operations.操作论,操作主义:认为所有科学理论术语都是一套操作美国传统〔osmics〕The science that deals with smells and the olfactory sense.嗅觉学:研究气味和嗅觉的科学美国传统〔output〕Computer Science The information produced by a computer from a specific input.【计算机科学】 输出信号:计算机从特定的输入中产生的信息美国传统〔paint〕Computer Science To display (graphic data) on a video terminal.【计算机科学】 显示,画图:在视频终端显示(图形数据)美国传统〔par excellence〕Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.化学是 19 世纪初期最杰出的实验室科学。牛津高阶〔parade〕The myths parade as modern science.这些荒诞的说法假冒成现代科学。21世纪英汉〔parse〕Computer Science To analyze or separate (input, for example) into more easily processed components. Used of software.【计算机科学】 分解,分析:把(如输入的信息)分析成或分解成更易处理的部分。用于计算机软件中美国传统〔partition〕Computer Science A location in memory assigned to a program.【计算机科学】 分区:分配给一个程序的存储器空间美国传统〔pawn off〕He tried to pawn off science fiction as truth.他力图把科幻小说包装成事实。韦氏高阶〔period〕We have six periods of science a week.我们一周有6节自然科学课。剑桥高阶〔peripheral〕Science is peripheral to that debate.科学并非那场辩论的重点。外研社新世纪〔philosophy〕The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.哲学:由逻辑学、伦理学、美学、文学和认识论组成的学科美国传统〔place〕Emphasis is placed on studies in science and technology.重点放在科技研究上。英汉大词典〔priority〕The school will give priority to science, maths and modern languages.学校将重点发展理科、数学和现代语言。柯林斯高阶〔protocol〕Computer Science A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers.【计算机科学】 规程,协议:为调整计算机间数据传递的标准程序美国传统〔put〕All the more technically advanced countries put a high value on science.所有技术上较先进的国家都高度重视科学。柯林斯高阶〔quicken〕Science quickens man's imagination.科学激发人类的想象力。外研社新世纪〔range〕They asked questions ranging over the whole subject of science.他们所提的问题广泛涉及整个自然科学领域。麦克米伦高阶〔ray gun〕A gun that fires a ray of energy, especially one depicted as a destructive weapon in science fiction.激光枪:一种发射能量束的枪,主要指科学幻想小说中的一种毁灭性武器美国传统〔read〕Computer Science To obtain information from a storage medium, such as a magnetic disk.【计算机科学】 读,读取:从例如磁盘等的储存器中取得信息美国传统〔read〕Mary is reading for a degree in Human Sciences.玛丽正在攻读人类学学位。麦克米伦高阶〔receptiveness〕There was a lack of receptivity to the advances in science.对于科学的进步还缺少接纳能力。柯林斯高阶〔reference〕She won a grant to study political science with special reference to China.她获得了专门研究中国政治的政治学奖学金。牛津搭配〔register〕Computer Science A part of the central processing unit where groups of binary digits are stored as the computer is processing them.【计算机科学】 寄存器:当计算机处理二进制数据时中央处理器中存储数据的部分美国传统〔rest〕Science rests on phenomena.科学以现象为根据。21世纪英汉〔retrieval〕Computer Science The process of accessing information from memory or other storage devices.【计算机科学】 检索:从内存或其它存储设备中获取信息的过程美国传统〔rocket science〕The job is challenging, but it's not exactly rocket science.这项工作具有挑战性,但它并不完全高深莫测。韦氏高阶〔run〕Computer Science To process or execute (a program or an instruction).【计算机科学】 运行:处理或执行(程序或命令)美国传统〔sci-fi〕Science fiction.科学幻想美国传统〔science〕His essay is not based on good science.他的文章并非基于有说服力的科学观点。牛津搭配〔science〕In judo science is more important than strength.在柔道中,技巧比力气更重要。英汉大词典〔science〕Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable knowledge.许多杰出的科学家并不认为科学能够提供绝对可靠的知识。朗文当代〔science〕She seems to have housework down to a science.她对家务似乎十分在行。英汉大词典〔science〕The life sciences include biology and botany.生命科学包括生物学和植物学。牛津搭配〔science〕The program encourages students to pursue a career in science.这个计划鼓励学生从事科学事业。韦氏高阶〔science〕There is a lot of sound science behind it.这背后有着很坚实的科学性。英汉大词典〔science〕This rule is based on bad science.这一法则基于伪科学。牛津搭配〔scientific〕Of, relating to, or employing the methodology of science.科学的:属于、关于或使用科学方法的美国传统〔self-devotion〕His self-devotion to science cost him his life.他对科学的献身精神使他牺牲了生命。英汉大词典〔semiology〕The science that deals with signs or sign language.符号学:涉及符号或符号语言的科学美国传统〔set〕My science teacher always sets a lot of homework.我的科学课老师总是布置很多家庭作业。剑桥高阶〔solvent〕Science is a solvent of superstition.科学有助于破除迷信。英汉大词典〔space medicine〕The medical science that is concerned with the biological, physiological, and psychological effects of space flight on human beings.太空医学:研究航天飞行对人类的物理、生理和心理影响的医学美国传统〔step〕Computer Science To cause (a computer) to execute a single instruction.【计算机科学】 步,单步:使(计算机)执行一个指令美国传统〔stopper〕Computer Science The topmost memory location in a device or system.【计算机科学】 最高存储单元:设备或系统的最大存储单元美国传统〔subscribe to〕My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.我订阅《新科学家》主要是为了了解科学的最新进展。外研社新世纪〔subscribe〕My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.我订阅《新科学家》主要是为了了解科学的最新进展。柯林斯高阶〔tocology〕The science of childbirth; midwifery or obstetrics.产科学:分娩的科学;助产学或产科学美国传统〔tribology〕The science of the mechanisms of friction, lubrication, and wear of interacting surfaces that are in relative motion.摩擦学:研究处于相对运动中的相互作用的表面的摩擦,润滑和磨损等机械装置的科学美国传统〔trope〕Human-like robots are a classic trope of science fiction.像人一样的机器人是科幻小说中的典型形象。剑桥高阶〔turn off〕What turns teenagers off from science and technology?是什么让青少年对科学技术失去了兴趣?外研社新世纪〔unproven〕So much in science still remains unproven.在科学上还有很多东西仍然未被证明。韦氏高阶〔vignette〕The book is an excellent vignette of some of the major debates in science.这本书清晰而扼要地介绍了科学界的一些主要争议。柯林斯高阶〔wacky〕The book contains some weird and wacky ideas for teaching kids about science.这本书是关于如何教授小孩科学知识的,有一些奇怪又滑稽的想法。剑桥高阶〔weak〕I was always weak in the science subjects.我总是学不好理科。牛津高阶〔western〕Western science and technology 西方的科学技术英汉大词典〔while〕While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless.汤姆很擅长理科,而他的弟弟绝对是不可救药。牛津高阶〔wish〕I wish I knew more about science.我要是对科学了解得更多就好了。朗文当代〔write〕Computer Science To record (data) on a storage device.【计算机科学】 记录,写:在贮存设备上记录(数据)美国传统〔zoological〕Of or relating to the science of zoology.动物学的:动物学的,或与动物学有关的美国传统Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科学为我们生活带来很大变化。译典通Science museums have tried to shake off their somewhat starchy image by mounting exhibitions designed to draw in the crowds.科学博物馆举办旨在吸引观众的展览以改变多少有点的刻板的形象。剑桥国际As one of the nation's premier scientists, he is committed to attracting young people to science.作为该国最重要的科学家之一,他致力于将年轻人吸引到科学中来。剑桥国际Economics is not an exact science because it has to take account of political and social considerations.经济学并不是一门精确的科学,因为它得考虑到政治和社会的因素。剑桥国际Girls seem to be more interested in the arts than the sciences.女孩子似乎对文科比对理科更感兴趣。剑桥国际He dedicated his life to science. 他献身科学。译典通He has already got a credit/three credits in earth science.他已修满地球科学这一科目的一个/三个学分。剑桥国际He seems to have writing popular books down to a science. 他似乎很会写畅销书。译典通He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end (=to help achieve this) he ran literature classes at his home on Sunday afternoons.他想让理科学生对人文产生兴趣,为着这个目标,他周日下午在自己家里开文学课。剑桥国际Here I would stress the importance of mathematics to the whole of science. 这里我要强调数学对整个科学的重要性。译典通His achievements attest his devotion to science. 他的成就是他对科学的献身精神的明证。译典通His battle against cancer has strengthened his belief in science.他同癌症的斗争加强了他对科学的信仰。剑桥国际His love for science will never die. 他对科学的热爱永不会消退。译典通I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday. 昨天我买了几本过期的科学杂志。译典通Mathematics is the science of pure quantity. 数学是研究纯量之科学。译典通Michael is considered an expert in computer science. 迈克被认为是位电脑专家。译典通She has always been more interested in pure research than in applied science.她一向对理论研究比应用科学更感兴趣。剑桥国际She is the new dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.她是新任社会科学院院长。剑桥国际She skipped the jargon when she read the popular science magazine. 她读那本通俗科学杂志时把其中的术语跳过未读。译典通Susan has always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.苏珊对人文科学一直比对自然科学感兴趣。剑桥国际The computer is a marvel of modern science. 电脑是现代科学的一个奇迹。译典通The myths paraded as modern science. 这些鬼话假冒成现代科学。译典通The teacher's comment was, “Jane is making good progress in science.” 老师的评价是,“简在自然科学学科上有很大进步。”剑桥国际There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering courses, but those in the arts and humanities have been filled.理工科的学生还有一些空缺,不过人文学科的学生已经满额了。剑桥国际With the advance in science, the boundaries of human knowledge are being pushed further out. 随著科学的发展,人类知识的范围在不断扩大。译典通You have a marvelous gift for science. 你有科学方面的非凡天赋。译典通




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