

单词 smaller
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕There is a much smaller pool of houses to rent than there used to be. 现在用于出租的房屋储备量较以往少多了。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕It took a long time for Americans to switch to smaller cars. 美国人花了很长时间才改用更小的汽车。朗文写作活用〔COST〕If my landlord raises the rent again, I'll have to look for somewhere smaller. 要是房东再加房租的话,我得另找小一点的地方了。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕A group of kids stood by and watched the school bully beat up a smaller boy. 一群小孩袖手旁观,看着那个学校里的恶霸打一个年纪较小的男孩子。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕Some of the bigger boys purposely knock over the smaller ones. 一些大孩子故意把小些的孩子撞倒在地。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕Some of the older children dominated the playground and terrorized the smaller kids. 一些大孩子控制了操场,并威胁那些年纪小的。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕The smaller, older houses are dwarfed by the new apartment blocks and hotels. 那些比较小、比较旧的房子,在新建的公寓大楼和酒店旁边显得更加矮小了。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕At large conferences speakers have to work harder to hold people's attention than at smaller ones. 大型会议上的发言人需要比在小型会上付出更大的努力来抓住听众的注意力。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕They will extend the subway from central Buffalo to the smaller towns around the city. 他们将把地铁从布法罗的中心城区延伸到周围的小城市。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕The news item announcing the verdict was much smaller than the item that announced his arrest. 宣布判决结果的新闻,篇幅远远小于宣布他被捕的新闻。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕The mainstream political parties are losing support to smaller, more radical organizations. 主流政党正在失去支持,民心逐渐转向一些规模较小、比较激进的组织。朗文写作活用〔North Island〕An island of New Zealand separated from South Island by Cook Strait. It is the smaller but more populous of the country's two principal islands.北岛:新西兰的岛,被库克海峡与南岛隔开。在这个国家的两个主要岛屿中它比较小但人口较为稠密美国传统〔REPLACE〕With the rise in oil prices, big American cars were forced to give way to smaller, more economical models. 随着石油价格的上涨,大型美国汽车被迫让位于更小巧、更经济的车型。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕The whole process separates quite naturally into three smaller stages. 整个过程很自然地分成三个较小的步骤。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕A lot of the smaller shopkeepers didn't have any insurance at all. 许多小店主没有买任何保险。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕My sister's quite a bit smaller and slimmer than me. 我妹妹比我矮小一些,苗条一些。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕People are buying smaller cars because they are cheaper to run. 人们现在都买较小型的车了,因为小型车较为便宜。朗文写作活用〔Turk's-head〕A turban-shaped knot made by winding a smaller rope around a larger one.土耳其饰结:在一条大绳上缠绕小绳而打成的一种花结,类似一个小头巾美国传统〔UP〕I watched as the birds flew higher and higher, grew smaller, and then disappeared. 我看着鸟儿越飞越高,变得越来越小,接着便消失了。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕It's always a little worrisome when a company is praised for making a smaller loss than expected. 表扬一家公司亏损比预计小,这总有点令人担心。朗文写作活用〔achievable〕It is often a good idea to start with smaller, easily achievable goals.一开始把目标定得低一点、容易实现一点,总不失为一个好主意。柯林斯高阶〔archaic〕Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment.许多较小的电台使用过时的设备播音。朗文当代〔asterism〕Astronomy A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation.【天文学】 星群,星座:比星座小的一簇星星美国传统〔at close quarters/range〕When you see famous people at close quarters, they always appear much smaller than you imagined them.近距离看名人时,他们看起来往往比你想象的要平凡得多。剑桥高阶〔bain-marie〕A large pan containing hot water in which smaller pans may be set to cook food slowly or to keep food warm.双层蒸锅:一种装有热水的大锅,小锅可以放在里面慢慢地蒸食物或保持食物温热美国传统〔belong〕This top belongs to the smaller box.这是小盒子的盖子。外研社新世纪〔big box〕When a big-box store opens, smaller retailers often go out of business.大卖场一开业,往往使零售小店结业。牛津高阶〔big〕This house is rather big for us. We need something smaller.这所房子对我们来说有点儿大,我们需要小一点儿的。牛津搭配〔branch〕Some of the river's smaller branches flooded after the heavy rains.大雨过后,这条河的几条小支流河水泛滥了。韦氏高阶〔bring sth out〕They keep bringing out smaller phones.他们不断推出体积更小的电话。剑桥高阶〔bulbel〕A smaller bulb produced from a larger bulb.从大球茎中产生的小球茎美国传统〔change〕I took the saucepan back and changed it for a smaller one.我把炖锅拿回去换了个小点的。外研社新世纪〔chip〕Their job is to hammer the rough blocks into smaller chips.他们的工作就是把粗糙的木块劈成小块。外研社新世纪〔chop〕Use a spade to chop through the smaller roots.用铁锹把较细的根须铲断。麦克米伦高阶〔chop〕When the reorganization occurs, the smaller departments will be the first for the chop.进行重组时,较小的部门将会首先被砍掉。剑桥高阶〔close down〕Many of the smaller stores have closed down.许多小商店已经倒闭。外研社新世纪〔co-opt〕These industry-wide gatherings are used by the major companies to co-opt their smaller competitors.这些业界的聚会被大公司用来拉拢他们较小的竞争对手。麦克米伦高阶〔come off〕The smaller dog actually came off better, with only a few scratches.那只小一点的狗实际上表现得更为出色,身上只有几处抓痕而已。剑桥高阶〔comparison〕Smaller towns have less money to spend, so their systems are very modest in comparison.小城镇没有多少钱可花,所以他们的体系相比之下也很简单。麦克米伦高阶〔constrict〕To make smaller or narrower by binding or squeezing.紧缩:通过捆绑或挤压使…变得更小或更窄美国传统〔cousin〕Asian elephants are smaller than their African cousins.亚洲象比它们的非洲同类小些。牛津高阶〔cousin〕The average European kitchen is smaller than its American cousin.欧式的厨房一般比美式厨房小。柯林斯高阶〔cracked wheat〕Whole wheat grains that have been cut or crushed into smaller pieces.碎麦粒:被切成小片或碾成小碎粒的小麦美国传统〔cream off〕This means smaller banks can cream off big profits during lending booms.这意味着在贷款业务剧增时小银行能够获得大笔利润。柯林斯高阶〔depth〕The smaller lake ranges from five to fourteen feet in depth.这个较小的湖深度在5至14英尺之间。外研社新世纪〔destroyer escort〕A warship, usually smaller than a destroyer, used in antisubmarine action.护航驱逐舰:一种比驱逐舰小,用于反击水下攻击的战舰美国传统〔diminish〕To make smaller or less or to cause to appear so.减少:使减少或使似变少美国传统〔disaster〕The new regulations could be a disaster for smaller businesses.新规章对较小的企业可能是个灾祸。韦氏高阶〔disfavor〕The current laws favor large businesses and disfavor smaller businesses.现行法律对大企业有利,对较小的企业不利。韦氏高阶〔dissolve〕The criminal factions dissolved into smaller groups.犯罪派别分解成了更小的群体。外研社新世纪〔distance〕The world seems smaller and distance doesn't matter.世界似乎变小了, 距离已不重要。外研社新世纪〔distant〕I remember the dim and distant past when the town was much smaller.我依稀记得当时这个镇子小得多。韦氏高阶〔divide up〕The Trust needs a new law to divide it up into smaller bodies.该托管组织需要有新法律来将它分成若干小型机构。柯林斯高阶〔division〕A unit of the U.S. Air Force larger than a wing and smaller than an air force.航空兵分队:美国空军编制单位。在航空联队以上,航空队以下美国传统〔division〕An administrative and tactical military unit that is smaller than a corps but is self-contained and equipped for prolonged combat activity.师:军队的行政和作战单位,比军小,但设备齐全且配有长期战斗的装备美国传统〔downmarket〕Why is the company going downmarket and developing smaller machines?那家公司为什么要自降身价, 开发小型机器呢?外研社新世纪〔drop〕The group gets smaller as members move away or drop out.随着成员搬走或退出,这个团体的规模变小了。朗文当代〔duopoly〕Their smaller rival is battling to end their duopoly.规模更小的竞争对手正为结束他们的两强垄断局面而抗争着。柯林斯高阶〔duopoly〕Their smaller rival is battling to end their duopoly.规模较小的竞争对手正拼尽全力结束他们两强垄断的局面。外研社新世纪〔enterprise〕Euro Disney is a much smaller enterprise than its American counterparts.比起美国迪斯尼来说,欧洲迪斯尼是家小得多的公司。麦克米伦高阶〔exchange〕I'd like to exchange this sweater for a smaller one.我想把这件毛衣换成小一点的。韦氏高阶〔farm〕Farms in France are much smaller than those in the United States or even Britain.法国的农场比美国甚至是英国的农场都要小很多。柯林斯高阶〔foolscap〕The page size was slightly smaller than foolscap.页面尺寸比八开本略小些。外研社新世纪〔footing〕Smaller economies cannot compete on an equal footing with larger nations.较小的经济体无法以平等的地位与更大的国家竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔fracture〕The company was fractured into several smaller groups.这家公司被支解成几家小公司。牛津高阶〔globular cluster〕A system of stars, generally smaller in size than a galaxy, that is more or less globular in conformation.恒星团:恒星系统,一般体积比星系小,其结构近似球形美国传统〔go through with sth〕The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival.这家公司已经决定放弃收购较小竞争对手的计划。剑桥高阶〔good〕We moved to a smaller house in a good area.我们搬到高级社区一幢较小的房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔hot-desking〕Hot-desking allows a company to have significantly smaller premises.办公桌轮用制可以显著地减少公司的办公场地。剑桥高阶〔independent〕There are plans to split the corporation into a number of smaller independent companies.有计划要把大企业分割成一些独立的小公司。朗文当代〔individual〕Although individuals vary widely, the bones of the average female skeleton are smaller and lighter than the male.尽管个体差异很大,但一般来说,女性的骨骼与男性相比更小、更轻。牛津搭配〔intermediate〕An automobile that is smaller than a full-sized model but larger than a compact.中型汽车:一种比大型车小但比小型汽车要大的汽车美国传统〔investor〕This is an excellent deal for investors who are interested in smaller companies.对于偏爱较小公司的投资者来说,这是一宗绝好的生意。牛津搭配〔invisible〕The next five years could see a similar cumulative trade deficit but a much smaller invisible surplus.接下来五年内将会有相似的累积贸易逆差, 但无形盈余会大大减少。外研社新世纪〔island〕Abbr. is.,i.,Is.,I.,isl.A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water.缩写 is.,i.,Is.,I.,isl.岛屿:一片陆地,尤指比大洲小而完全被水环绕的陆地美国传统〔land reform〕Measures, such as the division of large properties into smaller ones, that are taken to bring about a more equitable apportionment of agricultural land.土地改革:使农业土地的分派更趋合理的措施,如将大块儿的地产分成小块美国传统〔level the playing field〕He wants the government to level the playing field by breaking up large corporations so that smaller companies can compete.他希望政府拆分大型公司以建立一个公平的竞争环境,让小公司参与竞争。韦氏高阶〔low〕I put the larger books lower down and the smaller books higher up.我把大本书放到下面,小本书放到上面。韦氏高阶〔mackerel〕Any of the smaller fishes of the suborder Scombroidea, such as the Spanish mackerel.马鲛:鲭亚目的体积较小的鱼的任一种,如马鲛美国传统〔manageable〕We bought smaller, more manageable suitcases.我们买了更小、更好提的手提箱。韦氏高阶〔merge〕The company was formed by merging three smaller firms.公司是由三家小公司合并组成的。牛津高阶〔microgamete〕The smaller of a pair of conjugating gametes, usually the male, in an organism that reproduces by heterogamy.小配子:一对并合配子中较小的一个,通常是由异配产生的有机物中的雄性美国传统〔micronucleus〕The smaller of two nuclei in ciliate protozoans that contains genetic material and functions in reproduction.小核,微核:原生动物纤毛虫类体内两个细胞核中较小的一个,其中含有基因材料和繁殖功能美国传统〔microtone〕An interval smaller than a semitone.微音程:小于半音的音程美国传统〔mill〕To grind, pulverize, or break down into smaller particles in a mill.研磨,粉碎:用磨臼研磨或碾制成细小的颗粒美国传统〔mini〕Something, such as a minicomputer, that is distinctively smaller than other members of its type or class.小型的东西:比同类型或种类的其它物体小得多的东西,如小型计算机美国传统〔minor〕Lesser or smaller in amount, extent, or size.较小的,较少的:在数量、规模或尺寸上较少或较小的美国传统〔modern〕Smaller families are a feature of modem society .小家庭是现代社会的一个特征。朗文当代〔mop〕A number of smaller companies were mopped up(= taken over)by the American multinational.有若干较小的公司都被那家美国跨国集团兼并了。牛津高阶〔motion〕Once the house had been sold, Jane set the wheels in motion (=started the process) to find somewhere smaller to live.房子一卖掉,简就开始行动起来,找一个小一点的住处。朗文当代〔nest〕The smaller bowl is designed to nest inside the larger one.小碗被设计成能嵌套在大碗内。韦氏高阶〔off season〕Times become more flexible off-season, especially in the smaller provincial museums.尤其是在规模较小的地方博物馆,开放时间在旅游淡季更加灵活。柯林斯高阶〔one〕They're moving from a big house to a smaller one.他们正从一所大房子搬到一个小一点的房子。外研社新世纪〔package〕The financial aid packages we'll be awarding this year are smaller than we had hoped they would be.今年我们将提供的各项财政援助少于我们的预期值。韦氏高阶〔particle〕One of the smaller, individual hosts.一个小圣饼:较小的单个圣饼之一美国传统〔passing〕After her husband's passing, she moved to a smaller house.丈夫去世后,她搬入了一所更小的房子。韦氏高阶〔pickings〕The strike affecting the country's largest airline is producing easy pickings for smaller companies.罢工给全国最大航空公司带来的影响使得较小的航空公司轻易捡到便宜。牛津高阶〔pick〕They picked on smaller boys.他们欺弄比他们小的孩子。英汉大词典〔pile on〕Rising oil prices have piled on the agony and will push some smaller airlines into bankruptcy.油价的不断上涨更是雪上加霜, 将会导致一些小型航空公司破产。外研社新世纪〔pixel〕The smaller each pixel, the greater their number and thus the higher the resolution of the picture.单个像素越小, 像素数目就越多, 图片的分辨率就越高。外研社新世纪〔pond〕A still body of water smaller than a lake, often of artificial origin.池塘:比湖小的静止水体,常是人工挖掘而成的美国传统〔positive〕Music A division of some pipe organs, similar in sound to the great but smaller and less powerful.【音乐】 琴管:管风琴的一种,与大管风琴的音质相似,但比其小而且音量较其弱美国传统〔powerful〕The females are smaller and less powerful than the males.雌性体型比雄性小,力气也没有雄性大。朗文当代〔premise〕The company leases part of the premises to smaller businesses.公司把一部分场地租给小企业。韦氏高阶〔probability〕The probability is that smaller businesses will not have to pay the tax.较小的企业可能毋需缴这种税。朗文当代〔push over〕He pushed the smaller child over.他把那个小一点的孩子推倒了。韦氏高阶〔radar〕The B-1 has a smaller radar image than the older plane.B-1轰炸机的雷达反射成像比老式飞机要小。英汉大词典〔ration〕We were on short rations (=given a smaller amount than usual) .我们的口粮不足。朗文当代〔realistic〕Our income has got smaller, so we must be realistic and give up our car.我们的收入减少了,因此我们必须面对现实,还是把车卖了的好。英汉大词典〔retirement〕The staff is smaller because of several retirements.因为有几个人退休,员工人数减少了。韦氏高阶〔roll〕Falling rolls could lead to smaller class sizes.名单人数减少可以使班级规模小一些。牛津搭配〔saccule〕The smaller of two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the inner ear.球囊:内耳的膜的迷路的两个隔膜小室中较小的一个美国传统〔scrappy〕Big companies are losing market share to scrappy smaller operators.大公司的市场份额正被敢打敢拼的小经营商抢走。剑桥高阶〔secondary consumer〕An animal that feeds on smaller plant-eating animals in a food chain.次级消费者:在食物链中以更小的食草动物为食的动物美国传统〔section〕An army tactical unit smaller than a platoon and larger than a squad.小队:比排小比班大的军队作战单位美国传统〔sell〕Designer clothes don't really sell much in the smaller towns.著名设计师设计的服装在小城镇并不怎么好卖。麦克米伦高阶〔separate〕The class ~d into several smaller groups to talk about the subject.班级分成几个小组来讨论这个问题。英汉大词典〔separate〕The main group separated into several smaller groups.这个大组分成了若干个小组。韦氏高阶〔serious〕The new tax regulations have landed some of the smaller companies in serious trouble.新的纳税规定使一些较小的公司陷入了严重的困境。剑桥高阶〔showing〕The band are playing a handful of shows at smaller venues.乐队要在小一点的场馆举办几场演出。柯林斯高阶〔shunt〕Smith was shunted off to one of the company's smaller offices.史密斯被调到公司属下一个较小的办事处。朗文当代〔side〕To the side of the large star is a smaller star.大星星旁边有颗小一些的星星。外研社新世纪〔size〕Their smaller size allowed for greater acceleration.它们尺寸较小,有利于更快加速。牛津搭配〔slight〕She is smaller and slighter than Christie.她比克里斯蒂瘦小。柯林斯高阶〔small〕A much smaller proportion of women are employed in senior positions.受雇担任高级职位的女性比例要小得多。朗文当代〔small〕Her feet are even smaller (NOT Iittler / more little) than mine.她的脚甚至比我的还要小。朗文当代〔small〕The kite grew smaller and smaller and finally disappeared altogether.风筝变得越来越小,最后完全看不见了。牛津搭配〔small〕The phones are getting smaller and smaller.电话越变越小。牛津搭配〔space〕If you're in financial difficulty, we're happy to let you space (out) your payments (= pay in smaller amounts over a longer period of time) over two years.如果经济上有困难,我们可以让你在两年内分期付款。剑桥高阶〔speech〕In speech we use a smaller vocabulary than in writing.口语使用的词汇量比书面语少。朗文当代〔spin off〕Corven plans to help large companies spin out smaller, entrepreneurial firms.科文计划帮大公司分立出一些小型企业。柯林斯高阶〔splinter〕The danger is that the Conservative Party may splinter into several smaller political parties.危险在于保守党可能会分裂成几个小的政党。剑桥高阶〔stone〕The large central diamond is surrounded by eight smaller stones.中间的大钻石周围围绕着8颗小钻石。剑桥高阶〔stronghold〕Some of the smaller birds have a stronghold in the New Forest.这些较小的鸟中有一些在新福里斯特还能看得到。麦克米伦高阶〔stuff〕We can't move to a smaller place - we've got too much stuff.我们没法搬到一个更小的地方了——我们东西太多了。剑桥高阶〔subcompact〕An automobile smaller than a compact.微型汽车:比小客车还小的汽车美国传统〔subdivide〕Each chapter is subdivided into smaller sections.每一章又被细分为几个小节。剑桥高阶〔subnotebook〕A portable computer that is smaller than a notebook computer.小型笔记型计算机:比笔记型计算机小的便携式计算机美国传统〔subnuclear〕Of or located within the nucleus of an atom; smaller than the nucleus.亚核的:原子核内的,位于原子核内的;比原子核还小的美国传统〔sucker〕It is becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones.当局想诱使经营状况良好的银行接管小银行是越来越难了。外研社新世纪〔superagency〕A large government agency composed of or coordinating a number of smaller agencies.政策超级机构:一个大的政府机构,由一批较小机构组成或协调一批较小机构美国传统〔swallow up〕During the 1980s monster publishing houses started to swallow up smaller companies.20 世纪 80 年代,一些出版巨头开始吞并一些较小的公司。柯林斯高阶〔taper〕To make smaller gradually.使…逐渐变小美国传统〔than〕The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet.这台收音机重量仅为几盎司,比香烟盒还小。柯林斯高阶〔tomorrow〕The computers of tomorrow will be smaller and more powerful.未来的计算机体积更小,功能更强大。朗文当代〔town〕A town is usually smaller than a city but larger than a village.镇通常比城市小,但比村庄大。英汉大词典〔town〕Abbr. t.,T.,tn.A population center, often incorporated, larger than a village and usually smaller than a city.缩写 t.,T.,tn.镇:人口中心,通常为合法实体,比村庄大但通常比城市小美国传统〔toy〕A dog of a very small breed or of a variety smaller than the standard variety of its breed.小狗:一种畜种非常小的狗或比标准品种小的狗美国传统〔transaction〕We need to monitor the transaction of smaller deals.我们需要监控规模较小的交易。剑桥高阶〔transit〕Only ships of 5000 tons or smaller are able to transit.只有5000吨或5000吨以下的船能够通过。英汉大词典〔underflow〕A data-processing error arising when a computed quantity is a smaller number than the device is capable of displaying.下溢:当计算数量小于设备所能显示的数量时出现的数据处理错误美国传统〔undersupply〕A supply smaller than what is appropriate or required.供应不足:少于适当的或需要的供应美国传统〔unit〕Large departments were broken down into smaller units.大部门被拆分成若干小部门。牛津搭配〔unit〕The search party broke up into smaller units.这支搜索队分成了几个小组。韦氏高阶〔unload〕Smaller trucks unload at the roadside.较小的卡车在路边卸货。麦克米伦高阶〔viroid〕An infectious particle, similar to but smaller than a virus, that consists solely of a strand of RNA and is capable of causing disease in plants.类病毒:一种传染性微粒,与病毒相象但比病毒小,由核糖核酸单链构成,能在植物中引起疾病美国传统〔vis-a-vis〕It was felt that the company had an unfair advantage vis-à-vis smaller companies elsewhere.人们感到这家公司与其他地方的小公司相比占有不公平的优势。牛津高阶〔vote〕Authors still have power to vote with their feet by leaving to join smaller companies.作者们依然有用脚投票的权利, 离开去加盟一些规模更小的公司。外研社新世纪〔weight against〕The voting system is weighted against the smaller parties.投票选举制度对小党派很不利。21世纪英汉〔which〕Which is mine? The smaller one? 哪个是我的?小一点的这个?剑桥高阶〔width〕A piece of material measured along its smaller dimension, especially a piece of fabric measured from selvage to selvage in sewing.一块料子:沿较小的部分测量的一块材料,尤指缝纫时从一个布边到另一个布边测量的一块织物美国传统〔working〕A smaller working population will have to support a growing number of retired people.较少的劳动人口将不得不供养不断增加的退休人员。朗文当代Smaller businesses are not scaled-down versions of larger ones.小企业并非大企业的缩小版。牛津商务Smaller companies can offer greater value in terms of key financial ratios, such as price-earnings.就主要的财务比率而言,如价格 ── 收益率,规模较小的公司可以提供更大的价值。牛津商务Smaller companies have found it difficult to borrow money to invest in assets.小公司发现很难借到钱用于资产投资。牛津商务Smaller companies that do not issue publicly traded shares are a vital part of the economy.不能发行公开交易股票的较小的公司是经济的重要组成部分。牛津商务Smaller firms may need to find a partner to work with in the host country.较小的公司可能需要在东道国寻找伙伴合作。牛津商务Smaller shops are dependent on cash sales.小规模商店依赖现售。牛津商务A lot of the large psychiatric hospitals are now being closed down in favour of smaller, more specialized units.现在许多大型的精神病院被关闭以利于建立更小更专门的机构。剑桥国际A priory is similar to but smaller and less important than an abbey.隐修院和修道院有点相似,但比修道院小,不如它重要。剑桥国际A subcompact is smaller than a compact.超小型汽车比小型汽车更小。剑桥国际After four kilometres, we turned onto a smaller road.走了四公里后, 我们拐上了一条较小的路。剑桥国际Credit costs have risen sharply for smaller businesses.小企业的贷款成本已急剧上升。牛津商务Each chapter is subdivided into smaller sections.每一章节都被再分为更小的部分。剑桥国际I like the smaller room for the winter because it's nice and snug with the fire blazing.冬天我喜欢那间小房间,因为燃火取暖时温暖而舒适。剑桥国际I'm swapping my car for a smaller model.我要把车换成更小型号的。牛津商务If you're in financial difficulty, we're happy to let you space (out) your payments (= pay in smaller amounts over a longer period of time) over two years.如果你现在财政有困难,我们可以让你在两年内分期付款。剑桥国际In America, pancakes are smaller and thicker than in Britain and are usually eaten for breakfast.在美国,煎饼做得比英国的小而厚通常当早饭吃。剑桥国际In the smaller villages, it's mostly (= usually) very quiet at nights.在小村庄里,晚上通常是很安静的。剑桥国际Last year they opened 25 smaller neighborhood markets.去年他们开了 25 家小型社区店。牛津商务Selling the smaller stores was seen as a good move.出售小商铺被视为正确之举。牛津商务Several of their smaller offices are being downsized.他们的几个小办事处正减员。牛津商务Tariffs are a regressive tax on smaller firms and the poor.关税对小企业和穷人是一种递减税。牛津商务Technically, a horse which is smaller than 1.5 metres at the shoulder is termed a pony.严格地说,肩高低于1.5米的马称驹。剑桥国际The smaller political parties are campaigning to be allowed free airtime before general elections.小的政党正在为取得大选前的自由广播时间而进行运动。剑桥国际The smaller the team, the faster the team members work.团队越小,成员的工作速度越快。牛津商务The Russell 2000 index, which tracks smaller company stocks, rose 4%.跟踪小盘股的罗素 2000 指数上涨了 4%。牛津商务The area which a bishop administers has one cathedral and many smaller churches. 一个主教所掌管的地区包括一个大教堂和许多较小的教堂。译典通The company grew by snaffling up (= taking control of) several smaller businesses.这家公司是靠攫取一些小公司而发展起来的。剑桥国际The company has abandoned the idea of a grand overarching strategy in favour of a series of smaller investment programmes.公司放弃了一个关系全局的宏伟策略而主张一系列更小的投资方案。剑桥国际The group was devolved into dozens of smaller businesses.这集团被分拆为数十家小企业。牛津商务The needle is seven times smaller than the width of a human hair.这根针直径比人的头发小7倍。剑桥国际The new tax regulations have landed some of the smaller companies in serious trouble.新的纳税规定使一些小公司陷入了严重麻烦之中。剑桥国际The opportunity cost of expanding the Marketing Department is that Human Resources will have to be made smaller.扩大营销部门的机会成本是不得不缩减人力资源部的规模。牛津商务The river is populated (= lived in) mainly by smaller species of fish.这条河里大部分都是较小的鱼。剑桥国际The supermarket has sweetened its offer (= offered more money) for its smaller competitor.这家超市向其较小的竞争对手提供更优厚的(收购)条件。牛津商务The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干分为越来越小的树枝和细枝的方式就是一种大致的不规则碎片形模式。剑桥国际Trout are similar to salmon, but they are smaller and spotted.鳟鱼与大麻哈鱼相似,但它们更小且多斑点。剑桥国际When a muscle contracts it becomes smaller and tighter.肌肉收缩时变得更小更结实。剑桥国际When you see famous people at close quarters (=from a short distance) they always appear much smaller than you imagined them.当你在近距离看名人时,他们总是比你想象中的要平凡。剑桥国际




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