

单词 skeletons
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bleach〕The skeletons of dead cattle were bleaching in the sun.死牛的骨骼在阳光下逐渐变白。麦克米伦高阶〔closet〕They were hoping to find some skeletons in his closet.他们希望能找出他一些见不得人的丑事。牛津搭配〔coral〕Any of numerous chiefly colonial marine polyps of the class Anthozoa that secrete such calcareous skeletons.珊瑚虫:任一种珊瑚虫纲的分泌这种石灰质骨骼的众多珊瑚虫,主要是集群菌落的海生水螅型珊瑚虫美国传统〔diatomaceous〕Consisting of diatoms or their skeletons.硅藻的:由硅藻或其骨骸组成的美国传统〔natural history〕We went to see the dinosaur skeletons in the Natural History Museum.我们去自然博物馆看了恐龙的骨架。剑桥高阶〔powder〕Two skeletons powdered upon exposure, and could not be measured.两副骨架由于风吹日晒碎成了粉末,无法测量了。21世纪英汉〔powder〕Two skeletons powdered upon exposure.两具尸骨一出土即化为粉末。英汉大词典〔radiolarian〕Any of various marine protozoans of the order Radiolaria, having rigid siliceous skeletons and spicules.放射虫:一种放射虫目的海生原生动物,骨骼和针骨为硅质美国传统〔ray〕Any of various marine fishes of the order Rajiformes or Batoidei, having cartilaginous skeletons, horizontally flattened bodies, and narrow tails.鳐;魟:鳐目或魟目中繁多的水生鱼类中的一种,骨软,身体扁平,尾窄美国传统〔skeleton in the/your closet〕Most families have one or two skeletons in the closet.大多数家庭都有一两件家丑。剑桥高阶〔skeletons in the/your closet〕He asked if she had any skeletons in her closet that might affect her political campaign.他问她是否有会影响到她政治竞选的隐情。韦氏高阶〔skeleton〕He builds his constructions around steel skeletons.他的建筑以钢结构为框架。外研社新世纪〔skeleton〕I feel that she has a couple of skeletons in her cupboard.我觉得她有几件不可告人的丑事。英汉大词典〔skeleton〕Mr Worthing is this election's Mr Nice Guy, without any skeletons in his cupboard.沃辛先生是此次选举中的正派先生,本身没有任何见不得人的丑事。柯林斯高阶〔skeleton〕Only skeletons of buildings remained.只剩下了建筑物的框架。柯林斯高阶Skeletons give a sensation of fear. 骷髅给人以恐惧之感。译典通Children should drink milk to help them develop strong skeletons.孩子们应该喝牛奶以帮助增强骨骼。剑桥国际Coral is formed out of the skeletons of hundreds of tiny sea creatures.珊瑚形成于数以百计的微小的海洋生物骨骼。剑桥国际He centers his constructions around reinforced concrete or steel skeletons. 他的建筑主要是以钢筋混凝土或钢为骨架的。译典通We went to see the dinosaur skeletons in the Natural History Museum.我们到自然博物馆参观恐龙骨骼。剑桥国际




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