

单词 bending
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bend (the) facts〕a journalist who has been accused of bending the facts in order to gain support for his political agenda 被指责歪曲事实以获得对其政治议题支持的记者韦氏高阶〔bend〕branches bending under the weight of snow 被积雪压弯的树枝英汉大词典〔bend〕fields of poppies bending in the wind 一畦畦随风摇摆的罂粟牛津高阶〔bend〕pliers for bending wire扭弯电线的钳子外研社新世纪〔bend〕sailors bending to the oars 使劲划桨的水手们英汉大词典〔distort〕floorboards that had warped over the years). It also can imply the bending or turning of something from a true course or direction: 年久变形的地板)。 该词也可指某事物正确路线或方向的歪曲或转变: 美国传统〔gender-bending〕a pop star famous for his gender- bending 因反串女角而出名的流行歌手韦氏高阶




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