

单词 shuffling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOUND〕I could hear feet shuffling and pattering about upstairs. 我听到楼上有人拖着脚步啪嗒啪嗒地在走。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕I heard Bob shuffling around the kitchen in his slippers. 我听见鲍勃穿着拖鞋拖着脚步在厨房里踱来踱去。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The old man approached the counter with a stooped, shuffling gait. 老人弯腰曲背,拖着脚步走向柜台。朗文写作活用〔disconcert〕Her constant shuffling of newspapers disconcerted us.她不断地乱翻报纸使我们心神不定。21世纪英汉〔facies〕Symptoms may include mask-like facies, tremors, and shuffling gait.可能出现的症状包括面具脸、颤抖以及曳行步态。剑桥高阶〔riffle〕Games The act or an instance of shuffling cards.【游戏】 洗牌:洗牌的动作或例子美国传统〔shamble〕A shuffling gait.踉跄的步子美国传统〔shamble〕To walk in an awkward, lazy, or unsteady manner, shuffling the feet.蹒跚而行:以一种笨拙、疲懒或不稳的方式行走;曳足而行美国传统〔shuffle〕An act of shuffling cards, dominoes, or tiles.洗牌:洗纸牌、多米诺骨牌或麻将牌的行为美国传统〔shuffle〕He sat there, shuffling through the papers on his desk.他坐在那里,把桌子上的文件翻来翻去。麦克米伦高阶〔shuffle〕I love shuffling through the fallen leaves.我喜欢在落叶上曳足而行。剑桥高阶〔shuffle〕I was shuffling in my seat.我在位子上不断地挪动着身子。英汉大词典〔shuffle〕Jack sat nervously shuffling the papers around on his desk.杰克紧张地坐着,把桌上的文件搬来搬去。朗文当代〔shuffle〕She stood there, shuffling her feet, waiting for the bus to arrive.她站在那儿等公共汽车,脚在地上挪来挪去。韦氏高阶〔shuffle〕The woman in front of me kept shuffling around in her seat all the way through the performance.演出期间,我前面的那个女人在座位上不停地动来动去。剑桥高阶〔shuffle〕There are various ways of shuffling and dealing the cards.有各种不同的洗牌和发牌方式。柯林斯高阶〔shuffle〕There are various ways of shuffling and dealing the cards.洗牌和发牌的方式不一。外研社新世纪I like to spend Sunday morning shuffling around in my slippers and reading the newspapers.我喜欢在星期天穿着拖鞋四处走动,看看报纸。剑桥国际The play was really good, but it was spoilt by a woman in front of me who was shuffling around in her seat all the way through.戏十分不错,但被一个在我前面的位置上不停动来动去的女人破坏了。剑桥国际




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