

单词 shudders
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHAKE〕A series of shudders went through the ship as the mine exploded. 鱼雷爆炸,引起轮船一连串的颤动。朗文写作活用〔bargain-basement〕He shudders at the prospect of presiding over the degradation of the U. S. into a bargain-basement superpower.在美国沦为次等超级大国之际当美国总统的前景使他不寒而栗。英汉大词典〔dropping〕Bombs drop round us and the floor shudders.炸弹落在我们周围,地板在颤抖。柯林斯高阶〔recently〕Until very recently he worked as a teacher and he still shudders at the memories.他一直做老师,直到最近才不干。现在他一想起那段经历还不寒而栗呢。剑桥高阶〔send shudders/a shudder down your spine〕When I think of what might have happened in the accident, it sends shudders down my spine.想到当时事故中可能出现的状况,我就不寒而栗。剑桥高阶〔shudder at〕She shudders at the sight of blood.她一看见血就发抖。21世纪英汉〔shudder〕Here are some creepy-crawlies that won't give you the shudders.这些小爬虫不会让你觉得厌恶。外研社新世纪〔shudder〕It gave him the shudders just to go inside the door.他一跨进这扇门就害怕。英汉大词典〔shudder〕She shudders at the sight of a snake.她一见到蛇就惊恐万状。英汉大词典He still shudders at the memory of his car accident.他仍因车祸的记忆而战栗。剑桥国际The ghastly sight gave him the shudders. 那恐怖的景象使他感到恐惧。译典通When I think of what might have happened in the accident, it sends shudders down my spine.当我想到在事故中可能发生的事情时,脊梁骨一阵颤抖。剑桥国际




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