

单词 saddled
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORK〕Campaign adviser Ken Polaski has been saddled with the job of explaining the recent presidential gaffes. 竞选顾问肯·波兰斯基有件苦差事,要为总统最近的失言作出解释。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The Hong Kong Rugby Union has saddled Simpkin with the post of national coach to the ailing team. 香港橄榄球联合会把这支积弱球队的主教练职位推给了辛普金。朗文写作活用〔bridier〕Jane saddled and bridled her favourite horse.简给她心爱的马装鞍上辔。21世纪英汉〔bridle〕Her horse was already saddled and bridled.她的马已经套好了鞍和龙头。外研社新世纪〔bridle〕Polly saddled and bridled her favourite horse.波莉给她最喜爱的马装上马鞍和笼头。剑桥高阶〔debt〕This over-ambitious strategy has saddled them with debts of $3,000,000.这一野心过大的计划使他们背上了 300 万美元的债务。朗文当代〔inviting〕Companies saddled with high debt have become inviting targets for cash-rich competitors.负债累累的公司成为了现金充足的竞争者的好目标。剑桥高阶〔paddock〕An enclosure at a racetrack where the horses are assembled, saddled, and paraded before each race.赛前鞍具着装场:跑道上的圈地或围地,可在每次比赛前把马集合起来、上鞍以及列队美国传统〔saddle sb with sth〕The company is saddled with debt.公司负债累累。剑桥高阶〔saddle up〕He saddled up and rode away.他骑上马,飞奔而去。韦氏高阶〔saddle up〕My horse was saddled up and ready to start.我的马已备好,随时可以出发。21世纪英汉〔saddle with〕His actions have saddled the company with too much debt.他的行为使公司债台高筑。韦氏高阶〔saddle with〕My boss saddled me with the task of organizing the conference.我的老板要我负责会议的组织工作。韦氏高阶〔saddle with〕The company is saddled with an enormous amount of debt.公司负债累累。韦氏高阶〔saddle〕He saddled his horse and mounted it.他给他的马装上马鞍,然后骑了上去。韦氏高阶〔saddle〕He saddled up his horse.他给他的马装上马鞍。韦氏高阶〔saddle〕He was saddled a hard task on.他被强加了繁重的任务。21世纪英汉〔saddle〕He was saddled with heavy debts.他债台高筑。英汉大词典〔saddle〕I can't be saddled with any more responsibilities.我再也不能承担更多的责任了。英汉大词典〔saddle〕I've been saddled with organizing the conference.我被派担当组织会议的重任。牛津高阶〔saddle〕I've been saddled with organizing the whole party! 我被派了筹备整个派对的苦差事!朗文当代〔saddle〕Many farms were saddled with debts.许多农场都背上了债。朗文当代〔saddle〕She saddled (up) the horse for her friend.她为朋友备好了马鞍。剑桥高阶〔saddle〕She saddled up a horse.她给一匹马套上了马鞍。柯林斯高阶〔saddle〕The company was saddled with a huge debt last year.公司去年负债累累。麦克米伦高阶〔saddle〕The company was saddled with debts of £12 million.公司背着 1 200 万英镑的债务。牛津高阶〔saddle〕The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt.战争拖垮了经济,使该国欠下了巨额外债。柯林斯高阶〔saddle〕The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt.战争拖垮了该国经济, 还让它欠下巨额外债。外研社新世纪〔saddle〕They all saddled.他们全都跨上了马。21世纪英汉〔saddle〕They were saddled with heavy expenses.他们为过高的消费所拖累美国传统〔saddle〕This horse was saddled for the child.给小孩骑的马已经准备好了。21世纪英汉Companies saddled with high debt have become inviting targets for cash-rich competitors.负债累累的公司已成为拥有丰富现金的竞争对手的有诱惑力的目标。剑桥国际He was saddled with a wife and five children. 他负起赡养妻子和五个孩子的担子。译典通I've been saddled with organizing the conference.我获委派担任组织会议的重任。牛津商务I've been saddled with the job of leading the club.他们硬是把领导俱乐部的活儿交给我来干。剑桥国际Polly saddled and bridled (= put a bridle on) her favourite horse.波利给她喜爱的马装上马鞍和笼头。剑桥国际She saddled (up) (= put a saddle on the back of) the horse for her friend.她替她的朋友装好马鞍。剑桥国际The company is saddled with debt.公司债务累累。剑桥国际The company was saddled with debts of €20 million.公司背负着 2 000 万欧元的债务。牛津商务The horse was already saddled and bridled. 这马已装上马鞍,套上了马勒。译典通They've saddled me with sending out the invitations.他们硬是要我负责发邀请信的事。剑桥国际




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