

单词 tend
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bean counter〕bean counters who tend to focus on controlling expenses.精打细算、一味想要控制开支的管理层柯林斯高阶〔bean counter〕bean counters who tend to focus on controlling expenses那些往往一心只想着控制支出的会计外研社新世纪〔fractionalize〕conflicting interests that tend to fractionalize a society.可能分裂社会的互相对立的利益美国传统〔overdose〕tourists that tend to overdose on the regional specialities of goose, duck and Armagnac.纵情享受鹅肉、鸭肉、阿马尼亚克酒等当地美食的游客柯林斯高阶〔overdose〕tourists that tend to overdose on the regional specialities of goose, duck, and Armagnac常常会纵情享受鹅肉、鸭肉、阿马尼亚克酒等当地特色美食的游客外研社新世纪〔overlook〕a fact that we all tend to overlook.我们所有人往往视而不见的事实柯林斯高阶〔tend〕tend a child.照料一个孩子美国传统〔tend〕tend a machine 操作机器英汉大词典〔tend〕tend a store 照管商店英汉大词典〔tend〕tend bar; tend a store in the owner's absence.经营酒吧;当老板不在时照看一个商店美国传统〔tend〕tend on [upon] a patient 伺候病人文馨英汉〔tend〕tend on sb.'s wishes 关照某人的愿望英汉大词典〔tend〕tend plants (animals) 照料花木(牲畜) 英汉大词典〔tend〕tend the sick and wounded 护理伤病员英汉大词典〔tend〕tend to one's own affairs 管好自己的事英汉大词典〔tend〕no time to tend to my diary.没有时间留心写我的日记美国传统〔tend〕to tend on (或 upon) the distinguished guests招待贵宾21世纪英汉〔tend〕to tend plants (或 animals)看管植物(或动物)21世纪英汉〔tend〕to tend the sick护理病人21世纪英汉〔undo〕practices which tend to undo political reform 破坏政治改革的做法 英汉大词典




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