

单词 separate into
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEPARATE〕As the milk turns sour, it separates into thick curds and watery liquid. 牛奶变酸的时候,就分成厚厚的凝乳和水状液体两部分。朗文写作活用〔analyze〕To separate into parts or basic principles so as to determine the nature of the whole; examine methodically.分析:分成部分或基本要素来确定整体性质;用方法检验美国传统〔assort〕To separate into groups according to kind; classify.分类:依据种类分成多组;分类美国传统〔atomize〕To reduce to or separate into atoms.使粉碎:使减小或分解为微粒美国传统〔bifurcate〕To separate into two parts or branches; fork.分叉,分开:分成两部分或两枝;分叉美国传统〔break〕These enzymes break down food in the stomach (= cause food to separate into smaller pieces).这些酶在胃中分解食物。剑桥高阶〔break〕These verbs are compared as they mean to separate or cause to separate into parts or pieces.这些动词在表示使分裂成碎片时可以进行比较。美国传统〔break〕To become separated into pieces or fragments.分裂成碎片美国传统〔break〕To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash.打破,击碎:使突然或猛烈地分裂成碎片;使碎裂美国传统〔chamber〕The U.S. legislature is separated into two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives.美国立法机构分为两院:参议院和众议院。韦氏高阶〔constituent〕The company can be separated into several constituent parts/elements.这家公司可以分为几个组成部分。韦氏高阶〔decompose〕To separate into components or basic elements.使分解:分解成组成部分或分解成基本元素美国传统〔denominationalism〕The tendency to separate into religious denominations.宗派化:分成各种宗派的趋势美国传统〔dichotomize〕To separate into two parts or classifications.划分成两部分或两个等级美国传统〔distribute〕To separate into categories; classify.分成几类;归类美国传统〔divided〕Separated into parts or pieces.分开的:被分成几部分或几块的美国传统〔divide〕To become separated into parts.分开:分成几部分美国传统〔exfoliate〕To come off or separate into flakes, scales, or layers.表皮脱落:裂成薄片或鳞片状脱落美国传统〔foliate〕To separate into thin layers or laminae.分成薄层或薄板美国传统〔holoblastic〕Exhibiting cleavage in which the entire egg separates into individual blastomeres.全裂的:裂纹出现,整个卵细胞分裂为不同的裂球美国传统〔infrangible〕Difficult or impossible to break or separate into parts.不可分裂的:很难或不可能破裂或分裂成小部分的美国传统〔irresolvable〕Impossible to separate into component parts; irreducible.不可分的:无法分割成各个组成部分的;不可分的美国传统〔macerate〕To separate into constituents by soaking.使分离:通过浸泡使各成分分离美国传统〔macerate〕To become soft or separated into constituents by soaking.软化分离:通过浸泡使变软或成分分离美国传统〔mix〕Oil and water don't mix. Even if you shake them together they separate into two layers.油与水不相融合。即使你将其混在一起摇晃,它们也会分为两层。剑桥高阶〔panel〕To separate into panels.分成板条格美国传统〔quarter〕To divide or separate into a number of parts.将…分成或分离成几个部分美国传统〔ravel〕To become separated into its component threads; unravel or fray.松开,解开:散开成为组成的线;拆开或磨损美国传统〔reduce〕To separate into orderly components by analysis.分析:通过分析分离成有序的成份美国传统〔separateness〕Let's separate into smaller groups.我们分成几个小组吧。柯林斯高阶〔separateness〕Wallerstein's work can be separated into three main component themes.沃勒斯坦的作品可以细分成3个主要的主题。柯林斯高阶〔separate〕The main group separated into several smaller groups.这个大组分成了若干个小组。韦氏高阶〔separate〕We separated into several different search parties.我们分成几个搜索小组。牛津高阶〔split〕To become separated into parts, especially to undergo lengthwise division.分成几部分,特别是纵长分开美国传统〔stratify〕To separate into a sequence of graded status levels.把…分级:把…分成不同的一系列级别美国传统〔stratify〕To arrange or separate into castes, classes, or social levels.把…分层:把…安排于或分成阶层、阶级或社会层次美国传统Eggs are usually graded into different sizes (= separated into groups according to their size).鸡蛋一般以大小来分等级。剑桥国际Oil doesn't mix with water. Even if you shake them together they separate into two layers.油不与水混合。即使你把它们混在一起摇晃,它们也会分成两层。剑桥国际The students’work is graded (= judged and separated into groups according to quality) by three examiners.学生的作业由三个主考官评定等级。剑桥国际These enzymes break down food in the stomach (= cause food to separate into smaller pieces).这些酶在胃中分解食物。剑桥国际




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