

单词 sharply
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕At the top of the hill, the path bends sharply left and enters a small woodland. 这条小径在山顶向左急转,然后进入一片小林地。朗文写作活用〔COST〕Apple was forced to cut prices sharply, reducing its profit margin. 苹果公司被迫大幅减价,降低了毛利率。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕These results contrast sharply with those of similar tests carried out in Australia. 这些结果跟在澳大利亚所进行的类似测试的结果截然不同。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕I turned too sharply and ran into the curb. 我拐弯太急,撞到了路沿上。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The morning's gains in US stocks fell sharply. 美国股价今早上升后急速下跌。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Jenny dug me sharply in the ribs and told me to be quiet. 珍妮突然戳了我一下,叫我安静。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕A bus came round the corner and braked sharply. 一辆公共汽车从转弯的地方开过来,并紧急刹车。朗文写作活用〔acceleration〕Economic growth slowed down sharply after three months of acceleration.经济增长在经过3个月的加速后急剧减速了。麦克米伦高阶〔accordingly〕The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly, we were forced to increase our prices.去年材料成本大幅度提高,因此我们被迫加价。牛津高阶〔angle〕The road angles sharply to the left. The path angled through the woods.路突然转向左侧;小路曲折穿过林间美国传统〔attendance〕Church attendance dropped sharply in the 1970s.在20世纪70年代,去教堂的人数急剧下降。麦克米伦高阶〔ballottement〕Palpation of the abdominal wall while a kidney is being pushed sharply from the backside, used as a test for determining the presence of a floating kidney.肾脏检胎法:当肾脏被从后侧急推时而进行的腹壁触诊,用作确定浮游肾是否存在的检查美国传统〔ballottement〕The use of a finger to push sharply against the uterus and detect the presence or position of a fetus by its return impact.产科内诊:用手指急推子宫,通过其反弹来检测胎儿的存在和位置美国传统〔bank〕The highway banks sharply on this curve.高速公路在这个弯曲处明显地形成从内侧至外侧向上倾斜的弯道。21世纪英汉〔barb〕Botany A short, sharply hooked bristle or hairlike projection.【植物学】 钩状毛,芒刺美国传统〔bateau〕A long, light, flat-bottomed boat with a sharply pointed bow and stern, used especially in Canada and the northeast United States.平底船:在加拿大和美国东北部使用的一种长而轻的平底船,船头很尖美国传统〔be etched somewhere〕The foothills of the Himalayas were sharply etched against the pale blue sky.在淡蓝色天空的映衬下,喜马拉雅山的山麓小丘轮廓清晰鲜明。剑桥高阶〔bend〕The path bends sharply just before you enter the wood.小路恰好在进入树林前出现急转弯。麦克米伦高阶〔between〕Trade between the two countries (= their trade with each other) has increased sharply in the past year.在过去的一年里,两国之间的贸易额急剧增加。剑桥高阶〔blue chip〕Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。柯林斯高阶〔bodkin〕A small, sharply pointed instrument for making holes in fabric or leather.锥子:在纺织品和皮革上钻洞的小而有尖头的工具美国传统〔brake〕She braked sharply to avoid another car.她为了躲另一辆车而紧急刹车。柯林斯高阶〔catch〕Lucie whistled sharply to catch the other girl's attention.露西大声吹口哨以引起另外那个女孩的注意。朗文当代〔cause〕The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.收成不好导致物价急剧上涨。牛津高阶〔chin〕Many investors took it on the chin yesterday as the stock market dropped sharply.昨天由于股市暴跌,许多投资者惨遭重创。韦氏高阶〔claim〕The number of people claiming unemployment benefits has risen sharply this month.这个月要求领取失业救济金的人数激增。剑桥高阶〔clean-cut〕Clearly and sharply defined or outlined.轮廓鲜明的:画出或划出明确和鲜明的轮廓美国传统〔climb〕Prices have climbed sharply in recent months.最近几个月价格急剧上涨。牛津搭配〔commodity〕Commodity prices fell sharply.商品价格急剧下跌。朗文当代〔contrast〕Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply.她的行动与她的诺言相差甚远。牛津高阶〔contrast〕Her dark hair contrasted sharply with her pale silk gown.她的黑头发和她的浅色丝绸礼服形成了强烈的对比。麦克米伦高阶〔contrast〕Johnson's easy charm contrasted sharply with the prickliness of his boss.约翰逊的亲和力和他老板易怒的性格形成了鲜明的对比。柯林斯高阶〔contrast〕These results contrast sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia.这些结果与在澳大利亚进行的其他医学测试的结果截然不同。朗文当代〔crack〕To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.嗓音发劈:由于声音嘶哑或情绪激动而造成的音高或音质的突变。用于指嗓音美国传统〔crime〕The crime rate in the city has risen sharply.犯罪率麦克米伦高阶〔decade〕Prices have risen sharply in the last decade.物价在最近10年中暴涨。麦克米伦高阶〔decline〕The land declines sharply away from the house.地势从房屋那边开始大幅度向下倾斜。剑桥高阶〔decrease〕Our share of the market has decreased sharply this year.今年我们的市场份额急剧下降。剑桥高阶〔demand〕Demand for personal computers has risen sharply.个人电脑需求急剧增长。牛津搭配〔depreciate〕The accident sharply depreciated the value of the car.那起交通事故使这辆汽车的价值大降。21世纪英汉〔descend〕The walk descends sharply.小路下倾得很厉害。21世纪英汉〔distillation〕Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation.经过蒸馏, 苹果酒原来的杂质会变得非常明显。外研社新世纪〔divided〕Experts are sharply divided on/over the issue.专家在这一问题上存在巨大分歧。韦氏高阶〔divide〕The issue of cloning has sharply divided voters.克隆问题使选民分化成截然对立的阵营。朗文当代〔down〕New construction is down sharply this month.这个月新建工程急剧下降。韦氏高阶〔draw in〕Rose drew her breath in sharply.罗丝猛地吸了口气。柯林斯高阶〔drop off〕The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply.单日伤亡人数显著下降。外研社新世纪〔drop〕The land drops (away) (= slopes down) sharply behind the barrier.在这道屏障的后面,地势急剧倾斜而下。剑桥高阶〔drop〕The number of deaths on the roads has dropped sharply.交通事故死亡人数已锐减。朗文当代〔drop〕The number of graduates going into teaching has dropped off sharply.从事教育的大学毕业生人数急剧减少了。朗文当代〔escalate〕The cost of raw materials has escalated sharply.原料的成本急剧上涨。牛津搭配〔etch into〕The tragic event is sharply etched into my memory.那起悲惨的事件深深地铭刻在我的记忆中。21世纪英汉〔etch〕He is the most sharply etched character in the movie.他是影片中刻画得最深刻的人物形象。21世纪英汉〔evocatively〕Her story is sharply evocative of Italian provincial life.她的故事让人清晰地回忆起意大利的乡村生活。柯林斯高阶〔expect〕House prices are expected to rise sharply.预计房价会急剧上涨。牛津高阶〔fall〕From where we stood, the ground fell away sharply to the valley floor.地面从我们所站的地方陡然向谷底倾斜。朗文当代〔fall〕Last year, stock prices fell sharply.去年,股票价格猛跌美国传统〔fall〕On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕Production fell sharply.产量锐减。21世纪英汉〔fall〕Share prices fell sharply this week.本周股价骤跌。剑桥高阶〔fall〕Stocks fell sharply yesterday.昨天股市狂跌。英汉大词典〔fall〕The land falls away sharply towards the river.地势向河边陡然倾斜。牛津高阶〔fall〕The price of coal fell sharply.煤炭价格急剧下跌。牛津搭配〔fall〕The temperature fell sharply in the night.夜间温度陡降。牛津高阶〔falter〕If the child faltered or made an error, the cane would be brought down sharply on the child's hand.如果小孩说话结巴或讲错话, 藤条便会马上打在其手上。外研社新世纪〔focus〕The issue of pedestrian safety has been brought sharply into focus this week.使某物成为关注的焦点麦克米伦高阶〔goose step〕A military parade step executed by swinging the legs sharply from the hips and keeping the knees locked.正步:一种军队阅兵时的步法:从臀部开始两腿摆动,而膝关节保持站立时的状态美国传统〔goose-step〕To march in such a way that the legs swing sharply from the hips and the knees are locked.以正步前进:两腿从臀部开始摆动而膝关节保持站立时状态的前进方式美国传统〔homicide〕The number of homicides in the city has risen sharply.这个城市的杀人案急剧增多。剑桥高阶〔horn〕After the business failed, he had to draw his horns in pretty sharply.买卖失败后,他不得不大大地削减生活开支。英汉大词典〔hum〕The guard stopped his humming and turned his head sharply.守卫停止了哼唱,猛地转过头。柯林斯高阶〔import〕The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1859.1859年棉纺织品的进口量急遽上升。外研社新世纪〔increase〕The number of people browsing in the bookshop increases sharply during lunch time.午餐时间内去这家书店浏览书刊的人数骤然增多。英汉大词典〔inflate〕Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.猛拽绳扣使你的救生衣充气。牛津高阶〔investment〕Investment flows dropped sharply and the region's growth halted.投资流量急剧下降,该地区的增长戛然而止。牛津搭配〔lean〕The building leaned sharply before renovation.那幢楼在修缮前倾斜得很厉害。英汉大词典〔left〕After Mrs Thatcher's first election victory in 1979, Labour moved sharply to the left.撒切尔夫人1979年第一次竞选获胜后, 工党变得极为激进了。外研社新世纪〔living〕The cost of living has risen sharply.生活费用已急剧上涨。牛津高阶〔look〕She looked up at me sharply when I said that.我说这话的时候,她抬头狠狠地瞪着我。牛津搭配〔mark down〕Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales.零售商将不得不为了提高销量而大幅降价。柯林斯高阶〔nettle〕She looked up at me sharply, clearly nettled by the interruption.她抬起头狠狠地瞪着我,显然是被我插话打断她的举动激怒了。剑桥高阶〔occupancy〕Since the 1950s, office density and occupancy in London have increased sharply.自20世纪50年代起, 伦敦办公室的密度和使用率都急剧增长。外研社新世纪〔only〕Prices have risen sharply, as we know only too well.我们都很清楚地知道价格已经急剧上涨。朗文当代〔overheat〕The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.私营企业的开支急剧增长造成经济发展过热。外研社新世纪〔overheat〕The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.私营企业的开支急剧增长造成经济发展过热。柯林斯高阶〔pain〕His impaired foot pained him sharply.他那只受伤的脚使他感到剧烈的疼痛。英汉大词典〔pedal〕She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.她猛踩刹车踏板。牛津高阶〔per capita〕Per capita income rose sharply last year.去年人均收入猛增。牛津高阶〔pick〕To criticize sharply.责骂:严厉批评美国传统〔pinch〕He pinched me sharply on the arm.他用力掐我的胳膊。牛津搭配〔pitch〕The roof of this house pitches sharply.这房子的屋顶陡斜。文馨英汉〔pitch〕The roof of this house pitches sharply.这所房子的屋顶陡斜得厉害。英汉大词典〔pitch〕The roof pitches sharply to the rear of the house.屋顶向房子后部大幅度倾斜。朗文当代〔plateau〕After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.初期的上升进程之后,发展陡然平稳下来。21世纪英汉〔plunge〕The unemployment rate plunged sharply.失业率骤降。朗文当代〔polarized〕Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.公众舆论在这个问题上两极分化很严重。牛津搭配〔predatory pricing〕The airline has reduced its prices so sharply that it has been accused of predatory pricing.这家航空公司降价非常厉害,被指恶意价格竞争。剑桥高阶〔presbyopia〕Inability of the eye to focus sharply on nearby objects, resulting from loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with advancing age.远视,老花:眼睛不能准确地聚焦在近处物体上的症状,是由年龄增长导致睫状体缺乏弹性引起的美国传统〔prick〕A persistent or sharply painful feeling of sorrow or remorse.痛苦的回忆:悔恨或内疚的持久而极度痛苦的感觉美国传统〔prod〕She prodded me sharply in the ribs.她使劲捅了捅我的肋骨。21世纪英汉〔pull up〕Suddenly, he pulled up sharply in his stride, and fell to the floor.突然,原本大步流星的他猛地停住了脚步,倒在了地上。柯林斯高阶〔push〕The Bank of England had pushed up interest rates sharply to protect the pound from speculators.英格兰银行大幅抬升利率以保护英镑免受投机者操纵。麦克米伦高阶〔rap〕Carol rapped sharply on the window.卡罗尔急促地敲着窗户。麦克米伦高阶〔rap〕He had his knuckles rapped sharply for meddling in foreign policy.他因干涉对外政策而受到严厉批评。朗文当代〔rap〕He rapped sharply on his son's head with his knuckles.他狠狠在儿子头上打了几个栗凿。英汉大词典〔rap〕He rapped sharply on the door.他使劲儿敲门。牛津搭配〔rap〕The clatter of the typewriter rapped sharply from the opposite room.从对面的房间传出尖锐刺耳的敲打打字机的哒哒声。21世纪英汉〔rating〕His rating has fallen sharply.他的支持率猛降。文馨英汉〔rebukable〕The manager rebuked the salesgirl sharply for being rude to customers.经理严厉斥责女售货员的对顾客无礼。21世纪英汉〔rebuke〕She rebuked herself sharply for her stupidity.她对自己的愚蠢自责不已。牛津搭配〔refugee〕Unemployment among the refugees has risen sharply.难民失业率飙升。牛津搭配〔rein〕She pulled sharply on the reins.她猛地拉紧缰绳。牛津搭配〔rise〕The number of people seeking asylum in Britain has risen sharply.在英国寻求政治庇护的人数激增。朗文当代〔sharply〕Graham looked up sharply, startled by a noise behind him.格雷厄姆被身后的声音吓了一跳,猛然抬头看了看。朗文当代〔sharply〕He spoke sharply to his daughter.他训斥了女儿。剑桥高阶〔sharply〕He spoke sharply to the children and made them cry.他狠狠地训斥了孩子们一通,把他们弄哭了。韦氏高阶〔sharply〕Her cheerful mood contrasts sharply with her dreary surroundings.她欢快的情绪和她所处的沉闷环境形成鲜明对比。韦氏高阶〔sharply〕I turned my body sharply in the chair.我在椅子上猛然转过身。外研社新世纪〔sharply〕I turned my body sharply in the chair.我在椅子上突然转过身子。柯林斯高阶〔sharply〕Opinions on this are sharply divided.在这一点上大家分歧明显。外研社新世纪〔sharply〕Opinions on this are sharply divided.在这个问题上分歧很大。柯林斯高阶〔sharply〕Prices are expected to increase/decline sharply.价格预计会急剧升高/降低。韦氏高阶〔sharply〕Prices are rising sharply.价格正在急剧上升。外研社新世纪〔sharply〕Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.过去几个月里物价大幅度上涨。朗文当代〔sharply〕Profits fell sharply following the takeover.接管后,利润突然大幅度降低。牛津高阶〔sharply〕Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right.9 号房间在走道尽头向右急转弯处。柯林斯高阶〔sharply〕She cried out sharply.她突然大叫起来。韦氏高阶〔sharply〕The car turned/veered sharply to the left.汽车突然左转弯。韦氏高阶〔sharply〕The economic situation in the north contrasts sharply with that in the south.南北方的经济环境迥然不同。麦克米伦高阶〔sharply〕The latest survey shows buying plans for homes are sharply lower than in June.最近的调查表明计划买房的人数与 6 月份相比骤减。柯林斯高阶〔sharply〕The police have been sharply criticized for their handling of the situation.警方在这件事的处理上受到了尖锐的批评。剑桥高阶〔sharply〕The report was sharply critical of the police.报道猛烈地抨击了警方。牛津高阶〔sharply〕The temperature fell sharply yesterday.昨天温度大幅下降了。外研社新世纪〔sharply〕The things she saw and heard every day made her ever more sharply aware of the separation between herself and her family.每日的所见所闻更让她清醒地意识到她与家人的分歧。外研社新世纪〔sharply〕The woman's figure is sharply brought out by the intense light.在强光照射下,那女子的身材清晰可见。柯林斯高阶〔sharply〕Unemployment among the over forties has risen sharply in recent years.最近几年 40 岁以上的人的失业率大幅上升。柯林斯高阶〔sharply〕We have sharply differing views.我们的观点截然不同。剑桥高阶〔sinkerball〕A pitched ball that sinks sharply as it reaches the plate; a sinker.下坠球:到达击球者时忽速下坠的投球;下坠球美国传统〔slope〕The bank sloped down sharply to the river.河岸到河面的斜坡非常陡。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕She was thin and spare, with a sharply intelligent face.她又高又瘦,一副精明过人的模样。柯林斯高阶〔spear〕A weapon consisting of a long shaft with a sharply pointed end.矛,枪:一种由一根长杆和尖头构成的武器美国传统〔spin〕He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.他猛打方向盘, 在路中间掉头。外研社新世纪〔split-fingered fastball〕A fastball thrown with the ball held between the index and middle finger, causing the ball to drop sharply near home plate.指叉球,指间球:将球捏在食指与种植之间抛出的快球,使球在接近本垒板时急剧下落美国传统〔stream〕As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply.新矿投产后,智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅增加。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon.打击:猛烈击打,如用手,拳头或武器等美国传统〔swerve〕She swerved sharply to avoid a cyclist.她猛地急转弯,以避开一个骑自行车的人。牛津高阶〔swerve〕The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.车子猛地急转弯,以避开那条狗。朗文当代〔swing around〕The canoe swung around sharply.独木舟猛然掉头。外研社新世纪〔swing〕The road swung sharply around.道路猛然间拐了个急弯。牛津搭配〔take ... up〕She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.当学生出现口误时,她立刻打断他。21世纪英汉〔tightknit〕The once tightknit ruling elite appears to be dividing sharply over the country's political future.这个一度紧密团结的统治阶层看来在国家的政治前途问题上现正产生尖锐的分歧。英汉大词典〔tilt〕The ground tilted sharply downwards / downward.地面急剧下倾。牛津搭配〔trill〕The phone trilled sharply.电话铃一下一下尖声地响着。朗文当代〔turbinate〕Zoology Spiral and decreasing sharply in diameter from base to apex. Used especially of shells.【动物学】 陀螺形的:螺旋形的螺纹从基部到顶端逐步递减的,尤其用于贝壳美国传统〔turn〕Investment is turning up sharply.投资额急剧上升。英汉大词典〔turn〕The river turns sharply to the east.这条河的水流向东陡转。外研社新世纪〔turn〕The road turns sharply to the right up ahead.前方道路向右急转弯。韦氏高阶〔tweak〕To pinch, pluck, or twist sharply.扭,拧:突然地或使劲地拧、扭或掐美国传统〔understeer〕To turn less sharply than the operator would expect. Used of vehicles, especially automobiles.转向不足:没有达到操作者希望的明显转动。用于车辆,特别是汽车美国传统〔unpeople〕To reduce sharply the population of (an area); depopulate.急剧减少(一个地区)的人口;使没有居民美国传统〔value〕Market values rose sharply.市价猛涨。英汉大词典〔veer〕The path veers sharply to the right.道路急转向右。牛津搭配〔watch〕The country watched as stocks fell sharply.股票猛跌引起了举国关注。英汉大词典〔wheel〕She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter.她突然转身朝收银台走去。外研社新世纪〔wheel〕She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter.她突然转身,朝收银台走去。柯林斯高阶〔yap〕To bark sharply or shrilly; yelp.汪汪叫:尖利或刺耳地狗吠;吠美国传统〔zoom〕To climb suddenly and sharply. Used of an airplane.陡升:突然而急剧地上升,用于飞机美国传统A woman of firm views, trenchantly expressed, Denys could be sharply critical.丹尼斯是一个有着坚定的观念的女人,尖锐地说,她的批评会锋芒逼人。剑桥国际As more manufacturers enter the market, price falls sharply.随着越来越多的生产商进入市场,价格急剧下跌。牛津商务As you go down the hill, the road bends sharply to the left.下山的时候,路会一下子向左转。剑桥国际Before he went into the interview, he carefully flicked the loose hairs from the shoulders of his jacket (=removed them by hitting them sharply with the back of his finger).进去面试之前,他仔细地拂去了落在肩上的头发。剑桥国际Credit costs have risen sharply for smaller businesses.小企业的贷款成本已急剧上升。牛津商务Economic growth decelerated sharply in January.一月份的经济增长速度急剧减缓。牛津商务He would zoom up to junctions and brake fiercely / hard / sharply at the last minute.他总是飞快地冲到交叉口,在最后一刻再猛地刹住车。剑桥国际His health has improved/deteriorated sharply this week.他的健康情况在这个星期迅速好转/急剧恶化。剑桥国际His optimism contrasted sharply with the low morale of his supporters. 他的乐观情绪与他的支持者的低落的士气形成了鲜明的对照。译典通I don't think that prices will go up really sharply but, by the same token, I don't see them going down much lower either.我认为物价不会真的飞涨,同样地,我也不认为物价会跌得太多。剑桥国际In the bond market, government securities rose sharply.在债券市场上,政府证券急剧上升。牛津商务Inflation has advanced sharply over the last two years.在过去两年里,通货膨胀急剧上升。牛津商务Just behind the house the land drops (away) sharply (= slopes steeply down).就在屋子后面有个大陡坡。剑桥国际Men contrasted sharply with women on the issues they considered important.男人和女人对什么是重要问题的看法迥然不同。剑桥国际My father and I have sharply conflicting/ contrasting/differing/opposing views on politics.我和我父亲对政治有着截然矛盾/相对/不同/对立的观点。剑桥国际On the other side of the hill, the land falls away sharply.小山的另一侧,地势很陡峭。剑桥国际Per capita income rose sharply last year.去年人均收入大幅度提高。牛津商务Relations between the two countries have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks. 最近几周那两个国家间的关系严重恶化了。译典通Sales of precooked meals have risen sharply over the past few years.最近几年来预煮食物的销售迅速上升。剑桥国际Share prices have fallen sharply this week.本周股市行情急剧下跌。剑桥国际She looked up sharply when she heard someone come into the room.当她听见有人走进房间时,猛然抬起头来。剑桥国际She looked up at me sharply, clearly nettled by the interruption.她狠狠地盯着我,显然被我的打断所激怒。剑桥国际Soldiers click their heels (=bring them sharply together) when they stand to attention.士兵们立正时两脚跟喀嚓一声并拢。剑桥国际Supplies of workers grew sharply in September because of the inflow of immigrants from Eastern Europe.由于东欧移民的涌入,九月份工人资源急剧增加。剑桥国际The FTSE 100 index is expected to rise sharply at Friday's opening.预计《金融时报》 100 指数在周五开盘时将急剧上涨。牛津商务The bus driver braked sharply and all the passengers pitched forward.公共汽车司机突然刹车,旅客们向前跌去。剑桥国际The company's shares fell sharply on Tuesday.公司的股价在星期二急剧下跌。牛津商务The dollar rallied sharply on Tuesday.美元周二快速反弹。牛津商务The euro tumbled sharply against the dollar yesterday.昨天欧元兑美元大幅下跌。牛津商务The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1981. 一九八一年棉织品的进口量急遽上升。译典通The price of oil has risen sharply.油价猛涨。剑桥国际There was a sudden flash of light, making the driver veer sharply.突然闪出了一道光,使得司机猛地改变了方向。剑桥国际Trade between the two countries (= Their trade with each other) has increased sharply in the past year.在过去一年里两国之间的贸易急剧增加。剑桥国际




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