

单词 samples
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔analysis〕for analysis Blood samples were sent for analysis.血样送去分析过。朗文当代〔drill〕drill out samples of Martian earth 钻取火星土壤的样品英汉大词典〔example〕distributing samples of a new detergent; 区分新型洗涤剂的样品;美国传统〔facility〕a temporary storage facility for blood samples 暂时存放血液样本的场所牛津搭配〔grab〕grab samples of rock 随意取的岩石样品英汉大词典〔jury〕jurying submitted samples for a crafts fair.评价为手工艺品展览会呈送的样品美国传统〔machine〕a device for detecting blood alcohol levels from breath samples 呼气测血液酒精浓度的仪器朗文当代〔obtain〕obtain soil samples from the moon 从月球上取得土壤标本英汉大词典〔overnight〕overnight the samples to the headquarters 连夜将样品发往总部英汉大词典〔regularly〕samples from one of their regular suppliers.他们的一个固定供货商提供的样品柯林斯高阶〔sample〕samples of a new shampoo 新洗发剂的试用品朗文当代〔sample〕samples of carpet/curtain material 地毯/窗帘材料的样品剑桥高阶〔sample〕samples of tissue 组织样本牛津搭配〔sample〕free samples of shampoo 赠送的洗发剂样品英汉大词典〔sample〕take water samples 取水样英汉大词典people demonstrating how to use a product and giving free samples 演示一种产品的使用方法并派发免费样品的人牛津商务




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