

单词 targets
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕The GIA continued its attacks on civilian targets. 他们继续袭击平民目标。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕The commonly used roads are the targets of heavy fire. 通常的道路是炮火猛烈攻击的目标。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕Women living alone make easy targets for robbers. 独居的妇女容易成为窃贼的目标。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕The deadline was getting closer and we were under continual pressure to reach our targets. 最后期限不断逼近,为达到目标,我们承受着持续的压力。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕The new exams have been designed for weaker students who, until now, have been set unattainable targets. 新的考试是针对那些到目前为止无法达到所订目标的较差的学生的。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕The General seems to have been given carte blanche to attack whatever civilian targets he wants. 将军似乎获授予全权,可以随意袭击任何平民目标。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕Tourists are prime targets for theft and robbery. 游客是盗贼的首选目标。朗文写作活用〔MIRV〕An offensive ballistic missile system in which a number of warheads aimed at independent targets can be launched by a single booster rocket.多弹头分导再入飞行器:一种进攻性弹道导弹系统,其中数枚弹头由同一运载火箭发射但指向各自的独立目标美国传统〔NO〕Workers were asked if they had reached their weekly targets, and if they replied in the negative, they were fired. 工人被问到是否达到每周的指标,如果没有,就被解雇。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Each sales team targets its efforts at a particular segment of the general population. 每个销售小组都定位于一般大众中的某一群体。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Senior citizens are usually easy targets for con games. 年长者一般很容易成为诈骗案的目标。朗文写作活用〔accelerate〕His targets include setting a timetable for, and accelerating, the free trade negotiations.他的目标包括为自由贸易谈判制订时间表并推动其进程。外研社新世纪〔achievable〕Before you set your targets, make sure that they are achievable.在制定目标前,首先要确定这些目标是你力所能及的。剑桥高阶〔achievable〕These targets should be easily achievable.这些目标应该容易实现。外研社新世纪〔aerial〕Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.同时,对于军事目标的大规模空袭仍在猛烈地进行。剑桥高阶〔against〕Check the operator's productivity against agreed targets.根据既定目标检验操作员的效率。柯林斯高阶〔apportionment〕Few are prepared to include themselves in the apportionment of blame if other targets can be found.如果能找到其他人抗下罪过, 没有人愿意承认自己应承担责任。外研社新世纪〔attainment〕Salaries are based on the attainment of production targets.工资是根据完成生产目标的情况确定的。麦克米伦高阶〔benchmark〕Projects are assessed and benchmarked against the targets.以这些目标作为对项目进行评估和检测的基准。牛津高阶〔boxed in〕The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling.财政大臣被通货膨胀目标和英镑逼得束手无策。柯林斯高阶〔build〕In order to build your self esteem, set yourself targets you can reach.为了增强自尊心,要为自己设定可以达到的目标。朗文当代〔burden〕Many NHS managers say the Government is too interfering, burdening them with centrally imposed targets and guidelines.很多提供国民保健服务的管理人员说, 政府干预过多, 用中央强加的目标和指导方针向自己施压。外研社新世纪〔carrot〕They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them.他们将被规定目标, 如果他们完成, 会得到额外的现金和报酬好处。外研社新世纪〔carrot〕They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them.会给他们设定目标,如果能达到,就能得到额外的现金和报酬。柯林斯高阶〔collateral〕Hitting any non-military targets would risk 'collateral damage'.击中任何非军事目标都有可能带来附带损害。朗文当代〔communiqué〕The communiqué said military targets had been hit.公报称击中了一些军事目标。外研社新世纪〔con artist〕Young girls like myself were targets for con artists everywhere.像我这样的年轻女孩会是无处不在的行骗者下手的目标。外研社新世纪〔confidence〕I can say with confidence that all our targets have now been met.我可以很有把握地说我们的所有目标现在都已经实现。麦克米伦高阶〔crack〕Some young executives crack under the pressure of having to meet tough sales targets every month.一些年轻的主管崩溃了,他们压力很大,每个月都要完成很高的销售指标。朗文当代〔defend〕The author defends herself against charges of racism by noting that blacks are only one of her targets.面对种族主义指控,作者替自己辩护说黑人只是她的抨击目标之一。柯林斯高阶〔delivery system〕The technology for conveying nuclear weapons to their targets.运载系统:把核武器投到目标上的一种技术美国传统〔director〕An electronic device that continually calculates and displays information used for firing weapons at moving targets, such as missiles or aircraft.导向器:一种电子装置,连续计算和显示的信息,用来使武器向移动目标开火,如导弹或飞行器美国传统〔direct〕The attacks were directed solely at military targets.攻击只针对军事目标。牛津搭配〔discharge〕The ship discharged missiles against enemy targets.军舰向敌军目标发射导弹。韦氏高阶〔discriminate〕Long-range missile attacks simply cannot discriminate between military and civilian targets.远程导弹攻击完全无法辨别军事目标和民用目标。麦克米伦高阶〔disobey〕He urged Russian soldiers to disobey orders if asked to fire on civilian targets.他鼓动俄国士兵若被要求向平民开火就抗命不从。柯林斯高阶〔easy targets〕Tourists are often easy targets for thieves.游客往往是小偷容易得手的目标。韦氏高阶〔easy〕Elderly people are easy targets for muggers.老年人容易成为行凶抢劫者的目标。外研社新世纪〔easy〕Military officers make easy targets for the press.军官很容易成为媒体抨击的对象。麦克米伦高阶〔economy〕The council must make economies to meet government spending targets.市政会必须采取节约措施以完成政府的开支指标。朗文当代〔fire control〕The control of the delivery of gunfire on military targets.射击控制,火力控制:对军事目标进行的火力控制美国传统〔friendship〕The President set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe.总统确定了在未来加强同东欧的互助的目标。柯林斯高阶〔friendship〕The President set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe.总统确定了未来加强同东欧友好关系的目标。外研社新世纪〔go after〕We're not going after civilian targets.我们不会以民用设施为打击目标。柯林斯高阶〔go after〕We're not going after civilian targets.我们没有针对民用目标。外研社新世纪〔group-wide〕The chief executive has set group-wide targets to reduce costs in each of its businesses.首席执行官的目标是商业集团内的每一个成员都减低成本。剑桥高阶〔hit list〕The newspapers were sent a hit list of 100 military and political targets.各家报社都接到了一份包括100个军界和政界暗杀对象的名单。剑桥高阶〔hit-and-run〕The rebels appear to be making hit-and-run guerrilla style attacks on military targets.叛乱分子似乎是在对军事目标实施打了就跑的游击式攻击。柯林斯高阶〔hit-and-run〕The rebels appear to be making hit-and-run guerrilla style attacks on military targets.这帮叛乱分子似乎正在对军事目标采取打了就跑的游击队式袭击。外研社新世纪〔home〕These missiles can home in on their targets with nearly 100 percent accuracy.这些导弹几乎能百分之百准确地自动寻的。英汉大词典〔hope〕She saw little hope of meeting the targets.她觉得实现目标的希望微乎其微。牛津搭配〔hornet〕The new production targets have stirred up a hornet's nest .新的生产指标引起了公愤。朗文当代〔incentivize〕We need to incentivize our sales managers to achieve these targets.我们需要激励我们的销售经理实现这些目标。剑桥高阶〔indicate〕Sales targets are indicated on the graph by a vertical dotted line.销售指标在图表中用竖虚线表示。朗文当代〔indictment〕It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as targets.警察被视为攻击的目标, 这是世风日下的悲哀体现。外研社新世纪〔indictment〕It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as easy targets by thugs.警察很容易就成了暴徒下手袭击的对象,这是一个社会的悲哀。柯林斯高阶〔inviting〕Companies saddled with high debt have become inviting targets for cash-rich competitors.负债累累的公司成为了现金充足的竞争者的好目标。剑桥高阶〔lay ... down〕The general laid down a few strategic targets on the map.将军在地图上标明了几个战略目标。21世纪英汉〔learn〕We were distressed to learn that American troops were the targets of the attack.听说美军部队是受攻击的目标时我们很难过。麦克米伦高阶〔legitimate〕Politicians are legitimate targets for satire.政治人物理所当然成为讽刺的对象。牛津高阶〔lift〕The bombardment began to lift, shifting to targets farther inland.轰击开始转向更远的内地的目标。英汉大词典〔limit〕NATO officials said that the air strikes were limited to military targets.北大西洋公约组织的官员声称他们只对军事目标进行空袭。麦克米伦高阶〔long〕We're still a long way from achieving our sales targets.我们离完成销售指标还有很长的路。朗文当代〔manageable〕The targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".提高生产力的目标被描述为“艰巨但可设法实现”。剑桥高阶〔meet〕He had failed to meet his performance targets.他未能达到自己的绩效目标。牛津搭配〔meet〕It's impossible to meet the sales targets.要达到这个销售指标是不可能的。朗文当代〔missile〕The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.当局提出, 如果叛乱分子同意停止攻击平民目标, 就不再发射导弹。外研社新世纪〔missile〕The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.当局表示,如果叛乱分子答应停止攻击平民目标,就不再发射导弹。柯林斯高阶〔munitions〕The army used precision-guided munitions to blow up enemy targets.这支军队使用精确制导炸弹摧毁了敌军目标。剑桥高阶〔performance〕The job of the new director-general was to ensure that performance targets were met.新主管的任务是确保实现业绩目标。柯林斯高阶〔performance〕The job of the new director-general was to ensure that performance targets were met.新任总经理的职责是确保实现绩效目标。外研社新世纪〔photoreconnaissance〕Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets.空中照相侦察:空中照相侦察,尤指军事目的的美国传统〔pinball〕A game played on a device in which the player operates a plunger to shoot a ball down or along a slanted surface having obstacles and targets.弹球戏:在一种装置下进行的游戏,在该装置中玩球者操作一个活塞将球击倒至或沿着一个有障碍物或目标物的倾斜表面美国传统〔pinpoint〕The military uses computer imaging to pinpoint targets.军方使用计算机成像精确锁定目标。韦氏高阶〔pinpoint〕The missiles can be fired against enemy targets with pinpoint accuracy.这种导弹可以以极高的精确度对准敌人的目标发射出去。麦克米伦高阶〔pinpoint〕The missiles can hit targets with pinpoint accuracy.这种导弹可以精确击中目标。朗文当代〔pinpoint〕The pilots bombed strategic targets with pinpoint accuracy.飞行员准确地轰炸了战略目标。牛津高阶〔plink〕To shoot casually at random targets.漫无目地射击:朝随意的目标胡乱地射击美国传统〔precision〕We can now choose our targets with greater precision.现在我们能以更高的精度选择目标。牛津搭配〔prime〕The couple became prime targets for press criticism.这对夫妇成了新闻界的主要批判对象。麦克米伦高阶〔probability〕The cluster bomb has a high kill probability against a range of small hard and soft targets.集束炸弹对一系列软硬小目标有很高的杀伤率。英汉大词典〔punctuality〕We will publish every four weeks how we are doing on punctuality and reliability compared with our targets.我们将把是否准时、可靠地实现目标的情况每四周公布一次。外研社新世纪〔push along〕Setting targets may be the best way to push things along.设定目标可能是推动事情向前发展的最好办法。外研社新世纪〔raid〕Soldiers carried out raids on enemy targets in the area.战士们执行了对该地区敌人目标的突袭。麦克米伦高阶〔raid〕The raids against military targets continued.对军事目标的突袭仍在继续。牛津搭配〔range〕A place equipped for practice in shooting at targets.射击场:用来进行射击练习的地方美国传统〔sale〕We did not reach our summer sales targets.我们未能达到夏季的销售指标。朗文当代〔selectively〕The advertisement selectively targets men between the ages of 18 and 24.那则广告选择性地针对18到24岁之间的男性客户。韦氏高阶〔set〕His job is to set targets for limiting greenhouse gases.他的工作是为限排温室气体设定目标。外研社新世纪〔set〕The agreement sets clear targets and timetables for the reduction of carbon emissions.该协定为减少碳排放量制定了明确的目标和时间表。麦克米伦高阶〔share〕We share responsibility for meeting the targets.我们都有责任为实现目标尽一份力。麦克米伦高阶〔showing〕Russell then asked for a show of hands concerning each of the targets.拉塞尔然后要求对每个目标进行举手表决。柯林斯高阶〔show〕Russell then asked for a show of hands concerning each of the targets.随后, 拉塞尔要求对目标逐个进行举手表决。外研社新世纪〔skeet〕A form of trapshooting in which clay targets are thrown from traps to simulate birds in flight and are shot at from different stations.双向飞碟射击:象征飞行中的小鸟的泥靶从弹射器中飞出,并从不同方向被射击的一种飞碟射击形式美国传统〔smart〕Until the advent of smart weapons, repeated attacks were needed to ensure the destruction of targets.在智能武器出现之前,为了摧毁目标必须对其进行反复的打击。剑桥高阶〔snatch〕Wealthy tourists are tempting targets for bag snatchers.富有的游客很容易成为抢包贼的目标。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕This missile would be effective against soft targets like cities.这种导弹用于摧毁城市之类软目标将是有效的。英汉大词典〔spearhead〕The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets.今天早晨,海军陆战队作为先头部队率先登陆以占领主要目标。柯林斯高阶〔spleen〕There were other targets for Mr Livingston's spleen.让利文斯顿先生大怒的还有其他一些人。柯林斯高阶〔spot〕To locate targets from the air during combat or training missions.侦察:在战斗中或训练中从空中探明目标位置美国传统〔strike〕An attack, especially a military air attack on a single group of targets.攻击:攻击,尤指对单组目标的军事空袭美国传统〔surgically〕The new figures cast doubt on the government's claim to have achieved a surgical strike against military targets.新的数字使人们对政府所声称的已经对军事目标实行了外科手术式打击产生了怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔take out〕Our mission is to take out two enemy targets.我们的任务是摧毁两个敌军目标。韦氏高阶〔target〕All the missiles hit the designated targets.所有导弹都击中了指定目标。外研社新世纪〔target〕Consumers in Japan and the Persian Gulf have become the latest targets for advertising campaigns.日本和波斯湾地区的顾客已经成为广告宣传的最新目标群体。外研社新世纪〔target〕Foreigners have become targets for attack by terrorists.外国人成了恐怖分子的袭击目标。麦克米伦高阶〔target〕He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation.他把矛头指向经济, 认为其是法治不断恶化的根源。外研社新世纪〔target〕He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation.他抨击经济是治安状况不断恶化的根源。柯林斯高阶〔target〕Hospital performance targets will not be met.医院的绩效目标将无法实现。牛津搭配〔target〕Jiang set annual growth targets of 8–9%.江确定了 8% 至 9% 的年增长目标。朗文当代〔target〕Managers must set targets that are realistic.经营者必须制定切合实际的目标。牛津搭配〔target〕Not many states will meet their targets for energy conservation.麦克米伦高阶〔target〕Planes struck at key military targets.飞机袭击的目标是军事重地。韦氏高阶〔target〕Railway stations are prime targets (=very likely targets) for bombs.火车站是炸弹袭击的主要目标。朗文当代〔target〕Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.给自己制订有望达到的指标。牛津高阶〔target〕She has always set herself very high targets.她总是给自己设定非常高的目标。牛津搭配〔target〕The CEO has set new targets for growth.首席执行官已确定了新的增长目标。牛津搭配〔target〕The archers were setting up their targets.射箭运动员正在竖靶子。牛津搭配〔target〕The company pays bonuses to workers who exceed production targets.公司给超额完成生产指标的工人发奖金。牛津搭配〔target〕The idea is helping staff to achieve their sales targets.销售目标麦克米伦高阶〔target〕The missile is intended to destroy military targets.导弹旨在摧毁军事目标。牛津搭配〔target〕The radar beam can track a number of targets simultaneously.雷达波束可以同时追踪多个目标。牛津搭配〔target〕The stationary trucks were sitting targets for the enemy planes.静止的卡车是敌机的活靶子。牛津搭配〔target〕Their best players are now targets for richer teams.他们的最佳球员现在成了财力更加雄厚的球队的转会对象。麦克米伦高阶〔target〕These people have been targets for quite a period of time.相当一段时间以来, 那些人一直是被抨击的对象。外研社新世纪〔target〕They bombed military and civilian targets.他们轰炸了军事和民用目标。牛津高阶〔target〕Trains are attractive targets for terrorists.火车对恐怖分子是很有诱惑力的目标。牛津搭配〔target〕We threw knives at targets.我们往靶子上掷飞刀。柯林斯高阶〔terrorist〕Aircraft remain likely terrorist targets.飞机仍然很可能是恐怖分子袭击的目标。牛津搭配〔track〕The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.军队用雷达卫星透过云雾和夜幕追踪目标。剑桥高阶〔twofold〕Their targets were twofold: inflation and unemployment.他们针对的目标有两个:通货膨胀和失业。外研社新世纪〔undershoot〕Sales had undershot targets by more than 30%.销售量比目标差了30%还多。外研社新世纪〔unleash〕Warships would unleash missiles to take out tactical targets.军舰将发射导弹来毁掉战术目标。外研社新世纪〔unrealistic〕Many people in the workplace are set completely unrealistic targets.该车间里的许多人被定以完全不现实的指标。麦克米伦高阶〔unrealistic〕Many were worried about unrealistic targets being linked directly to pay.很多人担心那些不切实际的目标会与报酬直接挂钩。外研社新世纪〔would〕The targets would not be achieved unless other departments showed equal commitment.除非其他部门同样努力,否则这些目标无法达成。柯林斯高阶〔youth〕The website targets unemployed youth.该网站针对的是失业青年。牛津搭配〔zero in on sth/sb〕Modern military aircraft use computers to help them zero in on their targets.现代军用飞机运用计算机来帮助瞄准目标。剑桥高阶Analysts queried whether the group would reach its financial targets.分析员对这个集团是否能达到其财务目标表示怀疑。牛津商务Before you set your targets, make sure that they are achievable.在你制定目标之前,要先确定它们是可以达到的。剑桥国际By using radar, infra-red sensors and lasers, crews can pick out either moving or stationary targets.通过使用雷达,红外传感器或激光,船员们能分辨出无论是活动的还是固定的目标。剑桥国际Companies saddled with high debt have become inviting targets for cash-rich competitors.负债累累的公司已成为拥有丰富现金的竞争对手的有诱惑力的目标。剑桥国际Companies that beat their sulphur dioxide targets can sell emission credits to those that exceed them.二氧化硫排放未超标的公司可以将排放权出售给那些已超标的公司。牛津商务Compare the targets with the actuals in Table 3.比较目标与表三中的实际数。牛津商务Government targets for increased productivity are described as “tough but manageable.” 政府增加生产力的目标被称为“艰巨,但可实现”。剑桥国际His fingerprints were found on the terrorists’hit list of 100 military and political targets.在恐怖分子的百名军事政治暗杀目标名单上,发现了他的指纹印。剑桥国际Line management is/are responsible for ensuring that production targets are met.部门经理负责确保达到生产目标。牛津商务Managers were rewarded with cash bonuses for reaching their targets.经理们因实现了他们的目标而得到了一笔奖金。牛津商务Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment / bombing of military and strategic targets continued unabated.同时,对军事和战略目标的大规模空中轰炸仍毫不减弱地继续着。剑桥国际Modern military aircraft use computers to help them zero in on (= aim weapons at) their targets.现代军用飞机使用计算机来帮助他们瞄准目标。剑桥国际Nowadays, smokescreens need to block not only visible light but also the infra-red sights that soldiers use to spot targets.现在,烟幕不仅需要能够遮挡可见光,还要求能挡住士兵用来发现目标的红外线。剑桥国际On the assumption that the increased production targets can be reached, I've ordered extra raw materials.由于断定增加生产的目标能够达到,我订购了更多的原料。剑桥国际Production targets are set for each branch, and branch managers who don't measure up don't last.生产指标下达至各个分部,未达标部门的经理将被撤职。剑桥国际Productivity bonuses are paid to staff meeting agreed targets.生产奖金按员工会议上商定的金额发放。牛津商务Radar satellites are used to track targets through clouds and at night.雷达卫星被用来穿过云层或在夜间跟踪目标。剑桥国际She said the profit targets were indicative rather than a firm commitment.她说利润目标是参考性的,而不是确实的保证。牛津商务Stagecoaches were easy targets for robbers because they travelled along certain routes at regular times.驿站马车对劫匪来说是容易到手的目标,因为它们总是在固定时间按固定路线行进。剑桥国际The targets for the year were based on a dollar/yen rate of 122 yen.当年的目标是按 1 美元对 122 日元的汇率设定的。牛津商务The army used precision-guided munitions to blow up enemy targets.军队用精确瞄准的枪炮炸掉敌方目标。剑桥国际The company's failure to meet sales targets resulted in serious problems.这家公司未能达到销售目标,导致了严重的问题。牛津商务The department has been set some very high attainment targets.这个部门规定了一些很高的业绩指标。剑桥国际The government has only a slim chance of meeting its economic targets.政府实现其经济目标的希望很渺茫。牛津商务The government has set targets for generating electricity by renewables.政府确定了使用可再生能源发电的目标。牛津商务The group is likely to meet its earnings targets this year.这个集团今年很可能实现其赢利目标。牛津商务The group is on track to achieve its ambitious growth targets.集团正稳步实现其雄心勃勃的增长目标。牛津商务The loss represents a 20% deviation from our financial targets. 这一亏损表示我们与财务目标有 20% 的偏差。牛津商务The military use radar satellites to track targets (= follow the direction they take) through clouds and at night.军队用雷达卫星透过云雾以及在晚上追踪目标。剑桥国际The oil refineries are the most likely targets of any missile strike.炼油厂是导弹最可能的攻击目标。剑桥国际The pilots said the retreating enemy forces presented a bounty of targets.飞行员们说正在撤退的敌人军队提供了大量的靶标。剑桥国际The sales targets proved unachievable.这些销售目标被证明是无法实现的。牛津商务The two foreign ministers have agreed to remove missiles that can strike at targets in each other's countries.两位外长就撤回以对方为攻击目标的导弹问题达成共识。剑桥国际Their marksmanship (= skill in shooting) is remarkable when you consider that in this competition they ski between targets and have a time limit.如果考虑到比赛是滑雪射击且有时间限制,那他们的射击技艺可以算非常精湛了。剑桥国际There are complaints that the government has been fudging figures to make it look as though targets have been met.有抱怨说,政府一直在捏造数据,使表面上看起来好像预定目标都达到了。剑桥国际These bombs have a guidance system which can pick up signals from targets on the ground.这些炸弹有一个引导系统可以从地面的目标获得信号。剑桥国际They are seeking new acquisition targets (= companies they want to buy).他们正在寻找新的收购对象。牛津商务They are seeking potential acquisition targets.他们正在寻找潜在的并购对象。牛津商务Tourists have been advised not to wear expensive jewellery in public places or they will become easy targets for thieves.旅游者被告诫别在公共场合戴贵重的首饰,否则很容易成为窃贼的目标。剑桥国际We are delivering on all the targets we set ourselves.我们正在实现自己定下的所有目标。牛津商务We are on track to achieve our year-end targets.我们正在稳步实现年终目标。牛津商务We have carried out a preliminary analysis of potential takeover targets.我们对潜在的收购目标进行了初步分析。牛津商务We have undershot our sales targets for the last two years.过去两年我们没有实现销售目标。牛津商务We miscalculated our financial targets for the year.我们错误估计了今年的财务目标。牛津商务We overachieved our targets.我们超过了预期的目标。牛津商务We're going to fall short of our sales targets for this year.我们达不到今年的销售目标了。牛津商务With some wily forward planning, we should be able to meet our financial targets.作一些明智的先期筹划,我们应该能够达到我们的财政目标。剑桥国际You will discuss how well you have achieved your targets with your appraiser at the end of the year.你将同你的鉴定人在年终讨论你的目标实现得如何。剑桥国际




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