

单词 schoolmates
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bear up with〕She bore up with her schoolmates.她与她的同学们并驾齐驱。21世纪英汉〔cadge〕He often cadged meals from his schoolmates.他常常吃同学们的便宜饭。21世纪英汉〔defence〕He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense.他意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。柯林斯高阶〔defence〕None of his schoolmates came to his defence.没有一个同学站出来维护他。外研社新世纪〔foreign〕Many of my schoolmates are foreign.我的许多同学是外国人。英汉大词典〔queer〕She queered herself with all her schoolmates by her bad temper.她的脾气不好,得罪了所有的同学。21世纪英汉〔rejigger〕It was said that his personal records were rejiggered by one of his schoolmates.据说他的个人档案被他的一个同学篡改过。21世纪英汉〔ridicule〕He was often ridiculed by his schoolmates because he wore thick spectacles.他因为戴了深度眼镜常受到同学们的戏弄。英汉大词典〔schoolmate〕He was a favorite with his schoolmasters but not his schoolmates.学校的老师们很喜欢他,但同学们对他并不待见。柯林斯高阶〔suffering〕The taunts of her schoolmates caused her intense mental suffering.同学的嘲笑使她精神上极度痛苦。牛津搭配〔unpopularity〕Her close relationship with the teacher increased her unpopularity among her schoolmates.她和那位老师的密切关系使她越来越不招同学待见。牛津搭配〔weakly〕He was a weakly child and bullied by his schoolmates.他身体孱弱, 经常被同学欺侮。外研社新世纪He spends more time with his schoolmates than he does with his family.他和同学们在一起的时候比和家人多。剑桥国际Louis was teased mercilessly (= very unkindly) by his schoolmates.路易斯被他的同学无情地戏弄。剑桥国际Pat and I were schoolmates in the sixties.帕特和我是六十年代的同学。剑桥国际




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