

单词 segregation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RACE〕Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives, as middle class black families shun white areas, preferring to live in suburbs of their own. 法律上的种族隔离也许是不存在了,但种族隔离的观念仍未消失,黑人中产阶级家庭会避开白人住宅区,宁愿住在自己人聚居的郊区。朗文写作活用〔RACE〕The US Supreme Court ruled in 1954 that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. 美国最高法院在1954年裁定在学校内实行种族隔离是违反宪法的。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Civil rights protestors called for an end to all segregation. 民权抗议者呼吁彻底结束种族隔离制度。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Racial segregation in schools still exists in some southern states. 南方有些州的学校依旧存在种族隔离制度。朗文写作活用〔ad seg〕Administrative segregation.行政隔离美国传统〔apartheid〕An official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.种族隔离制:南非共和国实行的一种官方的种族隔离政策,包括在政治、法律和经济诸方面对非白色人种的歧视美国传统〔apartheid〕The condition of being separated from others; segregation.隔离:与他人隔离的状态;隔离美国传统〔decision〕The U.S. Supreme Court's 1954 decision brought an end to racial segregation in public schools.美国最高法院1954年的判决结束了公立学校的种族隔离。韦氏高阶〔desegregate〕To abolish or eliminate segregation in.取消隔离:废除或取消隔离美国传统〔freedom march〕An organized protest march in support of civil rights, especially one aimed at ending racial segregation.反对种族歧视的示威游行:为支持公民权利南非进行的有组织的游行,目的为结束种族歧视美国传统〔petty apartheid〕A system of racial segregation that focuses principally on public places, such as restaurants, hotels, and public transportation.种族隔离政策:一种种族隔离体制,主要集中体现在公共场所,如饭店、旅店和公共交通美国传统〔purdah〕The Hindu or Moslem system of sex segregation, practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion.深闺制度:尤指使妇女处于隔离状态的印度或穆斯林的性隔离系统美国传统〔resegregation〕Renewal of segregation, as in a school system, after a period of desegregation.对…重新实行种族隔离:在种族隔离制度一度取消后重新实行的种族隔离,如在学校系统中美国传统〔segregate〕Genetics To undergo genetic segregation.【遗传学】 (基因)分离:经历基因分离美国传统〔segregate〕To practice a policy of racial segregation.实行种族隔离政策美国传统〔segregationist〕One that advocates or practices a policy of racial segregation.种族隔离主义者:提倡或实施种族隔离政策的人美国传统〔segregation〕Connecticut agreed to end its segregation of prison inmates suffering from AIDS.康涅狄格州同意不再隔离患艾滋病的囚犯。柯林斯高阶〔segregation〕Racial segregation in schools is no longer legal in the US.在美国,学校的种族隔离政策不再合法。麦克米伦高阶〔segregation〕The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.联邦最高法院一致裁定学校实行的种族隔离措施违反宪法。柯林斯高阶〔segregation〕There was no segregation of the teams the way there is now.现在实行的这种将各队分离开来的做法前所未有。外研社新世纪〔segregation〕They fought to end the segregation of public schools.他们为结束公立学校的种族隔离而斗争。韦氏高阶〔sequestration〕The act of sequestering; segregation.隐退:隐退的行为;隔离美国传统〔strike sth down〕The courts struck down local segregation laws because they violated the federal constitution.法庭裁决当地的隔离法非法,因为该隔离法违反宪法。剑桥高阶〔unit character〕A character inherited in accordance with Mendel's law of segregation.单位性状:与分异的门德尔定律相符合的特性美国传统Police security was tight for the match between Everton and Manchester United, and segregation of the opposing fans was strictly observed.在埃佛顿与曼彻斯特联队的比赛中,警方的安全控制相当严密,双方的球迷被严格地分隔开。剑桥国际The criminal faced segregation for unfixed periods. 这个罪犯面临无期隔离监禁。译典通The system of racial segregation that used to exist in South Africa was called apartheid.过去在南非存在的种族隔离的制度被称作种族隔离制。剑桥国际They refused to sanction segregation. 他们拒绝支持种族隔离。译典通




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