

单词 screwdriver
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Do me a favor - in that box over there, there's a screwdriver - can you hand it to me? 帮个忙一那边那个盒子里有一把螺丝刀一把它递给我好吗?朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕He took a screwdriver from his pocket and began loosening the screws that secured the steel bars to the window frame. 他从口袋里取出一把螺丝刀,动手把固定窗框上钢条的螺丝拧松。朗文写作活用〔Phillips〕A trademark used for a screw with a head having two intersecting perpendicular slots and for a screwdriver with a tip shaped to fit into these slots.菲利普斯式螺钉头:用来指有一个盖帽和两个垂直相交沟槽的螺钉的商标,也指一种有适合这些沟槽尖头的螺丝起子的商标美国传统〔TOOL〕A good tool kit should contain pliers, screwdrivers, and wire-cutters. 一套合用的工具应该包括手钳、螺丝刀和钢丝钳。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The emergency box contains a multi-purpose knife with screwdriver, scissors and a can-opener. 紧急备用箱里有一把集螺丝刀、剪刀和开罐器为一体的多用途小刀。朗文写作活用〔act〕A coin can act as a screwdriver.硬币可充当螺丝起子美国传统〔also〕The electric drill can also be used as a screwdriver.这把电钻也可用作螺丝刀。麦克米伦高阶〔anathema〕I cut short his incoherent anathemas by handing him a screwdriver.我递给他一把螺丝刀, 打断了他语无伦次的咒骂。外研社新世纪〔as〕An electric drill can also be used as a screwdriver.电钻也能当作改锥用。麦克米伦高阶〔driver〕A tool, such as a screwdriver or hammer, that is used for imparting forceful pressure on another object.打入工具:用于在另一物体上施加压力的工具,如螺丝刀或锤美国传统〔fish〕She fished in her tool box for the right screwdriver.她在工具箱里翻找合适的螺丝刀。剑桥高阶〔free〕He used a screwdriver to free the lock.他用螺丝刀撬开了锁。外研社新世纪〔gouge〕He gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.他用螺丝刀戳她的脸。外研社新世纪〔gouge〕He gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.他用螺丝刀戳她的脸颊。柯林斯高阶〔handy〕He's very handy with a screwdriver.他善于修修弄弄。朗文当代〔help〕With the help of a screwdriver, he managed to open the door.他借助螺丝刀打开了门。外研社新世纪〔knock〕Is there a screwdriver knocking about anywhere? 能在什么地方找到螺丝刀吗?朗文当代〔loosen〕With the aid of a screwdriver, loosen the two screws at each end.用螺丝刀松开两头的两个螺丝。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Can you pass that screwdriver over to me? 能把螺丝刀递过来吗?韦氏高阶〔prize〕She prized the lid off the can with a screwdriver.她用螺丝起子撬开罐头盖。麦克米伦高阶〔pry〕We finally managed to pry the door open with a screwdriver.我们最后设法用螺丝刀把门撬开。朗文当代〔puncture〕She had used a screwdriver to puncture two holes in the lid of a paint tin.她用螺丝刀在颜料罐的盖子上戳了两个洞。剑桥高阶〔purchaser〕I couldn't get any purchase with the screwdriver on the damn screws.我用螺丝刀拧那些该死的螺丝钉时一点也使不上劲儿。柯林斯高阶〔purchase〕I couldn't get any purchase on the screws with the screwdriver.我无法用螺丝刀把螺丝拧住。外研社新世纪〔put together〕You'll need a screwdriver to put the toy together.你需要一把螺丝刀把玩具组装起来。韦氏高阶〔screwdriver〕Al-Shehhi was drinking screwdrivers while a companion drank rum and Coke.阿尔希西在喝“螺丝起子”鸡尾酒, 一位同伴则在喝朗姆酒加可乐。外研社新世纪〔screwdriver〕He was fiddling with a screwdriver at the side of the skylight.他在天窗旁边摆弄一把螺丝刀。外研社新世纪〔stab〕Dean tried to stab him with a screwdriver.迪安试图用一把改锥捅他。柯林斯高阶〔stab〕Dean tried to stab him with a screwdriver.迪安试图用一把螺丝刀捅他。外研社新世纪〔stab〕She stabbed him in the arm with a screwdriver.她用螺丝刀在他胳膊上戳了一下。牛津高阶〔work〕Slowly he worked the screwdriver into the crack.他慢慢地把螺丝刀插进裂缝中。朗文当代He pried the box open with a screwdriver. 他用螺丝起子将箱子撬开。译典通I'll need that large screwdriver to loosen these screws.我需要那只大的螺旋起子旋松这些螺丝。剑桥国际She had used a screwdriver to puncture two holes in the lid of a paint tin.她用螺丝刀在颜料罐的盖子上戳了两个洞。剑桥国际You tighten (up)/loosen a screw with a screwdriver.你可以用螺丝刀旋紧/松螺丝。剑桥国际




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