

单词 simon
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mouthed〕Simon, their smart-mouthed teenage son.西蒙,他们十几岁的儿子,口齿伶俐柯林斯高阶〔AGE〕Simone is nearly fifteen years old. 西莫内快15岁了。朗文写作活用〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Simon & Schuster said it no longer wanted the smaller company because it did not fit into its global strategy. 西蒙舒斯特公司说,他们不再需要这家小公司了,因为它和他们的全球策略不相符。朗文写作活用〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕Don't be such a wimp, Simon. Tell her you want to break up. 别那么窝囊,西蒙。去告诉她你要和她分手。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Simon showed me how to work the video player. 西蒙向我演示如何操作这台放像机。朗文写作活用〔DRAW〕Simon was lying on the floor, doodling on a sheet of paper. 西蒙躺在地板上,在一张纸上乱涂画。朗文写作活用〔De〕Simon de Montfort西蒙•德•蒙特福特外研社新世纪〔ENTHUSIASTIC/UNENTHUSIASTIC〕Simon was an ambitious man, eager for power and prestige. 西蒙雄心勃勃,一心渴求显达。朗文写作活用〔FRIENDLY〕Simons sent his attorney to meet with the ranchers in hopes that they could still come to an amicable settlement. 西蒙斯派律师去见牧场主,期望他们仍能以友好的方式达成协议。朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕I want someone to practise first aid on. You'll do, Simon. 我需要有个人让我练习急救,就你吧,西蒙。朗文写作活用〔GRACEFUL〕Simon took out a long cigar and lit it elegantly. 西蒙拿出一支长长的雪茄,优雅地点燃了。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕I couldn't believe Simon had snubbed me at the party. 我真不敢相信西蒙在宴会上竟对我不理不睬。朗文写作活用〔INSIST〕I've offered to pay Simon for fixing my car, but he won't hear of it. 西蒙修好了我的车,我要付钱给他,可他执意不要。朗文写作活用〔LAUGH〕Simon sat reading a magazine, chuckling to himself. 西蒙坐在那里看着一本杂志,暗自发笑。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Simon has left me for his secretary, after fifteen years of marriage. 西蒙与我有15年的婚姻,他却离开了我去找他的秘书。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕I'm looking for Simon -- have you seen him? 我正在找西蒙—你看见过他吗?朗文写作活用〔MAN〕That Simon seems like a decent bloke. 那个叫西蒙的看上去像个不错的家伙。朗文写作活用〔MESSAGE〕Simon was not a member of either group so he seemed a good candidate to act as a go-between. 西蒙不属于两派中的任何一派,所以他看来是充当中间人的合适人选。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕Simon wanted to finish the conversation before he put his foot in it any further. 西蒙希望在自己说错更多话之前结束这场谈话。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕Simon knew that he needed to raise the money quickly. 西蒙知道他得快点筹集到这笔钱。朗文写作活用〔Master〕Nice to see you, Master Simon.很高兴见到你, 西蒙少爷。外研社新世纪〔PIECE〕Jack cut off a hunk of meat and handed it to Simon. 杰克切下一大块肉递给西蒙。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Feminists have long sung the praises of writers such as Germaine Greer and Simone de Beauvoir. 长久以来,女权主义者一直对像杰梅茵·格里尔与西蒙娜·德·波娃那样的作家大唱赞歌。朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children. 西蒙告诉苏珊他的婚姻是一种假象,只是看在孩子们的份上才维持着。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕Simon seemed confident, but privately he grew increasingly anxious. 西蒙看上去很有信心,但私下里他越来越焦虑。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕Simon Short, running for Scotland, is in the lead as they come round the final bend. 代表苏格兰队参加赛跑的西蒙·肖特在最后一个转弯处领先。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕Mr Simon Hughes, a company spokesman, spoke to reporters after the meeting. 公司发言人西蒙·休斯先生会后对记者讲了话。朗文写作活用〔Reverend〕The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons.这次礼拜仪式是由吉姆·西蒙斯牧师大人主持的。柯林斯高阶〔SAME〕On going back to visit the village after almost twenty years, Mrs Simons was surprised to find it unchanged. 差不多过了20年,西蒙斯夫人故地重游,看到那个村子还是老样子,感到很惊奇。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Simon knew he couldn't possibly provide a blood sample without implicating himself. 西蒙知道,如果提供了血样,就不可能不把自己牵涉进去。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕Simon always ordered the best. It was obvious that money was no object. 西蒙总是要最好的,显然钱不是问题。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕The accident left Simon with unsightly scars. 这起事故给西蒙留下了许多难看的疤痕。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Don't tell Simon that -- he might take it the wrong way. 这话别跟西蒙说—他可能会误解的。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕Simon was probably dead, and it was pointless to think he was coming back. 西蒙很可能已经死了,认为他会回来是没有意义的。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕Simon Mungford has been re-elected as party leader. 西蒙·芒福德再度当选为党的领袖。朗文写作活用〔abruptly〕I think Simon was hurt by your abruptness this afternoon.我觉得你下午的粗鲁行为对西蒙造成了伤害。柯林斯高阶〔abruptness〕I think Simon was hurt by your abruptness this afternoon.我觉得西蒙今天下午被你的失礼伤到了。外研社新世纪〔absorbed〕Simon was so absorbed in his book that he didn't even notice me come in.西蒙读书太入神了,我进来他都没有注意到。剑桥高阶〔acquaintance〕I first met Simon in 1998 and struck up an acquaintance with him.1998 年我初次见到西蒙并与他开始交往。牛津搭配〔affect〕As usual, Simon affected complete boredom.和平时一样,西蒙装出无聊之极的样子。朗文当代〔answer〕Simon got the job by answering an advert in the paper.西蒙通过应征报纸上的一则广告找到了工作。朗文当代〔as〕Simon isn't as tall as his brother.西蒙不如他兄弟高。麦克米伦高阶〔away〕Simon had been away a good deal lately.西蒙最近经常出门。柯林斯高阶〔away〕Simon is away with flu.西蒙感冒了,他不在。朗文当代〔back〕Simone was the kind of person who was always putting people's backs up.西蒙娜是那种老是惹人生气的人。朗文当代〔bag〕Simon hasn't been getting much sleep to judge by the bags under his eyes.从西蒙的眼袋就可以看出, 他没睡多少觉。外研社新世纪〔barrier〕She had been waiting for Simon to break down the barrier between them.她一直在等待西蒙打破他们之间的隔阂。柯林斯高阶〔beat〕Simon always beats me at tennis.西蒙打网球总是赢我。剑桥高阶〔bed〕Simon lay in bed thinking.西蒙躺在床上想事情。朗文当代〔bill〕Topping the bill(= the most important performer)is Paul Simon.领衔演出的是保罗 · 西蒙。牛津高阶〔breath〕Simon held his breath and dived under the surface.西蒙屏住呼吸,潜入水中。麦克米伦高阶〔bright〕Then, suddenly, Simon had a bright idea.然后, 西蒙突然想出了一个好主意。外研社新世纪〔bring ... down〕Helen brought Simon down very cleverly with her remarks.海伦非常巧妙地用几句话大挫西蒙的傲气。21世纪英汉〔but〕The score could have been higher but for some excellent goalkeeping by Simon.要不是西蒙几次出色的扑救,比分还会更高。朗文当代〔change〕Simon has a pocketful of change.西蒙有一口袋零钱。外研社新世纪〔character〕I can't understand why Simon refused to help; it seems so out of character.与某人的个性相符/不相符麦克米伦高阶〔clear-sighted〕Simon has a clear-sighted vision of the company's future.西蒙对公司的未来有精辟的见解。剑桥高阶〔come off it!〕Ask Simon to cook the meal? Come off it, he can hardly boil an egg! 叫西蒙去做饭?别瞎扯了,他连煮个鸡蛋都不会!剑桥高阶〔contact〕I have very little contact with Simon now.我和西蒙现在很少联系。牛津搭配〔curve〕Simons curved the ball around the goalkeeper and into the net.西蒙斯踢了个弧线球,绕过守门员直入网窝。麦克米伦高阶〔day〕Simon woke up the day after feeling dreadful.西蒙第二天起床时感觉很不舒服。外研社新世纪〔dead〕Good morning, Simone, and may I say I've never seen you looking lovelier?— Drop dead!早上好, 西蒙娜, 我觉得你比什么时候都漂亮!——滚开!外研社新世纪〔deepen〕Jeanne liked Simon as a friend but she did not want the relationship to deepen.作为朋友珍妮很喜欢西蒙,但她不想让这种关系加深。朗文当代〔departure〕I saw Simon shortly before his departure for Russia.西蒙去俄罗斯前不久我见过他。朗文当代〔desk〕Over now to Simon Ingram at the sports desk.现在交给体育组的西蒙·英格拉姆。柯林斯高阶〔dodgy〕Simon was rushed to hospital after eating what must have been dodgy prawns.西蒙吃了肯定已变质的对虾后被紧急送进医院。朗文当代〔drink〕Simon was drinking like a fish that evening.西蒙那天晚上喝了很多酒。牛津搭配〔entanglement〕Simone Hyam's romantic entanglement with Michael Winner西蒙娜·海厄姆与迈克尔·温纳的爱情纠葛外研社新世纪〔exchange〕He became involved in an ugly exchange with Simon.他与西蒙大吵了一场。英汉大词典〔explode〕Simon exploded with anger.西蒙勃然大怒。外研社新世纪〔eye〕The story is told through the eyes of Inspector Simon Potter.这个故事是从探员西蒙•波特的视角讲述的。外研社新世纪〔eye〕The story is told through the eyes of Inspector Simon Potter.这个故事是从西蒙·波特巡官的视角讲述的。柯林斯高阶〔fast〕Simon loves fast cars.西蒙喜欢速度快的汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔filthy〕Simon had been drinking and was in a filthy temper.西蒙一直在喝酒,气冲冲的。朗文当代〔find〕Simon spent a year in an ashram in India to find himself.为了寻找真正的自我,西蒙在印度的一处静修所呆了整整一年。剑桥高阶〔fitting〕It is only fitting that Simon propose the first toast tonight.今晚让西蒙第一个祝酒是最合适的。朗文当代〔flatter〕Simone flattered herself that she had had a small part in bringing about this change.西蒙娜自得地认为自己为这场变革的发生也贡献了绵薄之力。外研社新世纪〔follow〕She followed Simon with her eyes as he walked to the gate.西蒙走向大门口,她的目光一直追随着他。朗文当代〔foot〕Simon always manages to land on his feet.西蒙总是能化险为夷。麦克米伦高阶〔foot〕Simon and I got off on the wrong foot but we're good friends now.我和西蒙一开始关系不好,但是现在成了好朋友。朗文当代〔friend〕Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children.西蒙感到难以和其他孩子交朋友。牛津高阶〔guest〕Simon Rattle will be the guest conductor with the London Symphony Orchestra.西蒙‧拉特尔将在伦敦交响乐团担任客座指挥。剑桥高阶〔hard〕Simon was a much harder nut to crack than Natalie.西蒙比纳塔莉更难说服。外研社新世纪〔haste〕As Simon was under orders to make haste, some days they covered thirty miles.由于西蒙接到命令要加快速度, 有时他们一天会走上三十英里。外研社新世纪〔haste〕As Simon was under orders to make haste, some days they covered thirty miles.西蒙接到命令要求抓紧行动,有些日子他们一走就是30英里。柯林斯高阶〔heartily〕Simon slapped him heartily on the back.西蒙起劲地拍了拍他的后背。外研社新世纪〔home〕Simon feels very at home on a horse.西蒙骑马得心应手。牛津高阶〔hurl〕Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back.西蒙接住手榴弹,又把它大力掷了回去。柯林斯高阶〔impending〕He'd spoken to Simon that morning of his impending marriage.那个早上他已经对西蒙讲过他即将结婚的事了。柯林斯高阶〔ineffective〕Simon accused his lawyer of being ineffective.西蒙指责他的律师能力不够。外研社新世纪〔initially〕Initially, they were wary of Simon.一开始他们提防着西蒙。外研社新世纪〔initially〕Initially, they were wary of Simon.开始时他们对西蒙小心提防。柯林斯高阶〔irony〕Her voice heavy with irony, Simone said, "We're so pleased you were able to stay so long." (= Her voice made it obvious they were not pleased.) 西蒙娜口气里明显带有讽刺地说:“你能呆这么长时间,我们真高兴。”剑桥高阶〔knock〕Simon could knock a man unconscious with one punch to the jaw.西蒙一拳打在下巴上就能把人击昏。朗文当代〔level-headed〕Simon is level-headed and practical.西蒙为人头脑冷静,讲求实际。柯林斯高阶〔level-headed〕Simon is level-headed and practical.西蒙这个人稳重务实。外研社新世纪〔like〕And I'm like, give me a chance, Simon.我也一样,给我一个机会吧,西蒙。麦克米伦高阶〔look〕Look out for Simon or we shall miss him.留心等候着西蒙,免得我们把他错过。英汉大词典〔lovely〕Simon was there with the usual bevy of lovelies.西蒙在那里,身边还是那群美女。剑桥高阶〔lyric〕Paul Simon writes the lyrics for most of his songs.保罗‧西蒙的歌大多都是他自己写的词。剑桥高阶〔make an ass of yourself〕Simon always makes a complete ass of himself when he's had too much to drink.西蒙总是酒一喝多就丑态百出。剑桥高阶〔master〕Nice to see you, Master Simon.很高兴见到您,西蒙少爷。柯林斯高阶〔meet〕I think he might have met his match in Simon.我认为他遇到西蒙是棋逢对手了。朗文当代〔montage〕The show opened with a video montage of Simon and Garfunkel.节目一开始播放了西蒙和加芬克尔以蒙太奇手法剪辑的录像短片。外研社新世纪〔native〕Simon White was a native of Birmingham.西蒙•怀特是伯明翰本地人。外研社新世纪〔need〕This needn't take long, Simon.西蒙,这花不了多长时间。柯林斯高阶〔neurologist〕Dr Simon Shorvon, consultant neurologist of the Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy.西蒙·肖文博士,查尔芬特癫痫中心的神经病学顾问医师柯林斯高阶〔neurologist〕Dr Simon Shorvon, consultant neurologist西蒙•肖文医生, 神经病学顾问医师外研社新世纪〔niche〕Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.西蒙·莱恩很快找到了适合自己的位置,成了一名忙碌的模型制作的自由职业者。柯林斯高阶〔niche〕Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.西蒙•莱恩很快就找到了自己的定位, 成了一名忙碌的自由职业模型师。外研社新世纪〔off〕Simons Leatherwear, 37 Old Christchurch Road. 20 per cent off all jackets this Saturday.本周六老基督堂路37号的西蒙斯皮衣店所有夹克降价20%。柯林斯高阶〔oil〕I asked Simon to oil my back for me.我让西蒙帮我在背上抹油。朗文当代〔opposite〕The two men were complete opposites – Simon tall and fair, Clive short and dark.这两个人完全不同 — 西蒙身材高高的,肤色白皙,但克莱夫却又矮又黑。朗文当代〔ostentatious〕Although extremely wealthy, Simon and his family were never ostentatious.虽然西蒙一家人非常富有,但他们从不摆阔。麦克米伦高阶〔painstakingly〕Simon is taking years to painstakingly restore his French chateau.西蒙要花好几年时间来悉心修缮他的法国城堡。外研社新世纪〔pain〕I fetched the file, and all I got for my pains was a dirty look from Simon.我去拿来了文件,而我得到的回报竟是西蒙厌恶的一瞥。朗文当代〔pitching〕Simon pitched the empty bottle into the lake.西蒙把空瓶子扔到湖里。柯林斯高阶〔pitch〕Simon pitched the empty bottle into the lake.西蒙将空瓶子扔进了湖中。外研社新世纪〔pleased〕Marianne was none too pleased to find Simon seated beside her.玛丽安发现西蒙坐在她旁边, 不怎么高兴。外研社新世纪〔pleased〕Marianne was none too pleased to find Simon seated beside her.玛丽安娜发现西蒙坐在自己旁边很不高兴。柯林斯高阶〔precipitate〕Simon had just shot into the room in his usual precipitate fashion.西蒙刚刚和往常一样即刻冲进房间。外研社新世纪〔press〕Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage.西蒙见她犹豫不决,便趁机占尽优势。牛津高阶〔protectively〕Simon drove me to the airport and protectively told me to look after myself.西蒙开车将我送到机场, 关切地嘱咐我要好好照顾自己。外研社新世纪〔protectively〕Simon drove me to the airport and protectively told me to look after myself.西蒙开车送我到机场,并嘱咐我照顾好自己。柯林斯高阶〔real〕Simon was her first real boyfriend.西蒙是她第一个真正的男朋友。朗文当代〔rebellion〕Simon de Montfort rose in rebellion in 1258.西蒙・德・蒙福尔于 1258 年起来造反。牛津搭配〔recover〕Simon never recovered the use of his arm after the crash.蒂姆的胳膊自从那次撞车事故后就一直没有痊愈。麦克米伦高阶〔release〕Simon has obtained early release from prison.西蒙获准提早出狱。朗文当代〔retire〕One of the most serious injuries was to Simon Littlejohn, who was forced to retire from the race with a leg injury.伤势最重的人之一是西蒙·利特尔约翰,他腿部受伤,被迫退出了比赛。柯林斯高阶〔ring〕I'll ask Simon to ring you back when he gets in.等西蒙来了,我让他给你回电话。牛津高阶〔ring〕Why don't you ring (up) Simon and ask him to the party? 你为什么不给西蒙打电话请他来参加聚会呢?剑桥高阶〔room〕I think Simon is in his room(= bedroom).我看西蒙就在他自己的房间里。牛津高阶〔rumour〕Simon denied rumours that he was planning to visit Bulgaria later this month.西蒙否认了他打算本月晚些时候访问保加利亚的传闻。外研社新世纪〔rumour〕Simon denied rumours that he was planning to visit Bulgaria later this month.西蒙否认了他打算这个月晚些时候访问保加利亚的传闻。柯林斯高阶〔same〕That's funny, Simon said exactly the same thing.真有趣,西蒙说了一模一样的话。朗文当代〔search〕Simon searched his mind but couldn't come up with the answer.西蒙绞尽脑汁但想不出答案。麦克米伦高阶〔shuffle〕Simon shuffled awkwardly up to them.西蒙脚步踉跄地朝他们走去。牛津搭配〔sink〕As the search went on, Simon began to sink into despair.随着搜寻的继续,西蒙开始绝望了。麦克米伦高阶〔slacken〕Simon allowed his pace to slacken.西蒙把自己的脚步放慢了。外研社新世纪〔smitten〕Simon Fraser was smitten by the landscapes he found in the wild southwest of the United States.西蒙·弗雷泽深深地陶醉于自己在美国西南部所发现的这片原始美景中。柯林斯高阶〔split〕Just split the cake into three and leave one piece for Simon.把蛋糕分成3块,给西蒙留一块就行。麦克米伦高阶〔steady〕I like Simon very much – he's a very steady boy.我很喜欢西蒙——他是个很稳重的男孩。外研社新世纪〔steal〕Simon came stealing out of the shadows.西蒙悄无声息地从阴影中走了出来。外研社新世纪〔steel〕I was steeling myself to call round when Simon arrived.我正下决心准备去拜访时,西蒙来了。柯林斯高阶〔steel〕I was steeling myself to call round when Simon arrived.我正下定决心登门拜访, 这时西蒙来了。外研社新世纪〔subside〕Simon waited until the laughter subsided.西蒙一直等到笑声平息下来。朗文当代〔such〕Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, 'but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds,' he says.西蒙先生说他对税收本身并不反对,“但是我反对以虚假不实的理由巧立明目收税,”他说。柯林斯高阶〔such〕Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such.西蒙先生说他对税收本身并不反对。外研社新世纪〔summit〕Snow gleamed on the summit of Mount Simon.西蒙山山顶白雪皑皑。柯林斯高阶〔tears〕When Simon heard the news, he burst into tears.西蒙听到这个消息时放声大哭。外研社新世纪〔ten〕You get ten out of ten for effort, Simon.你非常努力,这一点要给你打满分,西蒙。朗文当代〔thankful〕Simon thankfully slipped off his uniform and relaxed.西蒙满怀庆幸地迅速脱下制服,放松了下来。柯林斯高阶〔through〕That's it! Simon and I are through.结束了! 我和西蒙已经完了。朗文当代〔tour〕Simon and Garfunkel's 2003 reunion tour 西蒙和加丰克尔的 2003 年重组巡演牛津搭配〔transcribe〕She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman.她正根据他的口述记录西蒙·福曼的日记。柯林斯高阶〔trivial〕Her feelings for Simon seemed trivial by comparison .相比之下,她对西蒙的感情就显得微不足道了。朗文当代〔turn〕Simon was good at turning on the charm at parties.西蒙擅长在聚会上施展魅力。朗文当代〔typify〕There's a more intelligent and articulate breed of disc jockeys, typified by university graduate Simon Mayo.有一类更具智慧和口才的电台音乐节目主持人, 大学毕业生西蒙•梅奥就是其中的典型代表。外研社新世纪〔upholstery〕Simon rested his head against the upholstery.西蒙把头靠在椅套上。外研社新世纪〔upholstery〕Simon rested his head against the upholstery.西蒙把头靠在椅套上。柯林斯高阶〔vague〕Simon had only the vaguest idea of where she worked.西蒙根本不清楚她在哪里工作。麦克米伦高阶〔vie〕Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.晚饭的时候,西蒙和朱利安从头到尾都在抢着向她献殷勤。朗文当代〔weighty〕Simon lifted a weighty volume from the shelf.西蒙从书架上取下一本厚重的书。外研社新世纪〔weighty〕Simon lifted a weighty volume from the shelf.西蒙从书架上取下一本厚重的书。柯林斯高阶〔well〕Simon doesn't work well under pressure.有压力西蒙就工作不好。朗文当代〔why〕Simon loves you – that's why he wants to be with you.西蒙爱你 — 所以他想和你在一起。朗文当代Simon Rattle will be the guest conductor with the London Symphony Orchestra.西蒙·拉特将是伦敦交响乐团的客座指挥。剑桥国际Simon always beats me at tennis.我和西蒙打网球老是输。剑桥国际Simon always makes a complete ass of himself (=behaves stupidly and looks ridiculous) when he's had too much to drink.西蒙酒一喝多,就总是会出乖露丑。剑桥国际Simon and I are living together--but not in the biblical sense (= we are not sexual partners).西蒙正和我住在一起----但我们并不是性伙伴。剑桥国际Simon and Ruth were fulsome in their compliments about the meal we cooked for them.西蒙和露丝对我们为他们烧的饭菜充满了溢美之词。剑桥国际Simon did/took three E's last night.西蒙昨晚吃了三片迷幻药。剑桥国际Simon has a clear-sighted vision of (=He is not at all confused about) the future of the company.西蒙对公司的未来有明确的见解。剑桥国际Simon is a confirmed bachelor (= He is unlikely ever to want to get married) .西蒙是一个铁杆的独身主义者。剑桥国际Simon is a manager of a venture capital company/firm/group/fund.西蒙是一家风险资本公司/商号/集团/基金的经理。剑桥国际Simon is really enjoying being a dad.西蒙正享受着做爸爸的乐趣。剑桥国际Simon is so unfit--he gets winded just from walking up a flight of stairs.西蒙的健康状况不佳----他只爬了一段楼梯就喘不过气来。剑桥国际Simon isn't sure whether he'll be able to come to the party or not. 西蒙无法确定他是否能来参加晚会。剑桥国际Simon jumped for joy (= was very happy) when he got his exam results.西蒙得知了考试结果,高兴得直蹦。剑桥国际Anne simulated pleasure at seeing Simon, but really she wished he hadn't come.安妮看到西蒙时装得很高兴,但实际上她希望他不要来。剑桥国际As a child Simon was often kept in after school (= forced to stay in school as a punishment).西蒙小时候常常被要求课后留下。剑桥国际During the discussion, Simon made several sharply observant comments.西蒙在讨论时发表了一些犀利透彻的评论意见。剑桥国际I refuse to give money to any busker playing Simon and Garfunkel.我拒绝付钱给任何演奏西蒙和加芬克尔的街头艺人。剑桥国际I thought the meal Simon ordered in the restaurant looked nicer than mine, and he thought mine looked better, so we did a swap (= exchanged them).在饭店里我觉得西蒙点的菜比我点的好,可他却觉得我的比他的好,于是我们作了交换。剑桥国际Invite Emlyn--and Simon as well.邀请埃姆林----还有西蒙。剑桥国际Long after all the others had left the (dance) floor (=the area on which people dance), Donna and Simon were still dancing.其他人都离开舞池很长时间后,唐娜和西蒙还在跳舞。剑桥国际Paul Simon writes the lyrics (= words of a song, esp. a modern popular one) for most of his own songs.保罗·西蒙为其本人的大部分歌曲填写了歌词。剑桥国际Perhaps you would have a quiet word with Simon (= gently explain to him) about the problem.也许你可以和气地向西蒙解释一下这个问题。剑桥国际The work ethic was never very strong in Simon.西蒙的劳动观念从来都不是很强。剑桥国际This month's centrefold is Tammy Simons.本月杂志的中页人物是塔米·西蒙斯。剑桥国际




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