

单词 simmons
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BLAME〕Simmons was tried and cleared of all charges. 西蒙斯经审讯后洗清了对他的所有指控。朗文写作活用〔HELLO〕Hello, I'm Alan Simmons. I work in the production team. 你好。我是艾伦·西蒙斯。我在生产部工作。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕The recording features Norman Simmons on piano and Henry Johnson on guitar. 这首乐曲中诺曼·西蒙斯弹钢琴,亨利·约翰逊弹奏吉他。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕Simmons is a frequent guest on daytime TV talk shows. 西蒙斯是日间电视访谈节目的常客。朗文写作活用〔blue-eyed boy〕Simmons, the blue-eyed boy of motor racing, has won again.西蒙斯,这位赛车运动的宠儿,又赢了。麦克米伦高阶〔destroy〕The scandal destroyed Simmons and ended his political career.这桩丑闻毁了西蒙斯,终结了他的政治生涯。朗文当代〔grounded〕Simmons says that her family keeps her grounded .西蒙斯说她的家人使她对自己始终有清醒的认识。朗文当代〔impress sth on/upon sb〕Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.西蒙斯先生力图让我明白,如果我能更有条理,我的生活会更安逸。剑桥高阶〔master〕Determined to be his own master, Simmons quit in 1998 and started working freelance.西蒙斯一心要自己支配自己,于是在 1998 年辞去工作干起了自由职业。朗文当代〔specialize〕Simmons specialized in contract law.西蒙斯专攻合同法。朗文当代〔test〕The results of the DNA test proved that Simmons was the rapist.DNA 测试证明西蒙斯是强奸者。朗文当代




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