

单词 sentence
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PRISON〕a fifteen-year prison sentence 15年的刑期朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕a phrase or sentence that is well-known or often used 众所周知或经常使用的短语或句子朗文写作活用〔analyse〕analyse a sentence 对句子作语法分析英汉大词典〔capital〕a capital sentence 死刑判决英汉大词典〔capital〕the capital sentence 死刑宣判文馨英汉〔commutation〕a commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment 由死刑改为无期徒刑的减刑英汉大词典〔conditional〕a conditional sentence 条件句英汉大词典〔construct〕construct a sentence 造句英汉大词典〔correct〕a grammatically correct sentence 语法上正确的句子麦克米伦高阶〔death sentence〕to be given/to receive the death sentence for murder 因谋杀罪被判死刑牛津高阶〔death〕a death sentence 死刑英汉大词典〔detention〕a sentence of 12 months' detention in a young offender institution 在青少年教养院拘禁 12 个月的判决牛津高阶〔determinate〕a sentence with a determinate meaning 具有确定意义的句子牛津高阶〔determinate〕a determinate prison sentence of five years 五年确定刑期监禁朗文当代〔directly〕a sentence quoted directly from the Latin original 直接引自拉丁原文的句子英汉大词典〔drill〕a drill in sentence patterns 句型的反复练习文馨英汉〔everyplace〕and one can conclude that the sentence would be inappropriate in formal writing.于是就可得出以上这个句子在正式的书写中是不适宜的美国传统〔explicative〕an explicative sentence 说明句英汉大词典〔face〕face a sentence of five years' imprisonment 面临5年徒刑的判决 英汉大词典〔felon〕felons who have served their sentence 服完刑的重罪犯牛津搭配〔grammatical〕a grammatical (= grammatically correct) sentence 语法正确的句子剑桥高阶〔grammatical〕a grammatically correct sentence 语法上正确的句子牛津高阶〔hanging〕to sentence sb to death by hanging 判处某人绞刑牛津高阶〔imperative〕an imperative sentence 祈使句牛津高阶〔impose〕impose a light sentence on a first offender 对初犯者从轻判处英汉大词典〔imposition〕the imposition of a life sentence on the defendant 对被告终身监禁的判决韦氏高阶〔imprisonment〕commute the sentence to life imprisonment 减刑改判无期徒刑英汉大词典〔inclement〕the harsh sentence of an inclement judge 冷酷法官的严厉判决英汉大词典〔incorrect〕a grammatically incorrect sentence 有语法错误的句子韦氏高阶〔lean〕a lean sentence 简短有力的句子英汉大词典〔leniency〕the undue leniency of the sentence 判刑过轻牛津搭配〔member〕a one-member sentence 单部句(或单成分句)英汉大词典〔mete〕the two year sentence meted out to a convicted child molester对猥亵儿童犯处以两年的刑期外研社新世纪〔motoring〕a three-month sentence for motoring offences.因违法驾车而被判3个月徒刑柯林斯高阶〔nine〕a nine-month prison sentence 9个月的刑期剑桥高阶〔nohow〕can nohow figure out the meaning of the sentence 怎么也弄不懂这句子的意思英汉大词典〔pass〕pass a sentence of imprisonment of 2 years 宣布判处2年徒刑英汉大词典〔periodic〕a periodic sentence 掉尾句(要到句尾文意才完全的句子)文馨英汉〔perpetrate〕perpetrate an ungainly sentence 造出一句不像样的句子英汉大词典〔prison〕serve a ten-year prison sentence 服10年徒刑英汉大词典〔probationary〕a two-year probationary sentence 两年缓刑的判决英汉大词典〔probation〕three years' probation under suspended sentence of one year's imprisonment 1年徒刑缓刑3年英汉大词典〔public nuisance〕the 45-day jail sentence he received for causing a public nuisance after taking part in a demonstration他在参与游行之后因妨害公共罪被判入狱45天外研社新世纪〔punctuate〕an improperly punctuated sentence 标点不合理的句子韦氏高阶〔recast〕recast a sentence 改写一个句子英汉大词典〔remit〕remit a prisoner's sentence (punishment) 赦免犯人的徒刑(处罚) 英汉大词典〔remit〕to remit a prison sentence 免除徒刑牛津高阶〔sentence〕a prisoner serving a sentence for robbery 因抢劫而在服刑的一名囚徒朗文当代〔sentence〕an eight-year sentence for burglary 因入室盗窃被判 8 年徒刑牛津搭配〔sentence〕serve a life sentence for murder 因杀人罪服无期徒刑英汉大词典〔sentence〕the opening sentence of the novel 小说开首句牛津搭配〔slashing〕a three month sentence for slashing 因砍人而判处的3个月徒刑英汉大词典〔stay〕deny a stay of sentence 拒绝推迟判决英汉大词典〔structure〕a sentence of loose structure 结构松散的句子英汉大词典〔structure〕the grammatical structure of a sentence 句子的语法结构剑桥高阶〔sublineate〕to sublineate a sentence with black dots在一句话下加重要性黑点儿21世纪英汉〔turn〕a well-turned sentence 文采优美的句子英汉大词典〔ungrammatical〕an ungrammatical sentence 不符合语法的句子韦氏高阶〔unrighteous〕an unrighteous sentence 不当的课刑英汉大词典〔well-formed〕a well-formed sentence 合格句英汉大词典




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