

单词 skating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕Hardy was permanently banned from professional figure skating. 哈迪被终生禁止参加职业花样滑冰比赛。朗文写作活用〔BALANCE〕It's hard enough just keeping my balance on ice, let alone actually skating on it. 要我在冰上站稳就已经够费力的了,更别说在上面溜冰了。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕We went skating on Saturday. I kept falling over, but it was a good laugh. 我们星期六去滑冰了—我老是摔跤,不过很好玩。朗文写作活用〔HARD〕The water in the lake used to freeze most winters, and then it was good for skating. 以前湖水在冬天大都要结冰,那时候就可以溜冰了。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕The skating rink will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. during summer vacation. 暑假里滑冰场的营业时间是早上8点到晚上8点。朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕The ice skating show features twelve Olympic and world champions. 滑冰表演有12位奥运会冠军和世界冠军参加。朗文写作活用〔active〕We stay/keep active during the cold winter months by skiing and ice skating.在寒冬时节,我们通过滑雪和溜冰来保持活力。韦氏高阶〔back-check〕To check or defend against an ice hockey opponent while skating back toward one's own goal.后场阻挡:冰上曲棍球比赛中滑回本方球门区时阻挡或防御对方球员美国传统〔be skating on thin ice〕He's skating on thin ice by lying to the police.他对警方撒谎真是冒险之举。剑桥高阶〔camel〕Sports A spin in figure skating that is performed in an arabesque or modified arabesque position.【体育运动】 自旋:花样滑冰中的一种自旋运动,其表演方位较为奇异美国传统〔case〕Take your skates in case you decide to go skating.把冰鞋带去,说不定你们会要滑冰呢。英汉大词典〔clear〕He was cleared by doctors to resume skating in August.他得到医生的许可在八月份重新开始滑冰。朗文当代〔come〕Why don't y ou come skating tonight? 今晚来溜冰好吗?牛津高阶〔complete with〕The school has built a new sports complex, complete with a skating rink.学校新建了综合体育场馆,里面有一个溜冰场。韦氏高阶〔cup〕She's won several cups for skating.她已多次荣获滑冰比赛的奖杯。牛津高阶〔exclusive〕Our figure skating club has exclusive use of the rink on Mondays.我们的花样滑冰俱乐部每星期一包场使用溜冰场。朗文当代〔exercise in〕He exercises himself in singing (或 skating, boxing).他练习唱歌(或滑冰、拳击)。21世纪英汉〔figure skating〕Ice skating in which the skater traces prescribed, usually elaborate figures.花样滑冰:滑冰者按指定的步伐表演的滑冰,通常指精心安排的式样美国传统〔figure〕A pattern traced by a series of movements, as in ice skating.花式:如溜冰中的一组系列动作的型式美国传统〔footwork〕Sports The manner in which the feet are used or maneuvered, as in boxing or in figure skating.【体育运动】 步法:如在拳击或花样滑冰中,使用或移动脚的方法美国传统〔free skating〕Freestyle ice skating.自由式滑冰美国传统〔freeze〕When the lake freezes (over) (= turns into ice on the surface), we can go skating on it.湖面结冰后,我们可以在上面滑冰。剑桥高阶〔give in〕I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes.我不断缠着父母,直到他们最终让步,给我报了溜冰班。柯林斯高阶〔go skating〕We used to go skating on the pond every winter.过去我们每年冬天都在池塘上溜冰。韦氏高阶〔ice show〕An entertainment consisting of figure skating, ice dancing, acrobatic stunts, and buffoonery performed by ice skaters.冰上舞蹈表演:一种冰上娱乐,包括由滑冰者表演的花样滑冰、冰上舞蹈、杂技和滑稽表演美国传统〔ice skate〕A shoe or light boot with a metal runner or blade fitted to the sole, used for skating on ice.冰鞋,冰刀:后跟处装有金属助跑器或刀状物的鞋或轻便长靴,用于滑冰美国传统〔ice-skate〕To engage in skating on ice.滑冰:从事滑冰运动美国传统〔ice〕Don't be late again, Hugo – you're skating on thin ice.别再迟到了,雨果 — 你会有麻烦的。朗文当代〔ice〕People were skating on the ice.人们在溜冰。牛津搭配〔ice〕You're skating on thin ice (= you're taking a risk).你这是在冒险。牛津搭配〔into〕Freezing temperatures have transformed the lake into a skating rink.零下几度的气温把湖面变成了溜冰场。麦克米伦高阶〔layback〕A spin in figure skating in which the skater's upper body is arched backward.后仰滑:单人滑中一种旋转,滑冰者的上身向后弯曲美国传统〔medal〕She medaled in figure skating in the Olympics.她在奥运会上获得了花样滑冰的奖牌。韦氏高阶〔moreover〕I don't want to go skating and, moreover, the ice is too thin.我不想去滑冰,再说,冰也太薄了。英汉大词典〔next to〕Next to skiing my favourite sport is skating.我最喜欢的运动除了滑雪就是溜冰。牛津高阶〔old〕I'm not coming skating. I'm too old for that now.我不来滑雪了。 如今我年纪大了,玩不了那玩意儿了。朗文当代〔pad〕She wears elbow and knee pads when she goes skating.她滑冰时戴护肘和护膝。韦氏高阶〔popularization〕Irving Brokaw popularized figure skating in the US.欧文·布罗考在美国引发了花样滑冰热潮。柯林斯高阶〔popularize〕Irving Brokaw popularized figure skating in the U.S.欧文·布罗考使花样滑冰在美国得以推广。外研社新世纪〔practice〕An ice-skater keeps in practice by skating every day.滑冰运动员每天滑冰,使技术保持熟练。英汉大词典〔push off〕His ankle injury prevented him from pushing off with his left foot when he was skating.他脚踝受了伤,所以滑冰时左脚使不上劲。韦氏高阶〔qualify〕She qualified for a spot on the U.S. Olympic speed skating team.她取得了加入美国奥林匹克速滑队的资格。朗文当代〔represent〕She represented the United States in figure skating at the Olympics.她代表美国参加了奥运会的花样滑冰项目。韦氏高阶〔rink〕A building that houses a surface prepared for skating.溜冰房:为滑冰准备有一表面的房子美国传统〔rink〕An area surfaced with smooth ice for skating, hockey, or curling.溜冰场:表面为光滑冰面的场地,用来滑冰、打冰上曲棍球或玩冰上溜石游戏美国传统〔roller skate〕A shoe or boot with two or four wheels or casters attached to its sole for skating on hard surfaces.旱冰鞋:一种用于在坚硬地面上滑行的鞋子或靴子,鞋底有两个或四个轮子或小脚轮美国传统〔roller-skate〕The craze for roller skating spread throughout the U.S.滑旱冰在全美风靡一时。柯林斯高阶〔roller-skate〕To engage in roller skating.穿溜冰鞋滑行美国传统〔salchow〕A move in figure skating in which the skater jumps from one skate, completes a full rotation, and lands on the other skate.(花样滑冰中的)后内结环一周跳:花样滑冰中,运动员一脚起跳,完成一周后一脚落地美国传统〔skate ski〕A short lightweight snow ski designed to be used with a rapid skating motion on relatively level ground.溜冰滑板:轻型短滑雪板,结合快速滑雪动作在较平坦地面上滑行美国传统〔skater〕They all went skating together in the winter.他们冬天一起去溜冰。柯林斯高阶〔skate〕It was so cold that we were able to go skating on the lake.天气极冷,我们能到湖上去滑冰了。牛津高阶〔skate〕Let's go skating tomorrow.我们明天去滑冰吧。剑桥高阶〔skate〕The President was accused of skating over the issue of the homeless.总统被指责在无家可归者的问题上轻描淡写。朗文当代〔skate〕The act or a period of skating.滑冰:滑冰的动作或一次滑冰美国传统〔skating〕Let's go skating at the pond.我们去池塘溜冰吧。麦克米伦高阶〔skating〕No skating is allowed in the parking lot.停车场禁止溜冰。韦氏高阶〔skating〕We used to go skating on the lake in cold winters.我们过去常常在寒冷的冬天到湖上去滑冰。牛津搭配〔skating〕We went skating in Central Park.我们去中央公园溜冰了。朗文当代〔sociable〕She was, and remained, extremely sociable, enjoying dancing, golf, tennis, skating and bicycling.她从过去到现在一直非常热衷于交际,喜欢跳舞、打高尔夫球、打网球、溜冰、骑自行车。柯林斯高阶〔sound〕He was carefully skating along the shore, sounding the ice.他小心地沿着海岸溜冰,探测着冰的厚度。英汉大词典〔sport〕I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.我喜欢滑雪、滑冰之类的冬季运动。剑桥高阶〔thaw〕I'll go skating before the thaw.趁着还未解冻,我要去滑冰。英汉大词典〔uptown〕There's a skating rink uptown.市郊有一个溜冰场。柯林斯高阶As usual the skating duo got full marks for technique but were marked down on artistic expression.这个双人溜冰在技巧方面得了满分,但在艺术表演方面得分却不高。剑桥国际He's skating on thin ice (= doing something risky or dangerous) by lying to the police.他向警察撒谎不啻是在薄冰上滑冰(冒险)。剑桥国际His remarks about the skating champion are sour grapes. 他对那个溜冰冠军的批评是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。译典通I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.我喜欢像滑雪、溜冰之类的冬季运动。剑桥国际She displayed her skating skills to the judges during her performance.她在表演中向裁判展露了自己的滑冰技巧。剑桥国际She has an abiding passion for ice skating.她对滑冰怀着永无终止的热情。剑桥国际Skiing and skating are winter sports.滑雪与溜冰是冬季运动。剑桥国际When the lake freezes (over) (=turns into ice on the surface), we can go skating on it.当湖面结了冰,我们就可以在上面滑冰了。剑桥国际




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