

单词 sides
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETERMINED〕Firm action would show both sides that the EU and the UN really meant business. 坚决的行动将向双方显示欧盟与联合国是十分认真的。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕The two sides had agreed to differ. 双方同意彼此保留不同的意见。朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕It is important that social workers don't take sides in family disputes. 社会工作人员在解决家庭纠纷时不该偏袒任何一方,这很重要。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕It was a fierce battle, and losses on both sides were heavy. 那是一场激烈的战斗,双方伤亡都很惨重。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕The negotiations won't make any progress unless one of the sides puts forward fresh proposals. 除非其中一方提出新的建议,否则谈判不会有任何进展。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕Although they were under heavy fire from all sides, they managed to get the wounded off the battlefield. 虽然四面八方都有炮火猛烈的射击,他们还是设法把伤员运出了战场。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕One of its sides was covered with intricate patterns. 其中的一面有复杂的图案。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕The car brushed the hedges on both sides of the narrow lane. 汽车轻轻擦过狭窄的小巷两边的树篱。朗文写作活用〔agreement〕The two sides failed to reach agreement.双方未能取得一致意见。牛津高阶〔alley〕Sports Either of the parallel lanes at the sides of a tennis court, which widen the inbounds area for doubles play.【体育运动】 单打与双打界线间空地:网球场边的平行狭长地带,加宽了界内场地,可进行双打比赛美国传统〔along〕Houses had been built along both sides of the river.沿河两岸已盖起了房屋。牛津高阶〔ao dai〕The traditional dress of Vietnamese women, consisting of a long tunic that is slit on the sides and worn over loose trousers.袄代:越南妇女的一种传统服装,两边开叉的束腰长袍,穿在宽松的裤子外边美国传统〔arbitrate〕I've been asked to arbitrate between the opposing sides.对立的双方请我作个公断。剑桥高阶〔astraddle〕Across or over both sides.横穿,跨过两边美国传统〔astride〕Situated on both sides of.横跨:位于…两侧美国传统〔attaché case〕A slim briefcase with flat, rigid sides, hinges, and usually a lock.手提公文箱:一种轻薄的,面扁平且硬,有铰链的手提箱,通常有锁美国传统〔back〕Both sides have refused to back down.双方都不肯退让。朗文当代〔balanced〕The programme presented a balanced view of the two sides of the conflict.节目公平地反映了冲突双方的情况。牛津高阶〔balance〕Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.收支平衡:在帐目中借方和贷方总数相等美国传统〔bargain〕Finally the two sides struck a bargain(= reached an agreement).双方最终达成了协议。牛津高阶〔bargain〕It was impossible to strike a bargain that both sides would accept.达成协议麦克米伦高阶〔bilge〕The rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides.舭:形成船底与船侧之间的船体的圆曲部分美国传统〔block〕A solid piece of a hard substance, such as wood, having one or more flat sides.硬块:有一个或多个平面的坚硬的固体块,如木料美国传统〔blood〕The conflict continued for years, with a lot of blood spilled on both sides.杀人;造成死亡麦克米伦高阶〔bolster〕Both sides offered statistics to bolster their arguments.双方都拿出统计数字来支持他们的论点。英汉大词典〔border〕There has been fighting on both sides of the border.边境两端一直有战斗。牛津搭配〔breakdown〕Both sides blamed each other for the breakdown of talks.双方都指责对方导致了谈判的破裂。剑桥高阶〔bridge〕It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.双方不可能消除分歧。外研社新世纪〔bridge〕It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.双方不太可能消除彼此之间的分歧。柯林斯高阶〔budge〕Both sides say they will not budge.双方都说绝不让步。外研社新世纪〔catwalk〕A narrow, often elevated walkway, as on the sides of a bridge or in the flies above a theater stage.狭窄甬道:狭窄的、通常升空的过道,如桥的侧边或戏院舞台上布景控制处的过道美国传统〔cinquefoil〕Architecture A design having five sides composed of converging arcs, usually used as a frame for glass or a panel.【建筑学】 五瓣花饰,梅花形装饰:一种图案,有由凸弧组成的五边,常用作玻璃框架或窗格美国传统〔circular〕Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk.沿着这条环行线路走一圈, 河的两岸就都可以看到了。外研社新世纪〔come to〕The two sides finally came to an agreement/understanding after many hours of discussion.经过长达数小时的讨论,双方终于达成协议/共识。韦氏高阶〔compass〕Suddenly enemies compassed them on all sides.敌人突然从四面八方将他们包围。21世纪英汉〔condemnation〕The plan has drawn condemnation from both sides.那项计划遭到了双方的谴责。韦氏高阶〔confused〕The situation remains confused as both sides claim success.由于双方均宣称获胜,形势依然不明朗。柯林斯高阶〔contact〕There has been no direct contact between the two sides in the dispute.争论的双方还没有直接的接触。麦克米伦高阶〔continual〕She faces continual pressure from all sides.她一直承受着来自各方的压力。外研社新世纪〔cost〕Both sides incurred costs of over $50 000.双方须付 5 万多美元的诉讼费用。牛津搭配〔curtain off〕The booth was curtained off on three sides.这个货摊有三面都用帘子围上了。韦氏高阶〔dark-field microscope〕A microscope in which an object is illuminated only from the sides so that it appears bright against a dark background.暗(视)场显微镜:一种显微镜,其中的物体只能从旁边被照亮以致在暗的背景下显得明亮美国传统〔decagon〕A polygon with ten angles and ten sides.十边形:有十个角和十条边的多边形美国传统〔demobilization〕Both sides have agreed to demobilize 70% of their armies.双方都同意各自遣散70%的军队。柯林斯高阶〔demobilize〕Both sides have agreed to demobilize 70% of their armies.双方同意各自裁军70%。外研社新世纪〔desire〕Both sides feel a real desire for peace.双方都真切地期望和平。韦氏高阶〔desirous〕Both sides were desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem.双方都渴望找到迅速解决问题的办法美国传统〔difference〕We're going to get the two sides together to see if they can't settle their differences.我们打算把双方召集到一起看他们是否能解决分歧。牛津搭配〔dipteral〕Architecture Having a double row of columns on all sides, as certain Greek temples.【建筑学】 双排柱式的:如一些希腊神庙那种拥有两排廊柱的建筑物美国传统〔drop〕His arms dropped limply to his sides.他的双臂无力地垂到了身体两侧。牛津搭配〔equilateral〕Having all sides or faces equal.等边的:所有边或面都相等的美国传统〔eventual〕Both sides were happy with the eventual outcome of the talks.双方对会谈的最终结果感到满意。朗文当代〔exchange〕The two sides exchanged artillery, rocket and machine-gun fire for several hours.双方用大炮、火箭弹和机枪持续交火数小时。外研社新世纪〔eye〕We are under the eyes of both sides all the time.我们一直都在双方的密切监视下。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕The sides of the ridge fall away steeply.这道山梁两侧的斜坡很陡。韦氏高阶〔feed〕Both sides in the conflict feed off old suspicions.冲突双方加深了旧有的猜疑。麦克米伦高阶〔fire〕Being attacked from two sources or sides simultaneously.两面夹击:受两面夹击,腹背受敌美国传统〔flatcar〕A railroad freight car without sides or a roof.平车:一种没有侧板或盖板的铁路货车美国传统〔friction〕There was some friction between the two sides.双方有些冲突。牛津同义词〔fruitful〕It was a most fruitful discussion, with both sides agreeing to adopt a common policy.这是一次富有成果的讨论,双方达成一致采用共同的政策。剑桥高阶〔girding (up) its loins for〕Both sides are girding themselves for battle.双方都在为战斗做准备。韦氏高阶〔gird〕Both sides are girding for battle.双方都在准备战斗。韦氏高阶〔give〕Both sides will have to give on some issues.在一些问题上双方都作了让步美国传统〔gloss〕Both sides attempted to put the best possible gloss on the agreement.双方都试图极力美化这项协议。麦克米伦高阶〔gutter〕A candle gutters when the melted wax runs down its sides.融化的蜡从蜡烛的边上淌下时,蜡烛产生融流。21世纪英汉〔heat〕They feel the heat on all sides.他们感受到来自方方面面的压力。英汉大词典〔hexagram〕A figure of six lines or sides.六线形:有六条线或边的几何图形美国传统〔hillside〕I was back in wine country, with terraced hillsides on both sides of the road.我回到葡萄酒之乡,道路两旁的山坡上都是梯田。牛津搭配〔hip roof〕A roof having sloping edges and sides.四坡屋顶,斜截头屋顶:有倾斜的长边短边的屋顶美国传统〔honour〕The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire.双方同意履行一项新的停火协定。外研社新世纪〔hostility〕Both sides are calling for a cessation of hostilities.双方都呼吁停战。韦氏高阶〔interested〕I wasn't interested enough in the argument to take sides one way or the other.我对这场争论的兴趣不足以让我表态支持这边或者那边。牛津搭配〔intervene〕The city lay on both sides of an intervening river.那个城市坐落在一条穿过市区的河岸两侧。英汉大词典〔jockey〕Already, both sides are jockeying to belittle the other side.双方已经在使出浑身解数贬低对方了。柯林斯高阶〔landscape〕The path is landscaped with willows along its two sides.小路两旁柳树成行,景色宜人。21世纪英汉〔landward〕Rebels surrounded the city's landward sides.叛军包围了该市的近陆地区。外研社新世纪〔lash〕The oars were lashed to the sides of the boat.桨拴在船的两侧。朗文当代〔lick〕The waves licked the sides of the boat.浪花轻拍着小舟的船舷美国传统〔link〕The bridge links the two sides of the river.那座桥连接河的两岸。英汉大词典〔loan out〕It is common practice for clubs to loan out players to sides in the lower divisions.俱乐部常把球员租借给低组别的球队。外研社新世纪〔manifest〕Both sides have manifested a stubborn unwillingness to compromise.双方都表明坚决不愿妥协。韦氏高阶〔many-sided〕Having many sides.多边的美国传统〔merry〕Neighbours approached their boundaries from opposite sides and made merry together.邻居们从对面来到他们这边,一起尽情欢乐。柯林斯高阶〔mesa〕A broad, flat-topped elevation with one or more clifflike sides, common in the southwest United States.平顶山:一种宽阔的平顶高地,一面或多面呈绝壁状,多见于美国西南部美国传统〔moor〕Boats were moored on both sides of the canal.船只停泊在运河的两边。文馨英汉〔mortar〕The two sides exchanged fire with artillery, mortars and small arms.双方交火时动用了大炮、迫击炮和轻武器。柯林斯高阶〔nappy〕A round, shallow cooking or serving dish with a flat bottom and sloping sides.(上菜用的)平底浅盘:有一敞口圆形底的浅菜盘或鱼盘美国传统〔negotiate〕The two sides began negotiating for a new contract.双方开始协商签订一项新合同。外研社新世纪〔nonagon〕A polygon with nine sides.九边形美国传统〔normalization〕The two sides would like to see the normalization of diplomatic relations.双方都愿意看到外交关系正常化。外研社新世纪〔nose〕Hold your nose(=press the two sides of it) and put your head under the water.捏住鼻子,然后把头伸入水中。麦克米伦高阶〔octagonal〕Having eight sides and eight angles.八角形的:有八条边和八个角的美国传统〔opposite〕They represent opposite sides of the issue.他们代表了这个问题对立的两个方面。韦氏高阶〔pass〕The machine is able to print on both sides in a single pass.这台机器能够同时打印纸张的两面。韦氏高阶〔patch〕The meeting was intended to patch up relations between the two sides.会议旨在修复双边关系。麦克米伦高阶〔peace〕After many years of war, people on both sides were longing for peace.经过多年的战争,双方人民都渴望和平。韦氏高阶〔pentagon〕A polygon having five sides and five interior angles.五边形:有五条边和五个内角的多边形美国传统〔peripheral〕The talks made progress on peripheral issues, but failed to resolve the main dispute between the two sides.这些会谈推动了次要问题的进展,却并未能解决双方的主要纷争。麦克米伦高阶〔phraseology〕This careful phraseology is clearly intended to appeal to various sides of the conflict.这种谨慎的措词显然是有意迎合冲突各方。柯林斯高阶〔phraseology〕This careful phraseology is clearly intended to appeal to various sides of the conflict.这种谨慎的措辞显然是为了迎合冲突各方。外研社新世纪〔picket〕A white fence picketed the yard on three sides.白色栅栏把院子三面护围了起来。21世纪英汉〔pinion〕The captive's arms were pinioned to his sides.俘虏的双臂被绑在身体的两侧。英汉大词典〔point〕Stand with your arms at your sides and your hands pointing downward.站立时手臂放在身体两侧,双手下垂。韦氏高阶〔porpoise〕The penguins porpoised away on all sides.企鹅向四面八方跳去。21世纪英汉〔posturing〕There's been a lot of posturing on both sides.双方有很多时候都是在装腔作势。外研社新世纪〔profitable〕The meeting was profitable to both sides.会谈对双方都有所裨益。外研社新世纪〔pursue〕He urged all sides in the conflict to pursue peace.他敦促冲突各方寻求和平。麦克米伦高阶〔quadrate〕Having four sides and four angles; square or rectangular.四边形的:带有四条边或四个角的;长方形或正方形的美国传统〔reciprocal〕He spoke of the necessity for a reciprocal relationship that would be useful for all sides.他谈及需要建立对各方都有益的互惠关系。朗文当代〔reconciliation〕The treaty has brought a new spirit of reconciliation on both sides.条约使双方产生了新的和解精神。朗文当代〔reinforced〕Both sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterday's fierce fighting.双方经过昨天的激战后都在向各自的阵地增派兵力。柯林斯高阶〔rendering〕The rendering on two sides of the house needed to be removed.这座房子两边墙上的灰泥必须得去掉。剑桥高阶〔righteously〕Both sides in the dispute have been adopting a tone of moral righteousness.纠纷双方说起话来都是冠冕堂皇。柯林斯高阶〔right〕Both sides are convinced that they are in the right.双方都认为自己有理。朗文当代〔role〕Both sides have roles to play.双方都各有自己的角色。柯林斯高阶〔run/go deep〕The anger runs deep on both sides.双方积怨很深。剑桥高阶〔save〕We're looking for a compromise that allows both sides to save face.我们正在寻找一个折中的方法,可以让双方都不失面子。麦克米伦高阶〔screw〕Next screw the back and sides of the box together.下一步把盒子的背面和侧面拧在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔settle〕Both sides are looking for ways to settle their differences.双方都在寻求消除分歧的方法。柯林斯高阶〔sheltered〕The farmyard was well sheltered with buildings on three sides.这个农家院三面都有楼房,遮得很严实。牛津搭配〔shingle〕A thin oblong piece of material, such as wood or slate, that is laid in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a house or other building.木瓦:一种长方形的薄片,由木头或板岩等材料制成,搭接铺成行,用于覆盖房子或其它建筑物的房顶或侧面美国传统〔shovel hat〕A stiff, broad-brimmed, low-crowned hat, turned up at the sides and projecting in front, worn by some English clergymen.铲形宽边帽:一种英国教士戴的硬挺的、宽边的低顶帽子,侧部向上翻起,前面突出美国传统〔shroud〕Nautical One of a set of ropes or wire cables stretched from the masthead to the sides of a vessel to support the mast.【航海】 左右支索,侧支索:从桅顶伸至船侧用以支撑桅杆的一组绳索或缆绳中的一根美国传统〔side〕A square has four sides.正方形有4条边。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕A triangle has three sides.三角形有三条边。英汉大词典〔side〕Both sides of his family are Irish.他父母的祖先都是爱尔兰人。韦氏高阶〔side〕Both sides struggled to find any sort of form.两队竞相争取最佳表现。牛津搭配〔side〕He switched sides and joined the opposition.他转换立场加入了敌对派。牛津搭配〔side〕He told us not to write more than three sides.他告诉我们写字不要超过三面纸。牛津高阶〔side〕I am learning a lot on all sides.我正从各方面学到很多东西。英汉大词典〔side〕I was getting complaints from all sides.我接到了来自各方的投诉。外研社新世纪〔side〕I wrote three sides.我写了三页。外研社新世纪〔side〕I'm not going to take sides. They're both my friends.他们俩都是我的朋友, 我不会选边站。外研社新世纪〔side〕I'm not taking sides in this argument.支持某人;偏袒一方麦克米伦高阶〔side〕Lift the cake gently away from the sides of the dish.轻轻地把蛋糕从盘子边拿起来。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕Red cloth decorated the front and sides of the platform.讲台的正面和侧面装饰着红布。韦氏高阶〔side〕There are two sides to every question.任何问题都有两个方面。英汉大词典〔side〕We heard both sides of the argument.我们听过了辩论双方的意见。牛津高阶〔side〕Well, I can see both sides . They both have a point.嗯,我明白双方的意见,都有道理。朗文当代〔side〕You should season both sides of the steak before you grill it.煎牛排之前你应该把肉的两面都涂上调味汁。韦氏高阶〔side〕Your cv should be short—two sides of a sheet of A4 paper should normally be enough.简历应力求简短,通常A4纸两面的篇幅就足够了。柯林斯高阶〔sign sth away〕Under the treaty, both sides will sign away a third of their nuclear weapons.根据该条约的规定,双方将签字放弃他们三分之一的核武器。剑桥高阶〔sit〕Both sides are prepared to sit down to long talks.双方都准备进行长时间的谈判。英汉大词典〔skew arch〕An arch having sides not at right angles to the face of its abutments.斜拱:侧边与桥礅的面不成直角的拱美国传统〔slab-sided〕Having flat sides.侧面平坦的:有扁平的侧面的美国传统〔small arms〕The two sides exchanged small arms fire for about three hours.双方用轻武器交战了约 3 个小时。柯林斯高阶〔smooth〕She spoke to both sides in the dispute in an attempt to smooth things over.她和争执双方谈话,试图进行调解。牛津高阶〔solution〕Both sides are trying to find a peaceful solution .双方都在努力寻找和平的解决方法。朗文当代〔solve〕We hope the difficulty can be solved by getting the two sides together to discuss the issues.我们希望把双方召到一起共同讨论能解决问题。牛津搭配〔spirit〕Both sides have come together in a spirit of goodwill.双方都本着友善态度聚到了一起。牛津搭配〔splay〕An oblique angle or bevel given to the sides of an opening in a wall so that the opening is wider on one side of the wall than on the other.八字面,斜削面,倾斜面:通过一定倾斜的角度或锥面使墙上的洞的一边比另一边更宽阔美国传统〔sponsor〕Given the strength of pressure on both sides, the superpowers may well have difficulties sponsoring negotiations.迫于来自对方的强大压力,两个超级大国想要组织谈判肯定会有困难。柯林斯高阶〔story〕I can't decide until I've heard both sides of the story.双方的说法都听了以后我才能作决定。牛津高阶〔straddle〕To appear to favor both sides of an issue.观望:模棱两可或不明确说出的立场美国传统〔stull〕A platform braced against the sides of a working area in a mine.横梁:矿井内工作区旁的平台美国传统〔suggestion〕There is no suggestion that the two sides are any closer to agreeing.没有任何迹象表明双方在取得共识方面更进了一步。外研社新世纪〔suspension〕Both sides are now working towards a suspension of hostilities.现在双方都在朝着消除敌意的方向努力。朗文当代〔swing〕Let your arms swing freely at your sides.让手臂在身体两侧自由摆动。牛津搭配〔switch〕He switched sides just days before the election.就在竞选的前几天他改变了立场。朗文当代〔talk〕Both sides in the dispute are now willing to talk.争论的双方现在愿意商谈。韦氏高阶〔talk〕The two sides in the dispute say they are ready to talk.争执双方说他们愿意商谈。牛津高阶〔thinking〕Thinking people on both sides will applaud this book.双方有头脑的人都会称赞这本书。外研社新世纪〔thrash〕Both sides hope to thrash out an agreement by next week.双方都希望下周能通过商谈达成协议。麦克米伦高阶〔toast〕Toast the bread lightly on both sides.把面包两面都微微烘烤一下。牛津搭配〔toast〕Toast the bread lightly on both sides.把面包片两面都稍稍烤一下。外研社新世纪〔toast〕Toast the bread lightly on both sides.稍稍烘烤面包两面。柯林斯高阶〔together〕During the talks, the two sides came a little closer together.在谈判中,双方的关系稍微密切了一些。麦克米伦高阶〔tricorn〕A hat having the brim turned up on three sides.三角帽:一种帽沿的三边都朝上翻起的帽子美国传统〔trilateral〕Having or involving three sides, countries, or parties.三边的:有三条边的或涉及到三条边、三个国家或三方的美国传统〔truce〕The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides.最近几天的交战结束了,双方达成了暂时的休战协议。柯林斯高阶〔turn on sth〕The success of the talks turns on whether both sides are willing to make some concessions.会谈成功与否取决于双方是否愿意作出些让步。剑桥高阶〔vendetta〕The two sides have been engaged in a bitter private vendetta .双方有着很深的私仇。朗文当代〔volleies〕Cannon volleyed on all sides.大炮从四面八方齐发。21世纪英汉〔window box〕One of the vertical grooves on the inner sides of a window frame for the weights that counterbalance the sash.窗锤箱:在窗框内侧的垂直沟槽,用于放置平衡窗框的吊索和吊窗锤美国传统〔work towards〕The government expressed hope that all the sides will work towards a political solution.政府表示希望各方为实现政治解决而努力。外研社新世纪After some serious parleying, both sides agreed to settle their differences.经过几轮严肃的谈判,双方同意解决他们的分歧。剑桥国际Air force pilots sometimes stencil (= form using a stencil) slogans on the sides of their aircraft.空军飞行员有时会在他们的飞机侧面用模板刷上标语。剑桥国际An accord signed by the two sides in January brought a formal end to the war in Bougainville.双方于1月份签订的协议正式结束了布干维尔岛的战争。剑桥国际Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.冲突双方同意暂时停战。剑桥国际Both sides involved in the conflict made some concessions in yesterday's talks.在昨天的谈判中冲突双方都作了些让步。剑桥国际Both sides offered statistics to bolster their arguments. 双方都拿出统计数字来支持他们的论点。译典通Despite the deep antipathies between them, the two sides have managed to negotiate an agreement.尽管他们之间芥蒂很深,双方还是坐下来谈判一项协议。剑桥国际Differences between the two sides run deep (= are serious).双方的分歧变得更严重了。剑桥国际If the two sides conflict with each other again, it will be disastrous for party unity.如果双方再起冲突,对全党团结将是个灾难。剑桥国际It's a well-rounded article which is fair to both sides of the dispute.这是一篇面面俱到的文章,对争论的双方都很公平。剑桥国际No agreement was reached and both sides prepared to do battle (= fight or argue with each other).双方尚未达成协议,准备展开论战。剑桥国际Recent months have seen a pattern of tit-for-tat killings between the two sides.近几个月双方已经历了以牙还牙式的屠杀。剑桥国际The United Nations tried to bring the warring sides to terms to put an end to the war.联合国试图迫使交战方结束战争。剑桥国际The books have been a publishing sensation on both sides of the Atlantic, and they have spent months on the best-seller lists.这些书引起了大西洋两岸出版界的轰动,它们在畅销书单上风光了几个月。剑桥国际The government is not prepared to send troops into a situation in which they would face potshots from both the sides involved in the civil war.政府不准备派部队到一个受到内战双方两面夹攻的环境中去。剑桥国际The names of ships are usually painted on their sides.船的名字通常漆在船的侧面。剑桥国际The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.双方都欢迎这项和平倡议。剑桥国际The teacher gave both sides of the argument a fair hearing. 老师公正地听了争论双方的申诉。译典通The two sides agreed on a cease-fire. 双方达成了停火协议。译典通The two sides have been involved in ongoing political wrangling.双方已被卷入了无休止的政治争论中。剑桥国际The two sides have reached an agreement to divide the money into two equal parts.双方已取得一致意见,把钱分成相等的两份。剑桥国际The two sides met to try to break (= end) the deadlock on/over funding for a pay deal.双方会面试图打破在工资协议上有关筹资问题的僵局。牛津商务They were taught how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships. 有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔。译典通Trees along the sides of roads can reduce traffic noise.行道树可以降低交通噪声。剑桥国际We nearly split our sides laughing/with laughter watching Paul trying to get the dog to go in the bicycle basket.当我们看见保罗正试图把狗放进自行车斗里时,我们忍不住哈哈大笑起来。剑桥国际




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