

单词 serve with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Dilute the syrup with an equal volume of water, stir and serve with ice. 用等量的水稀释糖浆,搅拌后加冰块吃。朗文写作活用〔Yorkshire pudding〕A popoverlike quick bread served with roast beef, made by baking a batter of eggs, flour, and milk in the drippings of the beef.约克郡布丁:一种与烤牛排一同食用的膨松饼状的速制面包,用鸡蛋、面粉、牛奶和牛肉肉汁等烘焙而成美国传统〔adobo〕A Philippine dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish seasoned with garlic, soy sauce, and spices and served with rice.阿都波:一种由海菜及肉或鱼做成的菲律宾菜肴,用咖喱、酱油和香料作调料,佐以米饭美国传统〔assorted〕The meat is served with salad or assorted vegetables.端上的肉配有色拉或什锦蔬菜。牛津高阶〔baby〕Serve with baby new potatoes.配上小个的新土豆。柯林斯高阶〔bap〕The soup was served with a bap.这道汤上的时候配有一个大面包卷。外研社新世纪〔bitok〕A dish made from ground meat mixed with milk, bread, and onions to form patties that are fried and served with a sour-cream sauce.酸奶小馅饼:由加有牛奶、面包和洋葱的碎肉制成的用酸奶油汁炸的小馅饼美国传统〔bollito misto〕A mixture of vegetables and various meats, such as chicken, veal, beef, and sausage, cooked in a broth and usually served with a mustard-fruit sauce.蔬菜杂烩肉:蔬菜杂烩肉,如鸡肉、牛肉、牛排和香肠等,炖成肉汤,常伴着芥子酱用美国传统〔café au lait〕Coffee served with hot milk.牛奶咖啡:带热牛奶的咖啡美国传统〔chip〕All main courses are served with chips or baked potato.所有的主菜都配有炸土豆条或烤土豆。牛津高阶〔choice〕The meal is served with a beverage of your choice.配餐饮料可自选。韦氏高阶〔chop suey〕A Chinese-American dish consisting of small pieces of meat or chicken cooked with bean sprouts and other vegetables and served with rice.炒杂碎:一道由肉片或鸡片与豆芽及其它蔬菜等做成与米饭同食的美式中国菜美国传统〔crème fraîche〕Serve with creme fraîche or clotted cream.食用时浇鲜奶油或浓缩奶油。外研社新世纪〔crêpe suzette〕A thin dessert pancake usually rolled with hot orange or tangerine sauce and often served with a flaming brandy or curaçao sauce.苏珊薄饼卷:一种上面卷有热的橙汗或橘汁的甜薄饼卷,食用时浇上点燃的白兰地或库拉索酒沙司美国传统〔cube〕Serve with cubed bread.和小面包块一起食用。柯林斯高阶〔dessert〕Coffee and tea will be served with dessert.咖啡和茶将随甜点一起上。韦氏高阶〔distinction〕He served with distinction in the First World War.他在第一次世界大战中战功卓著。牛津搭配〔duff〕It is always served with plum duff.这道菜总是与李子布丁一起上。外研社新世纪〔ease〕She returned her opponent's serve with contemptuous ease.她不把对手放在眼里,轻而易举地回击了对手的发球。牛津搭配〔enchilada〕A tortilla rolled and stuffed usually with a mixture containing meat or cheese and served with a sauce spiced with chili.玉米卷饼:一种卷肉的辣薄玉米饼,通常包卷及填充混有肉、奶酪的馅,且常蘸着辣酱食用美国传统〔flanken〕A dish prepared from this cut of beef by boiling or stewing, often served with horseradish.后肋牛排:一道用牛肋肉煮或炖制而成的菜,常拌以辣根美国传统〔gnocchi〕Dumplings made of flour, semolina, or potatoes, boiled or baked and served with grated cheese or a sauce.意大利汤团:以面粉、粗粒面粉或马铃薯做成的馅团,煮或烤后配以干酪或汤汁美国传统〔green salad〕Serve with a green salad.上菜的时候配一份生菜色拉。牛津高阶〔hasty pudding〕Cornmeal mush served with maple syrup, brown sugar, or other sweetening.玉米粥:和着槭糖浆、黄糖或其它糖类制成的玉米粥美国传统〔ice cream〕Desserts are served with cream or ice cream.甜点上加奶油或冰淇淋。牛津高阶〔ladle〕To lift out or serve with a long-handled spoon.用长柄的勺子舀出来或盛美国传统〔mole〕A spicy sauce of Mexican origin, made with unsweetened chocolate and a variety of chilies and spices and usually served with meat or poultry.墨西哥巧克力辣沙司:一种源自墨西哥的辛辣调味酱,是由未加甜味的巧克力和各种干辣椒及调味品制成,通常给肉或家禽等菜肴调味美国传统〔peel〕Serve with a twist of lemon peel.放上一小卷柠檬皮再端上来。外研社新世纪〔plain〕Serve with plain rice or noodles.和白米饭或面条一起上。外研社新世纪〔salad〕A dish consisting of green, leafy raw vegetables, often with radish, cucumber, or tomato, served with a dressing.沙拉:由绿色有叶生菜制成的一道菜,常加有萝卜、黄瓜或西红柿,并加调味品食用美国传统〔salad〕Is the steak served with a side salad? 牛排加配色拉吗?牛津搭配〔saltimbocca〕Scallops of veal, rolled and stuffed with sage, spiced ham, and cheese, sautéed and served with a wine sauce.意式煎小牛肉火腿卷:小牛肉的边缘卷成卷并填有鼠尾草,调过味的火腿和奶酪,煎过后随酒酱一同上美国传统〔sashimi〕A Japanese dish consisting of very thin, bite-size slices of fresh raw fish, traditionally served with a sharp tasting sauce.生鱼片:一种日本菜肴,由切的薄而小的新鲜生鱼,传统上掺有芥末酱一并食用美国传统〔schav〕A chilled soup made with sorrel, onions, lemon juice, eggs, and sugar and served with sour cream.酸凉汤:由酢酱草、洋葱、柠檬汁、鸡蛋和糖做成的凉汤,配有酸奶油美国传统〔serve〕She was served with a summons to appear in court.她被法院传唤出庭。麦克米伦高阶〔serve〕The delegates were served with a wonderful meal.代表们受到款待,吃了一餐美味佳肴。牛津搭配〔serve〕The town is well served with buses and major road links.这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的联接也很发达。牛津高阶〔shortcake〕A dessert consisting of a crisp, light cake served with fruit and topped with cream.水果酥饼:一种上面盖有奶油和水果一起吃的甜食美国传统〔side order〕The chicken was served with a side order of potato salad.鸡肉是与另点的土豆色拉同时上桌的。外研社新世纪〔table wine〕An unfortified wine considered suitable to be served with a meal.佐餐酒:一种被认为适于用餐时饮用的淡酒美国传统〔tea〕An afternoon refreshment consisting usually of sandwiches and cakes served with tea.下午茶:下午喝的包括三明治和蛋糕的提神饮料美国传统〔when〕Tonic water makes a refreshing drink when served with ice and lemon.奎宁水和冰、柠檬混在一起喝令人精神振奋。麦克米伦高阶〔with〕Cookies are just the thing to serve with tall glasses of real lemonade.曲奇就应该搭配高脚杯的天然柠檬汁一起享用。柯林斯高阶〔writ〕He has been served with a High Court writ.他收到了高等法院的传票。牛津搭配Each main dish is served with an assortment of seasonal vegetables.每一道主菜都配上有季节特色的蔬菜。剑桥国际Each person served with a summons will be given six weeks before they have to appear in the magistrates court.每一个收到传票的人都将在六星期后在地方法院出庭。剑桥国际The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract.这家公司因为违约已收到法庭令状。牛津商务The smoked ham was served with pickles, celery and thin slices of red pepper.熏火腿伴有泡菜、芹菜、和薄片的红辣椒。剑桥国际The town is well served with buses and major road links.这个小镇有众多公交线路,通往主干公路也很方便。牛津商务The vegetable curry is served with rice and lentils.蔬菜咖喱酱和米饭、兵豆一起端了上来。剑桥国际




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