

单词 save from
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-saving〕Spurs could have had several goals but for some brilliant saves from John Hallworth.要不是约翰·霍尔沃思几次精彩的扑救,热刺队原本可以射进好几个球。柯林斯高阶〔Noah〕In the Old Testament, the patriarch who was chosen by God to build an ark, in which he, his family, and a pair of every animal were saved from the Flood.诺亚:在旧约圣经中,被上帝选去建造方舟的大主教,藉此方舟,诺亚、其家人以及每种动物各一对,在大洪水中保全了性命美国传统〔SAVE〕Michael was saved from choking to death by Susie. 迈克尔差点儿噎死,苏茜救了他。朗文写作活用〔axe〕Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe.患者都很高兴,因为当地那家医院未遭关闭。牛津搭配〔axe〕Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe.病人高兴的是当地医院得以免遭关闭。牛津高阶〔clear〕The children were saved from the fire only because a neighbour pulled them clear.孩子们能从火灾中幸存下来,多亏了一位邻居把他们拉出火场。剑桥高阶〔closure〕The mine has been saved from closure.矿场免遭关闭。牛津搭配〔conservation〕Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation.在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救出来美国传统〔death〕He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.他奇迹般地从死亡线上获救。牛津搭配〔destruction〕The building must be saved from destruction.必须挽救这栋大楼免遭摧毁。麦克米伦高阶〔dubiously〕The company was repeatedly saved from bankruptcy by dubiously legal injections of state funds.这家公司屡次面临破产, 却因获得合法性可疑的国家基金注入而幸免于难。外研社新世纪〔format〕When text is saved from a Web page, it is often very badly formatted with many short lines.从网页上转存文本时,往往会出现许多短行,格式也乱了。柯林斯高阶〔freedom〕Many slaves bought their freedom with what they saved from farming.许多奴隶用耕作攒下的钱赎回自由身。外研社新世纪〔luck〕It was sheer luck that we were saved from drowning.我们被救了起来没有淹死,那全靠运气。朗文当代〔mine〕Some of his books were saved from the fire, but most of mine are missing.他的书籍中有一些从大火中抢救了出来,可我的书大部分都丢失了。英汉大词典〔nonentity〕This collection of essays is saved from nonentity by the stature of the contributors.因作者声誉较高,这本文集才不至归于沉寂。剑桥高阶〔oblivion〕The book has been saved from oblivion.这部书得以免于湮没。英汉大词典〔pick sb/sth up〕The crew of the sinking tanker were picked up (= saved from the sea) by helicopter.即将沉没的油轮上的船员被直升机救了上来。剑桥高阶〔reprieve〕He was saved from the electric chair by a last-minute reprieve.最后一刻的死刑缓刑令把他从电椅上解救了下来。牛津搭配〔salvage〕Something saved from destruction or waste and put to further use.抢救出来的财物:从毁坏或浪费中抢救出来的东西以备将来之用美国传统〔salvage〕To save from loss or destruction.抢救:从损失或毁坏中救出美国传统〔save〕Martin made a brilliant save from Nichol's shot.马丁做了个精彩的救球动作,挡住了尼科尔的射门。朗文当代〔self-indulgence〕He prayed to be saved from self-indulgence.他祈祷自己能从自我放纵中摆脱出来。柯林斯高阶〔watery〕She was rescued from a watery grave(= saved from drowning).她从龙王爷那里被救了回来。牛津高阶As a result of his seamanship they avoided the rocks and the ship was saved from disaster.他的航海技术使他们避开了礁石,轮船安全逃离了灾难。剑桥国际By the grace of God, we have been saved from death. 谢谢上帝的慈悲,我们得救了。译典通He was saved from disaster only by the fleetness (=speed) of his horse.他只是因为马跑得快才幸免于祸。剑桥国际The children were saved from the fire only because a neighbour pulled them clear.孩子们从火灾中幸存下来只因一位邻居把他们拉出火场。剑桥国际The collection of essays is saved from nonentity by the stature of the contributors.论文集由于作者的高水平而不同凡响。剑桥国际The crew of the sinking tanker were picked up (= saved from the sea) by helicopter.正在下沉的油轮上的船员被直升飞机救了起来。剑桥国际The money saved from the cessation of the road project will be invested in public transport.停止筑路项目省下的资金将投入公共交通。剑桥国际




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