

单词 slight
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adjustment〕a slight adjustment to the mechanism 对机械装置的略微调节朗文当代〔agitation〕a slight agitation of leaves in a breeze 树叶在风中微微的颤动英汉大词典〔ambiguity〕the slight ambiguity surrounding the results of the elections关于选举结果的些许不确定外研社新世纪〔build〕a man of slight (sturdy) build 体格瘦小(健壮)的人英汉大词典〔burn〕a slight burn on the back of her hand 她手背上的一处轻度烧伤牛津搭配〔deflation〕the slight feeling of deflation that almost inevitably follows a farewell每次离别后不可避免的沮丧感外研社新世纪〔diminution〕despite a slight diminution in asset value.尽管资产价值略有减少柯林斯高阶〔droop〕the slight droop of her mouth 她的嘴微微下垂牛津高阶〔exhibit〕exhibit a slight nervousness 显得略微紧张不安英汉大词典〔flare〕a skirt with a slight flare 下摆略张的裙子牛津高阶〔flare〕a skirt with a slight flare 喇叭裙麦克米伦高阶〔freckled〕a slight man with auburn hair and a freckled face.一头红褐色头发、脸上长有雀斑的瘦小男子柯林斯高阶〔freckled〕a slight man with auburn hair and a freckled face一个赤褐色头发、脸上有雀斑的瘦小男人外研社新世纪〔frown〕a slight frown of disapproval/concentration, etc.略显不赞成的脸色、全神贯注地微皱眉头等牛津高阶〔get〕get a slight bruise 受到一点轻微的擦伤英汉大词典〔imbalance〕a slight imbalance of power 权力的轻微失衡麦克米伦高阶〔improvement〕a slight improvement in the economy 经济上稍有起色剑桥高阶〔incline〕a slight incline 缓坡韦氏高阶〔infection〕a slight infection in the bladder 膀胱轻度感染朗文当代〔intentional〕an intentional slight 有意的怠慢英汉大词典〔irregularity〕a slight irregularity in his heartbeat 他略微的心跳不齐牛津高阶〔kind〕returned the slight in kind.用同样方式还以蔑视美国传统〔leaf〕as insigificant and slight as an autumn leaf 像秋天残叶那样无足轻重英汉大词典〔lean〕a building with a slight lean 稍斜的建筑物文馨英汉〔lift〕a slight lift of his eyebrows 他的眉毛的微微上扬韦氏高阶〔misfortune〕debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity. Bothmishap and mischance connote slight or negligible incidents or consequences: 负债累累的农场主和逆境进行斗争。 Mishap 和 mischance 两词都包含着轻微的或微不足道的事件或影响的意思: 美国传统〔misunderstanding〕a slight misunderstanding over the terms of the contract 对合同条款的一个小小的误解。牛津搭配〔press〕give (...) a slight press 轻轻一按(…)文馨英汉〔puncture〕a slight puncture of the skin 皮肤轻微刺伤韦氏高阶〔reduction〕a slight reduction in the price of oil 油价略微降低朗文当代〔ruffle〕be ruffled by a slight 因受怠慢而生气英汉大词典〔salute〕lift one's cup in a slight salute 举杯略表敬意英汉大词典〔scottish〕a slight Scots accent 轻微的苏格兰口音牛津高阶〔since〕a slight accent she had acquired since he last saw her和他上次见她时不同的是她有了一点口音外研社新世纪〔slight〕slight adjustments/errors 微小的调整/误差韦氏高阶〔slight〕a slight excuse 站不住脚的借口英汉大词典〔slight〕a slight figure.瘦小的身材。牛津同义词〔slight〕a slight foundation; slight evidence.不牢固的根基;不可靠的证据美国传统〔slight〕a slight improvement 些许的改进朗文当代〔slight〕a slight improvement 略微的改善剑桥高阶〔slight〕a slight improvement.些微的改进。牛津同义词〔slight〕a slight increase 少许的增加朗文当代〔slight〕a slight increase in temperature 温度的略微上升麦克米伦高阶〔slight〕a slight increase/change/delay/difference 略微的增长╱变化╱拖延╱差异牛津高阶〔slight〕a slight mistake 小错英汉大词典〔slight〕a slight odor/cold/fever 淡淡的臭味;轻微的感冒/发烧韦氏高阶〔slight〕a slight pause 稍稍的停顿朗文当代〔slight〕a slight problem 小问题朗文当代〔slight〕a slight temporary construction 不坚固的临时性建筑英汉大词典〔slight〕a slight tilt; a slight surplus.小斜坡;稍有余额美国传统〔slight〕a slight to a distinguished guest 对贵宾的简慢英汉大词典〔slight〕a slight woman 瘦弱的女人韦氏高阶〔slight〕to slight one's duty玩忽职守21世纪英汉〔store〕store water against periods of slight rainfall 蓄水以备少雨时节用英汉大词典〔tightening〕a slight tightening of the throat.喉咙微微发紧柯林斯高阶〔tilt〕a slight tilt of the head 头的微微倾斜朗文当代〔tinge〕a slight reddish tinge 略带淡淡的红色牛津搭配〔tinge〕blue with a slight tinge of purple 略带点儿紫的蓝色牛津搭配〔unpleasantness〕have a slight unpleasantness with sb.同某人发生小冲突英汉大词典〔variation〕slight variations in pressure 微小的压力变化牛津搭配




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