

单词 slot machine
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUT〕Gamblers plunked nickels and quarters into the slot machines. 赌徒们把五分和二角五分的硬币用力塞进吃角子老虎机里。朗文写作活用〔chink〕We heard the chink of coins from the slot machine.我们听到了老虎机里硬币的碰撞声。韦氏高阶〔denomination〕I need coins of the right denomination for the slot machine.我需要面额合适的硬币来使用自动售货机。牛津同义词〔hit the jackpot〕He hit the jackpot on the slot machine.他在老虎机上赢了头奖。韦氏高阶〔one-armed bandit〕A slot machine for gambling operated by pulling a lever on the side.吃角子老虎:一种用来赌博的机器,它有一臂状杆供操作使币落入槽口美国传统〔slot〕His coins all slotted into the slot machine.他所有的硬币塞给了老虎机。21世纪英汉He bought a packet of rubber johnnies from a slot machine in the pub.他从小酒店的自动售货机里买了一盒橡胶避孕套。剑桥国际




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