

单词 shifting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕Jonas stood and listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. 乔纳斯站着听,不自在地把身体重心从一只脚换到另一只脚。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The shifting of continents has an impact on the volume of water the oceans can contain. 大陆漂移影响着海洋的储水量。朗文写作活用〔allegiance〕It is hard to keep up with the shifting allegiances between the various political parties.各个政党不断变换拥戴对象,令人跟都跟不上。牛津搭配〔alliance〕There has been a pattern of shifting alliances in the political world.在政界一直就有一种转换联盟的模式。韦氏高阶〔bewilder〕Those shifting attitudes bewilder me.那些犹豫不定的态度令我为难。21世纪英汉〔breakup〕The cracking and shifting of ice in rivers or harbors during the spring.解冻:指春天河里或港口的冰破碎和移动美国传统〔chair〕He was shifting about uneasily in his chair.他在椅子上不安地动来动去。牛津搭配〔demographic〕The newspaper will be making some changes in order to adapt to the region's shifting demographics.这家报纸将做出一些调整,以适应这一地区的人口变化。韦氏高阶〔derailleur〕A device for shifting gears on a bicycle by moving the chain between sprocket wheels of different sizes.脱轨器,转撤器:通过在不同大小的扣链齿轮间移动链条而转换自行车齿轮(换档)的装置美国传统〔dodge〕To avoid (a blow, for example) by moving or shifting quickly aside.闪躲:通过快速移到一边来躲开(如一击)美国传统〔encroach〕In desert areas shifting sand used to encroach on the cultivated land.在沙漠地区流沙常侵蚀耕地。英汉大词典〔gaze〕He sat without shifting his gaze from the window.他坐在那儿, 目不转睛地盯着窗户。外研社新世纪〔geopolitics〕The shifting geopolitics of the post-cold-war era have changed the thinking behind aid.后冷战时期不断变化的地理政治因素改变了对外援助的思路目的。外研社新世纪〔gravity〕The world's economic centre / center of gravity is shifting east.世界的经济重心向东转移。牛津搭配〔grip〕A stagehand who helps in shifting scenery.舞台工作人员:帮助撤换布景的舞台工作人员美国传统〔grit〕He gritted his gears when shifting into high.他在换快挡时把齿轮弄得吱嘎响。英汉大词典〔groin〕A small jetty extending from a shore to protect a beach against erosion or to trap shifting sands.堤坝,折流坝:从海滩伸出以保护海滩不受侵蚀或阻滞流沙的小型防波堤美国传统〔indirect taxation〕The government carried out part of its programme by shifting the fiscal burden from direct to indirect taxation.政府通过将财政负担从直接课税转为间接课税来实施其部分方案。外研社新世纪〔inflame〕The shifting magnetic fields energize particles in the Earth's atmosphere and inflame the northern lights.不断转移的磁场使地球大气中的粒子能量增加, 从而点亮了北极光。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The bombardment began to lift, shifting to targets farther inland.轰击开始转向更远的内地的目标。英汉大词典〔light show〕A display of colored lights in shifting patterns, often accompanied by slides and film loops.灯光表演:各种颜色的光作快速旋转,通常伴有幻灯和影片片断美国传统〔mylonite〕A fine-grained laminated rock formed by the shifting of rock layers along faults.糜棱岩:由岩石层沿断层转移而形成纹理细密的叠层岩美国传统〔nurse〕He nursed his injured knee by shifting his weight to the other leg.把重心移到另一腿上,以护理他受伤的膝盖美国传统〔other〕He kept shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other.他不停地把重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚,样子很是笨拙。朗文当代〔pluralism〕The country is shifting towards political pluralism.这个国家正在朝着政治多元化的方向发展。外研社新世纪〔public opinion〕Public opinion is shifting in favor of the new law.舆论在变化,倾向于新法令。朗文当代〔public〕Public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of the imprisoned men.舆论渐渐倾向于同情狱中的男子。朗文当代〔quicksand〕A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft, shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to engulf any object resting on its surface.流沙:一种由松散的沙子和水混合成的沙层,形成一堆松软、移动的物质,在压力下很容易塌陷,并可吞没置留在沙面上的任何物质美国传统〔quietly〕The goal of shifting freight from road to rail has been quietly abandoned.已经悄悄放弃了将货物从公路改走铁路运输的目标。柯林斯高阶〔revolutionary〕Jet-weary travellers would like to see the development of a revolutionary drug capable of instantly shifting circadian rhythms over to destination times.疲于喷气式飞行的旅客都希望看到一种革命性新药的研制,这种药物可立即把昼夜生理节律调节到飞行目的地的时间轨道。英汉大词典〔sand〕He had been a rock in the shifting sands of her existence.他一直是她曲折坎坷的生活中的主心骨。柯林斯高阶〔seat〕People were shifting in their seats, looking uncomfortable.大家在座位上动来动去,看上去不大自在。朗文当代〔second〕The program is shifting into second gear now that all the proposals have been approved.现在所有提议都通过了,计划进入第二阶段。韦氏高阶〔shell game〕A fraud or deception perpetrated by shifting conspicuous things to hide something else.藏豆骗术:通过移动明显可见的东西以隐藏它物的骗术或骗局美国传统〔shift (your) ground〕He's annoying to argue with because he keeps shifting his ground.和他争论令人恼火,因为他不停地改变立场。剑桥高阶〔shifting〕The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations.伊洛卡的克罗地亚小镇就是人口不停流动的典型例子。柯林斯高阶〔shifting〕The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations.克罗地亚小镇伊洛克是一个人口不断变迁的典型例子。外研社新世纪〔shifting〕They lost their way in the shifting sands of the Sahara.他们在撒哈拉沙漠的流沙中迷了路。剑桥高阶〔shift〕Britain's focus is shifting back towards its old partners in Europe.英国的重点正重新转向它在欧洲的老搭档。麦克米伦高阶〔shift〕He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.他停了下来, 将手杖移到左手。外研社新世纪〔shift〕His new book has been shifting like wildfire.他的新书一直十分畅销。21世纪英汉〔shift〕In cars that are automatics, you don't have to bother with shifting gears.开自动挡汽车无需换挡。剑桥高阶〔shift〕Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.乔听着,不安地把重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚。朗文当代〔shift〕The candidate was constantly shifting his position on the issues.这候选人在那些争议问题上不断改变立场。英汉大词典〔shift〕The children are shifting uncomfortably in their seats.孩子们在座位上不自在地挪来挪去。麦克米伦高阶〔shift〕The wall is shifting a couple of inches every year.这面墙正在以每年几英寸的速度发生移位。麦克米伦高阶〔shift〕Their attempts at shifting attention away from the controversy seemed to be working.他们转移争论关注点的努力似乎起作用了。韦氏高阶〔spectroscopic binary〕A binary star system that is identified by periodically shifting lines in its spectrum.周期性变换其光谱谱线的双星系美国传统〔swelling〕Through the second half of the 19th century great swellings of sentiment were expressed on both sides, as the balance of power was seen to be shifting.19世纪后50年, 随着力量均势的变动, 双方的敌视情绪急剧膨胀。外研社新世纪〔trim〕To balance (a ship) by shifting its cargo or contents.装稳:调整船上的舱货或乘客以便(轮船)保持平衡美国传统〔unweight〕To reduce the pressure on (a ski) by shifting one's weight in order to execute a turn.无重,减重:通过转换重量减低(滑雪板上的)压力,以便可以转弯美国传统Shifting costs force us to revise our prices constantly.成本的变化迫使我们经常修改定价。牛津商务Consumer tastes are constantly shifting.消费者的口味总在不断改变。牛津商务He's annoying to argue with because he keeps shifting his ground (= changing his opinion).和他争论会令人恼火,因为他总是改变立场。剑桥国际It seems that public/popular sentiment is shifting in favour of nursery education for all children.公众的意见似乎正转向赞成让所有儿童受幼儿教育。剑桥国际It's hard to pursue a consistent policy in a shifting political world.在风云变幻的政界中,要保持政策不变是很难的。剑桥国际Some measures are needed to secure the farmland against shifting sand. 需要采取措施使农田免遭流沙的侵袭。译典通The company is shifting its focus from manufacturing to distribution.公司正将其重心从制造转向分销。牛津商务The country's eating habits are gradually shifting towards a healthier diet.这个国家的饮食习惯正逐步转向吃健康食物。剑桥国际They are shifting 70% of their production to China. 他们正将其 70% 的生产转移到中国。牛津商务They lost their way in the shifting (= always changing) sands of the Sahara.他们在撒哈拉沙漠的流沙中迷路了。剑桥国际We have planted trees as a hedge against shifting sand. 我们植树以防流沙的侵袭。译典通Your shifting attitude was quite baffling to me. 你摇摆不定的态度令我颇困惑。译典通




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