

单词 sip
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRINK〕Can I just try a sip, to see if I like it. 我喝一小口吧,这样就知道是否喜欢喝了。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕Jenny cautiously took a couple of sips of the liquid. 珍妮小心翼翼地呷了几口那种液体。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕Jody took another sip of wine. 乔迪又喝了一口酒。朗文写作活用〔SICK/VOMIT〕Janir took a sip of the medicine and gagged at the vile taste. 贾尼尔喝了一口药,那难吃的味道让他直反胃。朗文写作活用〔THIRSTY〕Give me a sip of that I'm parched. 给我喝一口,我渴极了。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕She took a sip of water during a well-timed pause, and waited for my reply. 她适时地停下来呷了一小口水,等待我的回答。朗文写作活用〔a couple of〕I only had a couple of sips.我只啜了两口。韦氏高阶〔at〕Sarah took another sip at her wine.萨拉又啜了一小口酒。朗文当代〔bite〕She bit into a croissant and took a sip of coffee.她咬了一口牛角面包,啜了一口咖啡。朗文当代〔coffee〕He took a sip of his coffee.他抿了一口咖啡。牛津搭配〔cool (sb/sth) down/off〕She waited until her coffee had cooled down before taking a sip.她一直等到咖啡凉下来才抿了一小口。剑桥高阶〔dainty〕She took a dainty sip of tea from her teacup.她文雅地抿了口茶杯里的茶。韦氏高阶〔go on〕She paused to have a sip of coffee and then went on with her account of the accident.她停下来又点了一支烟,然后继续述说她对那次事故的印象。剑桥高阶〔guzzle〕Sip, don't guzzle.小口慢慢喝,别牛饮。韦氏高阶〔let〕She let go of Mona's hand and took a sip of her drink.她放开莫娜的手,抿了一口饮料。柯林斯高阶〔like〕She sat down by the pool and took a sip of her wine. 'This is more like it,' she said.她在泳池旁边坐下来,抿了一口葡萄酒。“这还差不多。”她说。朗文当代〔moisten〕She took a sip of water to moisten her dry throat.她抿了一口水,润一下发干的喉咙。柯林斯高阶〔moisten〕She took a sip of water to moisten her dry throat.她抿了口水, 润润干渴的喉咙。外研社新世纪〔only〕My father allowed me only a sip or two of wine with each meal.我父亲每餐只许我喝一两口酒。柯林斯高阶〔pause〕He paused for a sip of water before continuing his speech.他停下来喝了一小口水,然后接着发言。麦克米伦高阶〔resume〕He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking.他停下来呷了一口水,然后继续发言。剑桥高阶〔rough〕I took a sip of the red wine, so rough it made me shudder.我尝了一小口红葡萄酒, 那味道涩得让我直哆嗦。外研社新世纪〔scalding〕I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding.我想抿一口茶,可是太烫了。柯林斯高阶〔screw〕He took a sip of the medicine and screwed up his face.他喝了一小口药后做了个怪相。牛津高阶〔settle〕He took a sip of tea, and settled the cup back into its saucer.他呷了一小口茶,然后把杯子放回到茶托上去。英汉大词典〔sip〕Harry took a sip of bourbon.哈里抿了一口波旁威士忌。柯林斯高阶〔sip〕Harry took a sip of bourbon.哈里抿了一口波旁威士忌酒。外研社新世纪〔sip〕Have/take a sip of water.喝一小口水。韦氏高阶〔sip〕He drank the brandy in sips.他小口呷着白兰地。牛津搭配〔sip〕He took a sip from his glass.他从杯子里抿了一口。牛津搭配〔sip〕He took a final sip of his coffee before leaving.他抿完最后一口咖啡,起身离开了。牛津搭配〔sip〕I took a little sip of my drink.我啜了一小口饮料。牛津搭配〔sip〕If the food is too hot, take a sip of water.要是这食物太烫了,喝一小口水。麦克米伦高阶〔sip〕Katherine took another sip from her glass to calm herself.凯瑟琳又抿了一口杯中的酒,竭力使自己镇静下来。柯林斯高阶〔sip〕She paused to sip her tea.她停下来小口喝茶。牛津搭配〔sip〕She poured more wine and took a sip .她又倒了些酒,抿了一小口。朗文当代〔sip〕She took another sip from her glass.她又从杯子里抿了一口。外研社新世纪〔sip〕This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.这茶很烫,喝的时候小心点。剑桥高阶〔sip〕To drink from in sips.从…中呷吸美国传统〔sip〕To drink something in sips.啜饮:呷饮某物美国传统〔stone-cold〕Hillsden took a sip of tea, but it was stone cold.希尔斯登啜了一口茶,但茶是冰冷的。柯林斯高阶〔sup〕A small swallow or mouthful of liquid food; a sip.小量:液体食物的一啜;小量美国传统〔take〕Tom took a sip of his drink.汤姆呷了一口饮料。麦克米伦高阶〔thaw〕Sufficiently thawed, he nodded an acknowledgment and took a sip of coffee.他完全暖和过来后点头表示感谢,并呷了一口咖啡。英汉大词典〔throat〕My throat was dry so I took a sip of water.我嗓子干,所以我抿了一口水。韦氏高阶〔wine〕She took a sip of her wine.她抿了一点儿葡萄酒。牛津搭配Genteelly (= In a polite and graceful way), she picked up her cup to take a sip of tea.她优雅地拿起茶杯抿了一口茶。剑桥国际He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking. 他停下来抿了一口水,然后继续讲话。剑桥国际She took another sip of her tea. 她又饮了一小口茶。译典通The child took several sips of the milk before she decided that she didn't like it.那个孩子抿了几口牛奶,认定她不喜欢它。剑桥国际This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.这茶很烫,啜饮时要小心。剑桥国际




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