

单词 signify
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bar sinister〕Heraldry A bend or baton sinister held to signify bastardy.【纹章学】 纹章斜条:表示私生子的纹章对角线或纹章斜条美国传统〔baton〕Heraldry A shortened narrow bend, often signifying bastardy.【纹章学】 缩短的弯曲窄条,常表示私生子地位美国传统〔crown〕A distinction or reward for achievement, especially a title signifying championship in a sport.荣誉:因有功绩而得到的荣誉或奖章,尤指在体育比赛中标志冠军的称号美国传统〔hammer and sickle〕An emblem of the Communist movement signifying the alliance of workers and peasants.锤子镰刀图案:共产主义运动的一种标记,象征着工人与农民的联盟美国传统〔handfast〕A handclasp used to signify a pledge, such as a contract or marriage.(成交或成婚时的)握手:用来表示诸如合约或婚姻的誓言的一种握手美国传统〔hand〕A round of applause to signify approval.拍手喝彩:表示赞许的一阵掌声美国传统〔headshake〕A turning of one's head to the right and left, signifying denial, disapproval, disbelief, doubt, or bemusement.摇头:为表示拒绝、不赞同、不相信、怀疑或困惑而左右摆动某人的头美国传统〔intend〕To signify or mean.意指或意味美国传统〔mark〕An inscription, name, stamp, label, or seal placed on an article to signify ownership, quality, manufacture, or origin.标签:物品上的印记、名称、邮戳或封印,表明所有者、质量、制造者或其来源美国传统〔opinion〕These nouns signify something a person believes or accepts as being sound or true.这些名词意思是某人相信或接受已成的声音或事实。美国传统〔origin〕These nouns signify the point at which something originates.这些名词意指某物的起源。美国传统〔pity〕These nouns signify sympathetic, kindly concern aroused by the misfortune, affliction, or suffering of another.这些名词都表示对别人的不幸、痛苦或困难表示同情或善意的关注。美国传统〔possible〕These adjectives signify capable of occurring or of being done.这些形容词都表示能够发生或能够被完成的。美国传统〔presignify〕To indicate or signify beforehand; foreshadow.预示,预告:事先暗示或显示;预兆美国传统〔price〕These nouns signify an amount given or asked for in payment for goods or services.这些名词都指为得到货物或服务而付出或要求付出的数目。美国传统〔quality〕These nouns all signify a feature that distinguishes or identifies someone or something.这些名词都表示区别或辨认一个人或物的特点。美国传统〔reveal〕These verbs signify to make known what has been or ought to be kept from the knowledge of others.这些动词都是指使已知或应是鲜为人知的东西为人所知。美国传统〔ribbon〕A band of colored cloth signifying membership in an order or the award of a prize.绶带,饰带:一条有色布带,意味有等级的成员资格或奖金的颁发美国传统〔rite of passage〕A ritual or ceremony signifying an event in a person's life indicative of a transition from one stage to another, as from adolescence to adulthood.通过礼仪:在某人的一生中,表示从一阶段进入另一阶段转折点的仪式或庆典,如从青少年进入成年美国传统〔semantics〕Semantics deals with the signification of signs in all modes of signifying.符号学研究各种表示法所用符号的含义。英汉大词典〔servitude〕These nouns signify a state of subjugation to an owner or a master.这些名词表示对所有人或主人的隶属状态。美国传统〔significative〕Tending to signify or indicate; indicative.指示的:趋向于表明或指示的;指示性的美国传统〔signifiest〕It is no use to signify.辱骂不起任何作用。21世纪英汉〔signifiest〕You won't signify in such a thing,he's the specialist.在这种专业上你别假充内行了,他才是专家。21世纪英汉〔signify〕Signify your agreement by raising your hand.请以举手表示赞成。牛津同义词〔signify〕Don't worry about being late - it doesn't signify.别担心迟到——不要紧。剑桥高阶〔signify〕Hamilton waved his hand to signify that he didn't mind what they decided.汉密尔顿摆了摆手,表示他们作什么决定他都无所谓。朗文当代〔signify〕He gave her a diamond ring to signify his love.他送给她一枚钻戒表达爱意。韦氏高阶〔signify〕He nodded to signify his approval. = He nodded to signify that he approved.他点头以示同意。韦氏高阶〔signify〕He nodded to signify that he agreed.他点头表示同意。牛津高阶〔signify〕He turned away from her slightly to signify his indifference.他稍稍背过脸以示对她的冷淡。朗文当代〔signify〕I sighed and closed the file as if to signify that the matter was closed.我叹了口气, 把文档合上, 算是把这事了了。外研社新世纪〔signify〕Nobody really knows what the marks on the ancient stones signify.没人真正知道那些古代石头上的记号代表什么含义。剑桥高阶〔signify〕Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.有些部落使用特殊的面部符号来表示地位。朗文当代〔signify〕The UN flag was raised at the airport yesterday to signify that control had passed into its hands.昨天机场升起了联合国的旗帜,表明控制权已移交给联合国了。柯林斯高阶〔signify〕The recent decline of the stock market does not necessarily signify the start of a recession.股市近期的低迷并不一定说明经济开始衰退了。韦氏高阶〔signify〕The results of this experiment do not signify.这次实验的结果无关紧要。麦克米伦高阶〔signify〕The stars on the American flag signify the fifty states.美国国旗上的星星代表着50个州。麦克米伦高阶〔signify〕These figures don't really signify in the overall results.这些数字对于总体结果意义不是很大 。朗文当代〔signify〕This information doesn't signify.这一信息并不重要。外研社新世纪〔signify〕What a child says does not signify.孩子说的话无关紧要。英汉大词典〔signify〕Whether he agrees or not does not signify.他是否同意并不重要。韦氏高阶〔strip〕These verbs signify to remove clothing, coverings, possessions, or attributes from someone or something.这些动词表示脱去某人或某物的衣物,外皮或使某人或某物失去财产或特点。美国传统All those in favour, please signify.同意的人,请表态。剑桥国际Don't worry about being late--it doesn't signify.别为迟到担心----那没关系。剑桥国际Nobody really knows what the marks on the ancient stones signify.没有人确切地知道远古石头上的记号意味着什么。剑桥国际What he says does not signify. 他讲的话无关紧要。译典通




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