

单词 similar
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aubusson〕A tapestry or usually pileless, densely patterned carpet woven in Aubusson, a city of central France, or similar to the ones made there.奥比松挂毯:一种挂毯或无绒花毯,指在法国中部城市奥比松织成的花纹密集的地毯,或与之类似的小地毯美国传统〔CHARACTER〕My father and I got along very well, having very similar temperaments. 我和父亲性情非常相近,所以相处得非常好。朗文写作活用〔EVERYONE〕Monkeys and apes are so similar that it is reasonable to say they have a common ancestor. 猴和猿非常相像,我们有理由说它们有共同的祖先。朗文写作活用〔Gewürztraminer〕A similar wine produced elsewhere.杰乌兹拉米纳酒:产于其它地方的类似的酒美国传统〔NATURAL〕Here we find immense virgin forests, similar to those of the Amazon and Indonesia. 我们在这里发现了大片类似亚马孙地区和印度尼西亚的原始森林。朗文写作活用〔SUITABLE〕Compatible couples generally share the same values and have similar lifestyles and goals. 感情融洽的夫妻一般都有相同的价值观,生活方式和人生目标都差不多。朗文写作活用〔a passing resemblance〕He bears more than a passing resemblance to (= he is noticeably similar to) the young Marlon Brando.他长得颇像年轻时的马龙‧白兰度。剑桥高阶〔again〕Again the pregnancy was very similar to my last one.同样, 这次怀孕和我上次的情形非常相似。外研社新世纪〔ale〕A fermented alcoholic beverage containing malt and hops, similar to but heavier than beer.麦芽酒:含有麦芽和干燥蛇麻草花成份的一种发酵酒精饮料,同啤酒类似但酒精浓度高于啤酒美国传统〔along the lines of sth〕They're campaigning for the electoral system to be reformed along the lines of (= so that it becomes similar to) the one in Germany.他们在在争取仿照德国的选举制度对自己的进行改造。剑桥高阶〔androgenetic alopecia〕A condition of hair loss in women similar to male pattern baldness, but beginning later in life and less severe.女性雄激素性脱发:类似雄激素性脱发的女性脱发,但发病较晚并且症状较轻美国传统〔arioso〕A declamatory style used in opera and oratorio, similar to recitative but having greater melodic variation.咏叙调:一种用在歌剧和(宗教)清唱剧中的朗诵风格,类似于背诵,但在旋律上大不相同美国传统〔bait and switch〕A sales tactic in which a bargain-priced item is used to attract customers who are then encouraged to purchase a more expensive similar item.诱饵销售法:一种用廉价商品来吸引顾客,然后煽动他们购买更昂贵的类似产品的销售策略美国传统〔baluster〕An upright support, such as a furniture leg, having a similar shape.支柱:一种直立的具有相似形状的支撑物,如家具腿美国传统〔barb〕One of a breed of domestic pigeons that is similar to the carrier and has dark plumage.巴巴里家鸽:家鸽的一种,类似信鸽,有暗黑的羽毛美国传统〔basically〕The two approaches are basically very similar.两种方法其实差不多。牛津高阶〔bed〕A foundation of crushed rock or a similar substance for a road or railroad; a roadbed.路基:碎石或类似物质做的道路或铁路的基础;路基美国传统〔bleat〕A sound similar to this cry.咩咩叫:和这种叫声相似的声音美国传统〔blush wine〕Any of several wines having a slightly pink tinge, similar in style to a dry white wine and made from red-white grapes.红酒:酒的品种,颜色淡红,风格与干白酒相似,用红白色的葡萄制成美国传统〔bond〕What had bonded them instantly and so completely was their similar background.使他们很快变得亲密无间的是相似的生活背景。外研社新世纪〔bone〕A piece of whalebone or similar material used as a corset stay.鲸骨:用一块鲸骨或类似物做成的女用束腹的支撑物美国传统〔bossa nova〕A lively Brazilian dance similar to the samba.波萨诺瓦:类似于桑巴舞的一种轻快的巴西舞蹈美国传统〔bowling〕A similar game, such as duckpins or ninepins.类似游戏,如滚球戏或九柱瓶戏美国传统〔brassbound〕Banded or trimmed with brass or a similar metal, such as bronze.包黄铜的:用黄铜或其他类似金属,如青铜包住或镶嵌的美国传统〔brass〕A bushing or similar lining for a bearing, made from a copper alloy.铜套或铜衬垫:用铜合金制的轴承轴瓦或套筒式衬垫美国传统〔canker〕A condition in horses similar to but more advanced than thrush.马的疽疡症:马的类似于蹄间腐烂但较之更为严重的一种病况美国传统〔cantaloupe〕Any of several other related or similar melons.其它与此相关或相似的一种瓜美国传统〔cartoon〕A preliminary sketch similar in size to the work, such as a fresco, that is to be copied from it.草图:在尺寸上与成作如一幅壁画近似的预备性素描,成作要从此草图临摩下来美国传统〔cash〕There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own.如果你想在开户行以外的网点兑现支票,也要收取类似的费用。柯林斯高阶〔censure〕Portugal is expected to receive a similar censure.预计葡萄牙会受到类似的谴责。外研社新世纪〔character〕The two villages are similar in size but very different in character.这两个村子大小差不多,可是特点却大不相同。麦克米伦高阶〔community service〕Similar work performed by law offenders to serve a sentence in lieu of or in addition to jail time.小区服务性劳役:代替服刑或除了坐牢时间外,犯罪者所做的类似工作美国传统〔cone〕A similar structure that produces spores on club mosses, horsetails, and spike mosses.球果结构:在石松、木贼和穗状苔藓植物上产生孢子的类似的结构美国传统〔confusing〕Their names are confusingly similar.他们的名字很相似,很容易搞混。麦克米伦高阶〔cooling tower〕A large tower or similar structure typically attached to a power plant through which water is circulated to lower its temperature by partial evaporation.冷却塔:大的塔或相似的结构。通常是连接到发电厂,从那里借着蒸发,水会被循环来降低温度美国传统〔corsetiere〕One who makes, fits, or sells corsets, brassieres, girdles, and similar undergarments.内衣商:制造、调整或卖束腹、胸罩、紧身内衣及类似的内衣的人美国传统〔cosh〕A weighted weapon similar to a blackjack.铅棒:与包着黑皮的铅头棍棒相似的一种重型武器美国传统〔couplet〕Two similar things; a pair.一对,一双:两个相似的东西;一对美国传统〔crop〕A similar enlargement in the digestive tract of annelids and insects.消化器官:环节动物或昆虫的消化道中的类似扩大部分美国传统〔cubic〕Shaped similar to a cube.立方形的:形状象立方体的美国传统〔dacite〕A light gray volcanic rock containing a mixture of plagioclase and other crystalline minerals in glassy silica, similar in appearance to rhyolite.石英安山岩:一种浅灰色的火山岩,包含斜长石与其它呈光滑硅土状的结晶矿物,在外表上与流纹岩相似美国传统〔dash〕In Morse and similar codes, the long sound or signal used in combination with the dot and silent intervals to represent letters or numbers.长划:在莫尔斯电码和类似的密码中,长音或信号用在写点和无声的间隔中来代表字母或数字美国传统〔denim〕A similar but finer fabric used in draperies and upholstery.细帆布:一种类似的但质量要好一些的织物,用于作窗帘和室内装饰美国传统〔diaper〕A similar piece of material, worn by incontinent adults.成人尿布:失禁成年人穿着的类似物品美国传统〔distemper〕Any of various similar mammalian diseases.温热:一种类似的哺乳动物疾病美国传统〔eel〕Any of several similar fishes, such as the lamprey and electric eel.任一种类似鱼类,如八目鳗和电鳗美国传统〔endogamy〕Biology Reproduction by the fusion of gametes of similar ancestry.【生物学】 近亲交配:近亲之间交配的有性繁殖美国传统〔equator〕A similar great circle drawn on the surface of a celestial body at right angles to the axis of rotation.天球赤道:在天体表面与自转轴成直角的大圆美国传统〔farmer cheese〕An unripened cheese similar to cottage cheese but drier and firmer in texture.农家干酪:经加工的奶酪,类似于村舍式干酪,但结构上更干更紧美国传统〔federate〕To cause to join into a league, federal union, or similar association.使结成联盟:使加入某一团体、联盟或类似组织美国传统〔femur〕A functionally similar bone in the leg or hind limb of a vertebrate animal.大腿骨:脊椎动物腿上或后肢功能相近的骨骼美国传统〔fifth wheel〕A similar device over the rear axle or axles of a tractor or pickup truck, serving as a coupling for a semitrailer.半拖车连接轮:置于拖拉机或拖车的后轴上的类似的设备,用以作半拖车连接轮美国传统〔fig〕Any of several plants bearing similar fruit.结类似果实的各种植物美国传统〔flax〕Any of several similar plants.类似亚麻的几种植物的任一种美国传统〔floodgate〕If this case is successful it could open the floodgates for thousands of similar claims.如果本案胜诉,就有可能为成千上万类似的索赔打开闸门。朗文当代〔flügelhorn〕A bugle with valves, similar to the cornet but having a wider bore.粗管短号:与短号相似但内径较其大的带簧的喇叭美国传统〔from〕The two sisters are so similar that it's almost impossible to tell one from the other.这两姐妹长得实在太像了,简直不太可能把她们区分开。剑桥高阶〔functionally〕The systems are visually and functionally similar.这些系统在外观和功能上是相似的。麦克米伦高阶〔fur〕A coating similar to the pelt of a mammal.皮子:象哺乳动物毛皮的覆盖层美国传统〔game〕He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.他说他明年还愿意接受类似的挑战。柯林斯高阶〔ginger beer〕A nonalcoholic drink similar to ginger ale but flavored with fermented ginger.姜汁啤酒:类似于姜汁汽水的一种无酒精饮料,但有发酵的生姜香味美国传统〔grapple〕To use a grapple or similar device, as for dragging.用抓钩:使用抓钩或类似的设备,如用于拖拉美国传统〔guess〕I guessed that you must be related because you look so similar.我猜你们肯定是亲戚,你们长得这么像。朗文当代〔guild〕A similar association, as of merchants or artisans, in medieval times.行会:中世纪时商人或工匠组成的类似协会美国传统〔happiness〕By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems.幸运的是,罗伯特碰巧遇到了理查德和朱莉娅,发现原来他们也碰到了类似的问题。柯林斯高阶〔hawfinch〕Any of various birds similar or related to this bird.任何与这种鸟类似或有关的鸟类美国传统〔hemocyanin〕A bluish, copper-containing respiratory pigment similar to hemoglobin, present in the blood of certain mollusks and arthropods.血蓝蛋白:一种浅蓝色的含铜的呼吸色素,类似血红蛋白,出现在某些节肢动物及软体动物的血液之中美国传统〔homologous〕Biology Similar in structure and evolutionary origin, though not necessarily in function, as the flippers of a seal and the hands of a human being.【生物学】 同源的:在结构和进化起源上相似,尽管功能不一定相似,象海豹的鳍状肢和人手美国传统〔honeycreeper〕Any of several birds of the family Drepanididae of Hawaii, similar to the mainland honeycreepers.管舌鸟:一种夏威夷管舌鸟科鸟,与大陆上的旋蜜雀相似美国传统〔horn〕A hard protuberance, such as an antler or a projection on the head of a giraffe or rhinoceros, that is similar to or suggestive of a horn.鹿茸:一坚硬的突出物,例如一鹿角或长于长颈鹿或犀牛头上的突出物,样子类似于角或可令人联想起角的美国传统〔horseshoe〕A U-shaped object similar to a horseshoe.马蹄铁形物:形如马蹄铁的"U"形物体美国传统〔ice bucket〕A similar container without a lid used to cool bottles placed inside it.类似冰桶的容器:用来冷却里面的瓶子的一种类似的容器美国传统〔incorporate〕To admit as a member to a corporation or similar organization.收编,加入:把某人收编入一公司或类似的组织中美国传统〔independently〕Similar customs have developed independently in other areas.相似的风俗已经在其他地区分别发展起来。外研社新世纪〔inspiration〕She has been an inspiration to other young athletes from a similar background.她是其他背景相似的年轻运动员们的榜样。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕The words are similar but there is a difference in meaning.这些单词很相似,但在意思上有差别。麦克米伦高阶〔jacksnipe〕Any of several similar New World wading birds.与之类似的西半球的涉水禽鸟美国传统〔jalap〕Any of several similar or related plants.其它几种类似和相关的植物中的任一种美国传统〔kvass〕A Russian fermented beverage similar to beer, made from rye or barley.克瓦斯,淡啤酒:一种类似于啤酒的俄国发酵饮料,由黑麦或大麦制成美国传统〔lance〕A similar implement for spearing fish.矛状器具:一种用来扎鱼的类似工具美国传统〔leafy〕Similar to or resembling a leaf.与叶相似的或象叶子的美国传统〔literature〕I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service.我把另外两家提供类似服务的公司的资料发给你。外研社新世纪〔locust〕Any of several similar or related trees, such as the honey locust or the carob.洋槐:类似或相关的几种树,如美洲皂荚或稻子豆树美国传统〔longitude〕A similar feature is found at 13 degrees North between 30 degrees and 50 degrees longitude.在北纬13度、经度30度至50度之间的地方发现了相似的特征。外研社新世纪〔lotto〕A game of chance similar to bingo.游戏:一种类似于宾戈(用纸牌搭成方块的赌博)的游戏美国传统〔love feast〕A similar symbolic meal among certain modern Christian sects.联谊聚餐:在某些现代基督教派间类似象征意义的聚餐美国传统〔lustre〕It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.它较棉布和尼龙柔软,光泽则与丝绸相仿。柯林斯高阶〔maker〕The makers of the car claim that it uses up to 50% less fuel than other similar cars.这款轿车的生产商宣称同其他类似的车相比,它可以节省多达 50% 的燃料。朗文当代〔malapropism〕Ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.荒唐的用词错误:对某词荒唐地误用,尤指对同音或近音词的误用美国传统〔membranous〕Pathology Characterized by the formation of a membrane or a layer similar to a membrane.【病理学】 生成膜的,假膜性的:具有膜状或假膜状组织的美国传统〔model〕Later that year, IBM released a similar model at a lower price.那年晚些时候,国际商用机器公司发布了一款价格更为低廉的相似产品。牛津搭配〔moonquake〕A quake or series of vibrations on the moon similar to an earthquake but usually of very low magnitude.月震:发生于月球上的类似于地震的震动或一系列的振动,剧烈程度通常不高美国传统〔mouth〕A pout, grimace, or similar expression.噘嘴,鬼脸:扮出的噘嘴的怪相、鬼脸或类似的表情美国传统〔muddle〕Spanish and Italian are very similar and I sometimes get them muddled up .西班牙语和意大利语很相似,我有时会把它们弄混。朗文当代〔mulberry〕Any of several similar or related trees.桑树属树:相类似的或有关的树美国传统〔musk〕A similar secretion produced by certain other animals, such as the otter or civet.似麝香的:由别的动物,如水獭或者麝香猫,分泌的相似的促胰液素美国传统〔needle〕To sew or do similar work with a small, slender, sharp-pointed implement.缝纫:用小的、细长而尖锐的工具来缝或做类似的工作美国传统〔nest〕A similar structure in which fish, insects, or other animals deposit eggs or keep their young.窟:鱼、昆虫或其它动物产卵或养幼雏的一种类似结构美国传统〔nightshade〕Any of various similar or related plants, such as belladonna.其他相似或相关的植物的一种,如颠茄美国传统〔occur〕There's a chance that a similar event will occur in the future.类似的事将来也可能发生。韦氏高阶〔only〕This fabric is similar to wool, only (= except that it is) cheaper.这种布料跟毛料类似,只是价格更便宜。剑桥高阶〔other〕Place them in a jam jar, porcelain bowl, or other similar container.将它们装入果酱罐、瓷碗或其他类似容器中。柯林斯高阶〔ours〕Their house is very similar to ours, but ours is bigger.他们的房子和我们的十分相像,但我们的要大些。牛津高阶〔overture〕A similar orchestral work, such as one written as a concert piece or an introduction to a play.序曲,序乐:一种类似的管弦乐曲,如谱写的作为合唱篇或话剧的前奏曲的此类乐曲美国传统〔partridge〕Any of several birds, such as the ruffed grouse or the bobwhite, similar or related to the partridge.山鹑类:几种类似山鹑或与山鹑有关的鸟中的任一种,如披肩榛鸡和白喉鹑美国传统〔peer pressure〕Pressure from one's peers to behave in a manner similar or acceptable to them.同侪压力:举止行为要与同侪团体相类似或被其接受的压力美国传统〔pentamerous〕Having five similar parts.有五个相似部分的美国传统〔picture〕It's a similar picture across the border in Ethiopia.在边界那边的埃塞俄比亚, 情况也大致相似。外研社新世纪〔pigment〕Dry coloring matter, usually an insoluble powder to be mixed with water, oil, or another base to produce paint and similar products.色质:干的着色物质,通常是一种可与水、油或其他固定剂混合的粉末,可制成漆和类似的产品美国传统〔pike〕Any of various similar or related fishes.类似狗鱼的鱼:类似狗鱼或有亲缘关系的鱼美国传统〔pinafore〕A sleeveless garment similar to an apron, worn especially by small girls as a dress or an overdress.围裙,围身裙:似围裙的无袖衣袍,尤指小姑娘做裙子或外衣穿美国传统〔pitching〕The timbers of similar houses were painted with pitch.类似房屋所用的栋木刷了沥青。柯林斯高阶〔plaza〕A public square or similar open area in a town or city.广场:城镇或城市中的公众广场或类似的开阔的区域美国传统〔pocket veto〕A similar action exercised by a state governor or other chief executive.间接否决:由一州的州长或其他主要行政主管采取的类似行动美国传统〔polo coat〕A loose-fitting, tailored overcoat made from camel's hair or a similar material.驼毛大衣:一种用驼毛或类似的材料做成的宽松合身的大衣美国传统〔positive〕Music A division of some pipe organs, similar in sound to the great but smaller and less powerful.【音乐】 琴管:管风琴的一种,与大管风琴的音质相似,但比其小而且音量较其弱美国传统〔prawn〕Any of various edible crustaceans similar to but larger than the shrimps.对虾:一种类似于虾但比虾大的可食甲壳纲动物美国传统〔precedent〕The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases.这次审判能为处理大量类似案例开创重要的先例。柯林斯高阶〔prevail〕A similar situation prevails in America.相似的情况在美国随处可见。柯林斯高阶〔prevail〕A similar situation prevails in America.类似的情况在美国屡见不鲜。外研社新世纪〔pustule〕A small swelling similar to a blister or pimple.小疮:和水疮或丘疹相似的一种小的隆起物美国传统〔quail〕Any of various similar or related New World birds, such as the bobwhite.北美鹑:产于西半球的一种与鹌鹑类似的或有关系的鸟,如山齿鹑美国传统〔quilt〕A thick protective cover similar to or suggestive of a quilt.被状物:与被子相似的或使人能联想到被子的一种厚实的保护性遮盖物美国传统〔rainbow〕A similar arc or band, as one produced by a prism or by iridescence.似彩虹:类似的弧或带子,如三棱镜或分光镜造成的美国传统〔ratio〕Relation in degree or number between two similar things.比率,对比:两件相似事情在程度或数量上的对比关系美国传统〔respect〕The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.这两组在收入和地位方面是相似的。牛津高阶〔respect〕The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.这两组在收入和地位方面相似。牛津搭配〔return〕A turn, bend, or similar reversal of direction, as in a stream or road.蜿蜒,曲折:水流或道路方向的转弯、弯曲或类似的回转美国传统〔revival〕A new presentation of an old play, movie, opera, ballet, or similar vehicle.复兴,重新流行:旧的戏剧、电影、歌剧、芭蕾或类似媒介物的新出现美国传统〔reworking〕Her latest novel seems at first sight to be a reworking of similar themes.她最新的那部小说乍一看像是以主题类似的作品改编成的。柯林斯高阶〔rhyolite〕A fine-grained extrusive volcanic rock, similar to granite in composition and usually exhibiting flow lines.流纹岩:一种精细纹理的喷出火山岩,在成分上类似于花岗岩并通常显现流线美国传统〔rhythm〕The similar but less formal sequence of sounds in prose.格律:散文中与音调类似但不那么正式的顺序美国传统〔rooster tail〕A projected mass of fine particles, as of water or snow, having an arced shape similar to that of a rooster's tail.鸡尾形状:一个突起的精细颗粒团块,如水或雪的,呈拱形,类似于公鸡的尾巴美国传统〔rush〕Any of various similar, usually aquatic plants.灯心草似的植物:类似的,通常是水生植物美国传统〔sack〕A similar container of paper or plastic.厚纸袋,塑料袋:纸或塑料制成的类似容器美国传统〔saddle〕Similar tack used for attaching a pack to an animal.鞍具:用于把背包系在动物身上的类似装置美国传统〔saloop〕A hot drink, sometimes used medicinally, made from salep, sassafras, or similar aromatic herbs.瑟卢普茶:一种热饮,有时药用,由兰根粉、黄樟或相似的香草制成美国传统〔same〕Similar in kind, quality, quantity, or degree.同种的:在种类、质量、数量或等级上相似的美国传统〔saurischian〕A dinosaur of the order Saurischia, having a pelvic girdle similar to that of modern reptiles.蜥臀目:蜥臀目恐龙,生有与现代爬行动物相似的骨盆带美国传统〔several〕There are several similar stores at the mall.在这个购物广场有几家类似的商店。韦氏高阶〔shamanism〕A similar religion or set of beliefs, especially among certain Native American peoples.类似萨满教的宗教:一种类似的宗教或一系列信仰,尤指在土著美洲民族中间美国传统〔shank〕A stem, stalk, or similar part.茎、柄或类似部分美国传统〔shinny〕Field hockey that is played informally with curved sticks and a ball, can, or similar object.简化曲棍球戏:用弯曲的棍子,一个球,罐头或类似的器具进行的一种不正规的曲棍球游戏美国传统〔shut-in〕Meals on Wheels or similar programs that bring outside life to shut-ins.使卧病在家的人无需外出的“送餐上门”服务及类似的服务项目柯林斯高阶〔silk〕Composed of or similar to the fiber or the fabric silk.丝的:由丝或丝织物做成的或类似丝或丝织物的美国传统〔silver〕To cover, plate, or adorn with silver or a similar lustrous substance.饰银于…:给…涂、镀或装饰上银或其它类似的有光泽的物质美国传统〔similar〕A second study produced remarkably similar results.第二次研究得出了非常近似的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔similar〕Although similar in appearance, the two breeds have some basic differences.尽管外形上相似,但这两个品种有着一些根本性的差异。麦克米伦高阶〔similar〕Both approaches seem to achieve similar results.两种方法的结果好像差不多。朗文当代〔similar〕I was going to say something similar.当时我正要说类似的事。韦氏高阶〔similar〕My problems are very similar to yours.我的问题和你的非常相似。外研社新世纪〔similar〕The accident was similar to one that happened in 1973.这次事故和 1973 年发生的那起事故很相似。柯林斯高阶〔similar〕The three portraits are remarkably similar.这 3 幅肖像惊人地相似。牛津搭配〔size〕It's similar in size to a tomato.大小和西红柿差不多。牛津高阶〔size〕To treat or coat with size or a similar substance.把…上胶:将胶料或类似物质涂上或用这种物质处理美国传统〔spat〕The spawn of an oyster or a similar mollusk.蚝卵:牡蛎或类似软体动物的卵美国传统〔spat〕To spawn. Used of oysters and similar mollusks.产卵:产卵。用于指牡蛎和类似软体动物美国传统〔spruce〕Any of various similar or related trees.云杉有关的树美国传统〔stand〕How do their sales stand in relation to those of similar firms? 与同类公司相比较,他们的销售情况如何?朗文当代〔stocking〕A close-fitting, usually knitted covering for the foot and leg made from nylon, silk, cotton, wool, and similar yarns.长袜:用尼龙、真丝、棉线、羊毛或相似的纺纱制成的紧身的遮盖腿脚之物,常编织而成美国传统〔story〕The story is similar in all her books.她所有小说中的情节都大同小异。朗文当代〔stratum〕A level of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status.阶层:由社会、文化、经济地位相近的人组成的社会层次美国传统〔substitute〕Police investigators substituted Palmer's bag for a similar one, then followed him to his hideout.警方调查人员用一个相似的包调换了帕尔默的包,然后尾随其到了藏匿处。麦克米伦高阶〔tally〕Something that is very similar or corresponds to something else; a double or counterpart.相似物对应物:和某一事物很相似或相应的某个事物;完全相似的事物或对等物美国传统〔tapa〕A paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific islands by pounding this bark or similar bark.塔帕纤维布:南太平洋岛屿上的人们通过碾压这种树皮或类似树皮做成的一种类似纸张的布料美国传统〔tarweed〕Any of several similar or related plants.任一种与之类似或具亲缘关系的植物美国传统〔tetramerous〕Having or consisting of four similar parts.四部分的:有四个相同部分组成的或包含四个相同部分的美国传统〔throw〕The radius of a circle described by a crank, cam, or similar machine part.(曲轴的)半径:曲柄、凸轮或类似机器部件形成的圆的半径美国传统〔ticker〕Any of various devices that receive and display similar information, such as stock market quotations, electronically.股票行情自动收录器:电子接收和展示股票行情等类似信息的装置美国传统〔tie-up〕The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。柯林斯高阶〔tie-up〕The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易有望促使大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。外研社新世纪〔tights〕A similar garment designed for athletic use, worn especially by acrobats and dancers.紧身衣:供体育使用的类似服装,主要由杂技演员或舞蹈演员穿用美国传统〔time〕I get the two of them mixed up all the time, they're so similar.我一直把他们俩弄混, 他俩太像了。外研社新世纪〔together〕Goods of a similar kind should be stored together.同类货物要存放在一起。朗文当代〔tom-tom〕A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound.单调鼓声:一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音美国传统〔tondo〕A round painting, relief, or similar work of art.一种圆形画,圆形浮雕或类似的艺术品美国传统〔turnstile〕A similar structure that permits the passage of an individual once a charge has been paid or that counts the number of individuals passing through.旋转式栅门:一种类似的设施,只允许付费的人通过,或者用来计算过的人数美国传统〔uproar〕There have been uproars in the past over similar proposals.类似的提议在过去曾经引起数次骚动。韦氏高阶〔vitriolic〕Of, similar to, or derived from a vitriol.硫酸的,取自硫酸的:关于硫酸的、与硫酸盐相似或来自于硫酸盐的美国传统〔volcano〕A similar opening on the surface of another planet.火山缺口:别的行星表面相似的开口美国传统〔whaleboat〕A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape; a whaler.尖尾长艇:大小及形状与该划艇相似的船;捕鲸船美国传统〔which〕She plays squash, which is a sport similar to racquetball.她打软式墙网球,一项类似美式墙网球的运动。韦氏高阶〔wienerwurst〕A smoked pork or beef sausage similar to a frankfurter.维也纳小香肠:与法兰克福香肠相似的一种熏的牛肉或猪肉香肠美国传统〔wolf〕Any of various similar or related mammals, such as the hyena.类似狼的动物:任何相似的或相关的哺乳动物的一种,如狼狗美国传统〔wren〕Any of various similar unrelated songbirds.形似但与之无关的鸣禽美国传统〔yourself〕Ask how you yourself would like to be treated in a similar situation.问问你自己在同样的情况下会希望别人怎样待你。麦克米伦高阶〔zax〕A tool similar to a hatchet, used for cutting and dressing roofing slates.石斧:类似于短柄小斧的一种工具,用来修琢屋顶石板美国传统〔zygospore〕A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes, as in algae or fungi.接合孢子:由相似的配子结合而成的多核大孢子,如在海藻或真菌中美国传统A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。译典通As babies, the twins were so similar that I just couldn't tell them apart (= didn't know which was which).这对双胞胎婴儿时长得很像,我分不清他们。剑桥国际Customs similar to this one are found among many peoples of the world.于此相似的习俗在世界许多社会都能发现。剑桥国际Firms making similar products compete through a combination of price and product differentiation.生产同类产品的企业通过价格和产品差异化两者的结合来进行竞争。牛津商务His nose is similar to his father's but there the resemblance ends.他的鼻子与他父亲的相像,但其它部位就不像了。剑桥国际I bought some new shoes which are very similar to a pair I had before.我买了一双鞋子,同我曾经有过的一双非常相似。剑桥国际New safety procedures have been introduced to ensure that a similar accident never happens again.已采取新的安全措施以确保类似事故不再发生。牛津商务The simplest and strongest framework is a system of interlocking triangles, similar to that we see supporting bridges and the roofs of houses.最简单的、承受力最强的结构是一个互相扣住的三角形的系统,与我们看到支撑桥梁和房顶的结构相似。剑桥国际The snack has a price point similar to that of its chief competitor.这种快餐与其主要竞争对手处于同等价位。牛津商务The two sisters are so similar that it's almost impossible to tell one from the other.这两姐妹是这么像,几乎不可能分辨出谁是谁。剑桥国际This decision sets a precedent for future cases of a similar nature. 这一裁决为今后性质类似的案件提供了判例。译典通We have roughly similar tastes/roughly the same tastes.我们有大致相同的品味。剑桥国际




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