

单词 sell
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕The publisher expected the book to sell 1,500 copies, tops.出版商预计该书至多能卖出 1,500 本。柯林斯高阶〔DIY〕They sell materials for DIY mosaics and ready-made panels.他们出售自己动手做镶嵌画所需材料和现成的镶板。柯林斯高阶〔PERSUADE〕It's easy to blame the public for being gullible enough to buy dieting products, but it's the companies who sell them who should take responsibility. 批评公众容易上当去买减肥产品简单,但恰恰是出售这些产品的公司应当承担责任。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕He was arrested after trying to sell guns to an undercover FBI agent. 他试图向一名联邦密探出售枪支而被拘捕。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕I didn't see how they could sell it so cheaply. 我不明白他们怎么能卖得这么便宜。朗文写作活用〔agreement〕They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。牛津高阶〔all-in-one〕We sell printers and scann ers, and all-in-ones that combine the two.我们出售打印机、扫描仪,以及打印扫描二合一设备。牛津高阶〔cake〕We hope this dictionary sells like hot cakes.我们希望这词典能畅销。英汉大词典〔cosy〕He has some cosy arrangement/deal with his supplier, which means he's able to sell his goods more cheaply.他跟供应商有某种暗中约定/交易,这意味着他能以更低的价格出售商品。剑桥高阶〔death〕On his deathbed, my father made me promise not to sell the house.父亲临终前要我承诺不把房子卖掉。牛津搭配〔directly proportional〕His earnings are directly proportional to the number of units he sells.他的收入与他出售的公寓单元数成正比。韦氏高阶〔discount〕To purchase or sell (a bill, note, or other commercial paper) at a reduction equal to the amount of interest that will accumulate before it matures.以折扣价买卖:打折买或卖(期票、钞票或其它商业票据)所减的价相等于在其到期前所积的利息数美国传统〔gluten〕We sell a range of gluten-free products(= not containing gluten).我们出售各种无谷蛋白产品。牛津高阶〔hard sell〕He gives every customer the hard sell.他向每位顾客强行推销。韦氏高阶〔kindred〕They sell dried fruit and nuts and other kindred products.他们售卖水果干和坚果,以及其他类似的东西。剑桥高阶〔knacker〕A person who buys worn-out or old livestock and slaughters them to sell the meat or hides.废马屠夫:收购老弱家畜,屠宰后出售其肉或皮革的人美国传统〔lager〕He claims to sell the widest range of beers and lagers in the world.他声称自己出售的各种啤酒种类全球最多。柯林斯高阶〔market order〕An order to buy or sell stocks or commodities at the prevailing market price.市价定单:按当前市面价格买卖股票或商品的定单美国传统〔market〕They knew it wasn't a good time to sell their house, but they still put it on the market (=offered it for sale) .虽然他们知道这不是卖房子的时候,但他们还是挂牌出售了。朗文当代〔nominally〕I am prepared to sell my shares at a nominal price.我做好了以极低价格卖掉自己股份的准备。柯林斯高阶〔oversell〕To be too eager or insistent in attempting to sell something to.过急售物:太急于或坚持想出售某物美国传统〔paperback〕The store sells both paperbacks and hardcovers.这家店既卖平装书也卖精装书。韦氏高阶〔pharmacist〕They sell vitamin supplements at the pharmacist's.那药店卖维生素补剂。牛津高阶〔pick〕They sell freshly picked fruits and vegetables.他们销售新鲜采摘的水果和蔬菜。韦氏高阶〔quip〕The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.主席风趣地说,他宁可卖掉他的航空公司,也不愿出售他的计算机系统。柯林斯高阶〔resell〕To sell again.再卖美国传统〔saddlery〕The craft or business of one that makes or sells tack.鞍具制造术:制造或销售马具的技术或行业美国传统〔sell〕Do you sell stamps? 你这儿卖邮票吗?牛津高阶〔sell〕Scandal sells newspapers.丑闻可使报纸畅销。朗文当代〔sell〕The good quality sells our goods.我们的货物因质优而畅销。英汉大词典〔sell〕These articles sell at 20p apiece.这些物品每件售价20便士。英汉大词典〔sharpen up〕If he really wants to sell his product, he'll have to get his marketing boys to sharpen up.如果他真想卖出产品, 就要让市场人员变得更机敏。外研社新世纪〔strategy〕The company adopted aggressive marketing strategies to sell its products.这家公司采用了积极的营销策略销售其产品。牛津搭配〔suchlike〕There's a shop in the hospital where they sell flowers and magazines and suchlike.医院里有个商店,卖鲜花、巧克力之类的东西。剑桥高阶〔telecom〕We sell the devices mostly to big cable and telecom companies.我们的设备绝大部分出售给大的有线电视和电信公司。剑桥高阶〔that〕The bag sells for $1,500, but she got it on sale for half that amount.这款包售价1,500美元, 但她在打折时花一半的价钱把它买到了手。外研社新世纪〔trade〕To buy and sell (stock, for example).(股票)交易:购买及销售(如股票)美国传统〔yer〕I bloody told yer it would sell.我早就告诉过你它会卖出去的。柯林斯高阶Agents can use the site to sell their wares over the Internet.代理商可以利用这个网站在互联网上出售他们的商品。牛津商务Dell sells its own line of ink and toner cartridges.戴尔公司销售自己的墨水和碳粉匣生产线。牛津商务He must have been insane to sell his car for the mud. 他竟把汽车当废品卖掉,准是疯了。译典通I'll sell you the whole lot for only £50.只要50元,我就全卖给你。剑桥国际Shareholders were advised not to sell.建议股东不要出售股份。牛津商务The distributor is not obliged to pay for the goods if they don't sell them.分销商不必为未出售的货物支付货款。牛津商务The shares will be a hard sell in the current market.在现时市场上这些股票将会十分难以推销。牛津商务The shop sells a large range of surgical appliances (=pieces of medical equipment which are worn to correct a particular condition).这家店出售多种多样的外科矫治器械。剑桥国际The supermarket sells both loose and prepacked apples.超市里既销售散装苹果也卖预先包装好的苹果。剑桥国际There's a newsagent's just up the road--they probably sell cigarettes.循着公路有一个报摊----他们或许卖香烟。剑桥国际We had to sell off valuable assets.我们不得不卖掉值钱的资产。牛津商务We're trying to sell off our overstocks (= overstock) of last year's diaries.我们正在设法廉价出清去年的日记本存货。剑桥国际




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