

单词 sell
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SELL〕to sell something 出售某物朗文写作活用〔SELL〕to sell something to the person who offers the most money 把某物售予出价最高的人朗文写作活用〔bar〕the island's only licensed bar(= one that is allowed to sell alcoholic drinks) 岛上唯一有酒类销售许可证的酒吧牛津高阶〔black market〕to buy or sell goods on the black market 从事黑市买卖牛津高阶〔bulk〕large companies that buy and sell in bulk 从事大宗买卖的大公司麦克米伦高阶〔cheesecake〕advertisers who rely on cheesecake to sell products 靠性感美女照推销产品的广告商韦氏高阶〔commodity〕if anybody has a commodity and wants to sell it 如某人有一宗货物想脱手英汉大词典〔constituent〕a plan to split the company into its constituent parts and sell them separately.把公司按组成部分分割后分别出售的计划柯林斯高阶〔constituent〕a plan to split the company into its constituent parts and sell them separately把公司拆分为各个组成部分并分别出售的计划外研社新世纪〔dear〕to buy cheap and sell dear 贱买贵卖牛津高阶〔enterprise〕the government's plans to sell state companies to private enterprise政府打算把国有公司卖给私营企业的计划外研社新世纪〔exchange〕the chance to sell back or exchange goods.回销或调换商品的机会柯林斯高阶〔fabricate〕a story fabricated to sell magazines 为销售杂志而编造的报道韦氏高阶〔fair〕a craft fair (=where people sell handmade products such as jewellery, paintings etc) 手工艺品展朗文当代〔gross〕to sell sth by the gross 按罗出售某物牛津高阶〔group〕small producers who group together to sell their produce 联合销售产品的小生产商朗文当代〔hack〕tabloid hacks, always eager to find victims in order to sell newspapers.为了使报纸好卖而总是急于寻找牺牲品的小报蹩脚记者们柯林斯高阶〔high fashion〕boutiques that sell high fashion to the very wealthy 向富人出售最新式样的精品店韦氏高阶〔high〕buy low and sell high 低买高卖韦氏高阶〔license〕a restaurant which is licensed to sell alcohol 获准出售酒类的一家餐厅朗文当代〔low〕buy shares low and sell them high 低价买进高价卖出股票英汉大词典〔name brand〕clothing stores that sell name brands at low prices 低价销售名牌的服装店韦氏高阶〔occupation〕people who sell their home and buy another one for their own occupation.出售房屋再另购一套自住的人柯林斯高阶〔occupation〕people who sell their home and buy another one for their own occupation出售房屋并另购置一套自住的人们外研社新世纪〔piece〕the disclosure that Texas Air might sell a piece or all of Continental.得克萨斯航空公司可能会卖掉部分或整个大陆航空公司这一消息的披露柯林斯高阶〔private enterprise〕the government's plans to sell state companies to private enterprise.政府把国有企业出售给民营企业的计划柯林斯高阶〔resistance〕try to sell a big order when there's a lot of sales resistance 在销售面临巨大阻力时试图卖出大宗货物 英汉大词典〔right〕a chemist’s right to sell medicines.药剂师售药的权力。牛津同义词〔sale〕a sales drive/campaign(= a special effort to sell more) 促销活动牛津高阶〔sell ... off〕to sell off one's stock抛售积压品21世纪英汉〔sell out〕to sell out one's fellows出卖同伴21世纪英汉〔sell up〕to sell up for going to somewhere为去某地而卖掉全部财产21世纪英汉〔sell〕a man who would sell his soul for political viability.为了升官晋爵甘愿出卖良心的人柯林斯高阶〔sell〕a package with plenty of sell 一种对买主具有很大吸引力的包装英汉大词典〔sell〕to sell an idea to someone使某人接受一种观点21世纪英汉〔sell〕to sell insurance销售保险21世纪英汉〔sell〕to sell one's friend on doing something说服朋友做某事21世纪英汉〔sell〕to sell one's house卖房21世纪英汉〔soul〕politicians who would sell their soul for the sake of office.为了谋求官位而不择手段的政客柯林斯高阶〔soul〕politicians who would sell their soul for the sake of office为得到职位出卖灵魂的政客们外研社新世纪〔strategic〕a strategic decision to sell off part of the business 卖掉企业一部份的战略决策牛津高阶〔sun〕big supermarkets which sell everything under the sun所售商品无所不包的大型超市外研社新世纪〔tip〕an insider's tip on when to sell the stock 关于何时出售该股票的内幕消息韦氏高阶a chain of mid-priced department stores (= that sell products in the middle price range) 中等价格的百货连锁商店牛津商务an export credit agency (= that helps exporters to sell goods in this way) 出口信贷机构牛津商务builders' merchants (= businesses that sell supplies to the building trade) 建筑材料商牛津商务corporate raiders, whose motto is ‘Get in, get out, get rich’ (= buy a company and then sell it quickly for a large profit) 企业狙击手的座右铭是“进入、走出、富起来”(收购一家公司,然后迅速转卖出去赚大钱)牛津商务plans to sell some of the country's gold reserves 出售这个国家部分黄金储备的计划牛津商务the types of bikes that sell in volume 畅销型自行车牛津商务to sell off old stock 抛售旧股票牛津商务




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