

单词 senses
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRAZY〕A man who would give his fourteen-year-old son a motorcycle has obviously taken leave of his senses. 送给14岁的儿子一辆摩托车,那人脑子明显有问题。朗文写作活用〔ESP〕Communication or perception by means other than the physical senses.直觉:通过生理感官之外的途径进行的沟通和感知美国传统〔MEANING〕In the dictionary the different senses of each word are marked by numbers. 这本词典中每个单词的不同义项用数字标出。朗文写作活用〔Pacinian corpuscle〕An encapsulated receptor found in deep layers of the skin that senses vibratory pressure and touch.环层小体,帕西尼小体:在皮肤的深层里的一种压缩的感受器可以感觉振动的压力和触碰美国传统〔SENSIBLE〕He'd be crazy to leave Liza - it's about time he came to his senses. 他一定是疯了才离开莉莎的—他该清醒清醒了。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Her parents finally came to their senses and realized they couldn't force her to marry someone she didn't like. 她父母终于明白过来,知道不能强迫她嫁给一个她不喜欢的人。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕It took a lawsuit to bring them to their senses. 经过一场官司他们才醒悟过来。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Seeing so many friends dying of drug-related illnesses was what brought me to my senses. 看到这么多朋友死于和吸毒有关的疾病,终于使我醒悟了。朗文写作活用〔afire〕All Dan's senses were afire.丹所有的感官都燃烧着激情。柯林斯高阶〔afire〕All Dan's senses were afire.丹浑身上下都洋溢着激情。外研社新世纪〔afire〕Arizona has plenty of stupendous sights that set the senses afire.亚利桑那州有许多摄人心魄的名胜。英汉大词典〔altimeter〕An instrument for determining elevation, especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude.测高仪,高度计:一种测量高度的仪器,尤指飞机中的无液气压表,其可以测出伴随高度变化的压力变化美国传统〔assault〕A visit to India assaults all your senses at once.去印度旅游会马上给你带来很大的感官冲击。外研社新世纪〔assault〕Mealtimes are a wonderful assault on the senses.进餐时间是给人的感官留下深刻印象的时候。外研社新世纪〔assault〕The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses.市场里的噪音和气味侵袭她的感官神经。朗文当代〔beautiful〕Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight.美的:具有使感官,特别是视觉愉快的性质的美国传统〔befog〕The wine befogged his senses.他喝酒喝得昏头昏脑。英汉大词典〔bereave〕The looters behaved as if altogether bereft of their senses.掠夺者表现得似乎全都丧失了理智。21世纪英汉〔bluets〕Wine can blunt the senses.酒会使感觉迟钝。21世纪英汉〔blunt〕Grief has blunted her senses.悲伤使她变得迟钝麻木了。英汉大词典〔clairvoyance〕The supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses.神视,超视:可看到感官不能觉察的物体或事件的假想的力量美国传统〔clairvoyant〕Having the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses.超视的,千里眼的:有看到感官不能觉察的物体或事件的假想能力的美国传统〔clowning〕She senses that behind the clowning there is a terrible sense of anguish.她察觉到, 在这滑稽可笑举动的背后是一种极大的痛苦。外研社新世纪〔clowning〕She senses that behind the clowning there is a terrible sense of anguish.她感觉到在这种滑稽可笑行为的背后隐藏着极大的痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔come to your senses〕He finally came to his senses and gave up his plans to quit his job and become an artist.他最终醒悟过来,放弃了辞掉工作想当艺术家的打算。韦氏高阶〔command〕She has lost command of her senses.她失去了理智。牛津搭配〔delicious〕Highly pleasing or agreeable to the senses, especially of taste or smell.美味的,可口的:使感官很愉悦的,尤指味觉和嗅觉美国传统〔derive〕For Locke, knowledge is based on experience as derived through our senses.在洛克看来, 知识建立在通过感官获得的经验之上。外研社新世纪〔dispossess of〕Fear dispossessed her of her senses.恐惧使她失去了理智。21世纪英汉〔distinct〕The word has three distinct senses.这个词有三个不同的义项。外研社新世纪〔dullness〕He can dull your senses with facts and figures.他会用事实和数据蒙蔽你的理智。柯林斯高阶〔dull〕He dulls your senses with facts and figures.他会用事实和数据蒙蔽你的理智。外研社新世纪〔dull〕His senses dulled as the drug swept through his body.当毒素传遍他全身时,他的感觉变得麻木了。21世纪英汉〔dull〕His senses were dulled by drugs.吸毒使他感觉迟钝。麦克米伦高阶〔else〕He cannot be in his right senses, else he would not make such wild statements.他肯定神智不清,要不然就不会作出这样狂妄的声明了。英汉大词典〔empiricism〕The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge.经验主义:经验,尤指感性经验是认识的唯一源泉的观点美国传统〔exteroceptive〕Vision and hearing are exteroceptive senses.视觉和听觉都是外感受性的感觉。英汉大词典〔extrasensory〕Being outside the normal range or bounds of the senses.超感觉的:超出正常感觉范围或界限的美国传统〔figure of speech〕Jane decided to eliminate all figures of speech from her writing and only use words in their literal senses.简决定去掉文中所有的修辞用法, 只用词的原意。外研社新世纪〔found〕I found upon the evidence of my senses.我信赖自己感官所提供的证据。英汉大词典〔harsh〕Disagreeable to the senses, especially to the sense of hearing.刺耳的:使感官尤其是听觉感觉不舒服的美国传统〔hedonism〕Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.享乐:对快乐,尤其是感官快感的追求和热爱美国传统〔hope〕The hope is that he will eventually come to his senses.希望他最终会醒悟过来。麦克米伦高阶〔illusionism〕Philosophy The doctrine that the material world is an immaterial product of the senses.【哲学】 物质世界幻觉说:认为物质世界是感觉的精神上产物的信仰美国传统〔imagination〕The formation of a mental image of something that is neither perceived as real nor present to the senses.想象,虚构:对既无法看到,又无法确切感受到的事物在脑海中形成印象的过程美国传统〔imagination〕These nouns refer to the power of the mind to form images, especially of what is not present to the senses.这些名词都指在头脑中形成印象的能力,尤其是对于无法通过感官觉察的事物。美国传统〔in some senses〕In some senses, it was a wasted effort.从某些定义上讲,这是白费力气。韦氏高阶〔intangible〕Incapable of being perceived by the senses.感觉不到的美国传统〔knowledge〕All knowledge comes to us through our senses.一切的知识都是经由感官获得的。文馨英汉〔lag〕The thought of escaping spurred his lagging senses.脱逃的念头使他有些麻木的神经兴奋起来。英汉大词典〔leave〕They must have taken leave of their collective senses for getting things so wrong.他们把事情弄得如此糟糕,一定全昏了头。英汉大词典〔membranous labyrinth〕The fluid-filled membranous sacs of the inner ear that are associated with the senses of hearing and balance.膜迷路:内耳之充满液体的膜状结构,与听觉及平衡感觉有关美国传统〔mesh〕Their senses of humor meshed perfectly.他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。柯林斯高阶〔mesh〕Their senses of humour meshed perfectly.他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。外研社新世纪〔metaphor〕Using metaphor, we say that computers have senses and a memory.打个比方,我们可以说计算机有感觉和记忆力。英汉大词典〔mystical〕Of or having a spiritual reality or import not apparent to the intelligence or senses.神秘主义的:属于或具有理智无法理解、感官不能接触的精神现实或含义的美国传统〔neologism〕The creation or use of new words or senses.新词或新义的创造或使用美国传统〔noumenon〕An object that can be intuited only by the intellect and not perceived by the senses.本体:只能由理智设定而不能靠官能察觉的东西美国传统〔numbed〕The horror of my experience has numbed my senses.我经历的那种恐怖已使我感觉迟钝。柯林斯高阶〔object〕Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing.物体,实物:用一种或多种感官,尤指用视觉或触觉可以感觉到的东西;实物美国传统〔opiate〕Something that dulls the senses and induces relaxation or torpor.毒品:使感觉迟钝或引起放松或麻痹的物质美国传统〔order〕Different senses of a word are ordered according to frequency.词的不同义项是按照使用频率排列的。牛津搭配〔overpower〕Her scent overpowered his senses.她身上的香味征服了他的理智。朗文当代〔overtime〕His senses were working overtime.他的感觉官能非常活跃。朗文当代〔perceive〕To become aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing.意识到:通过任何一种感官,尤指视觉或听觉等直接意识到美国传统〔perceptible〕These adjectives apply to what is capable of being apprehended with the mind or through the senses as being real.这些形容词适用于用意识或通过感官可被察觉到为真实存在的东西。美国传统〔percept〕A mental impression of something perceived by the senses, viewed as the basic component in the formation of concepts; a sense datum.感知:对某物通过感官得到的精神印象,被看做形成概念的基本构成部件;感觉证据美国传统〔phantasm〕In Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five senses.幻觉,错觉:柏拉图哲学思想中,被第五感觉察觉并歪曲的客观事实美国传统〔phenomenal〕Philosophy Known or derived through the senses rather than through the mind.【哲学】 感觉得到的,可知觉的:通过知觉而不是通过思想感受到的或获得的美国传统〔phenomenon〕An occurrence, a circumstance, or a fact that is perceptible by the senses.现象,事件:可以被感官知的现象、事件或事实美国传统〔positive〕Philosophy Something perceptible to the senses.【哲学】 可实证物:感觉器官能察觉到的事物美国传统〔possession〕I don't think anyone in full possession of their senses would agree with you.我认为任何一个神智清醒的人都不会赞同你。麦克米伦高阶〔prehension〕Apprehension by the senses.领会掌握:通过感官领悟美国传统〔present〕The scenic spot is still vividly present to our senses.风景胜地仍然生动地浮现在我们的感觉之中英汉大词典〔process〕The brain processes the information that is taken in by our senses.大脑处理我们感官接收到的信息。韦氏高阶〔pun〕A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.双关:一种文字游戏,有时利用同一个词的不同意思而有时利用不同词的相近意思或发音美国传统〔run〕Don't let your passion run away with your senses.不要让你的感情战胜你的理智。英汉大词典〔sensate〕Perceived by a sense or the senses.通过感官察觉的美国传统〔sense perception〕Perception by or based on stimulation of the senses.感性知觉:通过感官的剌激或以感官的剌激为基础的感觉美国传统〔sense〕All of my senses were on the alert for danger.我的全部感官都处于警觉的状态。韦氏高阶〔sense〕Although he can't see, he learns a lot through his other senses.他虽然看不见,但通过其他感官知道很多东西。牛津搭配〔sense〕Art should appeal to the senses rather than the intellect.艺术应打动感官而非激发理性。牛津搭配〔sense〕Britain's long summer evenings give us the chance to indulge the five senses.英国的漫漫夏夜给了我们沉醉于感官飨宴的机会。外研社新世纪〔sense〕Come to your senses.回到你的理智中来美国传统〔sense〕Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them.最终这世界会清醒过来,将它们全部丢弃。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕He waited for Dora to come to her senses and return.他盼着多拉冷静下来后回来。牛津高阶〔sense〕Her senses reeled as she fought for consciousness.她挣扎着想保持清醒,可是感觉一阵眩晕。牛津搭配〔sense〕His senses were clear despite his illness.尽管在生病,他的思维还是很清楚的。韦氏高阶〔sense〕If a prairie dog senses danger, he whistles a warning.如果草原犬鼠觉察到有危险,它就会鸣叫以发出警告。朗文当代〔sense〕If she threatens to leave, it should bring him to his senses.假如她威胁着要走,说不定他会清醒过来。牛津高阶〔sense〕It's time you came to your senses (= started to use your good judgment) and realized that they are not going to help you.你该醒醒了,你该明白他们是不会帮你的。剑桥高阶〔sense〕May her death bring these people to their senses.但愿她的死能让这些人醒悟。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕One day he'll come to his senses and see what a fool he's been (=to start to think clearly and behave sensibly again).总有一天他会清醒过来,明白自己曾经有多么傻。朗文当代〔sense〕Portman urged the government to come to its senses and stop nuclear testing.使某人理智麦克米伦高阶〔sense〕See if you can bring her to her senses . (=make someone think clearly and behave sensibly) 看看你能否让她明白过来。朗文当代〔sense〕She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses.她再度盯着他看,无法相信自己的眼睛和耳朵。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕Sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell are the five senses.视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉、嗅觉合称五种官能。英汉大词典〔sense〕That word has three senses.那个词有三个意思。牛津搭配〔sense〕The accident brought him to his senses (= caused him to use his good judgment again) and made him stop drinking.这一事故使他醒悟过来,不再喝酒了。剑桥高阶〔sense〕The drink must have dulled your senses.那饮料一定让你的感觉麻木了。牛津搭配〔sense〕The machine senses any change of temperature.这个机器检测任何温度变化。牛津同义词〔sense〕The machine senses when the engine gets too hot, and shuts itself off.引擎过热时机器会检测出来并自动关机。麦克米伦高阶〔sense〕The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel.四周的物象、气味和声音纷至沓来,使她晕头转向。牛津高阶〔sense〕The packaging is green - in both senses of the word (= it is green in colour and it is good for the environment).包装是绿色的——这个“绿色”有两层含义。剑桥高阶〔sense〕The word 'record' has several different senses.record 这个词有几种不同的意思。朗文当代〔sense〕The word ‘bank' has a number of senses.这个词有好几个义项。麦克米伦高阶〔sense〕The word ‘love’ is used in different senses by different people.“爱”这个字不同的人用来表示不同的意思。牛津高阶〔sense〕They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses.他们看着我,就像我已经疯了一样。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕They threw cold water on his face to bring him to his senses.他们在他脸上浇冷水使他苏醒过来。英汉大词典〔sense〕This word can be used in several senses.这个词可以有几种释义。英汉大词典〔sense〕Time will bring you to your senses.时光会使你明白过来的。英汉大词典〔sense〕When she came to, her senses told her she was lying on a beach.她苏醒过来的时候,感觉告诉她自己正躺在一片沙滩上。牛津搭配〔sense〕Why does she want to marry him? She must have taken leave of her senses.她怎么会要嫁给他呢?她准是脑子有毛病了。牛津高阶〔sense〕Why would he spend that much on a car? He must have taken leave of his senses.变得不理智;疯了麦克米伦高阶〔sensible〕Perceptible by the senses or by the mind.可觉察的:通过感觉或理智察觉得到的美国传统〔sensitive〕Capable of perceiving with a sense or senses.有感觉的:能用感官来感觉的美国传统〔sensory〕Of or relating to the senses or sensation.感觉的,感官的:属于或关于感觉或感觉能力的美国传统〔sensualism〕The ethical doctrine that the pleasures of the senses are the highest good.快乐论,享乐主义:认为感官的快乐是最好的一种伦理学学说美国传统〔sensual〕Relating to or affecting any of the senses or a sense organ; sensory.感觉的:关于或影响任何一种感觉或感觉器官的;感官的美国传统〔sensuous〕Appealing to or gratifying the senses.感官的:要求或满足感官的美国传统〔sensuous〕Of, relating to, or derived from the senses.感觉的:属于、关于或来自于感觉的美国传统〔sensuous〕Readily affected through the senses.易接受感官影响的美国传统〔sensuous〕These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.这些形容词意为给予或提供感官的满足。美国传统〔smell〕Smell is one of the five senses.嗅觉是5种感觉官能之一。剑桥高阶〔stimulus〕There is a constant input of stimuli via our senses.我们通过感官不断接收刺激。外研社新世纪〔subliminal〕Colour has a profound, though often subliminal influence on our senses and moods.颜色会极大地影响我们的感官和情绪,而这种影响常常是潜意识的。柯林斯高阶〔supersensible〕Beyond or above perception by the senses.超感觉的或超知觉的美国传统〔taste〕This sense in combination with the senses of smell and touch, which together receive a sensation of a substance in the mouth.味感:和嗅觉和触觉结合在一起的这种感觉能力,三者共同获得口腔内的一种物质的感觉美国传统〔terrified〕The pupils were terrified out of their senses.小学生们被吓得魂不附体。21世纪英汉〔trust〕I was reluctant to trust the evidence of my senses.我不愿意相信我感觉到的迹象。牛津搭配〔unappealing〕Not appealing to the senses, as in appearance, taste, or aroma.不吸引人的:形象,味道或气味不吸引人的美国传统〔voluptuous〕It is a voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate.它是一种能引起感官快感的香水, 能使你所有的感官兴奋起来。外研社新世纪〔whirl〕My senses were whirling.我感到一片恍惚。英汉大词典〔word〕He was a true friend in all senses of the word.从任何意义上来说他都是位真正的朋友。牛津高阶〔word〕She was a true friend in all senses of the word.从任何意义上说她都是真正的朋友。牛津搭配Alcohol can have a dangerously deadening effect on the senses.酒精对感官有危害性的麻醉作用。剑桥国际Beneath the smooth surface of day-to-day political life, one senses powerful and dangerous undercurrents.在日常政治生活平静的表面下,人们感觉到了强大危险的潜流。剑桥国际It’s time you came to your senses (= started to use your good judgment) and realised that they are not going to help you.该是你醒悟过来的时候了,你该明白他们是不会帮你的。剑桥国际No one in his right senses would believe such a fantastic story. 任何有理性的人都不会相信这样异想天开的故事。译典通Perhaps it will bring him to his senses. 也许这会使他清醒过来。译典通Sight is one of the five senses.视觉是五官之一。剑桥国际Smell is one of the five senses.嗅觉是五感之一。剑桥国际The accident brought him to his senses (= caused him to use his good judgment again) and made him stop drinking.车祸使他明白了道理,停止酗酒了。剑桥国际The computer senses how many people are in the room and fine-tunes the air-conditioning accordingly.电脑能够测算出房间内有多少人,然后根据人数对空调进行微调。剑桥国际The drug blunted his senses. 药使得他的感觉迟钝了。译典通The packaging is green--in both senses of the word (= it is green in colour and it is good for the environment).这个包装是绿色的----这包含了“绿色”的两层含义。剑桥国际




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