

单词 scraping
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOUD〕The hall resounded with the din of thirty children scraping violins, banging drums and singing loudly. 礼堂里闹哄哄的,三十个孩子有的在咝咝啦啦地拉着小提琴,有的在嘭嘭地打着鼓,有的在放声高歌。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕We started by scraping off the old wallpaper. 我们先刮掉了旧的墙纸。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕It was not until we felt the exhaust pipe scraping along the road that we realized there was something wrong with the car. 我们感到排气管擦着了路面才发现汽车出问题了。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Outside snow plows were scraping the street. 外面扫雪机在街上发出刺耳的响声。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Stop scraping your chair! 别把椅子拖得嘎嘎响!朗文写作活用〔RUB〕The sound of knives and forks scraping against plates filled the canteen. 食堂里满是刀、叉在盘子上刮擦的声音。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Three workmen came into the store -- I could hear their boots scraping on the floor. 三个工人进了店里—我听到了他们靴子走在地板上发出的刮擦声。朗文写作活用〔barrel〕By scraping the barrel he had just sixteen francs left.他倾囊而出,只剩下16个法郎了。英汉大词典〔bear〕I can't bear the sound of chalk scraping on a blackboard.我忍受不了粉笔在黑板上的刮擦声。21世纪英汉〔blunt〕Ken had blunted the blade by scraping it on the rocks.肯在岩石上刮磨刀刃使它变钝。麦克米伦高阶〔bow and scrape〕It's embarrassing to see people bowing and scraping to the new CEO.看到员工们对新首席执行官如此卑躬屈膝真是令人难堪。剑桥高阶〔bream〕To clean (a wooden ship's hull) by applying heat to soften the pitch and then scraping.清除:通过加热软化沥青后刮擦来清除(木船船底)美国传统〔chair〕Lisa heard a chair scraping the floor.莉萨听到椅子刮擦地板的声音。牛津搭配〔erase〕To remove (something written, for example) by rubbing, wiping, or scraping.擦掉,抹掉:通过用橡皮涂抹或刮除(写的字迹或图形等)美国传统〔grate〕To make a harsh rasping sound by or as if by scraping or grinding.磨擦而出声:通过或类似通过刮削或磨擦发出吱吱的,刺耳的声音美国传统〔graze〕The act of brushing or scraping along a surface.轻擦:沿一平面擦或刮的动作美国传统〔guiro〕A Latin American percussion instrument made of a hollow gourd with a grooved or serrated surface, played by scraping with a stick or rod.葫芦锯琴:拉丁美洲的打击乐器,以有着沟槽或是锯齿状表面的中空葫芦制造,以棍棒或是杆棒刮擦以演奏出音乐美国传统〔jar〕Once or twice there was a slight protesting jar and a scraping as they grazed a shoulder of sand.当他们蹭到沙土路肩时, 发出了一两次不满似的轻微刮擦声。外研社新世纪〔lint〕Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds.棉绒:由刮亚麻布得到的软绒,用于包扎伤口美国传统〔mezzotint〕A method of engraving a copper or steel plate by scraping and burnishing areas to produce effects of light and shadow.网线铜(或钢)版雕刻法:通过擦刮、打磨制造光影效果的铜或钢版雕刻方法美国传统〔pad〕A thin, cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape, or to protect against jarring, scraping, or other injury.护垫,衬:薄的、象靠垫一样的柔软材料,用来填装、定形或防止挤压、刮擦或其它伤害美国传统〔palette knife〕A knife with a thin flexible blade, used by artists for mixing, scraping, or applying paint.调色刀,画刀:带有薄而且有弹性刀刃的刀,画家用来混和、刮或涂油漆美国传统〔pinching and scraping〕By pinching and scraping, she managed to save enough money to buy a new car.她省吃俭用,终于攒下了足够的钱买了辆新车。韦氏高阶〔putty knife〕A tool having a flat flexible blade, used for scraping and applying putty.油灰刀:有一弹性刀叶的工具,用来涂抹或是敷油灰美国传统〔scrabble〕To make or obtain by scraping together hastily.翻找:把…匆匆地拢在一起以获得或得到美国传统〔scrabble〕To struggle by or as if by scraping or groping.挣扎:通过或似乎通过摸索或抓而挣扎美国传统〔scrape along〕We're barely scraping along on my salary.我们靠我的工资勉强度日。外研社新世纪〔scrape away〕It is hard to concentrate with Boris scraping away on his violin.鲍里斯拉小提琴发出的刺耳声音让人很难全神贯注。外研社新世纪〔scrape by〕She's scraping along on just a few hundred dollars a month.她靠着一个月几百美元勉强度日。韦氏高阶〔scrape by〕We're barely scraping by on my salary.我们靠我的工资勉强度日。柯林斯高阶〔scrape out〕They were scraping the oven out.他们正在清洁烤箱的内部。外研社新世纪〔scrape the bottom of the barrel〕Richard's in the team? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel! 理查德进队了?你真是没人可用了!剑桥高阶〔scraper〕One that scrapes, especially a tool for scraping off paint or other adherent matter such as ice on a windshield.刮刀:用于刮掉涂料或其它粘着物比如在防风板上的冰的工具美国传统〔scrape〕I could hear his pen scraping across the paper.我听得见他的钢笔在纸上沙沙地响。牛津高阶〔scrape〕I was woken up by the noise of branches scraping against my bedroom window.我被树枝刮擦卧室窗子的声音吵醒了。剑桥高阶〔scrape〕It was clear that the party was scraping the barrel for competent politicians.很显然,那个政党在降低标准寻找有能力的政治家。朗文当代〔scrape〕Patrick lifted the gate to prevent it from scraping along the ground.帕特里克把门升高了,免得刮着地面。牛津搭配〔scrape〕She stumbled and fell, scraping her knees.她绊了一跤, 把膝盖擦伤了。外研社新世纪〔scrape〕She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees.她绊了一下摔倒了,手掌和膝盖都蹭破了。柯林斯高阶〔scrape〕She went round the car scraping the frost off the windows.她把结霜的车窗挨个儿擦干净。柯林斯高阶〔scrape〕The act of scraping.刮擦的动作美国传统〔scrape〕The cab driver struggled with her luggage, scraping a bag against the door as they came in.出租车司机费力地拿着她的行李,进门时把一个包剐破了。柯林斯高阶〔scrape〕The car hurtled past, scraping the wall.那辆车疾驰而过, 剐到了墙壁。外研社新世纪〔scrape〕The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to a halt.汽车从我们身边疾驰而过,蹭到墙壁上然后戛然刹住。柯林斯高阶〔scrape〕The house was silent but for the scraping of a branch on the slates.这所房子寂静无声,只听见树枝刮擦着石板瓦吱吱作响。柯林斯高阶〔scrape〕The only sound is that of knives and forks scraping against china.唯一的响动是刀叉摩擦瓷器发出的刺耳声音。外研社新世纪〔scrape〕The sound of scraping.刮擦的声音美国传统〔scrape〕The sound of metal scraping on floor tiles came from the kitchen.厨房里传出金属摩擦地砖的刺耳声响。外研社新世纪〔scrape〕The splints are smoothed by scraping with a drawknife.夹板用刮刀刮平了。外研社新世纪〔scrape〕There was a scraping sound as she dragged the heels of her shoes along the pavement.她拖着脚走,鞋跟蹭着人行道嚓嚓作响。柯林斯高阶〔scrape〕They have trouble even scraping together their rent.他们连凑够房租都有困难。麦克米伦高阶〔scrape〕We could hear her scraping away at the violin.我们听得见她正一个劲儿吱吱呀呀地拉小提琴。牛津高阶〔scrapings〕There might be scrapings under his fingernails.他的指甲下可能有刮屑。柯林斯高阶〔scrapings〕There might be scrapings under his fingernails.他的指甲缝里可能还存留着少量碎屑。外研社新世纪〔scraping〕The carpenter brushed the scrapings aside as she worked.女木匠一边工作一边把碎屑拂到一旁。韦氏高阶〔scratch〕To make a harsh, scraping sound.作刮擦声:发出刺耳、摩擦的声音美国传统〔scrimp〕They were scrimping and scraping all winter so that they could have a good holiday this summer.他们整个冬天精打细算过日子,以便省下钱来在夏天舒舒服服度假。英汉大词典〔scuff〕A worn or rough spot resulting from scraping.磨损处:由于摩擦而穿破或粗糙的地方美国传统〔scuff〕The act or sound of scraping especially with the feet.拖步声:用脚蹭或发出的声音美国传统〔strigil〕An instrument used in ancient Greece and Rome for scraping the skin after a bath.刮身具:古代希腊和罗马人在浴后刮身用的工具美国传统〔xyster〕A surgical instrument for scraping bones.刮骨器:用于刮骨的一种外科手术器械美国传统I was woken up by the branches scraping (= rubbing noisily) against my bedroom window.我被树枝擦着卧室窗子所发出的声音吵醒了。剑桥国际Stop scraping (= pulling without lifting) your feet along the floor, Joel--walk properly.乔尔,不要拖着脚擦着地板走路----好好地走。剑桥国际The economy is still largely a peasant one, with most families scraping a living from the land.这里的经济主要还是小农经济,大部分家庭以种田为生。剑桥国际There was a long slow scraping sound of the raft against the mud.木筏紧压着淤泥发出又长又慢的刮擦声。剑桥国际




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