

单词 seasonally
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔No〕A lake of south-central Sudan. Formed by the flood waters of the White Nile, it varies in size seasonally.诺湖:苏丹中南部一湖泊,由白尼罗河的洪水形成,根据不同的季节变大或变小美国传统〔fluctuate〕The demand fluctuates seasonally.需求随季节而变动。英汉大词典〔migrate〕To change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another.迁移,移栖:定期变换所在地,尤指季节性地从一地迁移到另一地美国传统〔monsoon〕A wind system that influences large climatic regions and reverses direction seasonally.季风:影响大面积地区的气候并随季节而改变风向的风美国传统〔seasonally〕Although total unemployment has decreased, the seasonally adjusted figure has risen slightly.虽然总体失业率下降了,但因季节因素调整的统计数字略有升高。剑桥高阶〔seasonally〕The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a rise of twelve-hundred.受季节影响,失业人数增加了 1,200 人。柯林斯高阶〔seasonally〕The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a small rise.经季节性调整的失业数字显示有小幅上升。外研社新世纪〔seasonally〕The restaurant changes its menu seasonally.这家餐馆根据季节调整菜单。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.沼泽地:随季节淹没的低地,带有比湿地多的木质植物,比泥塘的排水要好美国传统Although total unemployment has decreased, the seasonally adjusted figure has risen slightly.虽然总体失业率下降了,季节性调整数字略微升高。剑桥国际The unemployment figures are seasonally adjusted (= do not include the changes that always happen in different seasons).失业数据已经过季节性调整。牛津商务




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