

单词 bought
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔MOST〕a singer whose records are bought mainly by teenage girls 其唱片主要由少女购买的一名歌手朗文写作活用〔as〕bought the samovar as is from an antique dealer.原封不动地从古董商那里买到这套俄国式茶具美国传统〔bought〕bought clothes 现成的衣服英汉大词典〔break〕broke down and bought a new car; prejudices that break down slowly.不再坚持,买了一辆新的小轿车;慢慢放弃了的偏见美国传统〔breathing room〕no breathing room on the crowded airplane; bought property in the countryside to get a little breathing room.拥挤的飞机上没有活动空间;在乡村买住宅以获得一点活动空间美国传统〔business〕bought his uncle's business.购买他叔父的企业美国传统〔buy〕an honest policeman who can't be bought 收买不了的正直的警察韦氏高阶〔cheer〕bought some posters to cheer the place up a bit.我买了些装饰画使这地方漂亮点。朗文当代〔chic〕the inherent chic that cannot be bought or hired无法买来或租借来的内在优雅外研社新世纪〔complaint〕a complaint about shoes bought online对网上购买的鞋子的投诉不满外研社新世纪〔credit〕a store that offers credit; bought my stereo on credit.提供赊帐的商店;我赊购了一台音响美国传统〔declare〕to declare the things which one bought abroad申报某人在国外所购物品21世纪英汉〔defend〕bought a dog to protect the children from unfriendly strangers; 买一条狗保护孩子们避开不友善的陌生人;美国传统〔dirt-cheap〕bought the property dirt-cheap; a dirt-cheap piece of property.非常便宜地购得财产;一份非常便宜的财产美国传统〔dresser〕a legendary beauty and unconventional dresser who only once bought 'normal' clothes.仅买过一次“常规”衣服的着装标新立异的传奇美女柯林斯高阶〔exclusive of〕bought the house, exclusive of the outbuildings.买下那座房子,不包括外在建筑美国传统〔ex〕bought the goods ex warehouse.买货物时出仓库前免费美国传统〔far-off〕in those far-off days when people still bought fish for their cats 在人们仍为家猫买鱼的那些遥远的往日里英汉大词典〔fifth〕bought a fifth of whiskey 买了五分之一加仑的威士忌酒韦氏高阶〔future〕futures Abbr. fut.Business Commodities or stocks bought or sold upon agreement of delivery in time to come. futures 缩写 fut.【贸易】 期货:为买卖商品或股票而规定在将来一定时期交货的契约美国传统〔halfcocked〕went off halfcocked and bought all the wrong items.仓促行事,买了错误的货物美国传统〔handicraft〕traditional handicrafts bought by tourists 旅游者购买的传统手工艺品牛津高阶〔impulse〕had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.有一种跑开的冲动;突发的后悔之情令我犹豫不决;心血来潮买了一顶帽子美国传统〔indulgent〕toys bought by their indulgent grandparents 溺爱孩子的(外)祖父母买的玩具朗文当代〔layaway〕bought a suit on layaway.以预约定购法买了套西服美国传统〔livestock〕a market where livestock are bought and sold 牲畜买卖市场韦氏高阶〔livestock〕a market where livestock is bought and sold 牲畜买卖市场韦氏高阶〔low〕bought low and sold high.贱买贵卖美国传统〔made〕bought some made goods at the local store.在当地的商店里购买一些人工制造的物品美国传统〔memory card〕the first memory card that I bought for my digital camera我给数码相机买的第一张存储卡外研社新世纪〔number one〕bought some number one farmland.买了一些最好的耕地美国传统〔on〕a television that we bought on credit two months ago.我们两个月前赊购的电视机柯林斯高阶〔original〕bought an original, not a print.买到真迹,不是复制品美国传统〔penny〕a fraying shirt I'd bought for fifty pence from the Oxfam shop我花50便士从乐施商店买来的一件破旧衬衣外研社新世纪〔place〕bought a place on the lake.在湖边买所房子美国传统〔premium〕bought at a premium of 40% above the current market price 以高于当前市场价格的 40% 购买牛津搭配〔retirement〕the house that his father had bought for his retirement他父亲为退休而购买的房子外研社新世纪〔sale〕a pair of jeans bought half-price in a sale.打折时半价买的一条牛仔裤柯林斯高阶〔schmeer〕bought the whole schmeer.买下整个集团美国传统〔shafting〕got a shafting when they bought that house.当他们买了那房子时就受到了不公正的待遇美国传统〔shelf〕devices that can be bought off the shelf可买的现货装置外研社新世纪〔sight〕bought the horse sight unseen.未经察看买下那匹马美国传统〔song〕bought the antique tray for a song.以便宜的价钱买得了那个古盘美国传统〔sufficient〕bought an adequate supply of food; 购买了充足的食物;美国传统〔that〕the money that I bought it with我买它用的钱外研社新世纪〔through〕bought the antique vase through a dealer.通过一个商人买到这只古花瓶美国传统〔trade〕bought a new, smaller car, trading the old one down for economy.为了节约,卖掉了旧车买了一辆更小的新汽车美国传统〔unwittingly〕a woman who had unwittingly bought a stolen car无意之中买了盗窃车辆的女人外研社新世纪〔which〕the CD which I bought today我今天买的那盘CD外研社新世纪bonds bought below par and repaid at par 以低于面值购买的债券按面值偿还牛津商务duty-free cigarettes/alcohol (= bought at an airport, etc.) (在机场等地购买的)免税香烟/酒牛津商务stocks bought on a downtick (= when their prices have started to decrease) 价格开始下滑时买入的股票牛津商务




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