

单词 saliva
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DNA〕The men will undergo voluntary DNA testing of their saliva.这些人将自愿做唾液 DNA 检测。朗文当代〔THERE/NOT THERE〕The virus is present in tears and saliva, but in very small amounts. 这种病毒存在于眼泪和唾液里,但是量很少。朗文写作活用〔ambeer〕Saliva colored by tobacco chewed or held in the mouth; tobacco juice.烟草汁:咀嚼烟草或把烟草含在嘴里而产生的有色唾液;烟草汁美国传统〔amylase〕A group of enzymes that are present in saliva, pancreatic juice, and parts of plants and help convert starch to sugar.淀粉酶:唾液、胰液及部分植物中存在的一组酶,可以促使淀粉转换成糖美国传统〔body fluid〕A natural bodily fluid or secretion of fluid such as blood, semen, or saliva.体液:人体自然的液体或分泌物,如血液、精液、唾液美国传统〔communicate〕The disease is communicated through saliva.这种疾病通过唾液传播。韦氏高阶〔curative〕Saliva was thought to be an especially valuable curative.唾液曾经被认为是一种特别珍贵的药物。外研社新世纪〔dribble〕To let saliva drip from the mouth; drool.垂涎,流口水:让唾液从口里流下;流口水美国传统〔drivel〕Saliva flowing from the mouth.口中流出的涎沫美国传统〔drivel〕He was drivelling saliva down his chin.他的口水沿着下巴流下。外研社新世纪〔drivel〕To flow like spittle or saliva.象口水一样流淌美国传统〔drool〕To let saliva run from the mouth; drivel.垂涎:让口水从口中流出;流口水美国传统〔enzyme〕An enzyme in the saliva of the mouth starts the process of breaking down the food.由于唾液中酶的作用,食物进入口腔时就开始了分解过程。剑桥高阶〔foam〕Frothy saliva produced especially as a result of physical exertion or a pathological condition.口沫:由于消耗体力或病理状况而产生的泡沫状唾液美国传统〔insalivate〕To mix (food) with saliva in chewing.使混涎:咀嚼时使(食物)与唾液混合美国传统〔parotid〕Damage to one or both parotid glands will increase the thickness of the saliva.如果一边或两边的腮腺受到损伤会造成唾液变稠。剑桥高阶〔ptyalin〕A form of amylase in the saliva of human beings and some animals that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin.唾液淀粉酶:在人类或某些动物的唾液中的一种淀粉酶,能把水解淀粉催化成麦芽糖和糊精美国传统〔ptyalism〕Excessive flow of saliva.流涎:唾液分泌过多美国传统〔salivary〕Of, relating to, or producing saliva.唾液的:唾液的,关于或产生唾液的美国传统〔salivate〕To secrete or produce saliva.分泌或产生唾液美国传统〔salivation〕An abnormally abundant flow of saliva.唾液不正常的大量分泌美国传统〔salivation〕The act or process of secreting saliva.流唾液:分泌唾液的动作或过程美国传统〔saliva〕Saliva spurted to his lips.他垂涎欲滴。英汉大词典〔saliva〕I wiped the saliva off my mouth.我抹去嘴边的口水。牛津搭配〔secrete〕Saliva is a liquid secreted by glands in or near the mouth.唾液是由嘴中或嘴部周围的腺体分泌的一种液体。剑桥高阶〔secretion〕A substance, such as saliva, mucus, tears, bile, or a hormone, that is secreted.分泌物:被分泌的物质,如唾液、黏液、眼泪、胆汁或一种荷尔蒙美国传统〔secretor〕A person whose saliva and other body fluids contain ABO antigens.分泌者:唾液及其他体液中含有ABO抗原的人美国传统〔sialagogue〕A drug or other agent that increases the flow of saliva.催诞剂:增加唾液分泌的药物或其它药剂美国传统〔sialorrhea〕An excessive secretion of saliva.流涎:唾液的过量分泌美国传统〔slaver〕Saliva drooling from the mouth.口水:从嘴里淌出来的涎水美国传统〔slobber〕Saliva or liquid running from the mouth; drool.口水:从嘴里淌出来的唾液或液体;口水美国传统〔slobber〕To let saliva or liquid spill out from the mouth; drool.流口水:让唾液或液体从嘴里流出;淌口水美国传统〔slobber〕To wet or smear with or as if with saliva or liquid dribbled from the mouth.(因口水流出而)弄湿:用从嘴里淌出的唾液或液体或用象它们一样的东西浸湿或涂抹美国传统〔spittle〕Spit; saliva.唾液;唾沫美国传统〔spit〕Saliva, especially when expectorated; spittle.唾液,口水:口涎,尤指吐出来的唾液;唾液美国传统〔spit〕He was spit saliva on his face.人们朝他脸上吐口水。21世纪英汉〔spit〕Something, such as the frothy secretion of spittle bugs, that resembles expectorated saliva.粘液分泌物:某些昆虫的泡沫状的分泌物,与吐出的唾液相似美国传统〔sputter〕To spit out or spray particles of saliva or food from the mouth in noisy bursts.喷溅唾沫或食物:迸发地从嘴中喷射出唾沫或食物美国传统〔sputum〕Matter coughed up and usually ejected from the mouth, including saliva, foreign material, and substances such as mucus or phlegm, from the respiratory tract.唾沫,痰:通常从嘴中咳出的杂物,包括唾液、异物和象粘液和痰等来自呼吸道的东西美国传统〔suction〕Michael was showing the nurse how to suction his saliva.迈克尔正给护士示范如何把他的唾液吸出来。外研社新世纪〔suction〕Michael was showing the nurse how to suction his saliva.迈克尔正给护士示范如何把他的唾液吸出来。柯林斯高阶〔water key〕A lever covering a small hole on certain brass instruments, such as the trombone, that is pressed to drain saliva that has accumulated in the instrument.乐器排水口:盖住诸如长号等某些铜管乐器上小孔的杆状物,可以压下,以排出乐器中积下的口水美国传统〔water〕Any of the liquids present in or passed out of the body, such as urine, perspiration, tears, or saliva.体液:存在于体内或排出体外的液体,如尿、汗液、泪水或唾液美国传统Saliva dribbled from the baby's mouth.唾液从婴儿的嘴里流了出来。剑桥国际Saliva is a liquid secreted by glands in or near the mouth.唾液是由嘴中或嘴部周围的唾液腺分泌的一种液体。剑桥国际A sudden chill of horror swept over her as she felt the drip of saliva upon her hands. 当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。译典通An enzyme in the saliva of the mouth starts the process of breaking down the food.口腔唾液中的酶开始分解食物的过程。剑桥国际I wiped a dribble of saliva off his chin with a handkerchief.我用手帕擦去了他下巴上的一串口水。剑桥国际Scientists have found that the saliva of the vampire bat prevents congealing of the blood and is effective in dissolving blood clots in humans.科学家发现吸血蝙蝠的唾液能够防止血液凝结,对于溶解人体中的血液凝块颇为有效。剑桥国际She spat contemptuously right in his face (= forced out SALIVA onto his face to show her angry feelings).她轻蔑地朝他脸上吐了口唾沫。剑桥国际Some illnesses are caught by coming into contact with the bodily fluids (= blood, SALIVA , etc.) of people who are suffering from them.有些疾病是通过与患有此病的人的体液(如血液、唾液等)相接触而染上的。剑桥国际




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