

单词 company policy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕Conroy made some muddled statement about how company policy has to be observed in these situations. 康罗伊含含糊糊地说了些在这些情况下必须如何遵守公司方针的话。朗文写作活用〔COMPANY〕A spokesman said company policy doesn't allow comment on mergers and acquisitions. 一位发言人说,公司政策不允许对并购发表评论。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕I'm afraid this is company policy, and your own views on the matter simply don't enter into it. 恐怕这是公司规定,这件事上你的个人意见是没有用的。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕IBM said that the £37 million payment had been made in a way that was inconsistent with company policy. 国际商业机器公司说那笔3,700万英镑款的支付方式不符合公司政策。朗文写作活用〔black mark〕She earned a black mark for opposing company policy.她因反对公司政策而得到考绩不良的评语。牛津高阶〔company〕It's company policy.这是公司的政策。麦克米伦高阶〔company〕No smoking is company policy.禁止吸烟是公司的规定。剑桥高阶〔controlling interest〕Ownership of a sufficient number of shares of stock in a company to control company policy.控股权益:在一家公司中拥有足以操纵公司决策的股份美国传统〔discrimination〕Company policy does not allow discrimination against women.公司规定不允许歧视女性。韦氏高阶〔divulge〕It is not company policy to divulge personal details of employees.透露员工的私人资料公司是不允许的。朗文当代〔heretical〕It would be heretical to suggest changing company policy.建议改变公司政策纯属旁门左道。韦氏高阶〔latitude〕He was allowed a lot of latitude in implementing company policy.在贯彻执行公司的政策方面他获许拥有很大的自由空间。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕The broad lines of company policy are already laid down.公司政策的总方针已经制定。牛津搭配〔monitor〕He will monitor and review company policy.他将监督和审查公司政策。麦克米伦高阶〔opt in〕Company policy is to leave new workers out of the pension scheme, unless they choose to opt in.公司政策是新员工除非主动要求加入,否则不把他们列入养老金计划内。剑桥高阶〔policy〕Each employee is given a handbook on company policy.每名员工都拿到了一本公司的规章手册。韦氏高阶〔policy〕It is company policy not to employ smokers.公司政策禁止雇用吸烟者。外研社新世纪〔policy〕It is a matter of company policy that we do not disclose the names of clients.不公开客户姓名是公司的政策。牛津搭配〔positive〕He always has some positive ideas on company policy.他对公司的政策总有一些建设性的意见。英汉大词典〔resignation〕She handed in her resignation following the dispute over company policy.就公司政策问题发生争端后,她递交了辞呈。牛津搭配〔tone〕She set the tone for the meeting with a firm statement of company policy.她坚定地说明了公司的方针,为会议定下了调子。牛津高阶〔vice-presidential〕At vice-presidential level you will be expected to take on a lot of responsibility in shaping company policy.身处副总裁职位的人需要在影响公司政策方面承担起很多责任。剑桥高阶Company policy is decided at the very highest level (= by the top managers).公司决策是由最高层人士来制定。剑桥国际All new employees attend a training course on company policy.所有新员工参加有关公司政策的培训课程。牛津商务Any deviation from company policy is unacceptable.任何违背公司政策的做法都是不可接受的。牛津商务As managing director, she guided company policy for twenty years.作为总经理,她控制公司政策达20年。剑桥国际It is company policy to capitalize assets over €5 000.超过 5 000 欧元的资产作为资产入账是公司的政策。牛津商务The document lists the eight core values on which company policy is based.这份文件列出了公司政策赖以建立的八个核心价值观。牛津商务The report's findings will feed into company policy.报告的调查结果将有助于公司制订政策。牛津商务We examine proposals to ensure linkage with company policy.我们审查了建议书以确保能符合公司政策。牛津商务We have to wear jeans on Fridays—it's company policy.我们周五必须穿牛仔裤 ── 这是公司的规定。牛津商务




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