

单词 see
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DISAPPEAR〕to become impossible to see 变得无法看见朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕what you see in a mirror, on a screen, or on water 镜中、屏幕上或水上所见朗文写作活用〔SEE〕something that you see 见到的事物朗文写作活用〔SEE〕unable to see very well 看不清楚的朗文写作活用〔SEE〕when something happens in a place where everyone can see 某事发生在大家都看得见的地方朗文写作活用〔aim〕trained the gun on the intruder. See also Synonyms at intention 把枪对准入侵者 参见同义词 intention美国传统〔allocate〕money earmarked for a vacation. See also Synonyms at assign 专用于度假的费用 参见同义词 assign美国传统〔ancestor〕a game that many see as the ancestor of basketball 一种被许多人认为是篮球原型的游戏麦克米伦高阶〔appear〕a ruffle showing at the edge of the sleeve. See also Synonyms at seem 袖口上出现的皱褶 参见同义词 seem美国传统〔appoint〕was tapped for fraternity membership. See also Synonyms at furnish 选为联谊会成员 参见同义词 furnish美国传统〔attitudinal〕the attitudinal past 表示说话人态度的过去时(指不是用以表示时间而是用于婉语,如: Did you want to see me now?)英汉大词典〔beat〕an unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane. See also Synonyms at defeat ,pulsate 一个任性的孩子吃了一顿桦树棍 参见同义词 defeat,pulsate美国传统〔becoming〕see drama in flux, change and becoming 在流动、变化和生成中看出戏剧性英汉大词典〔chance〕engaged in a desultory conversation. See also Synonyms at happen ,opportunity 进行一次不连贯的漫谈 参见同义词 happen,opportunity美国传统〔close〕a proximate neighborhood. See also Synonyms at complete ,familiar ,stingy far 友好的邻居关系 参见同义词 complete,familiar,stingyfar美国传统〔countryside〕see a bit of countryside for a change 换个口味去看看乡村英汉大词典〔dekm̥〕hundred , from Old English hundred , hundred ( -red , from Germanic *radam , number; see ar- ), from Germanic *hundam , hundred. hundred , 源自 古英语 hundred , 百 ( -red , 源自 日耳曼语 *radam , 数字; 参见 ar-), 源自 日耳曼语 *hundam , 百. 美国传统〔deprave〕material likely to deprave or corrupt those who see it看了可能会使人腐化堕落的东西外研社新世纪〔dormant〕a dormant volcano.See Synonyms at inactive See Synonyms at latent 休眠火山 参见 inactive 参见 latent美国传统〔dry〕land parched by the sun. See also Synonyms at sour moisten 被太阳烤得干裂的土地 参见同义词 sourmoisten美国传统〔dull〕an uninspired lecture. See also Synonyms at stupid lively 缺乏创见的演讲 参见同义词 stupidlively美国传统〔dumb〕speechless with horror. See also Synonyms at stupid 吓得说不出话 参见同义词 stupid美国传统〔evil〕those who see television as the root of all evil.那些将电视视为万恶之源的人柯林斯高阶〔game〕see through sb.'s game 识破某人的诡计英汉大词典〔glib〕a smooth-tongued hypocrite. See also Synonyms at talkative 花言巧语的伪君子 参见同义词 talkative美国传统〔goodness〕the desire to see goodness and justice in the world 对善良和正义的向往朗文当代〔hand〕can see the hand of a genius even in the lighter poems.就算在这首小诗里也能看出天才的大手笔美国传统〔intimidate〕had to be bludgeoned into fulfilling his responsibilities. See also Synonyms at threaten 被迫恫吓以完成他的责任 参见同义词 threaten美国传统〔last〕see sb. for the last time 最后一次见某人英汉大词典〔lift〕boost morale. See also Synonyms at steal 提高士气 参见同义词 steal美国传统〔light〕only see sb. in a good (bad) light 只看到某人好(坏)的方面 英汉大词典〔like〕a man whose like we shall not see again 我们再也不愿见到的那种男人牛津高阶〔lion〕see the lions 游览名胜英汉大词典〔manipulate〕maneuvering to gain an edge over their corporate competitors. See also Synonyms at handle 策划使他们能比他们共同的对手领先一步 参见同义词 handle美国传统〔murder〕a thriller about two men who murder a third to see if they can get away with it.关于两个男人为了看看是否能成功逃脱惩罚而去谋杀另一名男子的惊悚片柯林斯高阶〔native〕aboriginal nature. See also Synonyms at crude 原始土著人的天性 参见同义词 crude美国传统〔neck〕crane one's neck to see sth.伸长脖子看某物英汉大词典〔offensive〕vile thoughts. See also Synonyms at hateful 可耻的想法 参见同义词 hateful美国传统〔per〕prince , principal , principle , from Latin compound prīnceps , "he who takes first place,” leader, chief, emperor ( -ceps , “-taker"; see kap- ); prince , principal , principle , 源自 拉丁语 复合词 prīnceps , “占据第一位置的人,” 领导, 长官, 皇帝 ( -ceps , “拿…者”; 参见 kap-); 美国传统〔red〕see red over soaring prices 因物价飞涨而怒不可遏英汉大词典〔rose-colo(u)red〕see things through rose-colo(u)red spectacles (或 glasses) (过于)乐观地看待事物英汉大词典〔run〕run to see what's happening 跑去看发生了什么事英汉大词典〔saw〕to see a place of interest参观名胜古迹21世纪英汉〔saw〕to see greater development in the future预见到日后的更大发展21世纪英汉〔saw〕to see one's meaning明白了某人的意思21世纪英汉〔saw〕to see one's opinion同意某人的观点21世纪英汉〔saw〕to see with one's own eyes亲眼目睹21世纪英汉〔see ... through〕to see the work through把某项工作做完21世纪英汉〔see after〕to see after the old man照看老人21世纪英汉〔see〕see after a baby 照顾婴儿 英汉大词典〔see〕see the dentist 去看牙医英汉大词典〔see〕see the sights 游览名胜文馨英汉〔sight〕see the historical sights of London 游览伦敦的名胜古迹英汉大词典〔skyline〕the moving figures he could see against the skyline 他能看到的在天际线上移动的影子牛津搭配〔straight〕see straight 看得准英汉大词典〔through〕see a matter through.完成一件事美国传统〔top〕see a grey car topping the hill 看见一辆灰色的汽车开到山顶英汉大词典〔yen〕a yen to see the world 见见世面的热望英汉大词典see pp 100-117 参阅第 100-117 页牛津商务a merger enquiry (= to see if it should happen or not) 合并项目调查牛津商务




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