

单词 showdown
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕Everyone in the office knew that there would be a showdown sooner or later, the way things were going. 办公室里每个人都知道这事迟早总会摊牌的,事情总是这样的。朗文写作活用〔ARGUE〕The Senate moved toward another showdown with the President over the budget. 参议院接着又就预算问题向总统摊牌。朗文写作活用〔hole card〕Games A card in stud poker that is dealt facedown in the first round of a deal and that the holder is not obliged to reveal before the showdown.【游戏】 扣底牌:一种牌戏中,第一轮的一张扣底牌,在摊牌之前不需要翻这张牌美国传统〔set〕The top contenders are set for the showdown at next week's championship.前几名的角逐者已经为下周的冠军决赛做好了准备。麦克米伦高阶〔showdown〕Britain has a World Cup showdown with Australia next month.下个月英国队和澳大利亚队将有一场世界杯的决战。朗文当代〔showdown〕He was now strong enough to force a showdown with them.现在他的实力足以与他们决一雌雄了。牛津搭配〔showdown〕It's time for a showdown with your boss.该和你的老板摊牌了。外研社新世纪〔showdown〕Management are facing a showdown with union members today.今天资方准备和工会成员摊牌。牛津高阶〔showdown〕Millions of dollars were spent on lawyers in a courtroom showdown between the two companies.两家公司在法庭的最后一战光在律师身上就花了数百万美元。剑桥高阶〔showdown〕Of course I'll support you if it comes to a showdown.到最后摊牌的时候我当然会支持你。牛津搭配〔showdown〕Supporters of the bill are in a showdown with the opposition.该法案的支持者与反对者正在进行最后的较量。韦氏高阶〔showdown〕The Prime Minister is preparing for a showdown with Ministers.首相正准备和部长们摊牌。柯林斯高阶〔showdown〕The government is heading for a showdown over the new proposals.政府将面临对新提案的最后抉择。牛津搭配〔showdown〕The president is preparing for a showdown with Republicans over his plans to reform the economy.总统正在作准备,打算就他的经济改革计划和共和党人最后放手一搏。剑桥高阶〔showdown〕The scene was set for the final showdown.最后的决战即将到来。牛津搭配〔showdown〕The team is getting ready for tonight's showdown with last year's champions.球队正在为今晚与去年冠军队的决战做准备。韦氏高阶〔spoil〕They came, spoiling for a showdown.他们来此,切望一决雌雄。英汉大词典〔straight poker〕Poker in which each player is dealt five cards face down, bets are made, and the showdown takes place without any new cards being drawn.一次发给五张牌的扑克游戏:每个玩牌者面对五张面向下的牌,押上赌注,然后在不加任何新牌的情况下最后摊牌美国传统I'd like to avoid a showdown with my boss if I possibly can.我尽可能地避免同老板摊牌。剑桥国际Millions of dollars were spent on lawyers in a courtroom showdown between the two companies.两家公司在法庭上决一雌雄已经花费了数百万美元诉讼费。剑桥国际The 2015 NBA championship game is a showdown between Cavaliers and Warriors. 2015 的美国职篮总冠军赛是骑士和勇士的对决。译典通The President is preparing for a showdown with his advisers over his plans to reform the economy.总统正准备同他的顾问们就经济改革的计划进行关键性讨论。剑桥国际We may have to force a showdown. 我们也许得迫使对方摊牌。译典通




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