

单词 terrible
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-controlled〕He had a terrible temper, and sometimes he would completely lose control.他的脾气很坏,有时会完全失控。柯林斯高阶〔AND/ALSO〕Our vacation was a disaster: not only was the food terrible, the weather was awful as well. 我们的假期糟透了:不仅食物很差,天气也很恶劣。朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕Bobby drove home seething after his terrible humiliation at the party. 博比在聚会上受到极大的羞辱,忿忿地开车回家了。朗文写作活用〔ARGUE〕My sister and I had a terrible argument last night. 昨晚我和姐姐大吵了一场。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕To spend £23 billion on nuclear weapons is immoral, and a terrible waste of money. 花费230亿英镑来购买核武器是不道德的,而且钱也浪费得惊人。朗文写作活用〔BREATHE〕When she coughed she made a terrible wheezing sound. 她咳嗽时发出了可怕的气喘声。朗文写作活用〔Believe me〕That terrible restaurant is still in business, if you can believe it/that.你能相信吗,那家糟糕的餐馆居然还在营业。韦氏高阶〔COMPLAIN〕Her dad's a terrible grouch. 她爸爸是个大牢骚包。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕When I got back home, I was horrified to see what a terrible state the kitchen was in. 我回到家发现厨房里一片狼藉,感到十分震惊。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕We are a nation of both great wealth and terrible poverty. 我们是个集巨大财富和极度贫困于一身的国家。朗文写作活用〔Casanova〕He has a terrible reputation as a Casanova.他有浪荡公子的恶名。韦氏高阶〔DRUNK〕Kevin woke up the next day with a terrible hangover. 凯文第二天醒来宿醉很严重。朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕Words can't express the terrible grief I felt on losing my daughter. 言语无法表达我失去女儿所感到的那种极度悲痛。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I got a terrible fright when that dog jumped out at me. 那条狗突然跳出向我冲过来,真把我吓得半死。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕He's a terrible manager -- it's about time they got rid of him. 他是个糟糕的经理—他们该是时候把他赶走了。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Thompson told how his sacking had been a terrible shock that had left him feeling completely devastated. 汤普森讲述了他被解雇一事对他造成的打击如何之大,使他有一种被彻底摧毁的感觉。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕The Palace of Justice - a terrible misnomer - was set on fire by the workers. 正义殿—一个多么不恰当的名字—被工人放火烧了。朗文写作活用〔ONCE〕It was a terrible winter. At one stage all the roads to the village were blocked by snow. 那个冬天糟透了,有一段时间通往村里的所有道路都被大雪封锁了。朗文写作活用〔RECOVER〕Losing my job was a terrible blow, and it took me quite a while to recover. 失去工作对我是可怕的打击,我费了相当长的一段时间才恢复过来。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕I've got a terrible memory for names. 我对名字的记忆力差极了。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕It is a terrible tragedy for this small community. Everyone here is grieving. 对于这个小小的社区来说这是一场惨剧,人人都在悲痛之中。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕For years, the workers have had to tolerate low wages and terrible working conditions. 多年来,工人们都不得不忍受很低的工资和恶劣的工作条件。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕We got a terrible shock when the police rang to say that they had arrested our daughter. 警方来电,说我们的女儿被捕,我们大为震惊。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕We had to ignore the terrible things going on around us, and just concentrate on staying alive. 我们只得不去理会周围发生的那些可怕的事情,只顾保命。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕Elise was delighted I rang, but gave me a terrible dressing down for not ringing before or sending a postcard. 埃莉斯听到我打电话去很高兴,但又因为我没有早些去电话或寄一张明信片而痛骂了我一顿。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕When I visited him in hospital Albert looked terrible -- his face was gaunt and his hair had turned grey. 我去医院看望艾伯特时,他看上去很糟糕——脸色苍白憔悴,头发也灰白了。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕A terrible tiredness had overcome her, leaving her no energy for extra activities. 她疲惫不堪,再没有气力参加其他的活动。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕The patient's disease was so terrible that his own skin was repulsive to him. 这病人的病可怕得连他看见自己的皮肤都感到厌恶。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕Mimi's had a terrible run of bad luck this year, what with the car accident and her boyfriend leaving her. 米咪今年诸事不顺,既遇车祸,又被男友抛弃。朗文写作活用〔acoustics〕The acoustics in the school's auditorium are terrible.学校礼堂的音响效果太差了。韦氏高阶〔aim〕He fired six shots at the target, but his aim was terrible, and he missed all of them.他朝靶子打了6枪,但是准头太差,一枪也没中靶。剑桥高阶〔all right〕You look terrible, are you all right? 你看上去很不好,没事吧?麦克米伦高阶〔behold〕She was a terrible sight to behold.她看起来很可怕。外研社新世纪〔bind〕It's a terrible bind to have to cook your own meals.必须自己做饭真是太烦人了。外研社新世纪〔blood〕I heard a terrible cry that made my blood run cold.我听到了可怕的叫喊声, 让我毛骨悚然。外研社新世纪〔blowing-up〕He got a terrible blowing-up for being late.他因迟到而受到严厉的叱责。文馨英汉〔blow〕Her death came as a terrible blow to her parents.她的死对她父母是个沉重的打击。剑桥高阶〔blow〕The loss of her purse was a terrible blow.丢掉了钱包, 对她是个很厉害的打击。牛津同义词〔business〕The earthquake was a terrible business.那次地震是非常可怕的事。韦氏高阶〔calamity〕The fire was a terrible calamity.这次失火是可怕的灾难。牛津同义词〔cheaply〕Most modern housing estates are terrible and inevitably done on the cheap.现在的房子大多质量差劲透顶,肯定都是偷工减料盖起来的。柯林斯高阶〔cheap〕Most modern housing estates are terrible and inevitably done on the cheap.大多数现代的房产都建得很糟, 而且也都不可避免地偷工减料了。外研社新世纪〔citizen〕This terrible crime has shocked all law-abiding citizens.这桩骇人的罪行震惊了所有守法的公民。牛津搭配〔combine〕Sickness, combined with (= together with) terrible weather, contrived to ruin the trip.疾病,加上恶劣的天气,毁掉了这次旅行。剑桥高阶〔come〕Her death came as a terrible shock to us.她的死使我们极为震惊。牛津高阶〔commotion〕There was a terrible commotion outside.外面发生了可怕的骚乱。麦克米伦高阶〔crime〕She has committed a terrible crime.她犯下了可怕的罪行。朗文当代〔crop〕In the Middle Ages, years of crop failure were always followed by terrible disease.中世纪时,庄稼连年歉收后总会出现严重的疫情。柯林斯高阶〔crop〕In the Middle Ages, years of crop failure were always followed by terrible disease.在中世纪, 粮食连年歉收总是会出现严重的病患。外研社新世纪〔curse〕Summer colds are a terrible curse.夏季感冒是极其糟糕的事。柯林斯高阶〔dancer〕I'm a terrible dancer.我舞跳得很差。韦氏高阶〔deal〕Why do you keep on dealing me these terrible hands?你怎么老给我发烂牌?外研社新世纪〔difference〕They had a terrible argument a few weeks ago, but now they've settled/resolved their differences.几个星期前他们发生过一次激烈的争吵,不过现在他们的分歧已经消除了。剑桥高阶〔dilemma〕We're facing a terrible dilemma.我们面临着可怕的两难境地。韦氏高阶〔din〕The children were making a terrible din.孩子们吵翻了天。剑桥高阶〔direful〕Inspiring dread; terrible.令人精神上恐惧的;可怕的美国传统〔discover〕It was a terrible shock to discover the full extent of the problem.发现这个问题如此严重实在令人震惊。牛津搭配〔discriminate〕He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one.他分不清主意的好坏。柯林斯高阶〔do〕They did terrible things to some of the prisoners.他们残酷虐待一些囚犯。麦克米伦高阶〔empty〕There was a terrible smell, and the room emptied in seconds.房间里有一种难闻的味道, 几秒钟内人就都走空了。外研社新世纪〔enough〕As if the crowds aren't bad enough, the parking situation is terrible.仿佛人群的拥堵还不够糟糕似的,停车状况更可怕。韦氏高阶〔ensue〕A terrible combat ensued.接着发生了一场恶战。英汉大词典〔exact〕She uses the media to help her exact a terrible revenge.她利用媒体帮助自己进行一次恐怖的报复。外研社新世纪〔fate〕Perhaps some terrible fate has befallen them.也许某种可怕的灾难已降临到他们头上。外研社新世纪〔fear〕They have a terrible fear of failure.他们非常害怕失败。牛津搭配〔feel for〕I truly feel for you in your terrible loss.我确实同情你的惨重损失。21世纪英汉〔fiddle〕I find threading a needle a terrible fiddle.我觉得穿针是件难事。剑桥高阶〔finality〕The word 'retirement' has a terrible air of finality about it.“退休”这个词有终结的可怕意味。朗文当代〔flash〕A terrible thought flashed through my mind.一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海。牛津高阶〔fling up〕She entered the room,then flung up her hands in horror at the terrible sight that met her eyes.她进了房间,眼前的惨状使她惊恐万分。21世纪英汉〔fly〕The only fly in the ointment was Jack Tinker, The Times critic, who gave me a terrible write-up.唯一的遗憾是, 《泰晤士报》评论员杰克•廷克给我写了一篇糟糕的评论。外研社新世纪〔fortunate〕It was fortunate that they had set out early because the traffic was terrible.幸运的是他们出发得很早,因为交通状况实在太糟了。剑桥高阶〔fright〕I had a terrible fright this morning when I saw you there.早上看到你在那儿,我吓了一大跳。牛津搭配〔fright〕What a terrible fright!多么令人震惊啊!外研社新世纪〔go and...〕Mike's really gone and done it now - he'll be in terrible trouble for breaking that window.迈克居然把窗户玻璃给打碎了——他得吃不了兜着走了。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕He's a terrible gossip.他是个很爱说三道四的人。韦氏高阶〔grind〕Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person.生活对普通人来说仍然很艰辛。外研社新世纪〔groan〕We all groaned at his terrible jokes.他讲的笑话很糟糕,我们都发出不满的抱怨声。牛津高阶〔gut〕I had a terrible pain in my guts after eating too many plums.我李子吃得太多了,肚子疼得厉害。牛津搭配〔halfway〕It was a terrible film – I left halfway through.这部电影糟糕得很,我看到一半就离场了。朗文当代〔hammering〕Parents have taken a terrible hammering.家长们遭到了严厉的批评。柯林斯高阶〔hangover〕She woke up with a terrible hangover.她醒来时宿醉反应很厉害。牛津高阶〔headache〕I have had a terrible headache for the last two days.两天来我一直头痛得厉害。柯林斯高阶〔hide〕He had a terrible urge to run away and hide.他有一种想要逃离并躲起来的强烈冲动。外研社新世纪〔hypochondriac〕Apparently he was a terrible hypochondriac.看起来他患有严重的疑病症。外研社新世纪〔ill-fitting〕Not only are ill-fitting bras uncomfortable but they look terrible.不合身的胸罩不仅不舒服, 而且难看极了。外研社新世纪〔invasion〕Having those photographers in the house was a terrible invasion of privacy.让这么多摄影记者进到家里,对隐私是极大的侵犯。牛津搭配〔loss〕The family has suffered a terrible loss.这个家庭减员严重。牛津搭配〔mangle〕He mangled the music by his terrible playing.他胡奏乱弹糟塌了乐曲。英汉大词典〔manner〕What manner of man could do such a terrible thing? 究竟什么人能做出这样可怕的事呢?牛津高阶〔map〕I'm terrible at map reading (= understanding maps).我一点儿也看不懂地图。剑桥高阶〔may〕He may be a good father but he's a terrible husband.他或许是一位好父亲,但却是个很糟糕的丈夫。牛津高阶〔meet〕A terrible sight met their eyes.一幅可怕的景象映入他们的眼帘。牛津高阶〔mess〕The economy is in a terrible mess.经济十分混乱。朗文当代〔muddle〕I have a terrible headache, and my thoughts are all muddled up.我头痛得厉害,头脑里一片混乱。英汉大词典〔not〕Not to have high aspirations is a very terrible thing for a young man.年轻人没有远大志向是十分糟糕的。英汉大词典〔once〕If we act fast, we can once and for all prevent wild animals in Britain from suffering terrible cruelty.如果我们迅速采取行动,就可以一劳永逸地使英国的野生动物免受残忍的虐待。柯林斯高阶〔order〕Things were in terrible order.情况极糟。英汉大词典〔pack rat〕I'm a terrible pack rat. I never throw anything away.我老是留着没用的东西,从来不扔掉。韦氏高阶〔pain〕I'm having terrible pains in my chest.我胸口疼得很厉害。麦克米伦高阶〔pay〕He looked terrible this morning. I think he's paying the penalty for all those late nights.他今天上午脸色很不好,我想这是他一直熬夜造成的。牛津高阶〔picture〕Picture to yourself how terrible that day must have been.你自己想象一下那天有多糟糕。剑桥高阶〔pit〕I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something terrible was going to happen.我内心深处觉得有什么可怕的事就要发生了。朗文当代〔plain〕The food was just plain terrible.这食物实在太难吃了。柯林斯高阶〔plateau〕A terrible storm swept across the plateau.一场可怕的暴风雨横扫高原。牛津搭配〔poor〕That cold sounds terrible, you poor thing! 感冒似乎很严重,你这个可怜的家伙!剑桥高阶〔pray〕Let us pray for the victims of this terrible disaster.让我们为这次可怕灾难的受害者祈祷吧。剑桥高阶〔predicament〕I'm in a terrible predicament.我的处境十分尴尬。牛津高阶〔prevent〕We aim to prevent wild animals from suffering terrible cruelty.我们的目的是阻止野生动物遭受骇人暴行的荼毒。外研社新世纪〔problem〕The accident poses a terrible problem for the family.那场事故给这个家庭带来了可怕的灾难。牛津搭配〔put〕Be aware of the terrible strain it can put on a child when you expect the best reports.在期待孩子能取得最好成绩时,要当心这会给他们带来可怕的压力。柯林斯高阶〔quite〕I can state quite definitely it will be terrible.我可以非常明确地说,情况会十分糟糕。柯林斯高阶〔reception〕The mobile phone reception is terrible where I live.我住的那个地方手机信号很差。外研社新世纪〔regardless〕The weather was terrible but we carried on regardless.天气非常恶劣,但我们并不理会,照常进行。牛津高阶〔remainder〕I spent the remainder of the day feeling terrible.我那天余下的时间里心情都很糟糕。柯林斯高阶〔repeat〕It was a terrible journey – I hope we don't have a repeat performance (=have the same thing happen again) on the way home.这一路上太糟糕了 — 我希望回程不会再发生这样的事。朗文当代〔respite〕There has been no respite in the terrible weather.恶劣的天气一直没有中断过。麦克米伦高阶〔ruminate〕He ruminated on the terrible wastage of consumerism.他反复考虑了消费主义带来的严重浪费问题。外研社新世纪〔rush〕I'm in a terrible [dreadful] rush.我非常忙。文馨英汉〔saga〕His suicide is the latest chapter in this terrible saga.他的自杀是这个可怕的传奇故事的最新章节。牛津搭配〔same〕I'm terrible at physics, and it's the same with chemistry - I get it all wrong.我对物理一窍不通,化学也一样——我完全理解不了。剑桥高阶〔scare〕It wasn't a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible scare.这次心脏病发作并不严重,却把他吓坏了。牛津搭配〔serve〕I feel terrible.—It serves you right for drinking so much last night.我觉得难受。——你这是活该, 谁让你昨晚喝那么多酒。外研社新世纪〔service〕The service was terrible and so was the food.服务糟得很,饭菜同样如此。朗文当代〔shock〕It was a terrible shock to discover he was already married.这是个非常可怕的打击,他已经结婚了。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕She's got a terrible temper, you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her.她脾气很差, 你可别惹她不高兴。外研社新世纪〔slip down〕The medicine slipped down well, but tasted terrible.这药容易被喝下,可味道太难吃了。21世纪英汉〔snob〕He's a terrible snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.他是个十足的势利眼——如果你没上过名牌学校,他也许一句话都不跟你说。剑桥高阶〔sober〕I had sobered up by now and felt terrible.这时候我酒醉后清醒过来,感觉很糟。朗文当代〔socializing〕The hours were terrible, so socializing was difficult.时机不对, 所以社交很困难。外研社新世纪〔spelling〕I'm terrible at spelling.我的拼写很糟糕。英汉大词典〔spelling〕My spelling is terrible.我的拼写能力很差。外研社新世纪〔stream〕I've got a terrible cold and my nose has been streaming all week.我得了重感冒,整个星期都在流鼻涕。剑桥高阶〔strongly〕Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open.狂风暴雨一齐袭来,致使苏格兰高尔夫球公开赛的比赛条件变得异常糟糕。柯林斯高阶〔struggle〕It was a terrible struggle for him to accept her death.他经过一番痛苦的挣扎才接受了她已死的事实。剑桥高阶〔suspense〕The suspense was terrible.心老是悬着真是不好受。外研社新世纪〔take〕The children cried and took on something terrible at the sight of the stranger.看到那个陌生人,孩子们大哭大叫。英汉大词典〔taste〕He has terrible taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like.他的品位极差,你大概可以想象出他家是什么样子。剑桥高阶〔terrible〕A terrible sight met my eyes.我看见了一幅可怖的景象。英汉大词典〔terrible〕Don't you feel terrible about letting everyone down? 你让大家失望就不觉得心里有愧吗?麦克米伦高阶〔terrible〕He's a terrible driver.他开车水平很差。麦克米伦高阶〔terrible〕He's a terrible liar.他是个大骗子。外研社新世纪〔terrible〕Her mother's sudden death came as a terrible shock.她母亲突然去世的消息令人震惊不已。麦克米伦高阶〔terrible〕I feel terrible for telling you that your adoration is not entirely reciprocated.非常抱歉告诉你, 你的爱意并没有得到完全的回报。外研社新世纪〔terrible〕It must have been terrible for the survivors.对于幸存者来说那一定十分可怕。牛津搭配〔terrible〕She is terrible skinny and homely.她非常瘦,相貌平平。英汉大词典〔terrible〕Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster.还有成千上万的人在那场全世界最严重的工业灾难中受了重伤。柯林斯高阶〔terrible〕That's a terrible thing to say! 说这话太难听了!牛津高阶〔thing〕It is a terrible thing to doubt someone you have trusted all your life.怀疑一个你信任了一辈子的人, 这是一件可怕的事。外研社新世纪〔thing〕That's a terrible thing to say .这话说得太难听了。朗文当代〔thriftless〕Thus, he has terrible fits of remorse and repentance; but he is lavish and thriftless all the same.因此, 他一阵阵地非常自责、悔恨;但是他还是那样地铺张浪费、不知节俭。外研社新世纪〔through〕When you have been through a terrible experience like that, it takes a long time to recover.经历过那样的可怕事情之后,要花很长时间才能恢复过来。朗文当代〔tingle〕My body tingled all over and I had a terrible headache.我全身刺痛,头疼欲裂。朗文当代〔toll〕The pressure of fame can take a terrible toll.名声的压力能造成可怕的伤害。牛津搭配〔toothache〕I had terrible toothache all last night.昨晚我一整夜牙疼得厉害。朗文当代〔traffic〕The traffic was terrible.交通状况糟糕。外研社新世纪〔transfix〕He was transfixed to the spot when I told him the terrible news.我把那可怕的消息告诉他时他当即呆住了。英汉大词典〔trial〕It is a terrible trial to get up in these very cold mornings.在这些非常寒冷的早晨起床真是件让人痛苦的事。外研社新世纪〔trouble〕Sudden changes by the government can cause terrible trouble in the housing market.政府政策的突然变化会给房产市场造成极大的麻烦。朗文当代〔trouble〕The person who loaned them to me got into terrible trouble for it.把那笔钱借给我的那个人因此倒霉了。柯林斯高阶〔unbearable〕I was in terrible, unbearable pain.我当时疼痛难忍。柯林斯高阶〔unburden〕She unburdened herself of her terrible secret.她说出隐情以放下压在心头的包袱。英汉大词典〔unhealthy〕The redundancy of skilled and experienced workers is a terrible waste and a clear sign of an unhealthy economy.很多富有经验的熟练工人无事可做, 这是极大的浪费, 也是经济运行不健康的明显标志。外研社新世纪〔unhealthy〕The redundancy of skilled and experienced workers is a terrible waste and a clear sign of an unhealthy economy.技术熟练、经验丰富的工人过剩是可怕的浪费,也是经济运行不良的明显征兆。柯林斯高阶〔unhinge〕The terrible experience seemed to have unhinged him slightly.这一可怕的经历似乎使他有点精神失常了。朗文当代〔unmusical〕Lainey had a terrible voice, unmusical and sharp.莱内的声音很恐怖,既难听又刺耳。柯林斯高阶〔unsure〕The evening show was terrible, with hesitant unsure performances from all.晚上的演出很糟糕, 所有人都畏手畏脚, 显得很不自信。外研社新世纪〔wind〕I like garlic but it gives me terrible wind.我爱吃大蒜,但吃了肚子胀气很厉害。剑桥高阶〔wrench〕Leaving home was a terrible wrench for me.对我来说离开家是件十分痛苦的事。牛津高阶〔wrong〕We asked for compensation for the terrible wrongs done to us.我们要求就遭受到的极端不公正待遇进行赔偿。外研社新世纪Dear! Dear! That's terrible.哇!哇!那太可怕了。剑桥国际He had a terrible time in overcoming his timidity. 他费了很大的劲才克服了他的胆怯。译典通His death was a terrible blow to her. 他的逝去对她是个可怕的打击。译典通His description of abortion as “a terrible offence against God and humanity” produced an outraged response from the audience.他把流产描述成“对上帝和人类可怕的冒犯”,这引起了观众的义愤。剑桥国际I find it astounding that you could ever think of doing anything so terrible.你竟会想出去做如此可怕的事,真叫我目瞪口呆。剑桥国际I had a terrible headache, but even so (= despite that) I went to the concert.我头痛得厉害,但我还是去了音乐会。剑桥国际I have been involved in war and know of its terrible costs at first hand (=from my personal experience of it).我参加了战争并从亲身经历中知道了它的可怕代价。剑桥国际I'm a terrible correspondent--I never seem to get the time to write.我是个糟糕的写信者----我好像从来就没空写信。剑桥国际I'm afraid we've made a terrible mistake and amputated the wrong leg.恐怕我们犯了严重的错误,截错了肢。剑桥国际I've got a terrible thirst after all that running.在那一场奔跑后我渴得要死。剑桥国际I've got no sense of rhythm, so I'm a terrible dancer.我没有节奏感,因此我舞跳得很糟糕。剑桥国际It's terrible to see someone you love suffer so much.见到深爱之人如此痛苦真令人难受。剑桥国际It's a mystery to me why anyone who has ever suffered from a truly terrible hangover ever has another one.令我难以理解的是为什么曾经遭受可怕宿醉的人竟还会再一次酗酒。剑桥国际I’ve had a terrible night -- I just couldn’t sleep.我度过了可怕的一夜,我简直不能睡觉。剑桥国际My aunt's a terrible hoarder -- she never throws anything away.我阿姨是个可怕的贮藏者----她从不扔掉任何东西。剑桥国际Parliament should give the courts extra powers to deal stringently with those who commit these terrible offences.议会应给予法院特别权力以严厉打击那些犯重罪的歹徒。剑桥国际Picture to yourself how terrible that day must have been. 想象一下那天会是多么糟。剑桥国际Rumours were rife that they had met with a terrible disaster and that all were dead. 说他们遭到大灾难并全都死了的谣言到处流行。译典通She feels a terrible sense of alienation from (=feeling of having no connection with) everyone else around her.她有一种与周围所有人都疏远了的可怕感觉。剑桥国际She's became a believer after she survived a terrible accident.在遭遇一场可怕的事故之后她成了一名信徒。剑桥国际She's got no control over that child of hers--it's terrible.她管不了自己的孩子----这太糟糕了。剑桥国际The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 这可怕的情景深深地印在他的记忆中。译典通The cats have made a terrible mess in the kitchen.猫把厨房弄得一团糟。剑桥国际The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coastline.溢漏的油给海岸线上脆弱的生态环境带来了严重的损害。剑桥国际The parents went through a terrible ordeal when their child was kidnapped. 当孩子遭到绑架时,父母亲经受了一次可怕的折磨。译典通The story was so terrible that it sent tremors down my spine. 这故事太可怕,它使我不寒而栗。译典通There is a view of runaways as coming from terrible circumstances, hooked on drugs or pregnant, but this is not an accurate picture.有一种看法认为离家出走的孩子处境可怕,吸毒成瘾,或怀了孕,但这不是个准确的描述。剑桥国际There was a terrible explosion at the chemical plant. 那家化工厂发生了一起可怕的爆炸事故。译典通This terrible event is etched forever in my memory. 这一可怕事件永远深深地印刻在我的记忆中。译典通Tim's a terrible fidget.蒂姆是个一刻都坐立不安的人。剑桥国际




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