

单词 series
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔MISTAKE〕a series of management blunders 一连串重大的管理失误朗文写作活用〔acetylene〕the acetylene series 【化】乙炔系列文馨英汉〔arrange for〕to arragne for a series of lectures安排一系列讲座21世纪英汉〔blunder〕a series of political blunders 一连串政治失误牛津高阶〔center〕a series of arts events centered at the city park 汇聚在城市公园的一系列艺术活动韦氏高阶〔coincidence〕a series of strange/amazing coincidences 一系列奇怪/令人惊讶的巧合剑桥高阶〔collision〕a series of jolts as the baby carriage rolled down the steps; 婴儿车滚落楼梯时一系列的簸晃;美国传统〔copycat〕a series of copycat attacks by hooligan gangs.流氓团伙的一系列模仿性袭击柯林斯高阶〔discontinuous〕a discontinuous series of events 断断续续发生一连串事件英汉大词典〔failure〕a series of crop failures 一连串的庄稼歉收朗文当代〔fascination〕a series focusing on the fascinations of the British Museum介绍大英博物馆引人入胜之处的系列节目外研社新世纪〔impact〕the cumulative impact of a series of damaging events 一系列危害事件所产生的累积影响牛津搭配〔informal〕a series of informal discussions一系列非正式讨论外研社新世纪〔interlock〕a series of interlocking rings.一串连锁环柯林斯高阶〔interlock〕a series of interlocking rings一串相扣的环外研社新世纪〔interview〕go through a series of stringent interviews 经受一系列严格的口头考核英汉大词典〔judicious〕a judicious series of investments 一系列有远见卓识的投资英汉大词典〔killing〕a series of gangland killings 一系列黑帮凶杀案朗文当代〔league〕the American League series between the Boston Red Sox and World Champion Oakland Athletics.波士顿红袜队和世界大赛冠军奥克兰运动家队的美国联盟冠军赛对决柯林斯高阶〔long-running〕a long-running TV series 长期播放的电视连续剧英汉大词典〔long-term〕a series of long-term measures 一系列的长期措施文馨英汉〔mechanical drawing〕a detailed series of mechanical drawings 一系列详尽的机械图纸韦氏高阶〔metamorphosis〕a company that has gone through a series of metamorphoses 经历了多次蜕变的公司韦氏高阶〔misadventure〕a series of misadventures.一连串的不幸事件柯林斯高阶〔misfortune〕a series of misfortunes 接二连三的不幸麦克米伦高阶〔nephelauxetic〕the nephelauxetic series 电子云重排系列英汉大词典〔newspaper〕a series of newspaper articles about life in Cuba 刊登在报纸上的一系列关于古巴生活的文章朗文当代〔off-the-record〕a series of off-the-record talks (meetings) 一系列的私下谈话(会议)英汉大词典〔ongoing〕a series of ongoing scientific studies 一系列正在进行的科学研究英汉大词典〔order〕a series of jobs listed in order of difficulty/importance/size 一系列按难度/重要性/工作量排序的工作韦氏高阶〔paid〕a series of airforce strikes that put paid to the General's hopes of fighting on.一连串空中打击粉碎了那位将军继续战斗的希望柯林斯高阶〔pictorialize〕to pictorialize a series of stories用图画来阐述一系列故事[英国英语亦作 pictorialise]21世纪英汉〔pithy〕a series of pithy quotations 一系列简练的引述朗文当代〔poisoning〕a series of deaths caused by carbon monoxide poisoning 一氧化碳中毒引起的一连串死亡牛津高阶〔pratfall〕a series of corporate pratfalls that cost Midcom Communications nearly $200 million in stock-market value明康通讯公司所犯的导致其股票市值损失近2亿的一系列难堪错误外研社新世纪〔preacher〕a series of guest preachers 一连串的客串传教士牛津搭配〔punishing〕a series of punishing defeats 一连串惨败朗文当代〔reader〕a series of graded English readers 一系列分级英语读物牛津高阶〔seminar〕a series of half-day seminars to help businessmen get the best value from investing in information technology.旨在帮助商界人士从投资信息技术中获得最大价值的一系列半日研讨会柯林斯高阶〔series〕a series of articles on community care 有关社区关怀的系列文章朗文当代〔series〕a series of articles on global warming 关于全球变暖的一系列文章韦氏高阶〔series〕a series of laws against discrimination 反对歧视的一系列法规朗文当代〔series〕a series of meetings一系列会议外研社新世纪〔series〕a comic book series 漫画丛书韦氏高阶〔series〕an arithmetical [a geometrical] series 【数】算术[几何]级数,等差[等比]级数文馨英汉〔series〕an unusual series of events 一系列不同寻常的大事韦氏高阶〔series〕my train of thought. Astring is a continuous series or succession of similar or uniform elements likened to objects threaded on a long cord: 我的一系列想法。 String 是连续的一系列或一连串或是串在一根长线上的相似的或相同的要素: 美国传统〔series〕the TV series 'The Trials of Life' presented by David Attenborough.由戴维·阿滕伯勒主持的电视系列片《生命之源》柯林斯高阶〔series〕the final book in the series 丛书的最后一部牛津搭配〔series〕the first series (刊物的)第一辑文馨英汉〔shooting〕a series of shootings一系列枪击事件外研社新世纪〔steplike〕a series of smaller, steplike rocks一系列更小的阶梯状岩石外研社新世纪〔step〕a series of steps in the rocky hill石山上的一系列梯级外研社新世纪〔strike〕strike a series of chords on the piano 在钢琴上弹出一连串和弦英汉大词典〔terrace〕turning a hillside into a series of ascending terraces for farming.把一块山坡变成了耕作用的一层层梯田美国传统〔trial〕a series of show trials of former senior officials 对前高官进行的一系列审判秀牛津搭配〔unhappy〕an unhappy series of events 一系列不幸事件麦克米伦高阶〔unrelated〕a series of unrelated incidents 一连串不相关的事件文馨英汉〔unwisely〕a series of unwise investments in plastics and shipping.在塑料和货运领域一连串不明智的投资柯林斯高阶〔wastage〕a series of measures to prevent the wastage of water.一系列节水措施柯林斯高阶




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