

单词 salespeople
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-person〕He had a staff of six salespeople working for him.他手下有6名销售人员为他工作。柯林斯高阶〔GET〕We get so many calls from salespeople. 我们会接到推销员打来的很多电话。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Two or three of the salespeople knew me by sight. 这些销售员中有两三个和我面熟。朗文写作活用〔beware〕Beware salespeople who promise offers that seem too good to be true.要提防那些满口应承的推销人员,说得越天花乱坠越不可信。剑桥高阶〔commission〕Most of the salespeople are on commission.大多数销售人员都抽取提成。牛津搭配〔commission〕The salespeople in that store all work on commission.那家商店的售货员都是按销售额提成的。韦氏高阶〔deal with〕Their salespeople are very easy to deal with.他们的销售人员很容易打交道。韦氏高阶〔disposed〕Many people seem disposed to distrust salespeople.很多人似乎都倾向于不信任销售人员。韦氏高阶〔flattery〕Salespeople are often accused of using artificial flattery.推销员经常被指责为胡乱奉承。牛津搭配〔foot〕Before Christmas, most salespeople are rushed off their feet.圣诞节前,大多数销售人员忙得脚不沾地。朗文当代〔guaranteed〕Our salespeople are on a guaranteed income of £1000 a month.我们的销售人员每月保证有1000英镑的收入。麦克米伦高阶〔incentive travel〕Vacation travel arranged by or through an employer and awarded as a motivational bonus to qualifying employees or salespeople.奖励旅游:由或是经由雇主安排的假期旅游,用作为鼓励红利以奖励达到绩效合格的员工或是销售人员美国传统〔phoney〕All salespeople seem to have the same phoney smile.所有推销员的微笑似乎都一样,假惺惺的。剑桥高阶〔salesperson〕The company is hiring new salespeople.公司在招聘新的销售人员。韦氏高阶〔serve〕I'm afraid all of our salespeople are serving other customers right now.恐怕现在我们所有的销售人员都在接待其他顾客。韦氏高阶〔trade〕All around the pyramids, salespeople were doing a roaring trade in souvenirs.在金字塔周围,商贩们红红火火地做着纪念品生意。牛津搭配〔up〕One of the salespeople came up and asked if she could help.其中一位店员走过来,问有什么需要她帮忙的。麦克米伦高阶Salespeople always tend to put the best possible spin on a situation (= try and make it be seen in the best possible way).推销人员似乎总能为人们提供可行的最佳考虑方案。剑桥国际Salespeople are no longer just order takers.销售人员已不再仅仅接收订单。牛津商务Salespeople can pressure you with bait-and-switch tactics unless you know what to look out for.除非你小心提防,否则推销人员会用上钩调包的策略引诱你。牛津商务Salespeople were given instructions to offer a reduced price.给销售人员发出降价的指令。牛津商务Salespeople will improve when they learn successful selling concepts.销售人员在学到成功的销售理念之后将会提高自身的销售水平。牛津商务Beware salespeople who promise offers that seem too good to be true.要提防那些讲得天花乱坠的销售人员。剑桥国际Our salespeople are judged on/according to the number of cars they sell.评价我们的推销员是根据他们卖出汽车的数量。剑桥国际Our salespeople are sure they will make their numbers.我们的推销人员相信他们能达到预计目标。牛津商务Our salespeople receive a minimum of 16 weeks' training.我们的销售人员至少要接受 16 周的培训。牛津商务The salespeople work eight-hour shifts.推销员每班八小时轮班工作。牛津商务The TV programme merely confirmed all my prejudices about salespeople.这个电视节目只是坚定了我对售货员的成见。剑桥国际The course trains salespeople in reading the customer's body language.这课程培训销售人员以明白顾客的肢体语言。牛津商务They have assembled a strong team of salespeople.他们组织了一支强大的推销员队伍。牛津商务




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