

单词 soft
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRIGHT〕For our anniversary, let's go to a restaurant with low lights and soft music. 为庆祝我们的周年纪念日,我们去一家有幽暗灯光和轻柔音乐的餐厅吧。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕Do you want a beer, or would you prefer a soft drink? 你要啤酒还是喜欢软饮料?朗文写作活用〔DRY〕Clean the plastic cover with a damp sponge, then dry it off with a soft cloth. 用湿海绵把塑料盖擦干净,然后用一块柔软的布把它擦干。朗文写作活用〔Homburg〕A man's felt hat having a soft, dented crown and a shallow, slightly rolled brim.杭堡帽:一种男人戴的毡帽,顶部软而凹进,帽沿浅并微卷美国传统〔Neufchâtel〕A soft, white cheese made from skimmed or whole milk.纳夫夏特尔干酪:从脱脂、精制牛奶中提取而做成的一种软质、乳白色干酪美国传统〔SOFT〕Protecting the edge of the bone is a layer of soft, spongy tissue. 保护骨头边沿的是一层海绵状的软组织。朗文写作活用〔SOFT〕She fell over several times, but came to no harm in the soft new snow. 她摔倒了几次,但是新雪软软的,她没有受伤。朗文写作活用〔SOFT〕Soak the raisins in warm water till they soften. 把葡萄干浸在温水里泡软。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕A snowball hit her on the back of the neck with a soft thud. 雪球打到她脖梗上轻轻地发出噗的一声。朗文写作活用〔TOILET〕Even the lavatory was luxurious, with a marble interior and soft, white hand towels. 甚至连洗手间都是豪华型的,有大理石的内部装饰和柔软雪白的手巾。朗文写作活用〔X-rated〕The NC-17 rating is the last step before X-rated soft porn.17岁以下孩童不宜评级的下一级就是X级软性色情片。外研社新世纪〔against〕He loved the feel of her soft hair against his skin.他喜欢她那柔滑的头发贴着他的肌肤的感觉。剑桥高阶〔alloy〕Silver is a soft metal and is alloyed to make it withstand everyday use.银是一种软金属, 它被铸成合金以经得起日常使用。外研社新世纪〔arachnoid〕Covered with or consisting of thin, soft, entangled hairs or fibers resembling those of a cobweb or spider's web.蛛丝状的,具有蛛丝状毛的:由细、软、缠绕在一起的类似蛛网或蜘蛛结的网的毛发纤维质覆盖或组成的美国传统〔as〕The fabric was soft as silk. [=the softness of the fabric was like the softness of silk] 这种布料像丝绸一样柔软。韦氏高阶〔back〕His election bid was financially backed by a soft drinks company.他的竞选得到了一家软饮料公司的资助。牛津搭配〔bite〕The hooves of the galloping horses had bitten deep into the soft earth.驰骋的马儿在松软的泥土里踏出了深深的蹄印。朗文当代〔blow〕There will be no pay rise this year but staff will get one extra day's holiday to soften the blow.今年将不会提薪,但是为了缓和情绪员工将得到额外的一天假期。麦克米伦高阶〔bog hole〕A hole containing soft mud or quicksand.泥坑,泥塘:含有松软泥浆和流沙的洞美国传统〔bolus〕Pharmacology A round medicinal preparation, such as a large pill or tablet, that is usually of a soft consistency and not prepackaged.【药理学】 大药丸:圆形药物制剂,如大药丸或大片剂,常用于软的粘稠制剂,不预先封装美国传统〔bootee〕A soft, usually knitted shoe for a baby.童用毛线鞋:一种儿童用的柔软的常为毛线编织鞋美国传统〔bowl〕Beat the butter in a mixing bowl until creamy and soft.将黄油放在搅拌碗中搅打成柔滑的糊状。朗文当代〔bream〕To clean (a wooden ship's hull) by applying heat to soften the pitch and then scraping.清除:通过加热软化沥青后刮擦来清除(木船船底)美国传统〔brush〕Remove any loose dirt using a soft brush.用软刷子刷去松土。麦克米伦高阶〔buff〕A piece of soft material, such as velvet or leather, often mounted on a block and used for polishing.软料:一块软料,如天鹅绒或皮革,常包在棒上用来上光美国传统〔candlelight〕She looked beautiful in the soft candlelight.在柔和的烛光下她看上去很美。外研社新世纪〔channel〕Deep grooves channeled the soft rock.在质地松软的岩石上形成许多深槽。21世纪英汉〔channel〕The river has channel(l)ed its way through the soft rock.这条河流已在质地疏松的岩石上冲成一条水道。英汉大词典〔clam-flat〕A level stretch of soft tidal mud where clams burrow.蛤滩:蛤类穴居的平坦的柔软潮泥地美国传统〔clash〕The red door clashed with the soft, natural tones of the stone walls.红门和石墙柔和的自然色调不协调。外研社新世纪〔clavichord〕An early keyboard instrument with a soft sound produced by small brass wedges striking horizontal strings.古钢琴:早期的键盘乐器,用小铜楔击打水平的弦发出柔和的声音美国传统〔cook〕Cook the apple slowly until it is soft.用文火把苹果煮软。麦克米伦高阶〔coquina〕A soft, porous limestone, composed essentially of fragments of shells and coral, used as a building material.贝壳灰岩:一种质软、多孔的灰岩,基本上由贝壳及珊瑚的碎片构成,用作建筑材料美国传统〔countrywoman〕She had the slow, soft voice of a countrywoman.她有着乡下女人所特有的那种和缓、轻柔的声音。柯林斯高阶〔cream cheese〕A soft white cheese made of cream and milk.干乳酪:用乳脂和牛奶制成的柔软的干酪美国传统〔croon〕The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife.那个男人正温柔地轻声鼓励他的妻子。柯林斯高阶〔croon〕To sing popular songs in a soft, sentimental manner.深情地唱:富有柔情地唱流行歌曲美国传统〔deliciously〕The soft silk of her skirt was deliciously sensuous as it brushed against her bare leg.柔软的丝质裙子轻轻拂过她腿上的肌肤, 感觉很舒服。外研社新世纪〔demulcent〕Serving to soothe or soften.缓和的,软化的:用于起镇定或软化作用的美国传统〔distil(l)〕Soft showers distilled.下起阵阵细雨。英汉大词典〔drape〕A soft white robe had been draped over a chair for Joanna's use.一件柔软的白袍子搭在椅子上,供乔安娜使用。柯林斯高阶〔earplug〕An object made of a soft, pliable material, such as cotton or rubber, and fitted into the ear canal to block the entry of water or sound.耳塞:一种由柔软而灵便的材料制成的东西,如棉、橡胶等材料,以嵌入耳道挡住水或声音的进入美国传统〔easy〕Soft colours are easy on the eye.柔和的颜色很好看。朗文当代〔ebony〕He had rich, soft ebony hair.他一头浓密、柔软的黑发。柯林斯高阶〔fade〕No matter how soft the light is, it fades carpets and curtains in every room.无论多么柔和的光线, 都会让所有房间的地毯和窗帘褪色。外研社新世纪〔fauces〕The passage from the back of the mouth to the pharynx, bounded by the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the palatine arches.咽门:从口腔至咽的狭窄通道,连接软腭、舌背和咽扁桃美国传统〔feathery〕The foliage was soft and feathery.叶子如羽毛般轻软柔和。柯林斯高阶〔feel〕You hair feels so soft.你的头发摸起来这么软。麦克米伦高阶〔firm〕I'd rather sleep on a firm mattress than a soft one.我宁愿睡硬床垫,也不要软的。剑桥高阶〔flesh〕His fingers closed around the soft flesh of her arm.他握住了她柔软的手臂。牛津高阶〔flesh〕I felt the soft flesh of his cheek.我摸了摸他脸蛋上软软的肉。麦克米伦高阶〔fridge〕You can spread this butter straight from the fridge(=it remains soft when it is cold).你可以把这块黄油直接从冰箱里取出来涂上。麦克米伦高阶〔furrow〕The wheels of the heavy tractor furrowed the soft ground.重型拖拉机的轮子在柔软的土地上压出了车辙。剑桥高阶〔fur〕She stroked the rabbit's soft fur.她轻抚着兔子身上软软的毛。剑桥高阶〔fur〕The rabbit's fur is soft.兔子的毛很柔软。韦氏高阶〔gingerbread〕A soft molasses and ginger cookie cut in various shapes, sometimes elaborately decorated.姜饼:一种软的糖蜜生姜饼干,切成各种形状,有时加以精致的修饰美国传统〔givey〕The ground is soft and givey.这地面松软易凹陷。英汉大词典〔glossopharyngeal nerve〕Either of the ninth pair of cranial nerves that contain both sensory and motor fibers and supply the tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and parotid gland.舌咽神经:第九对脑神经之一,它有感觉和运动神经,支配舌、软颚、腮腺和咽美国传统〔going〕After an inch of rain at the racecourse overnight, the going is described as good to soft.由于头天晚上的降雨量达到了1英寸,赛马场的场地据说稍偏软。剑桥高阶〔heaping〕For less than $5, you get a sandwich, a heaping helping of fries, and a soft drink.花不到5美元,你就可以得到一块三明治,一大份薯条,一杯软饮料。剑桥高阶〔hearthstone〕A soft stone or composition of pipe clay and pulverized stone used for scouring and whitening hearths or doorsteps.软磨石:一种用来磨面和打磨炉堂或门阶的软石或用陶土及石粉制成的混合物美国传统〔holystone〕A piece of soft sandstone used for scouring the wooden decks of a ship.磨甲板沙石:打磨木质甲板用的软沙石美国传统〔impact〕The new proposals were intended to soften the impact of the reformed tax system.新的提议旨在减轻改革后的税制所造成的影响。剑桥高阶〔impart〕Raisins are dipped in boiling water to impart a sheen and to soften the skin.葡萄干被浸入沸水,以增添光泽并使其表皮软化。英汉大词典〔inside〕The potato cakes should be crisp outside and soft inside.土豆饼应该外酥里嫩。外研社新世纪〔issue〕This evening we're debating the issue of the legalization of soft drugs.今天晚上我们辩论的问题是软毒品的合法化。牛津搭配〔jelly〕Something, such as a petroleum ointment, having the consistency of a soft, semisolid food substance.冻子:象凡士林软膏一样,有着柔软的半固体食物那样稠度的东西美国传统〔kid glove〕A glove made of fine, soft leather, especially kidskin.小山羊皮手套:用精细的软皮(尤指小山羊皮)做的手套美国传统〔kidskin〕Soft leather made from the skin of a young goat.小山羊革:小山羊的皮做成的软皮革美国传统〔lanugo〕A covering of fine, soft hair, as on a leaf, an insect, or a newborn child.细毛:,柔毛,例如覆盖在叶子、昆虫或婴儿的身上的细而软的毛美国传统〔lap〕She could hear the soft lapping of the sea.她能听到海浪轻柔的拍打声。朗文当代〔lap〕To wash against something with soft liquid sounds.击打:伴随着轻柔的液体声音冲洗物体美国传统〔lead〕The use of soft drugs does not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs.吸食软毒品不一定会发展成要吸食硬毒品。牛津搭配〔licensed〕The restaurant is licensed, offering draught beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks.这家餐馆有酒类经营执照,提供扎啤、葡萄酒、烈性酒和汽水。柯林斯高阶〔lilt〕Her voice had a soft Welsh lilt to it.她讲话的声音柔和而抑扬顿挫,有些威尔士口音。牛津高阶〔lint〕The mass of soft fibers surrounding the seeds of unginned cotton.皮棉棉籽周围的一团软纤维美国传统〔lorikeet〕Any of several small, often brilliantly colored Australasian parrots that feed primarily on soft fruits or the nectar and pollen of flowers and blooming trees.短尾鹦鹉:一种澳大拉西亚的体小、通常色彩鲜艳的鹦鹉,主要食软果或水果原汁花与开花树木和花的蜜美国传统〔manhandle〕The traders sweated as they manhandled crates of soft drinks.商贩们搬动一箱箱软饮料时出了一身汗。外研社新世纪〔mantle〕The soft outer wall lining the shell of a tunicate or barnacle.有膜动物的柔软外皮:被囊类动物或藤壶的壳的外层软壁美国传统〔mash〕A soft, pulpy mixture or mass.糊状物,浆状物美国传统〔mask〕This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple.这种面膜能使你的皮肤变得柔软细嫩。柯林斯高阶〔materially〕The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.这些布料质地柔软,穿着很舒服。柯林斯高阶〔mattress〕A usually rectangular pad of heavy cloth filled with soft material or an arrangement of coiled springs, used as or on a bed.褥垫,床垫:通常为长方形的棉布垫,内装柔软材料或排列好的弹簧,常用于床上美国传统〔measured〕The men spoke in soft, measured tones.这些人说话的语气既温柔又有分寸。外研社新世纪〔mid Atlantic〕She spoke in a soft mid Atlantic accent.她说话柔柔的,英美口音都有。朗文当代〔moccasin〕A soft leather slipper traditionally worn by Native Americans.印第安软皮鞋:一种传统上由美洲土著穿的软皮便鞋美国传统〔molluscum〕Any of various skin diseases in which soft, spherical tumors form on the face or other part of the body.软疣:任一种长在脸部或身体的其他部位的呈现为柔软圆形肿块的皮肤病美国传统〔mull〕A soft, thin muslin used in dresses and for trimmings.麦尔纱:一种薄的软的涤绵织物,用于制衣或镶边美国传统〔musette〕A soft pastoral air that imitates bagpipe music.模仿缪赛特曲的柔和的田园曲美国传统〔musette〕A small French bagpipe operated with a bellows and having a soft sound.缪赛特笛:一种小型的声音柔和的用手和用吹风器箱演奏的法国风笛美国传统〔nap〕A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather.绒毛:织物或皮革上的柔软或绒毛状的表面美国传统〔nasopharynx〕The part of the pharynx above the soft palate that is continuous with the nasal passages.鼻咽:软腭上部的咽和鼻道相连的部分美国传统〔needle〕The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot.脚下厚厚的松针踩上去软软的。外研社新世纪〔original〕The pictures on the walls, all originals, were of soft lush women.墙上的画都是原作, 画的是温柔性感的女子。外研社新世纪〔oropharynx〕The part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis.口咽的:位于软腭和食道之间的咽的一部分美国传统〔pad〕A thin, cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape, or to protect against jarring, scraping, or other injury.护垫,衬:薄的、象靠垫一样的柔软材料,用来填装、定形或防止挤压、刮擦或其它伤害美国传统〔peep〕A short, soft, high-pitched sound or utterance, like that of a baby bird.唧唧声或吱吱声:一种如幼鸟所发出的短而柔和且高尖的声音或发音美国传统〔peep〕To utter short, soft, high-pitched sounds, like those of a baby bird; cheep.幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声:发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;唧唧或吱吱地叫美国传统〔pelage〕The coat of a mammal, consisting of hair, fur, wool, or other soft covering, as distinct from bare skin.生皮,毛皮,毛:由毛发、毛皮、绒毛或其他软的覆盖物组成的区别于裸露皮肤的哺乳动物的皮毛美国传统〔pile〕Soft, fine hair, fur, or wool.软毛,细毛茸毛:软而细的毛发、毛皮或羊毛美国传统〔pillow〕A cloth case, stuffed with something soft, such as down, feathers, or foam rubber, used to cushion the head, especially during sleep.枕头:装有柔软东西的布垫子,如绒毛、羽毛或泡沫橡胶,尤指在睡时作枕头用美国传统〔pith〕Botany The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.【植物学】 (木)髓:许多生花植物树干中心部位中的软似海绵的物质,主要由薄壁组织构成美国传统〔platform〕The company plans to use the show as a platform to launch the new soft drink.公司计划以这次展出作为平台推广新的软饮料。韦氏高阶〔plop〕Another drop of water fell with a soft plop.又一滴水嘀嗒一声落下。柯林斯高阶〔poach〕To sink into soft earth when walking.陷入:在行走时陷进松土美国传统〔pudding〕A mixture with a soft, puddinglike consistency.似布丁的东西:一种柔软且像布丁一样粘稠的混合物美国传统〔pulp〕The soft tissue forming the inner structure of a tooth and containing nerves and blood vessels.牙齿内部组织:构成牙齿内部结构的含神经和血管的柔软组织美国传统〔pulvillus〕A soft, cushionlike pad on the foot of an insect, such as the housefly, by which it clings to a surface.毛垫,爪垫:家蝇等昆虫足部用以附到一个平面上的象垫子似的柔软垫状物美国传统〔push〕Sports stars earn big bucks for pushing everything from shoes to soft drinks.体育明星们大做广告,从鞋子到软饮料,赚了很多钱。朗文当代〔relaxin〕A female hormone secreted by the corpus luteum that helps soften the cervix and relax the pelvic ligaments in childbirth.耻骨松弛激素:由身体卵巢分泌的雌性荷尔蒙,能帮助生产时放松子宫颈并且放松骨盆韧带美国传统〔relent〕To cause to soften in attitude or temper.变温和:使态度或脾气温和美国传统〔restful〕Adjust the lighting so it is soft and restful.调节灯光使其看上去既柔和又能给人带来舒缓感。柯林斯高阶〔ricotta〕A soft Italian cheese that resembles cottage cheese.意大利乡村软酪:一种松软的意大利奶酪,和农家新干酪相似美国传统〔roly-poly〕Chiefly British A pudding made of jam or fruit rolled up in pastry dough and baked or steamed until soft.【多用于英国】 卷布丁:一种用酱或水果制成的卷在馅饼面团里烤焙或蒸至松软的布丁美国传统〔rottenstone〕A soft, decomposed limestone, used in powder form as a polishing material.擦光石:一种粉末可作磨光材料的柔软的风化石灰石美国传统〔scuff〕She could hear the soft scuff of his feet.她能听到他走路时轻轻的拖沓声。外研社新世纪〔scuff〕They wear soft overshoes to protect the floor from scuffs.他们在鞋子外穿软鞋套,保护地板不被磨损。剑桥高阶〔shed〕The candles shed a soft glow on her face.蜡烛在她的脸上映着一层柔光。牛津高阶〔silky〕The dog's fur is silky soft.这只狗的毛像丝绸一样柔软光滑。韦氏高阶〔simple fracture〕A bone fracture that causes little or no damage to the surrounding soft tissues.单纯骨折:对周围的软组织造成的伤害很小或没有造成伤害的骨折美国传统〔skin〕She has beautiful soft skin.她皮肤漂亮且细嫩。麦克米伦高阶〔slash〕The leopard's claws slashed through soft flesh.豹的爪子切入柔软的肉里。朗文当代〔slather〕If your skin is dry, you have to slather on moisturiser to soften it.如果你皮肤比较干燥,就得多涂些滋润保湿滋润柯林斯高阶〔slug〕The smooth, soft larva of certain insects, such as the sawfly.刺蛾:某些昆虫(例如叶蜂)的无毛的、柔软的幼虫美国传统〔soft in the head〕He's a nice old man but he's a bit soft in the head.他是个和蔼的老头,但有点糊里糊涂。韦氏高阶〔soft spot〕They found a soft spot in the enemy's defenses.他们发现了敌人防御的弱点。韦氏高阶〔soft-land〕To make or cause to make a soft landing.(使)软着陆:进行或使进行软着陆美国传统〔soften sb up〕You're trying to soften me up so I'll drive you to Jodie's house, aren't you? 你这是想讨好我,这样我就可以开车把你送到乔迪家了,不是吗?剑桥高阶〔soften the blow〕Management tried to soften the impact of the layoffs by offering early retirement packages. = They tried to soften the blow by offering early retirement packages.管理层试图通过提出提前退休一揽子计划来减少裁员的影响。韦氏高阶〔soften up〕He tried to soften her up by buying her flowers.他想要通过给她买花来打动她。韦氏高阶〔soften up〕The butter will soften up if you take it out of the fridge.如果你把黄油从冰箱里拿出来, 它会变软的。外研社新世纪〔soften up〕They used artillery to soften up the enemy's defenses before launching a full-scale attack.在发动全面攻击前,他们用炮火削弱敌方防御。韦氏高阶〔soften up〕We must not soften up towards these offenders.我们对这些罪犯决不能心慈手软。外研社新世纪〔soften up〕You're going to see several weeks of an air campaign to soften up the troops.你将看到几周的空战以削弱部队防御。外研社新世纪〔soften〕Fry the onions for about 10 minutes to soften them.煎10分钟左右, 让洋葱变软。外研社新世纪〔soften〕If the mixture is too hard you will need to soften it.如果混料太硬你就得把它弄软。麦克米伦高阶〔soften〕There were also pledges to soften the impact of the subsidy cuts on the poorer regions.他们还承诺要减轻削减补贴给较贫困地区带来的影响。柯林斯高阶〔soften〕There were also pledges to soften the impact of the subsidy cuts on the poorer regions.还承诺要减缓削减补贴给较贫困地区带来的影响。外研社新世纪〔soften〕Trees soften the outline of the house.树木使房子的轮廓显得柔和。牛津高阶〔softly〕A soft spring rain had fallen all day.蒙蒙春雨已经下了一整天。柯林斯高阶〔softly〕Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.她那强硬而世故的外表下掩藏着一颗温柔而敏感的心。柯林斯高阶〔softly〕The regime at Latchmere could be seen as a soft option.在拉奇米尔建立政权可以视为一个简便易行的选择。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕After losing a couple of soft games, any win was essential.输掉了两场容易打的比赛后,任何胜利都很重要。麦克米伦高阶〔soft〕Cook the onions until they go soft .把洋葱煮软。朗文当代〔soft〕Copper is a soft metal.铜是一种软金属。英汉大词典〔soft〕He criticized the government for being too soft on tax evasion.他批评政府对待逃税太宽容。英汉大词典〔soft〕He'd got soft after all those years in a desk job.他干了这么多年的案头工作,身体变得虚弱了。朗文当代〔soft〕Her clear, brown eyes seemed soft and considerate.她那双清澈的棕色眼睛看上去宽厚又体贴。英汉大词典〔soft〕Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.她极其强硬、世故的外表下隐藏着一颗非常温柔、敏感的心。外研社新世纪〔soft〕Her skin felt soft to his touch.她的皮肤在他摸起来非常细嫩。麦克米伦高阶〔soft〕I want to get a nice soft carpet for the bedroom.我想买一块漂亮的松软地毯铺在卧室里。麦克米伦高阶〔soft〕Iron and lead are soft metals.铁和铅是软金属。韦氏高阶〔soft〕Soak the wrappers in the water until soft and pliable.把包装材料浸在水中直至变得柔软有韧性。外研社新世纪〔soft〕The leather is as soft as silk.这种皮革柔滑如丝。外研社新世纪〔soft〕The “c” in “city” and the “g” in “gibe” get soft pronunciations.city中的c和gibe中的g发软音。英汉大词典〔soft〕There is no way that 20 years of soft living could be lost in the first 30 minutes' exercise.20年舒适生活积累的脂肪是绝不可能靠头30分钟的锻炼消耗掉的。外研社新世纪〔soft〕When I said so, I did not mean to be soft on crime.我说这些话的意思并不是要同情犯罪。英汉大词典〔soft〕You're too soft with your children.你太迁就自己的孩子了。韦氏高阶〔soft〕You're too soft – I wouldn't let them behave like that.你太心软了——我不会让他们那样不守规矩的。麦克米伦高阶〔sorrowful〕His father's face looked suddenly soft and sorrowful.他父亲的面容忽然温和起来,充满了忧伤。柯林斯高阶〔sourdine〕A stop on an organ producing a low, soft, muted tone.减音栓:管风琴上产生低柔、弱音音调的音栓美国传统〔spoil〕Soft fruit spoils quickly.软水果很快腐烂。牛津同义词〔spring〕Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine.遗憾的是, 普通床垫用旧后, 弹簧就会变软, 无法支撑人的脊椎。外研社新世纪〔squab〕A soft, thick cushion, as for a couch.垫子:一种厚而轻柔的垫子,如用在沙发上的美国传统〔squishy〕Soft and wet; spongy.湿软的;海绵似的美国传统〔stir〕Using a wooden spoon, stir to a soft batter.用木勺搅成软面糊。外研社新世纪〔sugar〕Add one cup of soft brown sugar.加一杯绵红糖。牛津搭配〔supple〕The cheese has a soft, supple, creamy texture.这种干酪质地柔软弹滑。外研社新世纪〔supple〕The cream leaves your skin feeling soft and supple.这种护肤霜令你的肌肤柔嫩有弹性。牛津搭配〔swanskin〕Any of several flannel or cotton fabrics with a soft nap.柔软织品:带柔软绒毛的几种法兰绒或棉织物美国传统〔tamarind〕The fruit of this tree, eaten fresh or used in the preparation of chutney, curry, or soft drinks.罗望子:这种树的果实,可以在新鲜时食用或用来做印度酸辣酱、咖喱或不含酒精的软饮料美国传统〔tender〕Her expression became soft, almost tender.她的表情缓和下来,几近温柔。牛津搭配〔touch〕The material was soft to the touch.这块布料摸起来很柔软。剑桥高阶〔try〕We tried the machine on hardwood and soft wood.我们在硬木和软木上试验了这台机器。朗文当代〔twinkly〕We always decorated a grand 6m pine tree on our front lawn with soft, twinkly blue lights.我们总是用柔和闪烁的蓝灯装点屋前草坪上那棵6米高的大松树。外研社新世纪〔underbelly〕Small businesses are the soft underbelly (= weakest parts) of the economy, and they need as much government support as possible.小企业是经济中最薄弱的环节,它们需要政府尽可能多的支持。剑桥高阶〔uvula〕A small, conical, fleshy mass of tissue suspended from the center of the soft palate.小舌,悬雍垂:悬垂在软腭中央的小的圆锥状肉块美国传统〔velutinous〕Covered with dense, soft, silky hairs.天鹅绒状的有短绒毛的:有浓密而柔软的丝状毛发覆盖的美国传统〔velvet〕Baby's skin is as soft as velvet.婴孩的皮肤像天鹅绒一样的柔软。英汉大词典〔velvet〕Her hands are (as) soft as velvet.她的双手柔软如天鹅绒。文馨英汉〔wad〕A small mass of soft material, often folded or rolled, used for padding, stuffing, or packing.填充物:一块软的物体,常叠着或卷着,用于垫料、填充或包装美国传统〔white leather〕A soft leather specially treated with salt and alum.矾鞣革:尤指经盐及明矾处理过的柔软的皮革美国传统〔wood〕Pine is a soft wood.松木属于软木。牛津搭配〔wraith〕She moved through the soft light like a wraith.她像幽灵似地在柔和的灯光下走过。英汉大词典〔zephyr〕Any of various soft, light fabrics, yarns, or garments.薄衫:一种柔软而轻薄的织物、纱或衣服美国传统Soft music was playing and the lights were low.灯光幽暗,(四周)响起了轻柔的音乐。剑桥国际From the battlements of the tower floated a flag in the soft wind. 在微风中,城堡的雉堞式装饰墙上飘著一面旗帜。译典通He was resplendently dressed in a soft grey three-piece suit and red silk cravat.他穿着一套华丽的柔和灰色三件套装,系着一条红色丝绸领巾。剑桥国际Her nightdress was made of brushed nylon / cotton (= cloth treated to make it soft and furry).她的睡衣是拉绒尼龙 / 棉做的。剑桥国际Her skin is (as) soft as a baby's.她的皮肤柔嫩得像婴儿。剑桥国际I think the springs have gone (= broken) in the sofa--it feels very soft.我觉得沙发弹簧断了----它摸上去很软。剑桥国际It is a breed of dog with short legs and long soft hair.这种狗腿很短,毛又长又软。剑桥国际It's the fineness of the thread that makes the cloth so soft.纱线质优所以织出的布料如此柔软。剑桥国际Mexicans are believed to be the biggest consumers of soft drinks.人们相信墨西哥人是最大的软饮料用户。牛津商务She spoke in her soft lilting brogue.她说话带有柔软轻快的爱尔兰口音。剑桥国际Snoring is caused by the soft palate vibrating.打鼾是由软腭颤动而引起的。剑桥国际Stuff the cushion (= Fill it with soft material) and then sew up the final seam.把填料塞入靠垫后将最后一道缝口缝合。剑桥国际The company was unable to soften the blow of the job cuts.公司无法缓解由裁员带来的打击。牛津商务The song was perfect for the soft vocals that are her stock-in-trade.这歌对柔声唱法,也就是她的擅长唱法来说很理想。剑桥国际When liquorice is eaten as a sweet it is usually in the form of a long thin soft black stick.作为甜食吃的甘草通常是细长的软黑色条状。剑桥国际




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