

单词 bet on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GAMBLING〕I think I'll put a bet on the next race. 我想下一场比赛我要下个注。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕I've placed a bet on a horse in the next race. 我在下一场比赛的一匹马上下了赌注。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕We usually have a bet on the Grand Prix. 我们经常在国际汽车大奖赛上赌一赌。朗文写作活用〔across-the-board〕Sports Games Of, relating to, or being a racing wager whereby equal amounts are bet on the same contestant to win, place, or show.【体育运动】 【游戏】 全面下注的,连赢注的:把同样数目的赛马赌注下在同一匹可能赢得第一名、第二名或第三名的赛马上美国传统〔bet against〕He lost a lot of money by betting on college football and basketball.他在大学橄榄球赛和篮球赛上押注,输了很多钱。韦氏高阶〔bet on〕Don't bet on winning the game.不要以为能侥幸赢得比赛。21世纪英汉〔bet on〕He bet on that horse.他把赌注下在那匹马上。21世纪英汉〔bet on〕I daren't bet on the plane arriving on time.我不敢断定飞机会准时抵达。21世纪英汉〔bet on〕Over $10 million were bet on the Hong Kong Derby last year.去年香港马赛上的赌金总数达一千多万美元。21世纪英汉〔betting〕The betting on the next election is very close.预计下届选举将是一场势均力敌的较量。外研社新世纪〔bet〕Bookmakers are already taking bets on the outcome.马票商已经开始接受对比赛结果的下注了。朗文当代〔bet〕He had a bet on the horses.他在那些马上下了赌注。牛津高阶〔bet〕He likes to have a bet on his home team, even though they always lose.他喜欢把赌注下在主队身上,尽管他们总是输。麦克米伦高阶〔bet〕He placed a bet on one of the horses.他在其中一匹马身上下了赌注。外研社新世纪〔bet〕He placed/put a bet on the grey horse.他在那匹灰色马身上下了注。剑桥高阶〔bet〕He said he'd finish by tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet on it.他说他明天之前完成,可我认为不大可能。朗文当代〔bet〕I had a bet on the three o'clock race.我把赌注押在 3 点的那场比赛上。牛津搭配〔bet〕I wouldn't bet on it我看不一定外研社新世纪〔bet〕I wouldn't bet on them winning the next election.下一次选举我不会赌他们赢。牛津高阶〔bet〕Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races.职业赛马骑师被禁止对赛马结果下注。外研社新世纪〔bet〕People were betting on a further easing of credit conditions.人们估计贷款条件会进一步放宽。外研社新世纪〔bet〕They all put a bet on the race.他们都对比赛下了赌注。牛津高阶〔bet〕To make a bet on (a contestant or an outcome).下赌注:对某事(一个竞赛者或一个结果)打赌美国传统〔bet〕We've got a bet on who's going to arrive first.我们打了个赌,看谁先到。牛津高阶〔bet〕You can put a bet on almost anything these days.如今几乎可以对任何东西下赌注。柯林斯高阶〔bet〕You can put a bet on almost anything these days.如今你几乎可以对任何东西下赌注。外研社新世纪〔chuck-a-luck〕A gambling game in which players bet on the possible combinations of three thrown dice.掷骰赌博,碰运气赌博:一种赌博游戏,玩者对三个骰子的可能性组合进行押注美国传统〔finish〕The horse I bet on finished the race in third place.我押的那匹马最终得了第三名。韦氏高阶〔form〕I always study the form of a horse before I bet on it.我在对马下赌注前总要先研究一下它的竞技状态。英汉大词典〔gamble〕To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest.赌博:在某一不确定的结果上下赌注,象在比赛上美国传统〔handle〕Games The total amount of money bet on an event or over a set period of time.【游戏】 赌注:在一次或一段固定的时间内的用来打赌的钱的总数美国传统〔horse〕Jim likes a bet on the horses.吉姆喜欢赌马。朗文当代〔in the money〕Whatever horse I bet on, it never finishes in the money.无论我赌哪匹马,都没有进入过前三名。韦氏高阶〔liven〕He suggested that we liven things up with a friendly bet on the game.他提议我们就这场比赛小赌一把来热闹热闹。韦氏高阶〔long shot〕She always bets on long shots at the racetrack.她在赛马场上总是赌冷门。韦氏高阶〔long shot〕The horse was a long shot, but we bet on him anyway.这匹马不大可能获胜,但我们仍然把赌注押在它身上。韦氏高阶〔money〕To place a bet on.在…上下赌注美国传统〔mush〕Whenever famous actresses get together to make a 'woman's film', you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.著名女演员们一旦聚在一起拍一部“女性电影”, 那肯定是一堆多愁善感的故事。外研社新世纪〔nowhere〕The horse I bet on finished nowhere.我下注的那匹马没有获胜。剑桥高阶〔odds〕I didn't bet on the horse because I didn't like the odds.我没有赌这匹马,因为我不喜欢这样的赔率。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕For this race, though, he had already placed a bet on one of the horses.但这场比赛他已经在其中一匹马身上下了赌注。柯林斯高阶〔place〕Some members in the audience bet on each horse to win, place, or show.一些观众对将取得第一、第二或第三名的每匹马下赌注。21世纪英汉〔poker〕Any of various card games played by two or more players who bet on the value of their hands.扑克牌戏:一种纸牌游戏,由两名或更多的在其手中牌的价值上下赌的人玩的美国传统He went down to the bookmaker's in Chesterton Road to place a bet on the race.他到切斯特顿路上的赛马会对比赛下了赌注。剑桥国际I never bet on certainties.我从不打十拿九稳的赌。剑桥国际Investors have placed their bets on (= invested all their money in) the companies they think will recover quickest.投资者将所有的资金都投放在他们认为复苏得最快的公司里。牛津商务The company is making a big bet on e-commerce.这家公司在电子商务方面下了一大笔赌注。牛津商务The horse I bet on finished nowhere.我下赌注的这匹马以失败告终。剑桥国际The horse I bet on wasn't even placed (= did not come in first, second or third position in the race).我赌的那匹马竟然没获名次。剑桥国际They traded bets on how long Tom would stay in his new job.他们相互就汤姆会在他的新工作上呆多久打赌。剑桥国际




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