

单词 sluice
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔head gate〕A floodgate that controls the flow of water in a ditch, sluice, race, or channel.进水闸门,前部闸门:控制流水进入水沟、洪道、水道或水渠的闸门美国传统〔penstock〕A sluice or gate used to control a flow of water.水闸门:一种用于控制水流量的闸门美国传统〔rattle〕She rattled away as if a sluice had been opened.像是打开了闸门似的,她哇啦哇啦讲个没完。英汉大词典〔riffle〕In mining, the sectional stone or wood bottom lining of a sluice, arranged for trapping mineral particles, as of gold.矿石采集槽:在采矿中,用来分离金属粒子、如金子的槽沟的断面石头或树根隔离物美国传统〔sluice out〕After riding, he sluiced out his horse with water from a hose.骑马后,他给马冲水。21世纪英汉〔sluice sth down/out〕We had to sluice out the garage to get rid of the smell of petrol.我们不得不冲洗车库,以除去汽油味。剑桥高阶〔sluice〕Excellent food should be sluiced down with excellent wines.佳肴须就美酒。英汉大词典〔sluice〕He sluiced his head and neck by working a pump handle.他按压水泵柄引水冲洗脑袋和脖子。英汉大词典〔sluice〕He sluiced the bath and filled it.他冲洗了浴缸,然后放满了一缸水。柯林斯高阶〔sluice〕He bent down and sluiced his head under the tap.他弯下腰在水龙头下冲洗脑袋。麦克米伦高阶〔sluice〕He opened a can of beer to sluice his parched throat.他开一罐啤酒来润一润焦干的喉咙。英汉大词典〔sluice〕I sluiced the dirt down the drain.我引水把污垢冲下阴沟。牛津同义词〔sluice〕Snow sluiced down over the earth.雪花洒落大地。21世纪英汉〔sluice〕Sunlight sluiced down over the two men.阳光倾泻在那两个男子的身上。英汉大词典〔sluice〕The walls and floors were sluiced down every day.墙和地板每天都进行冲洗。麦克米伦高阶〔sluice〕The water sluiced the parched fields.水浇灌干旱的田地。英汉大词典〔sluice〕To flow out from or as if from a sluice.奔泄:从水渠或象从水渠一样流出美国传统〔sluice〕To send (logs, for example) down a sluice.(沿斜水槽)运送:将(例如原木)沿水渠运送美国传统〔sluice〕War opens the sluices of hatred and bloodshed.战争引发强烈的仇恨,导致惨重的流血。英汉大词典〔sluice〕Water sluiced out from the pipes.水从管道里大量溢出。剑桥高阶〔sluice〕Water sluiced through the pipe.水从水管涌出。英汉大词典〔splashboard〕A board for closing a spillway or sluice.防泄闸:挡水板,防溢洪水的洪道或水闸美国传统〔wicket〕A sluice gate for regulating the amount of water in a millrace or a canal or for emptying a lock.水闸门:用来调整磨坊引水槽或运河的水流量或用来排空水闸的一种水闸门美国传统The water rushed through the sluice gates of the dam.水流奔涌通过了水坝的水闸。剑桥国际Water sluiced out from the pipes.水从管道里大量溢出。剑桥国际Water sluiced through the pipe. 水从水管中流出来。译典通We had to sluice out the garage to get rid of the smell of petrol.我们不得不冲洗车库以除去汽油味儿。剑桥国际




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