

单词 sales
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMOUNT〕The company continues to enjoy a high level of sales. 该公司继续保持高销量。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕Many department stores reported patchy sales over Christmas. 许多百货商店说圣诞期间的销售情况有好有坏。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕His suit was bought in the sales for £100. 他的西装是大减价时花了100英镑买的。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕She's convinced the sales assistant did her out of £15. 她确信营业员骗了她15英镑。朗文写作活用〔COMPANY〕Ad campaigns are used to both bolster sales and improve corporate image. 广告活动用于增加销量和改善企业形象两方面。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕I found the sales assistants most unhelpful. 我觉得这些销售员一点也帮不上忙。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The government doubled the sales tax on cigarettes from 20% to 40%. 政府把香烟销售税增加了一倍,从20%增加到了40%。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The multi-million dollar ad campaign has failed to boost sales. 花费了数百万美元的广告活动未能增加销售量。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕She's one of our regional sales managers. 她是我们的一个地区销售经理。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕Next year's projected sales are 5% higher than this year's. 明年的预计销售额要比今年的高出5%。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Our export sales have continued to forge ahead this year. 今年我们的出口销量继续快速增长。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Sales of the book have been astonishing. 这本书的销量令人称奇。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Rowan worked as a sales assistant in a Beverly Hills shopping mall. 罗恩在贝弗利山庄的一个购物中心里当营业员。朗文写作活用〔START〕We asked the sales director to lead off with the latest sales figures. 我们让销售部经理先发言,报告一下最近的销售数字。朗文写作活用〔access〕The database allows you to access the sales figures in a number of ways.该数据库能让你以多种方式获取销售数字。麦克米伦高阶〔administration〕I work in the Sales Administration department.我在销售管理部门工作。牛津高阶〔ailing〕The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy.海外销售的增长对于不景气的美国经济是个好消息。外研社新世纪〔appertain〕These figures appertain to last year's sales.这些数字指的是去年的销售额。牛津高阶〔arrange〕I'm trying to arrange a meeting with their sales director.我试图安排一次与他们营销经理的会面。麦克米伦高阶〔a〕Sales staff must have a good working knowledge of French.销售人员必须相当熟练地掌握足以应付工作的法语知识。麦克米伦高阶〔bait and switch〕A sales tactic in which a bargain-priced item is used to attract customers who are then encouraged to purchase a more expensive similar item.诱饵销售法:一种用廉价商品来吸引顾客,然后煽动他们购买更昂贵的类似产品的销售策略美国传统〔ban〕They agreed to impose an immediate ban on sales.开始禁止;开始实施禁令麦克米伦高阶〔be on the receiving end〕Sales assistants are often on the receiving end of verbal abuse from customers.售货员经常遭到顾客的辱骂。剑桥高阶〔beam at〕The sales campaign was beamed at young professionals.这场推销运动是针对年轻专业人员的。21世纪英汉〔boost〕Last month saw a tremendous boost in sales.上月的销售额激增。英汉大词典〔boost〕The move is designed to boost sales.采取这一举措是为了提高销售额。外研社新世纪〔clearance sale〕The major clearance sales start next week.大型清仓甩卖活动下周开始。外研社新世纪〔clear〕Shops are currently holding sales to clear their summer stock (= get rid of goods by selling them cheaply).现在商店都在搞特价促销来清理夏季库存。剑桥高阶〔clock up〕Our company clocked up a record number of sales this year.我们公司今年的销售额创了纪录。韦氏高阶〔clue〕Somebody must have clued him in on our sales strategy.肯定有人把我们的销售策略透露给了他。朗文当代〔come/suffer under the lash〕The sales team came under the lash for poor results.销售团队因业绩不佳而受到严厉批评。剑桥高阶〔competition〕Competition is heating up and sales are shrinking.竞争在加剧,而销售额在萎缩。牛津搭配〔contrary〕Contrary to expectations, the level of retail sales fell in January.和预期相反,零售水平1月份下降了。麦克米伦高阶〔cross up〕The consumers crossed up the sales experts.消费者把销售专家们搞糊涂了。21世纪英汉〔decline〕We saw a sharp/steep decline in sales this month.我们本月的销售量急剧/陡然下降。韦氏高阶〔decrease〕The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.销售量差不多减少了20%。英汉大词典〔deliver〕If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired.如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。牛津高阶〔deploy〕It will deploy 5000 new workers, many in sales and marketing.将会动用5,000名新员工, 大部分将被分配到销售和市场部门。外研社新世纪〔depress〕The stronger U.S. dollar depressed sales.美元走强导致销售额下降。柯林斯高阶〔diiped或dipt〕Sales dipped in May.五月份销售额略降。21世纪英汉〔dip〕Sales dipped after Christmas.圣诞节后,销售下降美国传统〔dip〕Sales for this quarter have dipped from 38.7 million to 33 million.本季度销售额从 3 870 万下降到 3 300 万。牛津高阶〔disappointing〕This year's sales figures were very disappointing.今年的销售额非常令人失望。麦克米伦高阶〔downhold〕Syria could not get U.S. military credit because of President Carter's downhold on arms sales.由于卡特总统对于武器销售的抑制,叙利亚得不到美国的运事信用贷款。文馨英汉〔earn〕The company expects to earn €600 million on sales.公司的销售额预计达 6 亿欧元。牛津搭配〔engage〕The company is to engage a new sales director.公司欲聘用一名新的销售经理。麦克米伦高阶〔enjoy〕The novel enjoyed large sales.这小说很畅销。21世纪英汉〔excess〕Profit is the excess of sales over costs.利润就是价格超出成本的部分美国传统〔expectation〕The car has been General Motors' most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations.这种车是通用汽车有目共睹最为成功的车型, 销量远超预期。外研社新世纪〔explicable〕The sudden increase in sales is easily explicable.销售额的突然增加是很容易理解的。牛津搭配〔extent〕Sales have fallen badly this year, to the extent that we will have to close some of our shops.今年的销售额大幅下降,情况糟糕到我们将不得不关闭一些商店。剑桥高阶〔extinction〕The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales.伐木工人说由于木材销量下降,他们的工作恐不复存在。柯林斯高阶〔flat〕Analysts are expecting flat sales in the coming months.分析人士预计未来数月销售不景气。朗文当代〔foreshadow〕The disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies.令人失望的销售额预示着会有更多人被裁员。柯林斯高阶〔forge〕Export sales continue to forge ahead.出口销售继续稳步发展。麦克米伦高阶〔fortune〕He made his fortune in car sales.他靠卖车发了财。柯林斯高阶〔goal〕They achieved their goal of increasing sales by five percent.他们实现了销售增长百分之五的目标。朗文当代〔groan〕Merchants are groaning over slow holiday sales.商人们不断抱怨假日销售量低迷。韦氏高阶〔handle〕I can't get a handle on these sales figures.我搞不懂这些销售数字。牛津高阶〔head〕She is the head of our sales division.她是我们销售部的领导。韦氏高阶〔high-pressure〕I refuse to be intimidated by high-pressure sales techniques.我不会受强行推销术胁迫买东西。剑桥高阶〔hold〕Sales held up well.销售保持旺势。英汉大词典〔however〕Higher sales have not helped profits, however.然而,销售量的增加并没有推动利润。柯林斯高阶〔imprecise〕The figures are imprecise because they're based on a prediction of next year's sales.这些数字并不精确,因为它们是以对明年销售额的预测为基础的。剑桥高阶〔improvement〕Sales have shown a slight improvement this year.今年的销售有了一点儿起色。麦克米伦高阶〔improvement〕Wholesalers reported an improvement in sales for the third quarter.批发商宣布第三季度销售额有所提高。牛津搭配〔infuriated〕The sales clerk was being shouted at by an infuriated customer.一名愤怒的顾客冲着售货员大吼。韦氏高阶〔job〕We're interviewing for the job in the Sales Department.我们正在进行销售部的招聘面试。牛津搭配〔lag〕Sales are lagging at the moment.目前的销售很不景气。剑桥高阶〔largely〕Retail sales dipped 6/10ths of a percent last month, largely because Americans were buying fewer cars.上月零售额下降了千分之六,主要是因为美国人买汽车少了。柯林斯高阶〔largely〕Retail sales dipped last month, largely because Americans were buying fewer cars.上个月零售额下降了, 主要是因为美国人购车量减少了。外研社新世纪〔look〕This year's sales figures are looking good.今年的销售数字情况看好。牛津高阶〔maddeningly〕Shopping in the January sales can be maddening.在元月促销期间购物可能会让人大为恼火。柯林斯高阶〔mark down〕Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales.零售商将不得不为了提高销量而大幅降价。柯林斯高阶〔markdown〕Customers know that our stocktake sales offer genuine markdowns across the store.顾客们知道我们的清仓大甩卖是实实在在的全场降价。柯林斯高阶〔merchandising〕He was confident that merchandising sales would cover the shortfall in sponsorship dollars.他信心满满地认为附带商品销售会弥补赞助费的不足。外研社新世纪〔merchandising〕The concerts generated £3 million in ticket and merchandising sales.音乐会的票房和相关产品的收入达到 300 万英镑。朗文当代〔misreport〕The magazine misreported its sales figures in order to boost advertising revenue.这家杂志为增加广告收入虚报了销售数字。剑桥高阶〔moron〕All the sales managers here are complete morons.这里所有的销售经理都是十足的笨蛋。外研社新世纪〔nationwide〕We have 350 sales outlets nationwide.我们在全国各地有 350 个销售点。朗文当代〔notch up〕Selfridges stores notched up sales worth £1 million.塞尔福里奇百货公司完成了一百万英镑的销售额。外研社新世纪〔objective〕Can the sales team achieve/meet its financial objectives? 销售人员能否完成财务目标?剑桥高阶〔offset〕Falling sales in Thailand were offset by strong performances in other markets.其他市场的出色业绩弥补了泰国销售量的下降。麦克米伦高阶〔on the up (and up)〕Her career has been on the up and up since she moved into sales.自从转做销售后,她的事业蒸蒸日上。剑桥高阶〔outlet〕Most of their sales are through traditional retail outlets.他们大部分的销售是通过传统的零售店进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔peak〕Sales tend to peak just before the holidays.节日前销售量趋于最高潮美国传统〔per cent〕Sales increased thirty per cent compared to last year.和去年相比销售量提高了30%。麦克米伦高阶〔pick〕Sales picked up last fall.去年的销售有起色美国传统〔plateau〕The economic slowdown has caused our sales to plateau.经济发展减速导致我们的产品销量停滞不前。剑桥高阶〔post〕Cisco Systems posted record profits and sales for the third fiscal quarter.思科系统公司公布了第三个财政季度创纪录的利润和销售情况。朗文当代〔presentation〕The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.营销经理将举行一次新产品推介会。牛津高阶〔profit〕All the profits from the sales of the CD will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.销售这张CD所得的全部利润将捐给多发性硬化症协会。麦克米伦高阶〔pronged〕The company has a two-pronged strategy for improving sales in the coming year.公司有一个提高来年销售的双管齐下的策略。韦氏高阶〔psychology〕Watching the shoppers at the sales gave her a first-hand insight into crowd psychology.观察购物者在商品减价时的行为使她获得了洞察大众心理的第一手资料。牛津搭配〔pump up〕This will pump up sales.这会极大地促进销量。外研社新世纪〔put ... across〕He puts across a big sales campaign.他成功地实现了一次大销售活动。21世纪英汉〔record〕All papers set sales records Monday.星期一各报都创了销售数的最高纪录。英汉大词典〔refer〕The figures refer to our sales in Europe.这些数字是我们在欧洲的销售额。朗文当代〔remainder〕A book that remains with a publisher after sales have fallen off, usually sold at a reduced price.滞销的存书:在销售下降之后仍然留在出版商手中的书,通常削价出售美国传统〔responsibility〕We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibility for the European market.我们正在招聘负责欧洲市场的销售经理。牛津高阶〔restriction〕The government placed restrictions on sales of weapons.政府对武器销售采取了限制措施。外研社新世纪〔retail〕Retail sales are up.零售额增加了。英汉大词典〔run〕The company is running down its sales force.公司正在削减销售人员。牛津高阶〔sales pitch〕He's good at getting customers to listen to his sales pitch.他善于让顾客倾听他的推销语。韦氏高阶〔sales pitch〕His sales pitch was persuasive.他的宣传语很有说服力。外研社新世纪〔sales pitch〕His sales pitch was smooth and convincing.他的推销词流畅又有说服力。柯林斯高阶〔sale〕Sales of VCRs have plummeted.盒式录像机销量骤然下跌。牛津搭配〔sale〕Do you have the sales figures yet? 你得到销售数据了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔sale〕Export sales were up by 32% last year.去年出口销售额增长了 32%。牛津高阶〔sale〕I picked up some real bargains in the January sales this year.今年 1 月份大减价期间我买了些很便宜的东西。朗文当代〔sale〕Retail sales fell in November by 10%.十一月份零售额下降 10%。牛津高阶〔sale〕She found a job in sales.她找到了一份销售部的工作。朗文当代〔scheme〕He suggested several schemes to increase sales.他提出了几种促销方案。英汉大词典〔selling point〕Sales departments try to identify a product's USP or ‘unique selling point’.销售部门试图确定一种产品的“独有卖点”。牛津高阶〔sharp〕Shops are reporting a sharp rise in sales of organic produce.商店报告说有机产品的销量急剧增长。麦克米伦高阶〔sight〕The company has raised/lowered its sights for annual sales by five percent.公司将年度销售目标提高/降低了百分之五。韦氏高阶〔simulation〕The manager prepared a computer simulation of likely sales performance for the rest of the year.经理准备对该年度剩余时间内可能的销售业绩进行计算模拟分析。剑桥高阶〔slow〕Sales have slowed down quite markedly.销售明显放缓。牛津搭配〔spare〕Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepers — consumer sales slid again in May.可怜一下这个国家的店老板吧—— 5 月份消费品的销售量又下滑了。柯林斯高阶〔stoke〕The new ad campaign has helped to stoke sales.新的广告宣传活动有助于提高销售量。韦氏高阶〔strong〕Sales were surprisingly strong in the second half of the year.下半年的销售量高得惊人。牛津搭配〔thin〕Sales have decreased and we've decided to thin our workforce.销售量已经下降,我们决定裁员。麦克米伦高阶〔through〕I'll put you through (= connect you by phone) (to the sales department).我给你接通(销售部的)电话。剑桥高阶〔total〕The sales campaign was a total disaster.那次促销活动彻底失败了。朗文当代〔unit cost〕They aim to reduce unit costs through extra sales.他们希望以更多的销量来降低单位成本。柯林斯高阶〔unit sales〕Unit sales of T-shirts increased 6%.T恤的单位产品销售量增加了6%。柯林斯高阶〔up-to-the-minute〕Computers give them up-to-the-minute information on sales and stocks.计算机为他们提供最新的销量和股票方面的信息。柯林斯高阶〔watch for〕She is always watching for sales.她总在留意促销活动。韦氏高阶〔watch〕Watch out for big discounts and clearance sales at this time of the year.留意每年这时候的大减价和清仓大甩卖。麦克米伦高阶Sales are falling through the floor.销售量正跌破底限。牛津商务Sales are up 6.3 per cent, driven by strong organic growth.在强劲的有机增长的推动下,销量上升了 6.3%。牛津商务Sales for the third quarter held up better than expected.第三季度的销售额继续好过预期。牛津商务Sales grew by 1.7%, but fell by 1.5% like-for-like.销售额增长了 1.7%,但同比下降了 1.5%。牛津商务Sales growth has been powered by new stores and a new image.销售增长的动力来源于新商店和新形象。牛津商务Sales have picked up a little but they're still spotty.销售有所好转,但仍然不均衡。剑桥国际Sales of computers dropped 30% and manufacturers were forced to sell their products below cost.计算机销售量下降了 30%,厂商被迫低于成本出售产品。牛津商务Sales of general merchandise, including clothing, shoes and gifts, went up 10.4%.包括服装、鞋类及礼品在内的一般商品的销售量上升了 10.4%。牛津商务After three months of poor sales we started to turn the corner in December.经历三个月销售不佳后, 在12月我们开始好转。剑桥国际April was a bonanza month (= a month when large profits were made) for car sales.四月份是汽车销售的大发利市月。剑桥国际Asset sales are intended to improve the company's liquidity.出售资产是为了提高公司的资产流动性。牛津商务Car sales remain depressed.汽车销量依然低迷。牛津商务Companies are fighting for sales in a stagnant market.公司在停滞的市场上争夺销售额。牛津商务Complaints are being redirected to the sales manager.投诉被转给销售经理处理。牛津商务Despite substantial price cuts, sales have increased only fractionally (=by a very small amount).尽管价格作了实质性的下调,但销售还是只有极微小的增长。剑桥国际Earlier sales forecasts seem to have been overly optimistic.早期的销售预测似乎是过于乐观了。剑桥国际Estimations of our total world sales are around 50 million.我们的全球销售量估计在 5 000 万左右。牛津商务Food stores had a good year, registering a 5% increase in sales.食品店的年景不错,销售额增长了 5%。牛津商务Foreign competition (=similar products from other countries) had reduced their sales.国外竞争商品降低了他们的销售量。剑桥国际He complained that the inefficiency of the department was leading to poor sales.他抱怨说那个部门的低效能导致销量很差。剑桥国际He knowingly inflated sales figures.他故意夸大销售额。牛津商务He's been transferred to sales.他转做销售工作。牛津商务Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion.她的工作内容主要是销售和促销。牛津商务I must hie me to the sales before all the bargains are gone.我必须在特价商品卖完之前赶到减价的地方去。剑桥国际Increased sales will add $1 million a year to turnover.提高销量将可使营业额一年增加 100 万元。牛津商务New car sales fell by 20% last year and the auto industry has found itself in a severe crunch.去年新车的销售额下降了 20%,使汽车业形势严峻。剑桥国际New car sales reached an all-time high of almost 2.46 million last year.去年新车销售创纪录地达到了近 246 万辆。牛津商务Our sales force numbers 8 000.我们的推销人员共计 8 000 人。牛津商务Our next task is to perk up sales in Europe.我们的下一项任务就是增加在欧洲的销售额。牛津商务Our selling costs amounted to 30% of sales.我们的销售成本为销售额的 30%。牛津商务Retail sales fell by 2%.零售额下降了 2%。牛津商务Retail sales were in-line or weaker.零售与预期同步或较弱。牛津商务Retail sales were lower than expected this year.今年的零售额比预期的要低。剑桥国际She was making a play for the sales manager's job.她挖空心思想要取得销售部经理的职位。牛津商务Some workers such as sales people have traditionally hot-desked.某些工作人员如推销人员传统上都是办公桌轮用的。牛津商务Statistics from the US Mint indicate strong sales of Silver Eagles.美国铸币厂的统计表示银币销售势头强劲。牛津商务Still greater sales are racked up by putting the designer's name on accessories such as perfume and glasses.把设计者的名字印在如香水及眼镜等货品上将使销量逐步增大。剑桥国际Susannah's snaffled up (= bought) a few bargains in the sales.苏珊娜在大削价中抢购了一些便宜货。剑桥国际Take costs away from sales income and what is left is profit.销售收入减去成本,剩下的就是利润。牛津商务The sales chart shows a distinct decline in the past few months.销售图表示出在过去几个月里销量明显下降。剑桥国际The sales forecast is predicated on the assumption that the economy will grow by four per cent this year.销售预测是基于今年经济将增长4%的假设上的。剑桥国际The bad weather was a contributory factor in the fall in sales.气候恶劣是造成销售额下跌的一个因素。牛津商务The blue segment of the pie chart represents foreign sales.这一饼形图的蓝色部分代表国外销售额。牛津商务The cold weather hammered ice cream sales.寒冷的天气使冰淇淋的销售额急剧下降。牛津商务The company generates gross sales of €1 million a month.这家公司每月的销售总额为 100 万欧元。牛津商务The company has no factories, no inventory, no delivery trucks and no sales force.这家公司没有工厂、没有库存、没有送货卡车、没有销售人员。牛津商务The company reported nil growth in like-for-like sales on last year.这家公司报告称与去年销量同比增长为零。牛津商务The company's sales have increased three/five/ten fold in the last year.这家公司的销售额去年增加了3/5/10 倍。剑桥国际The company's disappointing sales figures are an ominous sign of worse things to come.这家公司令人失望的销售数额是一个不祥的征兆,预示着会有更糟糕的事发生。剑桥国际The concert was well enough advertised but ticket sales were poor.这场音乐会的广告做得够好,但票却卖得很不好。剑桥国际The latest sales figures show that we're streets ahead of the competition.最近销售数据表明我们比竞争对手遥遥领先。剑桥国际The marketing campaign brought in over €6 million in sales.这项营销活动带来了 600 多万欧元的销售额。牛津商务The retailer's annual sales come to €70 million.零售商的年销售额共计 7 000 万欧元。牛津商务The small increase in profits was aided by strong sales of trucks.借助卡车的强劲销售,利润略有增长。牛津商务The software allows instant comparison of sales in different regions.这软件能快速地比较不同地区的销售量。牛津商务Their quarterly sales figures beat consensus by 25%.他们的季度销售额数字比普遍预测高 25%。牛津商务These book sales are an astonishing development for a country once disdainful of contemporary foreign authors.对于一个曾经鄙视当代外国作家的国家来说,销售这些书是它惊人的进展。剑桥国际They keep saying they're going to double sales, but now they need to walk the walk.他们一直说要使销售额翻一番,可是现在他们必须少说多做了。牛津商务They wanted to bring someone more mature on board to help with sales and marketing.他们想请较成熟的人来协助开展销售和营销工作。牛津商务Total actual sales have gone up by 8.9 per cent.实际总销售额提高了 8.9%。牛津商务Underlying sales growth rose 4.5%.基本销售额增长了 4.5%。牛津商务Wal-Mart's July same-store sales were up 6%.沃尔玛七月份的同店销售额上升了 6%。牛津商务We are trying to increase direct sales to small businesses.我们正努力增加向小企业的直销。牛津商务We had expected a bounce back in sales.我们已预料到销售量的骤增。牛津商务We have a retail sales area of more than 2 000 square feet.我们拥有 2 000 多平方英尺的零售区。牛津商务We have tripled our sales through internal growth and acquisitions.我们通过内部增长和收购使销售量增加了两倍。牛津商务We recorded a 3% lift in sales in April.我们四月份的销售额增长了 3%。牛津商务We saw wild fluctuations in sales from week to week.我们看到每周的销售量都起伏不定、差异巨大。牛津商务We set up a system of bonuses to incentivize sales staff.我们建立奖金制度以激励销售人员。牛津商务When a company declares its sales, note the timing.公司宣布销量时要注意时机。牛津商务You can make a good living (= earn a lot of money) in sales if you have the right attitude.如果你态度正确的话你通过销售得到的收入将非常可观。剑桥国际




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