

单词 scoring
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPRESS〕During his short but dazzling career he broke almost every scoring record in the National League. 在他短暂而辉煌的运动生涯中,他几乎打破了全国棒球联盟的全部得分纪录。朗文写作活用〔MVP〕Brondello secured the MVP award by scoring 357 points.布朗德罗以357分的得分获得最有价值球员奖。柯林斯高阶〔MVP〕Brondello secured the MVP award by scoring 357 points.布龙代洛以357分稳获最有价值球员奖。外研社新世纪〔NEWS〕Phil Andrews again hit the headlines by scoring three goals in last night's game. 菲尔·安德鲁斯在昨晚的比赛中独进三球,再一次成了头条新闻。!朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕After scoring the winning goal he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit. 攻进致胜一球后,他带着满足而自负的神情几乎沿着马路跳舞。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕No goals were scored in the first half but Spurs romped home in the second, scoring four. 上半场没有入球,但下半场热刺队进了四球,轻易获胜。朗文写作活用〔ace〕She won the match by scoring more than 30 aces.她发了30多个爱司球,赢得了那场比赛。韦氏高阶〔appearance〕Keegan made 68 appearances in two seasons for Southampton, scoring 37 times.基冈为南安普敦队踢了两个赛季,共上场68次,进球37个。柯林斯高阶〔back number〕Riley proved he is not a back number by scoring a five-under-par 68 in the second round.赖利在第二轮打出68杆的成绩, 低于标准杆5杆, 证明了自己并没有过时。外研社新世纪〔blank〕Sports To prevent (an opponent) from scoring.【体育运动】 阻止(对手)得分美国传统〔blinder〕Butterworth had a blinder, scoring four goals.巴特沃思表现精彩, 踢进了4个球。外研社新世纪〔book〕Games The number of card tricks needed before any tricks can have scoring value, as the first six tricks taken by the declaring side in bridge.【游戏】 完成约定的牌墩数:在获得有记分价值的牌墩前应完成的牌墩数,比如打桥牌时叫方认下的前六墩美国传统〔cannon〕A cannon has no scoring value in snooker.斯诺克比赛中母球连击不计分值。外研社新世纪〔cheap〕I'm not interested in scoring cheap points in this debate.我对这次辩论赛中靠不光彩手段得分的事不感兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔circle〕They had the team's defence running round in circles with Daniel scoring three goals.丹尼尔三次射门得分, 对方球队的防守队员被耍得团团转。外研社新世纪〔dance〕He did a celebration dance in the end zone after scoring the touchdown.达阵得分后,他在端区内跳舞庆祝。韦氏高阶〔defense〕Sports The team or those players on the team attempting to stop the opposition from scoring.【体育运动】 防守队员:试图阻止对方进球的球队或球队队员们美国传统〔defense〕To attempt to stop (the opposition) from scoring.企图阻止(对方)进球得分美国传统〔double〕To cause the scoring of (a run) by hitting a two-base hit.以二垒打得分美国传统〔dummy〕He dummied Whitelaw before scoring.他以假动作骗过怀特洛破门得分。外研社新世纪〔faultless〕Even when he wasn't scoring, his performances were faultless.即使在他不得分的时候, 他的表现也是完美无缺的。外研社新世纪〔figure〕Four players reached double figures in the scoring column.4 位球员计分栏里的得分上双。牛津搭配〔gammon〕To defeat in backgammon by scoring a gammon.在十五子棋中全胜对方美国传统〔glory〕He began the season in a blaze of glory , scoring seven goals in as many games.这个赛季一开始他便被辉煌的荣耀罩身,七场比赛进了七个球。朗文当代〔glory〕He revelled in the glory of scoring three goals in the final eight minutes.比赛的最后8分钟他连进3球,这种荣耀令他陶醉不已。剑桥高阶〔guard〕Sports To keep (an opposing player) from scoring or playing efficiently.【体育运动】 防守:使(对方运动员)不能得分或有效进行比赛美国传统〔hit〕We hit a wall and we weren't scoring.我们已经筋疲力尽,得不到分了。牛津高阶〔inch〕He was just inches away from scoring.他只差一点儿就得分了。牛津高阶〔knack〕He has the knack of scoring just when it's most needed.他拥有在最为需要的时刻得分的本事。牛津搭配〔knack〕Thomson's knack of scoring vital goals makes him important to the team.汤姆森能够打入关键球的本领使他在队中具有举足轻重的地位。朗文当代〔lethal〕They were a lethal partnership, scoring 43 goals between them.他们是一对非常成功的搭档,两人配合进了43个球。麦克米伦高阶〔machine〕The coach turned the team into a scoring machine.教练把球队变成了得分机器。韦氏高阶〔major suit〕A suit of superior scoring value, either spades or hearts in bridge.高级花色:有较高分值的花色,桥牌中的黑桃或者红心美国传统〔marker〕Sports A device, such as a line, stake, or flag, set on a playing field and showing the playing or scoring position.【体育运动】 记分器:线、桩或旗帜等设施,置于运动场上以显示比赛或得分位置美国传统〔match play〕A method of scoring golf games by counting only the number of holes won by each side rather than the number of strokes taken.穴数记分:按进穴数而不按挥击次数决定胜负的高尔夫球比赛计分法美国传统〔minor suit〕The suit of clubs or of diamonds in bridge, both having a lower scoring value.低级花色:桥牌中的方块或梅花,两者的分值都较低美国传统〔net〕Having gone a long time without scoring, he was relieved to find the net again.他好长时间没有得分,因而又有了投篮的机会时觉得欣慰。英汉大词典〔not miss a beat〕The player hasn't missed a beat this year, scoring three touchdowns in his first three games.这名队员今年没有一点错失,在头三场比赛中就已三次触地得分。剑桥高阶〔offense〕Scoring ability or potential.得分率:得分的能力或潜力美国传统〔one-two〕Sinton played a one-two with Holloway before scoring. 辛顿和赫洛韦做了一个二过一,然后射门。剑桥高阶〔outplay〕To surpass (an opponent) in skill or technique or in scoring points.比赛技巧胜于,击败:在技艺、技能或在得分上超过(对手)美国传统〔out〕The West Indies were all out for 364(= after scoring 364 runs in cricket).西印度群岛队以 364 分全队出局。牛津高阶〔overtime〕The first overtime period ended with no scoring.第一场加时赛结束时两队均未得分。牛津搭配〔penalty killer〕In ice hockey, any of the players other than the goalie who attempt to prevent the opposition from scoring on a power play.禁闭杀手:冰上曲棍球比赛中,守门员以外的球员试图阻止对方合力强攻得分美国传统〔point〕Sports Games A unit of scoring or counting.【体育运动】 【游戏】 计分或计数的单位美国传统〔point〕They won on points(= by scoring more points rather than by completely defeating their opponents).他们以点数取胜。牛津高阶〔puck〕A hard rubber disk used in ice hockey as the playing and scoring medium.冰球:冰球比赛中用于击打和得分的硬橡皮盘状物美国传统〔put on〕They each put £20 on Matthew scoring the first goal.他们每人押了20英镑赌马修进第一个球。柯林斯高阶〔red zone〕The team has had trouble scoring when it gets into the red zone.球队一直存在进入红区后得分困难的问题。韦氏高阶〔redeem〕After playing badly for weeks, he redeemed himself by scoring a goal.几星期来他踢得很差,这次打进了一个门球,以赎前愆。牛津同义词〔salt away〕They salted away the game by scoring 21 points in the last quarter.他们在最后一节得了21分,稳操胜券。韦氏高阶〔save〕Sports An act that prevents an opponent from scoring.【体育运动】 不让对方得分:阻止对方得分的行为美国传统〔score〕Scoring the paper first makes it easier to fold.先在上面划一道痕,纸就较容易折了。朗文当代〔score〕He liked scoring off his pupils in his days as a teacher.他当老师的时候喜欢显本事镇住学生。朗文当代〔score〕It was Robertson who came closest to scoring.差一点儿就得分的是罗伯逊。牛津搭配〔score〕Ronaldinho opened the scoring in the seventh minute of the game.比赛进行到第 7 分钟时,罗纳尔迪尼奥首开记录,破门得分。牛津搭配〔score〕Strauss spent much of 1941 scoring his last opera, Capriccio.施特劳斯用了 1941 年的大部分时间为自己的最后一部歌剧《随想曲》编写总谱。柯林斯高阶〔score〕The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other.政客们也许应该讨论实质的问题, 而不是互相抬杠。外研社新世纪〔score〕The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other.政客们可能会被迫讨论真正的问题而不只是互相抬杠。柯林斯高阶〔score〕Which judges are scoring tonight? 今晚哪些裁判来打分?韦氏高阶〔scoring〕Holwell opened the scoring in the 12th minute with a penalty.霍尔维尔在第12分钟以点球率先破门得分。外研社新世纪〔second〕In terms of scoring goals, he's second only to Davies.就进球来说,他仅次于戴维斯。麦克米伦高阶〔shut〕To prevent (an opponent) from scoring any runs or points.阻挡:防止(对手)持球跑动或得分美国传统〔single〕To cause the scoring of (a run) by a one-base hit.得分:通过一垒安打使(一次跑动)得分美国传统〔skunk〕To defeat overwhelmingly, especially by keeping from scoring.战胜:占绝对优势地击败,尤指使对方不得分美国传统〔spike〕Football The act of slamming the ball to the ground after succeeding in an important play, as after scoring a touchdown.【橄榄球】 掷地球:在重大比赛中取得胜利后将球用力抛向地面的动作,如攻方持球触地后所作者美国传统〔succession〕Scoring three goals in quick succession, he made it 10-8.他短时间内连进三球, 将比分变为10比8。外研社新世纪〔succession〕Scoring three goals in quick succession, he made it 10-8.在短短的时间内他连进三球,最终以 10 比 8 取胜。柯林斯高阶〔superb〕He played superbly, scoring 52 runs in 45 minutes.他打得非常出色,在45分钟内得了52分。麦克米伦高阶〔system〕The game has a complex scoring system.该游戏有复杂的计分方法。牛津搭配〔take sb apart〕He took their defence apart, scoring three goals in the first 20 minutes.他轻而易举地突破了他们的防线,开场20分钟里就进了3个球。剑桥高阶〔through〕Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.先轻轻地划一道痕,然后再反复划,每次划得深一点,直到木板被割断。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕They have changed the scoring system because there have been too many ties.因为常常出现不分胜负的结果,他们改变了计分制。剑桥高阶〔tip〕Sports To tap or deflect (a ball or puck, for example), especially in scoring.【体育运动】 轻击或使(如球或冰球)改变方向,尤其是在射门时美国传统〔touched〕The striker was unable to find his scoring touch.那个前锋找不到进球的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔touch〕The striker was unable to find his scoring touch.那个前锋找不到进球的感觉。外研社新世纪〔turn〕Mills turned the game by scoring twice.米尔斯两度进球,扭转了比赛的局势。朗文当代〔victory〕The Redskins opened the season by scoring a resounding/stunning/impressive 25–3 victory against/over Detroit.赛季首场比赛红人队便以25比3的惊人比分大胜底特律队。剑桥高阶〔waste〕We wasted a good scoring chance.我们错失了一个绝佳的进球机会。外研社新世纪〔woodwork〕He hit the woodwork(= the wooden frame of the goal in the game of football/soccer, etc.)twice before scoring.他两次射门击中球门框之后,终得进球。牛津高阶A typical IQ is just on 100 with 1% or 2% of a group scoring 150 or above.典型的智商是100,1%或2%的人等于或高于150。剑桥国际For many years, he kept goal (= was the player who tries to prevent the other team from scoring goals) for England.他出任英格兰队守门员多年。剑桥国际He revelled in the glory of scoring three goals in the last 8 minutes of the match.他自我陶醉于比赛最后8分钟打进三个球的荣耀之中。剑桥国际He's currently the best defensive player (= one who prevents opposing players from scoring points, goals, etc.) on the team.他是队里现阶段最棒的防守队员。剑桥国际If you keep the ball in the infield, the runners will have a hard time scoring.如果你不让球出内场,跑垒者将很难得分。剑桥国际Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations. 汉特教授正忙于给考试评分。译典通Scotland spoiled England's party by scoring an equalizing goal in the last minute of the match.苏格兰在比赛的最后一刻射入一球,扳平了比分,令英格兰队大为扫兴。剑桥国际They have changed the scoring system because there have been too many ties.因为常常出现不分胜负的结果,他们改变了计分制。剑桥国际




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