

单词 shake hands
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POLITE〕American businessmen were surprised that their French colleagues wanted to shake hands each morning, a formal sign of politeness in the US. 美国商人惊讶地发现,他们的法国同事每天早晨都要握手,而这在美国是一种正式的礼节。朗文写作活用〔breach〕He refused to shake hands, in deliberate breach of etiquette.他故意违反礼仪,拒绝握手。牛津搭配〔break〕He broke off in mid-sentence to shake hands with the new arrivals.他话说了一半,停下来和新到的人握手。朗文当代〔convention〕Using the right hand to shake hands is a convention.握手时用右手是一种惯例。英汉大词典〔extend〕He extended his hand to(= offered to shake hands with)the new employee.他伸出手来与新雇员握手。牛津高阶〔form〕It’s good form to shake hands.握手是很好的礼貌。牛津同义词〔one〕The one disappointment we had was that we didn't get to shake hands with the President.我们唯一失望的是没能跟总统握手。麦克米伦高阶〔peace〕Stop fighting you two - shake hands and make (your) peace (with each other)! 你们两个别打了——握手言和吧!剑桥高阶〔press〕To shake hands and mingle with many people, especially while campaigning for public office.拥挤:握手并和许多人混在一起,尤指在竞选公职时美国传统〔shake〕Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet? 在意大利,人们见面时握手吗?牛津高阶〔so〕People here do not shake hands so much as you do in Europe.本地的人不像欧洲人那么常行握手礼。文馨英汉〔the done thing〕Don't forget to shake hands - it's the done thing, you know.别忘了握手——你知道,这是礼貌。剑桥高阶〔turn〕I went forward to shake hands with him, but he turned away and began talking to someone else.我走上前去跟他握手,但他却转过头去跟别人谈起话来。英汉大词典Don't forget to shake hands -- it's the done thing, you know.别忘了握手,这是礼貌。剑桥国际In many countries, people shake hands when they meet.在许多国家,人们见面时都会握手。牛津商务Many people pressed forward to shake hands with him. 许多人挤向前和他握手。译典通Stop fighting you two -- shake hands and make (your) peace (with each other)! 你们两个别再打了----握手言和吧!剑桥国际




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