

单词 shoes
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔alligator〕alligator shoes 短吻鳄皮皮鞋朗文当代〔black〕black shoes 黑色的鞋子剑桥高阶〔button-up〕button-up shoes 用纽扣扣(不用鞋带)的鞋子英汉大词典〔careful〕was careful not to get her shoes muddy; 非常小心不弄脏她的鞋子;美国传统〔clack〕listening to the clack of her shoes on the stairs.听着她的鞋子踩在楼梯上发出的嗒嗒声柯林斯高阶〔contaminate〕shoes that were befouled with mud; 沾满淤泥的鞋子;美国传统〔corky〕shoes with corky soles 软木底鞋英汉大词典〔cost price〕a factory shop where you can buy very fashionable shoes at cost price顾客能以成本价买到时尚鞋子的一家厂家直销店外研社新世纪〔crepe〕crepe-soled shoes 绉胶底的鞋剑桥高阶〔crepe〕crepe-soled shoes 绉胶底的鞋子韦氏高阶〔crepe〕crêpe-soled shoes 绉胶底鞋牛津高阶〔custom〕custom shoes 定做的鞋子英汉大词典〔dance〕dancing shoes 舞鞋韦氏高阶〔everyday〕everyday shoes 便鞋英汉大词典〔gym〕gym shoes 体操鞋剑桥高阶〔heavy-duty〕heavy-duty shoes 耐磨的厚皮鞋英汉大词典〔heel〕shoes with a low/high heel 低╱高跟鞋牛津高阶〔heel〕shoes with low/high/cushioned heels 低后跟/高后跟/加垫后跟的鞋子韦氏高阶〔high-heeled〕wear high-heeled shoes 穿高跟鞋文馨英汉〔kick〕to kick one's shoes off踢掉某人的鞋子21世纪英汉〔lace sth up〕lace-up shoes 系带鞋剑桥高阶〔lift〕wear lifts in one's shoes to make oneself appear tall 穿有插跟的皮鞋以使自己身材显得高些英汉大词典〔loss〕make a loss on those shoes 在那批鞋子生意中亏本英汉大词典〔market leader〕the UK market leader in sports shoes 英国运动鞋的市场领导者朗文当代〔merchandise〕merchandising women's shoes 销售女鞋韦氏高阶〔mold〕shoes that gradually molded to my feet.逐渐合我脚的一双鞋美国传统〔off〕with his shoes off.他没穿鞋子美国传统〔one〕take a one in shoes 买下1号尺码的鞋英汉大词典〔pair〕a pair of shoes 一双鞋牛津搭配〔pair〕pair the shoes 把鞋子配成对英汉大词典〔patent leather〕black patent shoes 黑色漆皮鞋剑桥高阶〔pinch〕the pinch of tight shoes 鞋子过紧而引起的夹痛英汉大词典〔point〕a pair of point shoes 一双芭蕾舞足尖鞋剑桥高阶〔running〕running shoes 跑鞋朗文当代〔running〕running shoes 跑鞋麦克米伦高阶〔scuff〕scuff at bits of gravel with the toes of one's shoes 用鞋尖触碰砾石块英汉大词典〔shiny〕shiny black shoes 锃亮的黑皮鞋剑桥高阶〔size〕size the shoes from small to large 按鞋的尺码由小到大排列英汉大词典〔size〕to size the shoes from small to large把鞋子按尺码大小排列21世纪英汉〔slip-ons〕slip-on shoes 无带扣的便鞋朗文当代〔soled〕leather-soled shoes 皮底鞋韦氏高阶〔sole〕shoes with rubber soles.橡胶底的鞋子柯林斯高阶〔sole〕shoes with slippery soles 底滑的鞋子韦氏高阶〔sole〕the soles of her shoes 她鞋子的鞋底朗文当代〔spiked〕spiked running shoes 带钉的跑鞋牛津高阶〔sports〕sports shoes 运动鞋文馨英汉〔squeeze〕squeeze one's feet into shoes that are too small 把脚硬塞进过窄的鞋子英汉大词典〔strawberry〕strawberry shoes 紫红色的鞋英汉大词典〔tan〕buy some shoes in tan 买几双棕黄色的皮鞋 英汉大词典〔tip〕iron tips on the heels of the shoes 钉在鞋跟上的铁鞋掌英汉大词典〔tissue〕a pair of brown shoes and a pair of black all tissued up 全都用薄纸包装起来的一双棕色和一双黑色皮鞋英汉大词典〔toed〕round-toed shoes 圆头鞋英汉大词典〔track shoe〕a pair of track shoes 一双跑鞋剑桥高阶〔tweed〕a tweed skirt and sensible shoes 花呢裙子及舒适实用的鞋子剑桥高阶〔useful〕an old but still useful pair of shoes 一双虽旧但仍可穿的鞋 英汉大词典〔wearable〕wearable shoes for the summer.适合夏天穿的鞋美国传统〔wear〕shoes that are perfect for everyday wear 非常适合平时穿的鞋韦氏高阶〔wear〕shoes that have begun to wear已经开始磨破的鞋21世纪英汉〔well-worn〕well-worn shoes 穿旧了的鞋子英汉大词典〔worn out〕dirty worn out shoes 又脏又破的鞋子麦克米伦高阶




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