

单词 sleeves
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIRTY〕Her coat was grubby and one of the sleeves was torn. 她的外套很脏,一个袖子也撕破了。朗文写作活用〔Geneva gown〕A loose black academic or clerical gown with wide sleeves.黑色大袖法衣:学者或牧师穿的带宽袖的黑色宽松法衣美国传统〔Gibson girl〕Of or relating to a clothing style marked by a high neck, puffed sleeves, and a tightly fitted waistline.吉普森女郎服饰:具有或有关于高领、蓬松袖和紧身腰的服装式样的美国传统〔LONG〕The sleeves on this jacket are too short; do you think you could make them just a little longer? 这件夹克的袖子太短了,你能把它再加长一些吗?朗文写作活用〔MARK〕Her sleeves were rolled up, showing her strong, freckled arms. 她的袖子卷起,露出她那强壮的、长有色斑的手臂。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The most junior officers wore a red stripe on their sleeves. 级别最低的军官袖子上有一道红杠。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕If you go into a mosque, you should wear sleeves that at least come down to your elbows. 如果你进入清真寺,应该穿袖子至少长达肘部的衣服。朗文写作活用〔Rugby shirt〕A knit pullover sports shirt typically having long sleeves, a white collar and neckline, front button closure, and bold horizontal team stripes.橄榄球衫:一种针织的运动套衫,通常有长的袖子、白领和领口,前有扣门,有明显的水平条纹美国传统〔WET〕When he got out of the boat, the sleeves of his sweater were all wet. 他下船的时候,毛衣的袖子全湿了。朗文写作活用〔alb〕A long, white linen robe with tapered sleeves worn by a priest at Mass.白长袍:牧师做弥撒时穿的袖子渐细的白色亚麻长袍美国传统〔balmacaan〕A loose, full overcoat with raglan sleeves, originally made of rough woolen cloth.宽身连肩袖大衣:一种宽松的带套袖的大衣,最早用粗糙的羊毛织品制成美国传统〔body stocking〕A tight-fitting, usually one-piece garment that covers the torso and sometimes has sleeves and legs.衣裤相连的紧身内衣:一种通常为连衣的紧身衣服,覆盖身体,有时有袖管和裤腿美国传统〔bunch〕The sweater's long sleeves kept bunching up around her wrists.毛衣的长袖子在她的手腕处成皱褶收拢。韦氏高阶〔bunch〕The sweater's long sleeves kept getting all bunched up around her wrists.毛衣的长袖子在她的手腕处成皱褶收拢。韦氏高阶〔cache〕They cached their sweets in their sleeves.他们把糖果藏在袖子里。21世纪英汉〔caftan〕A full-length garment with elbow-length or long sleeves, worn chiefly in eastern Mediterranean countries.土耳其式长袍:一种拖地的长袍。其袖子长及肘部或更长,主要在地中海东部一些国家穿戴美国传统〔cassock〕An ankle-length garment with a close-fitting waist and sleeves, worn by the clergy and others assisting in church services.神职人员穿的长袍:神职人员和其他在教堂服务的人员所穿的一种束腰、紧袖、长至脚踝的长袍美国传统〔dirndl〕A full-skirted dress with a tight bodice, low neck, and short, full sleeves.阿尔斯村姑装,阿尔斯村姑式连衣裙:一种多褶连衣裙,有紧身背心、低衣领和宽大的短袖美国传统〔djellaba〕A long, loose, hooded garment with full sleeves, worn especially in Moslem countries.穆斯林斗篷:长大、宽松、有长袖且带头罩的斗篷,尤见于穆斯林国家美国传统〔exhibit〕He wore short sleeves, exhibiting his new tattoo.他穿着短袖,炫耀新近刺的纹身。麦克米伦高阶〔flare〕The sleeves are tight to the elbow, then flare out.袖子在肘部收紧,接着逐渐展开。牛津高阶〔fold back〕He folded back the sleeves.他把袖子卷了起来。21世纪英汉〔fold〕He folded back the sleeves of his shirt.他把衬衫的袖子折起来。文馨英汉〔frenzy〕In a moment of jealous frenzy, she cut the sleeves off all his shirts.她嫉妒得发疯,把他所有的衬衫袖子都剪掉了。剑桥高阶〔frill〕The dress had frills around the hem and sleeves.这条连衣裙在裙边和袖子上都有一圈荷叶边。韦氏高阶〔fullness〕The coat has raglan sleeves, and is cut to give fullness at the back.这件大衣是插肩袖, 而且后面的剪裁会显得身体丰满。外研社新世纪〔full〕The coat has raglan sleeves, and is cut to give fullness at the back.这件上衣采用了套袖,并且在裁剪上给予背部宽松的空间。柯林斯高阶〔gather〕I've nearly finished gathering the sleeves on my dress.我差不多给我的连衣裙袖子打好褶子了。外研社新世纪〔graft〕Sleeves rolled up, collar spread wide, Bruce is grafting.布鲁斯卷起袖子, 敞开领子, 卖力地干了起来。外研社新世纪〔have some surprises up their sleeves〕They still have some surprises up their sleeves.他们仍能给人惊喜。韦氏高阶〔knit〕She pushed up the sleeves of her grey knitted cardigan and got to work.她撸起身上灰色开襟毛衣的衣袖开始工作。柯林斯高阶〔know〕Wear the white dress – you know, the one with the short sleeves.穿那件白裙, 你知道的, 就是那件短袖的。外研社新世纪〔laugh up your sleeve〕The mayor's critics were laughing up their sleeves when news of the scandal was first reported.当丑闻首次被披露时,市长的批评者们暗暗发笑。韦氏高阶〔laugh up your sleeve〕They're very polite in your presence, but you get the feeling they're laughing up their sleeves.当着你的面他们都很有礼貌,但你能感觉到他们在暗自发笑。剑桥高阶〔monochrome〕Some Glasgow bands adorned their record sleeves with misty-eyed monochromes of the Finnieston crane.几个格拉斯哥乐队用菲尼斯顿起重机的朦胧黑白照片来装饰他们唱片的封套。外研社新世纪〔neck〕The sweater has a round neck and long sleeves.那件毛衣是圆领长袖的。朗文当代〔patch〕Students were wearing American flag patches on their sleeves.学生们在袖子上戴着绘有美国国旗的臂章。牛津搭配〔pitch〕I rolled up my sleeves and pitched into cleaning the kitchen.我卷起袖子,给厨房做大扫除。牛津高阶〔proportional〕The sleeves were not proportional to the length of the blouse.袖子和衬衫的长度不协调。韦氏高阶〔pull〕He pulled his arms out of the sleeves.他把胳膊从袖子里抽出来。柯林斯高阶〔raglan〕A garment, such as an overcoat or a sweater, that has raglan sleeves.连袖大衣:有插肩的衣服,如外衣或羊毛衫美国传统〔riddle〕Kay wore long sleeves and pants when playing tennis, so that her partners would never see the bruises riddling her arms and legs.凯打网球时穿着长衣长裤, 这样她的搭档就看不到她胳膊上和腿上青一块紫一块的瘀伤。外研社新世纪〔roll down〕He rolled down his sleeves.他把袖子放下来。韦氏高阶〔roll sth up〕I rolled up my sleeves and began to wash the dishes.我卷起袖子开始洗盘子。剑桥高阶〔roll up your sleeves〕Congress needs to roll up its sleeves and pass the bill now.国会现在需要迅速行动起来通过这一法案。韦氏高阶〔roll up your sleeves〕It's time to roll up our sleeves and get the job done.现在是我们加把劲把这工作干完的时候了。韦氏高阶〔roll up your sleeves〕There's a lot of work to do, so roll up your sleeves and get busy.有很多活要做,捋起袖子来,赶快干吧。剑桥高阶〔roll up〕The jacket was too big so he rolled up the sleeves.这件夹克他穿太大了, 于是他就把袖子卷了起来。外研社新世纪〔roll〕He rolled down his sleeves and buttoned the cuffs.他捋下袖子,扣上袖口的纽扣。朗文当代〔roll〕His sleeves were rolled above his elbows.他的袖子卷到了胳膊肘以上。朗文当代〔roll〕It's time to roll up our sleeves and get some work done on the basics.我们应该动手做点正事了。朗文当代〔roll〕Roll up your sleeves.把你的袖子挽起来。牛津高阶〔roll〕The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to the elbow.他的衬衣袖子卷到了肘部。麦克米伦高阶〔scratch〕I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching.我只好穿上长袖衣服, 以免自己挠痒痒。外研社新世纪〔scratch〕I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching.我只好穿上长袖衣服以免自己挠痒。柯林斯高阶〔scuffle〕She tore the sleeves of the policeman's jacket in the scuffle.她在扭打中撕破了警察上衣的袖子。英汉大词典〔shirt〕A garment for the upper part of the body, typically having a collar, sleeves, and a front opening.衬衫:上身穿的一种衣服,通常有一个领子,两个袖口,前面有一个开口美国传统〔short〕The sleeves are much too short.袖子太短了。麦克米伦高阶〔silk〕The robe has butterflies embroidered in silk on the sleeves.长袍的袖子上有丝绣的蝴蝶图案。韦氏高阶〔slash〕My new dress is pale blue, with a dark blue slash in the sleeves.我的新衣服是淡蓝色的,在袖口上有一个深蓝色的装饰性开叉。剑桥高阶〔sleeve〕Dan rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands.丹挽起袖子洗了洗手。牛津高阶〔sleeve〕He designed record sleeves for the Rolling Stones.他为滚石乐队设计唱片套。牛津搭配〔sleeve〕He rolled his sleeves up.他挽起了袖子。外研社新世纪〔sleeve〕His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.他的袖子卷到了肘部。柯林斯高阶〔sleeve〕It was sunny, and everyone was in short sleeves.阳光明媚,人人都穿着短袖。牛津搭配〔sleeve〕She rolled up her sleeves and got down to work.她卷起袖子开始干活。牛津搭配〔sleeve〕The sleeves are too long for me.对我来说,这袖子太长了。剑桥高阶〔sleeve〕They rolled up their sleeves to raise money for the handicapped.他们动手为残疾人筹集资金。英汉大词典〔sleeve〕To furnish or fit with sleeves or a sleeve.给…装袖子或套子美国传统〔sleeve〕You'd better roll your sleeves up or you'll get them dirty.你最好卷起袖子,否则会把它们弄脏的。剑桥高阶〔stick〕His arms stick out of his coat sleeves.他捋起外衣袖子伸出双臂。英汉大词典〔stooping〕Two men in shirt sleeves stooped over the car.两名穿衬衣的男子趴在那辆汽车上。柯林斯高阶〔stretch〕Your shirt is stretched at the sleeves.你衬衫的袖子太长了。21世纪英汉〔surplice〕A loose-fitting, white ecclesiastical gown with wide sleeves, worn over a cassock.白法衣:教士穿的白色、宽松、无袖长袍,套在外衣外面美国传统〔tack ... on〕She tacked the sleeves on and sew them up.她先用粗针脚缝上袖子,然后再细细缝好。21世纪英汉〔take〕The sleeves require taking up an inch.袖子需要收短1英寸。英汉大词典〔thimble〕Any of various tubular sockets or sleeves in machinery.套管:机器上任一种管状轴孔或套美国传统〔tipping〕The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers.袖子遮住了他的手,一直盖到指尖。柯林斯高阶〔tip〕The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers.袖子遮住了他的手, 连指尖都看不到。外研社新世纪〔turn sth up〕You could always turn the sleeves up.可以把袖子改短。剑桥高阶〔undershirt〕An upper undergarment, typically having short or no sleeves, worn next to the skin under a shirt.贴身内衣;汗衫:通常短袖或无袖的内上衣,贴身穿在衬衫下美国传统〔unequal〕The sleeves are unequal in length.这两只衣袖不一样长。牛津高阶〔unravel〕I had to unravel one of the sleeves because I realized I'd knitted it too small.我不得不拆掉一只袖子,因为我发现它织得太小了。剑桥高阶He rolled up his sleeves and got down to work. 他卷起袖子开始工作。译典通He rolled up his shirt sleeves and got to work.他把衬衫的袖子卷起来,开始工作。剑桥国际He was prepared to roll up his sleeves and work on the shop floor.他捋起袖子准备到车间去干活。牛津商务I had to unravel one of the sleeves because I realised I'd knitted it too small.我必须把其中的一只袖子拆掉,因为我意识到我把它织得太小了。剑桥国际I rolled up my sleeves and began to wash the dishes.我卷起衣袖开始洗碗碟。剑桥国际I think the fullness of the sleeves (=the fact that they have a lot of material in them) spoils the look of this dress.我觉得袖子太大,把这件衣服的整个样子给破坏掉了。剑桥国际I wore that black mini-dress with the short sleeves.我穿了那条短袖的黑色迷你连衣裙。剑桥国际In a moment of jealous frenzy, she cut the sleeves off all his shirts.在一阵妒嫉狂中,她把他所有衬衫的袖子都剪了。剑桥国际She rolled up her sleeves and began to prepare for supper. 她卷起袖子开始准备晚餐。译典通The jacket has bias-cut sleeves.这夹克衫的袖子是斜裁的。剑桥国际There's a lot of work to do, so roll up your sleeves and get busy.有许多工作要做,因此卷起你的衣袖,忙起来。剑桥国际These two shirts are a similar style, although they differ in that one has short sleeves and one has long.这两件衬衫款式相似,虽然它们有所不同,一件是短袖,一件是长袖。剑桥国际They're very polite in his presence, but all the time they're laughing up their sleeves (= are secretly amused) at him.他在场时,他们很有礼貌,但他们一直在暗暗嘲笑他。剑桥国际You could always turn the sleeves up.你可以始终卷起袖子。剑桥国际You'd better roll your sleeves up or you'll get them dirty.你最好卷起袖子,否则你会把它们弄脏的。剑桥国际




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