

单词 sal
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕We've just seen a really beautiful house and, as it happens, it's for sale. 我们刚看到一幢非常漂亮的房子,凑巧的是,它正待售。朗文写作活用〔COMPANY〕Davis joined the company as vice-president of sales nine months ago. 九个月前,戴维斯加盟那家公司,任职销售副总裁。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Sales of electrical goods have increased, both at home and abroad. 国内外电器的销量都增加了。朗文写作活用〔PAUSE〕Drinks will be on sale during the interval. 饮料于幕间休息时有售。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Japan National Railways was split up in preparation for sale to private investors. 日本国立铁路公司已被拆分,准备售与私人投资者。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Our export sales have continued to forge ahead this year. 今年我们的出口销量继续快速增长。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕American car manufacturers have started slashing prices in an effort to stimulate sales. 为了刺激销量,美国的汽车制造商已经开始大幅度地降价。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Over 60 drugs have been removed from sale as a result of recent tests. 近日的测试导致有六十多种药被停售。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕When your sales, marketing, and production people are all speaking the same language, it pays real dividends. 如果你的销售、营销及生产人员目标一致,那将大有好处。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Sales of the book have been astonishing. 这本书的销量令人称奇。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The house has been up for sale for months. 房子已上市数月了。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The law prohibits the sale and consumption of alcohol on unlicensed premises. 法律禁止在没有经营许可证的场地出售和饮用酒类。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕Falling sales have forced companies to cut costs. 销量下降迫使公司降低成本。朗文写作活用〔Trade Descriptions Act〕Last year it was convicted and fined under the Trades Descriptions Act for placing For Sale boards on empty homes in the area.根据《商品说明法》,去年它因在该地区空宅前摆放“待售”牌而获罪并被处以罚款。柯林斯高阶〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Unfortunately, we misread the situation and lost a lot of sales. 遗憾的是,我们看错形势,失去了很多生意。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕We will continue to update our sales strategy. 我们会不断更新销售策略。朗文写作活用〔access〕The database allows you to access the sales figures in a number of ways.该数据库能让你以多种方式获取销售数字。麦克米伦高阶〔adversely〕Sales were adversely affected by the bad weather.销量受到了恶劣天气的不利影响。韦氏高阶〔ailing〕The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy.海外销售的增长对于不景气的美国经济是个好消息。外研社新世纪〔along〕There are 32 different kinds of chocolate on sale along with the bread and cakes.有32种不同的巧克力与面包和蛋糕一起出售。柯林斯高阶〔anecdotal〕Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in Europe have slipped.传闻有证据表明欧洲的销售量已经下滑。柯林斯高阶〔appointment〕We would like to announce the appointment of Julia Lewis as head of sales.我们很高兴地宣布朱莉娅•刘易斯被任命为销售部主任。剑桥高阶〔assistant〕She got a job as a sales assistant selling handbags.她得到了一份手提包售货员的工作。柯林斯高阶〔barker〕An employee who stands before the entrance to a show, as at a carnival, and solicits customers with a loud, colorful sales spiel.大声叫卖者:在巡回演出时,站在入口处以大声叫喊或各种各样降价推销招徕顾客的雇员美国传统〔beam at〕The sales campaign was beamed at young professionals.这场推销运动是针对年轻专业人员的。21世纪英汉〔bid〕The company cut prices just before Christmas in a bid to support sales.公司在圣诞节前夕降价促销。麦克米伦高阶〔boom〕Sales are booming.销售额在快速增长。外研社新世纪〔boost〕Advertising boosts sales.广告能增加销售额。牛津同义词〔bracket〕The numbers outside the curly brackets are the sales figures.大括号外的数字是销售量。牛津搭配〔breakeven〕The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.持平的,无盈亏的:投资回报同投资金额完全持平的点,尤指货物或服务的销售情况美国传统〔brief〕Her brief is to manage the company's sales department.她的任务是管理公司的销售部门。韦氏高阶〔broker〕One that acts as an agent for others, as in negotiating contracts, purchases, or sales in return for a fee or commission.经纪人:他人的代理,如在谈判签约、购买或为收佣金而出售时的代理人美国传统〔buy up〕The tickets will be on sale from somewhere else because the agencies have bought them up.因为代理商把这些票都买断了,所以只能到别处买了。柯林斯高阶〔campaign〕The campaign boosted sales of the jeans by 200%.宣传活动使得牛仔服装的销量提高了200%。麦克米伦高阶〔carbon credit〕The sale of carbon credits can finance renewable energy projects.碳信用额的销售可为可再生能源项目提供资金。牛津高阶〔carryout〕An item of food or a meal that is to be consumed away from the place of sale.外卖食物:可从销售点带走食用的一份食物或膳食美国传统〔charity〕All the proceeds from the sale will go to charity.义卖所得将全部捐给慈善机构。牛津搭配〔charity〕Proceeds from the sale of these cards will go to (= be given to) local charities.卖这些贺卡所得的收益将捐献给地方慈善组织。剑桥高阶〔cheap〕I got this bike dirt cheap at a car boot sale.极廉价地麦克米伦高阶〔clearance sale〕The store is having/holding a clearance sale this weekend.商店本周末将进行清仓甩卖。韦氏高阶〔clearance〕We bought our new carpet at a clearance sale.我们的新地毯是在清仓大减价的时候买的。剑桥高阶〔clear〕The company has cleared the main obstacle to concluding the sale.公司已经清除了完成销售任务的主要障碍。麦克米伦高阶〔complaint〕The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner.售货员都受过培训以友好的态度处理顾客的投诉。朗文当代〔conclude〕We hope to conclude the sale in the next few weeks.我们希望在接下来的几周里完成销售。外研社新世纪〔constitute〕We constituted a committee to organize a jumble sale.我们成立了一个委员会去筹办旧货大拍卖的事。牛津同义词〔cover〕Like any other commodity, pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act.像其他商品一样, 纯种狗买卖受《货物买卖法》的约束。外研社新世纪〔department〕Your letter has been forwarded to our sales department.你的信已转交给我们的销售部。韦氏高阶〔depress〕The view was that mortgage securities had been depressed by heavy sales by thrifts and were now attractive.这个观点认为, 抵押证券曾因储蓄机构的高额销量而价格下跌, 而今变得有吸引力了。外研社新世纪〔discontinued〕They're having a sale on discontinued models.他们在低价抛售已经停产的产品。韦氏高阶〔drop off〕Sales to the British forces are expected to drop off.预计对英国军队的销售量会减少。柯林斯高阶〔end〕The store had a sale on fabric ends.那商店有零头布出售。英汉大词典〔estimate〕A conservative estimate (=a deliberately low estimate) puts annual sales at around $100 million.保守估计的年销售额大约为一亿美元。朗文当代〔except〕The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food.国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。牛津高阶〔extent〕Sales have fallen badly this year, to the extent that we will have to close some of our shops.今年的销售额大幅下降,情况糟糕到我们将不得不关闭一些商店。剑桥高阶〔fall〕We have seen a fall of 5% in sales this month.我们这个月的销售额下降了5%。麦克米伦高阶〔fee〕My solicitor charges a flat fee (=an amount that does not change) for handling the sale of a house.我的律师处理售房事务收费是固定的。朗文当代〔fifty-fifty〕The proceeds of the sale are split fifty-fifty.出售的收益双方平分。柯林斯高阶〔fire sale〕The company was forced to have a fire sale of its assets.公司被迫低价抛售其资产偿还债务。牛津高阶〔fiscal year〕Sales were up in the last fiscal year.上一个财政年度的销售量上升了。韦氏高阶〔fixer-upper〕A house or other dwelling that is badly in need of repair, usually for sale at a low price.待修房:通常以低价求售急需整修的房子或寓所美国传统〔flat〕Analysts are expecting flat sales in the coming months.分析人士预计未来数月销售不景气。朗文当代〔from〕Could I speak to someone from the sales department? 请帮我找一下销售部的人接电话好吗?剑桥高阶〔gauge〕Home sales provide a useful way of gauging the overall state of the economy.住宅销量是衡量总体经济状况的一个很好的尺度。韦氏高阶〔gauge〕Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending.零售额是衡量消费支出的一个尺度。朗文当代〔govern〕She suggested changing the state's laws governing the sale of alcohol.她建议修改管制酒类产品销售的州法律。韦氏高阶〔high〕Sales have reached a new high.销售额创下新高。英汉大词典〔hive off〕The sale section will hive off to form an independent firm next year.销售部明年将分出去成立一个独立的公司。21世纪英汉〔idea〕Here's my idea for the sales campaign.这是我对这次促销活动的计划。外研社新世纪〔increase〕Sales increased almost fourfold in this period.这一时期销售额几乎增长了三倍。牛津搭配〔increase〕Sales of beef have experienced double-digit increases.牛肉销量经历了两位数的增长。牛津搭配〔insensitive〕Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales.对全球变化无动于衷的公司,其销售额必会下降。朗文当代〔jump〕Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion.销售额从 27 亿元猛增到 35 亿元。牛津高阶〔jump〕Sales jumped from $94 million to over $101 million.销售额从9,400万美元猛增到逾1.01亿美元。外研社新世纪〔lag〕Sales are lagging at the moment.目前的销售很不景气。剑桥高阶〔legislation〕Congress approved legislation which outlawed the sale of the drug.国会批准了禁止出售该药的法律。牛津搭配〔market〕No wonder sales are poor, they don't market their products properly.难怪销量很差, 他们产品营销做得不错。外研社新世纪〔market〕The pictures would sell for half a million on the open market (= if offered for sale without a fixed price).这些画在公开市场上可卖到50万。剑桥高阶〔meatpacking〕The business or activity of slaughtering animals and preparing the meat for sale.肉类加工:屠宰、加工肉类和销售肉类的生意或活动美国传统〔meet〕Until these conditions are met we cannot proceed with the sale.除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们不能继续这项交易。牛津高阶〔momentum〕We have to keep the momentum of our sales operation going.我们必须保持销售业务的发展势头。牛津搭配〔money〕Money for the extension to the gallery came from the sale of old exhibits.扩建美术馆的钱款来自售出旧展品的收入。牛津搭配〔move〕The company is moving its sales center downtown.公司将把销售中心搬到市中心。朗文当代〔net〕She netted $10 million (for herself) from the sale of her company.她卖掉自己的公司,赚了1000万美元。剑桥高阶〔net〕The sale netted me a good profit.=The sale netted a good profit for me.那次销售使我净赚好多。文馨英汉〔note〕The sale is noted in the gunsmith's logbook.这宗买卖记录在枪械师的工作日志里。英汉大词典〔off〕Sales dropped off.销售量下降美国传统〔on sale〕These shoes are on sale at most department stores.这种鞋子在大多数百货商店都有售。韦氏高阶〔outlet〕Most of their sales are through traditional retail outlets.他们大部分的销售是通过传统的零售店进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔peak〕Sales tend to peak just before the holidays.节日前销售量趋于最高潮美国传统〔percent〕Sales have already exceeded 25% of the predicted annual turnover.销售已经超过预计年营业额的 25%。牛津搭配〔plot〕We plotted a graph to show the increase in sales figures this year.我们绘制了一个图表来显示今年销售额的增长。朗文当代〔point〕Sales reached a low point in 1996.1996 年销售跌入低谷。朗文当代〔politely〕Your projected sales figures are, to put it politely, merely intelligent guesses.你预期的销售数字,客气地说,只不过是聪明的猜想罢了。麦克米伦高阶〔preemption〕Sale of network time to candidates involves preemption of better paying advertisers.把电视广播网时间卖给竞选人使用,就必然要舍弃出价较高的广告商。英汉大词典〔prohibition〕The forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.禁酒:由法律禁止生产、运输、出售和占有烈性酒美国传统〔promotion〕The company is offering a special promotion to increase sales.公司正在搞特别促销活动来增加销售额。韦氏高阶〔psychology〕Watching the shoppers at the sales gave her a first-hand insight into crowd psychology.观察购物者在商品减价时的行为使她获得了洞察大众心理的第一手资料。牛津搭配〔pursuant to〕Pursuant to the terms of the sale, the owner shall be solely responsible for damages.按照销售条款,物主对损毁将负全责。韦氏高阶〔put up〕They put all of their possessions up for sale.他们把所有的财产都拿来出售。韦氏高阶〔quintuple〕They want to quintuple the total sales of their shop.他们想使商店的销售总额增加至五倍。21世纪英汉〔reckon〕The sale has been held up because the price is reckoned to be too high.销售陷入停滞,因为大家认为价格太高了。柯林斯高阶〔rest on/upon sb/sth〕Our success rests on an increase in sales.我们的成功取决于销售量的增加。剑桥高阶〔restrict〕The new law restricts the sale of hand guns.新法规限制手枪的销售。朗文当代〔result〕Sales were some 40% above this year's expected results.销售额比今年的预期多了 40%。牛津搭配〔revival〕There is little chance of a revival in new car sales until at least August next year.至少到明年8月之前, 新车销售回升的可能性都微乎其微。外研社新世纪〔run down〕The firm ran down its sales force.该公司裁减了销售人员。外研社新世纪〔runaway〕Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success.我们6月份的大型促销一举成功。外研社新世纪〔sale〕Sales are up for the month of May.5月份的销售额增长了。麦克米伦高阶〔sale〕Car salesmen will often bring down the price rather than lose a sale (=fail to sell something) .汽车推销员常常宁愿降价也不愿失去一笔生意。朗文当代〔sale〕I bought it at the winter sales.那是我在冬季大减价时买的。牛津搭配〔sale〕I got these shoes in the Bloomingdale's sale.这双鞋是我在布鲁明戴尔百货店大减价时买的。牛津搭配〔sale〕I've been in car sales for five years now.我如今已在汽车销售行业干了5年。麦克米伦高阶〔sale〕North American sales account for 40% of the worldwide market.北美的销量占全球市场的四成。牛津搭配〔seem〕It seems you object to the plan. It seems like rain. He seems to have worked in sales for several years.你好象反对这个计划。好象要下雨。他好象已在销售部工作多年美国传统〔selling point〕Sales departments try to identify a product's USP or ‘unique selling point’.销售部门试图确定一种产品的“独有卖点”。牛津高阶〔shoot〕We are shooting for a 50% increase in sales in the next financial year.我们力争在下一个财政年度销售额有 50% 的增幅。朗文当代〔show〕These items are just for show—they're not for sale.这些物品仅供展览,不作售卖。牛津高阶〔shrink〕Sales have been shrinking recently.销路最近一直减少。文馨英汉〔soar〕Retail sales soared by 10% in the twelve months to November.零售额在截至 11 月份的 12 个月中猛增了 10%。牛津搭配〔stall〕Maybe we can stall the sale until the prices go up.也许我们可以拖到价格上涨时再出售。朗文当代〔supercargo〕An officer on a merchant ship who has charge of the cargo and its sale and purchase.押运员:商船上的官员,负责管理货载及其售出及买进美国传统〔sure〕The increase in new home sales is a sure sign the recession is over.(表明某事物属实的)确切迹象麦克米伦高阶〔the gift of the gab〕She's got the gift of the gab - she should work in sales and marketing.她能说会道——她应该去做销售和市场营销工作。剑桥高阶〔time〕I went to a garage sale and bought fifteen books.有一次我去了旧物出售会,买了十五本书。朗文当代〔unit cost〕They aim to reduce unit costs through extra sales.他们希望以更多的销量来降低单位成本。柯林斯高阶〔up-and-up〕Attendances and sales at their recent exhibitions have been on the up-and-up.在他们最近举办的展览会上,参观人数和营业额一直在上升。英汉大词典〔waste〕You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor.你当销售经理屈才了,你本应该做演员。牛津高阶〔welcome wagon〕The company is bringing out the welcome wagon for the new sales recruits.公司将为新招募的销售员举行迎新活动。朗文当代〔withdraw〕The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects.这药因许多人服后产生严重副作用而被停止销售。牛津高阶〔word〕Could I have a word (with you) about the sales figures? 我能(和你)就销售数字谈一谈吗?剑桥高阶Sales have been running below last year's levels.销售额一直低于去年的水平。牛津商务Sales in the consumer market are beginning to improve.消费市场的销售状况正开始好转。牛津商务Sales increased and the company's gross margin reached a record 61.4%.销售额增长了,公司的毛利率达到了创纪录的 61.4%。牛津商务Sales of life insurance and annuities have increased.寿险和年金的销售额增加了。牛津商务Sales of sports shoes are sluggish.运动鞋销售不畅。牛津商务A private bank was appointed to handle the sale.一家私人银行获委派去处理销售事宜。牛津商务All grain sales were embargoed.所有的粮食销售都被禁运。牛津商务Annual sales are up on last year.年销售量比去年提高了。牛津商务At yesterday's large sale, the auctioneer knocked down 90 items an hour--one every 40 seconds.昨天的大型拍卖会上,拍卖师一小时拍了90件东西----每件40秒。剑桥国际Car sales have slumped dramatically over the past year.在过去的一年里,汽车销售量急剧下跌。剑桥国际Cheap financing deals have boosted sales of new cars.低廉的融资交易促进了新车的销售。牛津商务Earlier sales forecasts seem to have been overly optimistic.早期的销售预测似乎是过于乐观了。剑桥国际Excluding the impact of foreign currency translation, net sales rose 2%.排除外币折算的影响,净销售额增长了 2%。牛津商务Export orders now account for the majority of our sales.目前出口订单占我们销售额的大部分。牛津商务Expressed in dollars, sales increased by 23%.用美元表示的销售额增长了 23%。牛津商务Her job as a sales assistant was a springboard to a successful career in business.她做销售助理这份工作只是她在谋取商界事业成功的跳板。牛津商务I bought this in a sale.这是我在廉价销售时买的。剑桥国际I haven't made a sale all week.整周我没卖出去一件商品。牛津商务I was out when the sales rep called.销售代表来拜访时,我不在家。牛津商务I'll just ask that sales assistant where the kitchenware department is.我去问一下那位营业员厨房用品部在哪儿。剑桥国际Manufacturers need large sales to justify offering a big variety in export markets.厂商需要大批量销售的保证,才会在出口市场提供品种繁多的商品。剑桥国际No tax liability arose from the sale of the company.出售公司不会产生纳税义务。牛津商务Once the drug is approved for sale, doctors will be able to prescribe it for ulcers.一旦该药批准销售,医生就可以开方子用来治溃疡病。剑桥国际One carmaker reported a 13% drop in domestic sales of new vehicles.一家汽车制造商报告称,新车的国内销量下降了 13%。牛津商务One of the sales staff helped me to choose a gift.销售部的一位职员帮我选择了一份礼物。牛津商务Our sales in Russia are increasing exponentially.我们在俄罗斯的销售增长越来越快。牛津商务Our neighbours put their house up for sale (= started to advertise that it would be sold) last week.我们的邻居上星期登出了售屋广告。剑桥国际Pareto's principle tells you that 80 per cent of your sales will come from 20 per cent of your sales staff.帕累托原则告诉我们,百分之八十的销售额将来自百分之二十的销售员工。牛津商务Poor sales dragged the firm to a loss of $659 million.销售业绩不佳使这家公司亏损了 6.59 亿元。牛津商务Proceeds from the sale of the company's northwest division are expected to total about $100 million.出售这家公司西北分部的收入可望达到一亿美元左右。剑桥国际Pushing the number of unit sales up every quarter can't be continued indefinitely.每个季度都增加单位销售数字的状况不可能无限期地继续下去。剑桥国际Retail stores said sales were down in January and the outlook was gloomy as customers were staying at home.零售商说一月份销售量下降且前景暗淡,因为顾客都待在家里不出门购物。牛津商务She looks after export sales.她负责出口销售。牛津商务She was one of those really snooty sales assistants that you often find in expensive shops.她是个高傲自大的营业员,你在华贵商店常能看到她这类人。剑桥国际Shops are currently holding sales in order to clear their summer stock (=get rid of goods by selling them cheaply).现在商店正在减价销售来清理它们的夏季存货。剑桥国际The Sales Director overestimated the demand and the company was consequently left with 20 000 unsold copies.销售主任过高估计了需求,所以公司有2万本书未售出。剑桥国际The sale has already been accepted by the big City institutions (= the banks and finance companies in London).这个销售项目已得到伦敦的大银行和金融机构的认可。牛津商务The sale is part of an asset disposal to shore up the company's finances.这项拍卖是出售资产的一部分,用以支撑公司旳财政。牛津商务The sale of technology stocks shows just how skittish investors are about the impact of an economic downturn.出售技术股票反映了投资者对经济衰退所产生的影响有多么不安。剑桥国际The sale starts on 28 December.特价促销于 12 月 28 日开始。牛津商务The sales meeting lasted for two hours.销售业务会议开了两个小时。牛津商务The sales team wear dark blue outfits.销售团队穿深蓝色套装。牛津商务The ad campaigns did not generate an immediate sales response (= an increase in sales).这一广告活动没有使销售量立即增长。牛津商务The companies had combined sales of £30 million last year.这些公司去年的销售额合计是 3 000 万英镑。牛津商务The company employs nearly 10,000 people and is publicly traded (= shares in it are available for sale to the public).这家公司雇佣了近1万人,股票公开上市交易。剑桥国际The company is to open a sales subsidiary in Malaysia.公司将在马来西亚开设一家销售子公司。牛津商务The company's sales have increased three/five/ten fold in the last year.这家公司的销售额去年增加了3/5/10 倍。剑桥国际The company's electronics division reported a 8.4 per cent drop in sales.这家公司电子部门的销售额下降了 8.4%。牛津商务The focus will remain on improving sales.重点将继续放在提高销售额上。牛津商务The government is pushing ahead with the sale of state-owned enterprises.政府正坚定地推进国有企业出售。牛津商务The magazine misreported its sales figures in order to boost advertising revenue.这份杂志为了增加广告收入不实地报道了它的销售数量。剑桥国际The price of shares in the company dropped precipitously (= suddenly and greatly) with the news of poor sales figures.由于销售不佳的消息,该公司股价暴跌。剑桥国际The tickets for the concert were snapped up within three hours of going on sale.音乐会票子开始出售3小时就被一抢而空。剑桥国际The year kicked off with lower sales than expected.今年一开始销售量低于预期。牛津商务There is a huge sales outlet for pocket computers. 袖珍电脑有极大的市场。译典通They do the sales and marketing for a wide range of products.他们为许多产品做销售与市场营销。牛津商务Thirty per cent of our sales are dollar denominated.我们百分之三十的销售额是以美元计价的。牛津商务This report deals with our sales prospects for the coming year.这份报告涉及我们来年的销售前景。牛津商务This year the company has enjoyed record sales.今年这家公司的销售额创下了纪录。牛津商务Those sales figures were way out (= completely wrong).那些销售数额完全错了。剑桥国际To protect our cash we limited credit sales and charged interest on every credit sale.为了保证现金收入,我们限制赊销并对每一笔赊销收取利息。牛津商务Total sales for October reached $800 million.十月的总销售额达到 8 亿元。牛津商务Two men have been given the job of pushing up the company's sales and profits.两个男人所要做的工作就是提高公司的销售额和利润。牛津商务Wal-Mart's July same-store sales were up 6%.沃尔玛七月份的同店销售额上升了 6%。牛津商务We have a quantity of signed prints for sale.我们有大量供出售的签名版画。牛津商务We made a small profit on the sale of our house, but after we'd deducted our expenses, it turned into loss.我们在出售房屋时赚了点钱,但扣除费用后,赢利变成了亏空。剑桥国际We rely on previous sales figures to gauge demand.我们依靠以往的销售数据来估计需求。牛津商务We're going to fall short of our sales targets for this year.我们达不到今年的销售目标了。牛津商务Where the sale involves fraud, the buyer can bring an action for damages against the seller.如果交易涉及欺诈,买方可以起诉卖方要求损害赔偿。牛津商务Worldwide sales reached $2.5 billion.全球销售额达到 25 亿元。牛津商务




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